. I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. GH.Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS E . ELDRIDGE Bsianess iMlaager CARL H 0. ADAM. of fine Woolens for Suit- L s, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL. AND SEE= US t311 S. STATE STREET A the New Stre -- G. H. Wild Compally F!"T. LY NSIT PER.=ECTL o " . ..S:= t Sol cinccAccccAbrcby WAGNER & CO. Sate $teat A.G.SPALDING & BROS. 'Ta-ad$e-Mark of OPFICIALE QLIP- MENTfarclthlti t0 . pcrtccand pstmces. 5I or liteot - s t in AtletiiSpor whatsNcs incsprt §baxati y. .jnist X. .. SPAL.DINVG (. BROS. C .Bxirtfo Detrosit +. INDOOR rack Goods Running Suits Indoor Sprinters' Shoes Pushers' Corks e Canl upply you with every- thing tr the GYM. ubDry Bath lowels r J _,L"N [SOO0KSTOREI f; heha; Co* Addreitss: 1tCICiAN DALYtt, Press Bldg., Nit tied Street. O~t 1ie,,Ilous: iManagig Editor, 8-11 tt t.itusitess M1antager, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. -tilet Sundeay. Both phones. Nes .........Lee A White as~sistatnt .......Harold Titus athtetics ...... ibur D. Elliott \ Voinen .....Frieda Kleinstiick Moisie sait Drains...Hollis S. Baker lneltasges........... M. B. McHugh Janes K. Wakins Morrison Shalroth CaesG0(G.S ahrJohn 'I. Kennr As5OCATL V5 D~ITOsS. { Waltterr K. Towers I tlarry Z. Folz Dion inBirnet 1). . Hinckley Artttur H. Stoetimon Russell B. James tretiLtaston lharry G. Myser ril Rotwnell Charten H. Mylander Mlorris Mouser .M. Mack Ryan Wade.ttiOtiver BUSINESS AIAF C. A.:Lost tian Normsan H Hilt N 'attie)N. XWiietis Myer Rubit KeinthitOstitri Formsan Wittet T HE MICHIGAN DAILY vote for candidates, se shotuld loes Ih intrellcii o vote. It is truie that stotekttotlters ofasgc r iprit;sf ecnmpany eali role lby proxy, swhichtiis l- i.N i rhl[ gititnate as ttheir finitcial intereits treie leclc- l invoived. Iii a eanitpts eteetisit, the We-flc i t~l t~p fare of the organizatisit is at stake andi orseilit shoatld be in the hands of theuemershricuul(fhsc swto take sufficenteinte rent tit express -, ec 1 fr1 I theirchoc nteslcino fies tdlto h -1tt few exeeptiocis, aymme il n ih h nct igt ie a po i a o wterlistlte ii eonsideratiio as to its ase and witt give i it iro the first aeqiaaintiaiiewittasks fornt.I tNVES'TIGATIO)N ENDS IN"Mle 1 u tr EXPULESION ItOR MILI,. nhdl" l mi~tc (Continued tromt Page 1.t) receised the year previeus. Allisorought .1os ii ii Iwo lt investigation failed io listctone ainiat- l tirdi ii I< tendance at classes hiy'Miller dturing theshitt bee iii - t') t footbiall season, scudtbut little thtereafteIr. lii ,lp~a ~p s "Miller's failure to cecrol was iiot sdis- c iIlls l covered aintit the checkinig up of the reg- "lliieit (>f th istrttiiont antclassificationi slitis wiicith t tS ocecurredi oni tr abtitithe 26th rif Niiln her. I le scas nifiiedthat hisi.enrotllti , etardltias mcissicng antd sumonoed to atp- i 1 pe-ar ini thiesecestary's office. liIcfa iledof II N ,u lui toi ptay ccciatctientiionto