ffly 4 . \,NARBORAiiFi (\ cI l G Itl)A . D ,J A\NIl ft i oR Vol-. XX. No . - WIARM CONTESTS IN ATHLETICELECTION Four Vacancies to be Filled Today- -Proxies Are Much in Vogue. Th atuary- mto el f te Ia- thletic :sOciatio~ti tilli lbe held this afterniooni ait t o'clock- in1 ititertit hall. The elecltin of officers t fill the ptositionst of treatsturer, intattital secretatr, fototball toataer andi initerscltolastic mtanager trill lie hteld imtttmediatelt- after te tiet- Teoly buintess tht is extierteti to \ssceiatiicii is lie reactinitg ttf ftfe repottls of I1reastite r Cochranie attt Fitial Secretairy V isiti at the noiatiotnttt itt t eofiieitef fitttttia s ecretatrt ael treae r ft r th le tconing yecir. Thte elict i ot ottiter wt till cme nett blilotl cystem ttt tte itn tttle eleetioit last fall. The ttte of ttroxiet ttill, it it ex- peeled, Ibrifg out een a lieger vtte thanti latfall, teet the lieti Iot iee tastt it fts tilled At) eslpecially hot itipaigi hasi lbeen Clats-maitet tie: rtiititi- agains t each othetr firth fictle o f initelcholattie maneiageer I li'e-st are- Jote Ho riter andt atiy flclass Igor tece o f fitaiall tee- (Clithe- W. Gold e iti tliIt-orestt i, tie thieiililiiiieis Ian or lftbauellll tmattager Chester -taplestt it lii t, dtChaies G. S-lie, ' ii enigitnee are runitntig againtt tacit thr ti() areter it tttop- posiedi fori theofice of ctrleae r.t-e The ileletitt il 11cloet 4 p.m DOGS AND DANCES Sonior Lits Will Eat and Dsnce Today. life irls ac i at if lithe eniir lit classe gattihe iniIlarbiour gymit ct hlftlacfter C *1 1-fOlN/li Lif (CArT T- 11111)II 1 IN l, I I ;BOON A t ap fpteciationffi lltthewrkcline toi itiake Khatie I ttal;ctesste ift\itl icann I uui Ii tlimiig l ito igoc tte t-ttire cast, tomitteeandorletsit1ftra tait the-lirtplan to IholdnI thdinro luesdtee ni , Ita alta iti lic~tffltef ithat i t Ie ma ittali limpoi ble I totutnced thatiithe elite itadlbeenifscitfor Thurdaysubjct t theapprvalif the, ilecirilofitDIirectorst PTe dittter wiltl leaninforml on atf lt-ere teill le-nfierif-ftil cto sts. Set- cecil tiembr; -th atind I uttitutee wtill probatblltli e calleduponl~for ift a olilitseech ~eeest Ithciefisilibe fttohae.afoItfgoodtieilirt-iltihe fnoraitIwhichistolft piosstibetita T h u nr rtomeieete st tt-ust- preifut-s tf-thelatu cuff ftelt asitil-i lto kee o it.Unin'i-ftteflcss forl - thet let I li-tie Itii-e An Ieffot e ill btic to A hf 11ffI If llffli11,11Stcpf i pf snt PIt'l1S TI \V)I llK('If"Is ProifessriCI. Al. Priohero of C'atf- liritlge, cl fifil ldeliverdIliltfirt lee- of hl e cl-- ttie itas "Ilic ii l irci-of tt- TItird tti I le l ietti I it-lri lareIo lie- I sedteii iffftlic ffhlis lifitiofito i Proes r hroha t ceret fleas- teritittin f peechitside- ftn Altitde lit-iffe-tnt- Prothleroiwill afriefinthter lite onii"-A Comftartfie- Sitcd ifof Bimarck aid (Cat-our.' Tisl lecIture ttwil he gleivni arhd a sw etii Atngell itll at 4 :1.s telve