_________THE MICHIGAN DAILY TROUSER SALE I We are makting a re- duction of $1.00 on each winter weight trouser in our l ine regardless of the price. An early selection counts. SPRING LINE NOW READY sc J. K, Malcolm, 118. E. Liberty Fi Acaemy or ph n 4.( ttcoo ur, (tI 0fu 1. (I ENGIER' DR AFT IN G LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the IDra wing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company - MjU " Motion Pictres JUNIVERSITY NOTICESj 'xcveni eor litt 11 l( can lay basks[- ° ball is neededtlat the gte Xl 011 'igt' 1NI G at 7 oclock Prof. IFrancis XW. Klseylctures ___at Presby1terianl church at ,z ., 01"Th'l E llat'hgs williheiheld at he diot club iN hoose XecileoaoJn. t) it (1:0 P. 11. ITe elcitontof 5souve111s and1 other(im- portant atters willihe110 Iitt( tt MocMIIA N H IS SCNE QOI 11 S1 VIIIlEE _ \bouttwo hndre werepresnt ItThe reateo te regulartotnthyY -.C.A mi-tety-Fo400 ittrslifp s(ofialheld tonXitcNilanthll ltitIY ceso. nigt.Te spefal 1music(.r(101110(1 by te asociatfontqufte ttte -stheC.fealm of thte evtening. if. I.Rotetl pteid.0111011 ; o iluaJontes, George Irving Ro 11t1,l - and Gtoonoitnftgsbury tve ref acd P1 titeresttitg'repors ottte Rochester c, nio.Afe nrnoraiccpto s:A and a s1ocftl tme, ligito re1fresmtsl ' (('('01'5r05011atttlthe tffafr was10 11011111 -- toa close. Tite ext soeftl funtttiottotll behelit ot te Saturdaty night followi11g exam-1 iainanisgenerally' referredto Itas V (r te "pot examtttjubilee," 110 te"ot drest the reguar Sutntay night111 1'- nteetftg at 6 :30 this eveenifng. Iii too,- j,-t hIsonot leett announc(ted. 'This afternoon, at d ottck, Pof. It .t. TIhomtpstott talks to theletettttt of and1H11 l iientt." y~j ('I,ASSIES IN RELIGION 1FOR17UN~T, CR511)' 8l1'T11.\ I S Wt. Pttiers on ttill condtttlttetas,oo 1 ( a L'uivoersity studentst',in Hartri' all at g 1 . m1. 'lite stject tili e it ' )rg andI Ihistott'y of 111e'Prmcr'tttt' I twitht Referen(cstoIl te fithurt'ht F"II 'titd I~rir Christianit." Hary P A.cltsstill lstt he' tteldhott. r 5W 11. Worell it S. Andrew'; et''hal 1-_______ Semitic IReligiouts IdeattanTtth'etit' Intnl Just; 01(00((upont Presen IRelfgonttfou11h111." .Al11U'iver'ity tudttenttt art'cordialy etal. tttttedto thteseecltsses. S'1'7111N' I' 1178'L'E8 ,17i'Ll' 1 (G117, F1OM71 HU pr0y171 Whtttame 1010nefrenga dPast ro it fire octtrrd v01yes try tt,rtittabt I t'lok il a reidlect'olacar titoor 11as ocupied yl rs lo ~ I ,tco art too at tilt, DctI 1 gma1111~ house00, and(1(1 itt yea1 oldtd ghtr. M N7 Thoe tsarted i iteir 011oms.__aldo M5. I'otti, '(2 (1en1, wtotse ro L wre dil ont'etsetd floo, 110a0(1 teltt1le11irl11 00r1es1(and, rushlin~guptairs, carried11l1er t safet 111t~t tit ' n iertntt' save 01111at Itoicleshe (1oul.I Y _ y Tea re: 19 Jn THUSRDAY, JAN. 20 11 '1 LM.LAR HiINvfY Bt, IARRIS PRESENTS .ji a "IMsONSROBERT l §In a New Play of Modern American Life It o aI l ew tt'tand Plays "4A AC'S A r t I r 1Ilttet pd Sac- M AN I I t,1 By Anna Steese Richardson and IHenry Leslie Fridenberg 35-503-$l-1.50 lI M. kY Prices .35-50454-1.00-$1.50 I I 'twma i SAT SALE TUESDAY MORNING e Cu , mberland 11((0(,at 51111 SI., ( 1 attt-)illtt 0.Elv td NEW YORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Terms for College Teams ideal location. Near "Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Tranienl~t Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. IBMON The new close-mseeter that's being worn by smnarf dressers everywhere 0r4 1/4 Z sizes '' Colla.rs "only have LINOCORD eyelet buttonholes-Easy- to button--then don'tear out. CEO. P. BOE & CO., MkMo, TROt, 0. Y. Carriage and Baggage ifo ( Itt' l, $I 1..aft( r"('?o'clock $2.001. ort I n'0(11 :stirs. t' t pice wilt b 50)Cot fo 't '((-u r ; ..aa' tosrice 1101,11F IVERY1 17(5 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP tal t t'11<