repucatetitalls. frtomicthe officec, whereun tithe seceryt s turneid the sattler over to Assistantt teanuiu 0l~ Bolts, swho scud the followintg letters I' Thieni folloiws thuesrresiocdence I ir 1 Tatia whcia led ee lseil;1nertes oi" nimcediate investligtion fltliwet si } Nf I i alh bsringicig tt light thu fatthtitt Siller itat iscrditil1I-ale nott paidlistuintionictfeueiteenti tiilti orthThtil tsr atitenttedl classes. The ltoatrdiiintt i CI ad i Omlrt Citntirol of Atltetics seas immdiaitelyit vi(-111111 \ ntrtifiied. Dii Decembter 13, heli aeds I Cii Iprii Ill of the ftcltii, andilonithat occasiont hi adi tplo, adcnittedl Iis failiure to pay tis ftc, ci issi stisintitajhuet pa fy, acnd attenid classes, hat offered itex tilanation for his conduct. At this inter- ~1i yelutolo s-letsillerccatde otlthis classificat tio illr fNI i leitCadhsfahrintemaieonD lgin i ii facult, censter 8, hiaving pttid his tuitiontfieC is ii 1 tli o i OiitIDecambler 23rdthue Board i Con~tirii lissi iicai l i . t i of Athletics ptassed the following reso- tnnihto titii ii h luttion tin the groundilthat Mutler tad inotiof theifitbl iii C bett atteniding lils classes, tatd tadI i t,5i ei itoiCithe.fal signtedtihe intercosllegiate rules : Irecordiof i t i iffles "'Bard1 in Control of Atiltis oirefi iiiit-in ii id tirof. Butts, Assistacnt Deant. "Wiletlw ill ti"Denember 2.3. 'i9i9. shtowithit t i r i, "It is evidlent tiattMSr. Milier's staite-(ik to il ii iii mnutto stirelilgihilitsy comnmititee v it l- 5 cl-ii ir tuet it hs-i trtuthfuil. Is viets of the cirecstancttttes list .ti sis lilt thcs Board inc Conitrol of Atletics passes ret sit i rs its.11ii the foltoswing resoltutiont :i suIteit nci s sto " That Mr. Millier's2Si siweatier andtionithis seofitthe varsiti-cp etiteneiiedi ii, that tin elc- Ir itterefore: tioni as etaptaicn ticncte apptrosveid byithin Stidtilti I ttnil rii istirdl, thttthe enigicteericig datmenit t siti grei. ,iiii it th tbe iniformiedlof outr actiocn, with a Irec-iherexitlledifrim th ocmnccdatttion itIce lie property disci- guin, siith ire lissi i iplinedl, acid thcat tie chtairmnanaid secre- eiiuitiia iis itttc iary of this Board be instructed to write N_1ildite it futherii letters of apoulogty-to nice ippiieiiis or tes'sintitu s I agaicist whsoci Mr. Sillier ptayed. "I'itl ' (Signedi s) F. NV. FTPsEicSits j iday, j ll. Il, OFFICE ""'LIES_____ Hin the Year Right 11 ti itlta~d Handly Desk Calendar Excelsior Dairy -lay 1Hook or Ledger Qwart of Ink Pint o Mucilage ox ot ens or Bands- Bill Heacs,Ilceipt Blanks Flling Cabinet Fountain Pen or a Dozen Pencils Typewriter Ribbons _It7( i r et Ciii ii huIitii i WAIR'S Unversity Bookstore 719NORTtINIX RITlY AV. Photto Supplies Deeloping pri itillg Ellarging The lrgest tine Pen- ti'tt ts and anners and ILowest Prices. 1-LEY & EDMUNDS tItt: '" iltlie 't Iii it 51t. Act Acor, Miciga .E. JOLLY'S 04 . T7EF TREIET Lu 1 e, obbco Cgars and c ~iregaes 15, 1910. titgy-HARRYs G. hYSes. I I'NI I iiSil X C1}NL NDAR. 1