thitlenoettitfor le eeonittior lunceoenitof the seateon. Folotiflg liii eiomtpete sitceseof tie ititiatl ri-int f hilt kid.ott examt~tpe i Iiwthiftassice . eeii folowtedl with t tmareicticecss by otier lcses, ftodyletiutcheotent rutnitfit to le irecordutvntftite seir'soiaeil ear. fCominig ott Satraloiiaftenooe lasces tiill cll the dinte-i-aayits-cit tift- cftift i ft my leiureyt ejoy ft mital cand ilcte atrds tdacte lit irlie afterooIff i liie- fatlifts tilbove,-if t-yarticsisil posed. ife1d Aits. Vanii Tne,-as-ic itestsofhonrtiwill cpetontete plit t. lTe-eiiuitttfee icte till makeic li f-ottolibreeth touw all foratulit an a ktiitte the ituttheotrathe ei- hfu fouils affai"wc telfeirti one rd to be. Teifpecialcomitte ftten i- 'tluig hsceitguftaitthoftali ittitte-ti wh i iend eavteoillto-du cierthi it-ti-,eem};ttgitiitilt alemberisof fiar, Maruir iteiSeggih(l iIat ii"llt- oeittfr Al tftLgtntrtMeltvillsMalit ioiViAtotr Jose fifthWaltr usswrs -tituititee f twietift -etitiin parte ifthei iealoci-emettrt-s aditherill ill1 till forifthe tienralfir ~ r o h firseoitself. tirie hs iesl tcllopfi-lptatoiet litere-erllsilcoffitee andicertmtiptffs Tetickteetciwhiciiait -riedrtctwsentyf-ie ceents, mayfht ~b- ainiedl at tieiitoretof Baerouitr g-f-iT e. Aaiettlt-rchletraciit-ll -isutrth te- tuttle foe thuieuteanc ei t llwsthi liRFi fT AAU iNUt IHiS li-re- ftpfafrs-act-s cii ir-flit leu iii gpirii t c-icit f JutdgeThomasfiti c ntel 'lit -witteniiblt lreiflitt Iluci P eile it actemitpntid-i anlet cii i- riginaltiof which isitowitt-t litDlie.ll- (,for the "GrecatAericniL I ctr-i crifcitnd apfefr-i fint-e seteith vftm ,f theft wiork. lThe mgincfeitf-alo cna5- a r eritlegy loiiReettIAtthur illiwith iltc wpacraite ettiels- is iitg-nerusf-bequlesi -t $0000In tiinte Uniritfor lit- -rtioo of a neii isw iltutditium. TIti- re--isitof tier Ithe ewteetr oftith tiLtli iof Rfietsiteoritt-ti u 'tiltic ri - , if Detrit, iliams ,.efurg-I.fth, i.o iti fiCtity dJhn i1. iranttil't2, u ft _Al tushte Ilie: Alumtusitt isft t h etif italltiteeionne-teiwithithe if, cit tlt fionthffef5 cetrest f it- lot fittilieu It tif Ii Kahnfilet IrT- is N?f'l iN Ol IfR~ After fluetittuenu t uncielibs it iilt-f up lu- AMiler'eftse, tie esturtug to ble t:,kc eup ill tprobabuhllyu-a ci rutfulc m- itnil for teie- rsoft ith-tlehi aieiltie o f i . S. Packard, iLoigcan flueelk tiandI(, - Ale-i-il tiill ri-iwtt-f workIcof getingiuf sciriftionsfor the Th Ibttes ihsifnttreflit-lt tilt tilln~commiillnurnduihsiltl-without i eIettne reefutioaiit ottcrmt toti f tc f test roiomt oriofficer' ulartert II- it l tO ' h i t ~ i r ethel i theIyear hu d e p rtills The Ic f f 1111, li ii s A ct - 1 1f ta io--dit ii lwI >tfwtllciier i iffifif c f I f11 cli>>ic 1 rdt I- 11:ti i-i I.c nr " i- h o sw l 1J lits 11W1li ft cwas expeledIhut-the- I it li I i ed Fiday afguteo fen) l Vie 1 Fri ff1 A fihe i-ac l fiwhihd-- id i f f>r crife case, istedlbut if f ew ff111 II