.MER( We hA of fine iil'gs, ON sers, F., 1909 an We mi Sul, CA] 311 S0. THlE MVICH-IGAN DAILY. the retiriing memsber. have ino shreets," Members of thec council will address "the inhabitants us( Wil Co panthe meetiugs culled for toniorrowv after- means of transpo diaaging Editor noon and diret the making of nomina- there ia one horsei g t~~~ions. No caiivassing swhatever will be is fur CA TT IOS . general utili HATTIOSCistRNt 1E. CEtuiiGE. permitted. Au otien ballot isill be takeni and logs. This is aiid the four naus receiving ihe largeot of the phrase, 'a in Business Maiiager number of votes swill tbe coiisidered in Eacti summer eecm lt ie ALH . DM oiainPornms ilb o-Graysed we ompet liesCas I. 0 AAM. nina orseerycunamscilmantobe enet-rn-g enysendso Woolens for Suit- ed. Every cffort isill be maide tu keep fjordt, which rank vercoats and Trou- Address: MICHIGA tILY, Press Bldg., the electiois free fruin politics. iiost beautiful sic 1\Ias iard Street. Considerable idiscuissioii has arisens This counmtry lis ancyVestngs or ffcer.fHours: M~amnaging Editor, .8-ti over the electioii of a "J" lit represenita- tiniber, firsliy ti id 110. . us Esitiseo Mmiagr, sa, 78 p.m.fiv e to tir "J" tHop aiid sot a "J" eii- the Dutch aiid fin EetSunday. Both phones,. gin err. Osviing to the sortness of the The timiber was u, time before tiretiop, the action of the ship-buildinig. The Studemnt Couiicil had to follow the elec- extrnsive plain ofI ake Fulil Dress tioin of a retireseiitative this year, in- being undertakeni, is a Specialty EDITRoSs. stead of precediiig it. After carefully more beauty to the inivestigatiiig the origiin of the tiop and ment fcir reforest; News.........Lee A White searing its growth to tke preseniithire, aided by else gorei Assistant .............. Harotd Titus tir Studenit Council have been forced by the peotile byc LL AND SFEE US Athletics.......... Wilbur D. Eltiott to decide tteat the "J" Htop is a distinctly boxes, in much thii Wsonmen ........... Frieda Kleinstiics lit affair, aind representation should he ity collectioii tix, STATE STREET Manic aiid Draims...Holtis S. Baker frcoin the literary departmnent only. States. kt the New :sor Exchanges........... M. B. Mcttugh Conisultations sich those high it author- ity aniilthose acquaiiited mitts the tradi- VIBBERT TLIC EDIsTORALS. tiois anid sigiiicanice of thne occasin, PARIStA> setied to runder opiinioin that the hop Jamses K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth seas a lit fuiictionianid should remain sio.AMr. Vibbert tl'l 1JCharles Good G. S. tbashser Ther couiicil coinimittee on raising lecture oin the 'Lit Wild Compnll John T. Kfemnnynioney for a tstsiiniial to be given to yesterday afternooi the sailors of the U. S. S. Michigan is The talk was a unt ssolATrnl~xknbuy aiid Ihopes to have the canvass well Francais course ait Wa~elter K. Towners Ilarry Z. Poleunuder wcay biy stir tnd of the. week. good sized audieme Dion Birier I). A. Hinckley Sonic funmds save alreaidy beens collected Htaving just reti C Arthur B. Moeblin Russell B. James aiid she wosrk is iiow iii charge of the study at the Univer Fred Lawson Hlarry G. Myser classes, which lie lived ini ApLOOs ranle Rowsell Charles H. Mylanider Thre comiiititeeoii designs has two Mr. Vibbert seas at Morris Hlouser M Mck Ryan suggestionisunuder consideration. One interesting pleases Wade Oliver is for a locus" cup suitably eingraved, described iiidetaiil 'iind the other is for a set of expensive Parisiani studeiit phtioograplis of the memorable gaeaasi wihi l V m to I THE BUSMNESS STrAFF showviiig she tram ns action ' arid the American college ,.A onss Noaa tHl jackies themselves. Th1s disadvantage the cafes of Paris, R u fN D t .A o n Nra IHl of the former suggestion, which works erling places for ski u-y 49 Valter Q. Wilgus Myer Rubtin~ equally well in favor of the latter, is out tir fact stnus is sttA Y S Keniieth Osbior~n Noriian ii ttetic that a loving cap would Sond a place in the average Ame: r thJE le officers' quarters, while a set of pie- the freedom of t5 -1 RO SK-- .IKCures like Chose proposed could suitably Vibbert closed his B t .1J-t''R~iE ie ieoaesi r' ures arid iiiteresting des ,ebust.. ii Ci, s irtatic i. Insvaciab ill lie'.: 5toiini, NIIii liii in 11LUlii c stollii isno Ioulit thenrigin ic-lioirisesoon. l Iitic iiWilhlmli of sescial aesics llje Rasftsunitadiid 'Ii I amIslie g tke orldt's llirais.li i rally by thme l'iilisi. Isd ini sacm ease for lecturer spiike of an cc-forestation that is schicts iiill acdd one scenery. 'Tsiiove ,titiuo, beisides bliug ruimeit, issupporil~ited means ofciilcitCtioni es of tir 'iiiiit S 0OF,0GbY lisvecileid iin teesing tin QJuarter of Paris" onin TappIan11'mihalt. Lnsmier ointir Crcle [Id is.alti itdby si :rured froiisa vear' !rsity of tParis, ducriiig tir Latin (Quarer, eif siuiin5life.Ie tir daiitc tileofa iiii posimted out the firs froiim atof ail man. In describng wchichi are the gaith- estuidets, tietioiiiteid seas very diffeeult fur °rican to unerstandiii lee tile sliere. Me. tiltk isithi aidetailed scripitioni if tirballs >tiictuiescqueievents OFFICE S Begin the Year Bight Handy Desk Calendar Excelsior Dairy Day Book or Ledger Quart of Ink Pint of Mucilage I Box of Pens or Bands Bill Heads ,Receipt Blanks Filing Cabinet Fountain Pen or a Dozen Pencils. Typewriter Ribbons .Io tii y urmvl lti i ni t WAUR'S University Bookstore Cm [. IARIB[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental [21 01.1' TO{ I I . k i !li I . L C % Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & Co. State Street A. tl.SPALDING,& BROS. l Qast lli e the largetmiau I ffIcIuiH5tartin ithieinworld Trade-Mar'k ifCOFFICIALE QUIP. MEINTforal latbtetic " I i sports and pastimres. f' o cy If yuareiniterie- 1" > cii d in Athletic Spsrt . o h oudhr veilaCoplii is Iiiiii iimnolisshut emsrislopeiiuof sliesviuilra a Whats New in Sport Gosine-ante, of aiiient fireestiere- Qu~alty. quest. A. G. SPALDING lea BROS. Chainaee oDots-Olt INDOOR Tr ack Goods Running Suits Indoor Sprinters' Shoes Pushers' Corks We can supply you with every- thing fist the Gym. Rub Dry Rath Towels .s3'U.DENSN sBOOKSTORE Sheean& C. that ai TRAVELOGUE ON LAND fin the OP TIE MIDNIGtHT SOUN, cre thme mosi Latinu Quart I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY sq. imr. ih.'d cc i dsy iilillic ;.17 5 srtvei Wts'ciii:Smnoswamiidciler. t.'NIVcERSI'PY CAlENDAR. Just. 19 'Thus'Old Htoiiiesa," ust tse b'siusuy. Janu. sq Matte l tlimigsuuiBooth, S. L. A. nusmeber. Jan. 2et-Robert t tessuein " A .dasrn's a Maui," New Witsleey. Jani. 211 tsoaizuuuesit'uumduinner, 5Unionsuclubs hotus,,ftp. i. Juai. 20--Seniorue tuieredamnse, Grass ger's. tame. 21s-J.Lit sctics i, Baturugyne. 52 5). mi. Jams. as--"'ikehIspetor," Coinedy Club play, New Wlhitey. Join. 2is-Michuigan--Northwesternc detbate. Uniiversity hall.h Jan. 22-The Goddess of Liberty," matinsee and night, New Whitnsey. JauiI. 2 }----uteian's League ice carnival. Jams. 28--Scuseas MacMatns, S. 5. A. rusussher. Juta. t2rtesh Engin eec dansce, Bar- boeurgym.e EIGHT NEW COUNCILMEN Juniors Nominate Tomorrow-Ji" Hop a Lit Affair. Elections for the Student Cosuneil from the junsior chaises will be heldl within tir next ten days,.'fle nomuina- lions will be held tomorrow afternoonn and thme electiones will follow a wetek later. 'i'ree its, three engineeres, ussr item andtoust phuarmnic will be' chosens. Owinig to thur reduced enrollmeunet its thee nmedieal departmnt, due ts oerigiih requiremnits, the rerecsenutatiounsof that departmsent in the conientwill be cc- ducerd. As thee medics already have two councihnmen, it us probable tht no ussr will be elected to fill thme vacanucy eft by Dr. L. M. Itollander, of sine Germanm fauelty, gave a travelogume limitevenimng mu tir. Mueiumilecture coons. Accord- smug to Burtons Holmses, a travelogue masy te idefined us a globe-trotter's story of his experienuces accompanird wth stere- optieonu vies. Dr. tHollansder's leture sun Northerns Scanidiniavia- came well ssithiin the definuitiomn of a travelogue. tie spsoke especially of Moskenes isl- tutu of slrhe ofoteni group, wheichn is just beryonudtireArctiic circle, amid of thur mnsifienmt scenerey at thur small town of Reinte. 'To properly describe the Kirke fjtted, a hay, surrounded on all sides by greatt mountauin peaks sitd glaciers, Dr. hlollauuder resortei tso a quotations y Btjornsonm, thur great Swerdishi poet. "lI I ntie of te smeall villages, which FOWN'rES GLOVES-- The way they're made lhan a good deal to do with the way they wear. hive unmnousutcthotliuographms iirsipl plication puroseis, rust lid ciiis WfHITESTIO 1, 8o 150 F. 1lfuroii 1 t Largest Stoick ins Michigans Second-Hantd Law Books L~awianMusedtuical Dictionsaries Quiiz IBtioks, etc. Comehtr hineNess'amid Sec- ond-ihandc. Old houoks takens mm Exchansge C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATIE STREET Second Flaooe Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S [F inuSathmandJewelery teiingm HAILR'S JIWWILRY STOR[ 216 So%.th-xMaie" St. l9L f llchiganl Clothing Sale OUR ENTIRE CLOTHINGi STOCK DIVIDED IN THREE LOTS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 1=3 Off 1=4 1=5 C All odd Trowsers at 20%) Discount Marked Down to Close Out BETTER COME QUICK Wadhiams & Co. I EE. CALKINS, Druggist / 324 S. State St. 121 Washington t. RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers Pbove 598