il iheirfeiifaiimra m A- ft Phf xt ffm fluf I u ltyIi tllefuf ff1 ff1 il w ichl iUndI D evidecef inff1 imcti-t f ifif t((00" lu-ilat M ller ft-ct - Iful I 11ff 11 m l, - a tr iels If utff ii fil I hihit lt-ci n etth at i Aliih- lad t(-ff1--ns~m I I t{i ,i icSif f1 au i c asdIuidIel n f c -r li f t if fit itesesan morla ii f Ii uItil itt repot fr cf-lif IA i 11 c ~h( 1 dcfaclll ffmetffhciiifiwas pres- ('it 1~i(soV r iniiiIDr. luce Itt ii 1 sii f at nc , N t t a hey is - a ree f h1ii he If ffll tilt helid hugervey ifhc 111,f11 frese t, id hil Iey uhf-ire to AlVllill ll "o now ff1 ciii AllUihe r ie- ,( s I ~c(f Iti> aif in,,thyl i shedl-u t~ 1711 lie he v rd ct w ich ft w cii fw h ti he- er ciedy th le- f~i-c ( it f h llal a til 1 thc I i A nutuian c l tice)n - u-flt hYlusistnl en [ usts and Sec cpe Mill-r c~riyt h pno V i ;I 1 dk I NIiuh I1 l'- Ati tlf iffaiomleitei breu-akdown. OIllsevealocaus tuaJoytMlller hadu Sen ummon aed ho lappearlbefoiretie fae- why Onte ueel-ago lat huirsdayitthle Grot s ufmons war refit uy thue fauulty. No fresponse- tifs'retceit-eelfruit him. ll (i fthleu, J. Q Allesr, wroteinurepult the stummon-;tha t. Jfoy- tifs flit elf Immtoradhe fli'thr-e si-c urt , lieulihe itrestumabltleft lfor liii li-huT Ihue utialtuimonsfto a at - ut-cr iwasuent svatuIluay'suge?. Agatin Alt- AHl llt-i haduti reply fot fis lifeiff Of ilug ticht letuhaben unabttle hto fih utl ftaes if him, I ucusmutunulevuge- -lfout lo litteJoty-, it ff1success huh huts f-u tendfed he iseufifort, Is I t lg if beinugtulle toi luce jot- filler lpresf-nt aiit udee-mting uitlditalhe Cto raft ni gee rfit finl1acftinFliolhu-I Temin was ctall. Tlue follointtIg ifthflur-soilitutinI tha "WhIee-turfIt lfhueen uricvcutthuat JameslJtyAMille-,of If-u oii. Aihiige-. -a ctudent rgisteutiIffed f~in h eatmnti - catl oef Athetics eelfthifcUlierity, fealse shutecuffnt 1 to iscoegihie and- Al'herslu-uhs ritn misleatingi -utat-m-ntr aur eo lit eollege statundig teAcssistuntDetuftof ft-iis epiriult, Alhetcsn lit ticat willfully dleeived t- ofisters iffitshis flu 1mtad h Witardl it fotroltofithlics o fth t-ifurs o uthiDprmn;ad Al t ie a i koing iol- - W o the uls i eadtl c aIpa- dentinf tisnivrsiy, lndhas ltleb f-lli r-- cI-sit li :ic s r lC fint, be it lthertiore "Resoulvers, lit the tutu Jilt a Jo Mliller his, andlhueais heiexplld frot thiDepatmen andthis n ivucrcul Thei repIrt ofthi ssltudetcrutsi t lNielisiwain presenitedltlethfle elu-luueruug faclt red sflosAftert)hisit-- lmoshtchotiuuseu lion stif i lt ndyJaurlet it dil - ilii-- cue ryavit labile wccesthee flt - the-itCoufitlhitths (UtuesiyoMci ogtn lie-isIAennul thueIftlloini S -hut Jaet Jet tieri, Iof etot aseior en-ine-tuintuhleUneriyr- MEDICS SHOULD STAY Tr CiisMay Suffer if Seior Cuass !INVYESTIGATION LeaINs A Stutu-s a luuu 14u c - l lt cit -i to r r rt rca! 11111 IIi laii is tr iit I.,>1 li elf r li m itlc; t V;lc er~ieliiith -Il)i i. l h s ltt , ir 1 i Ii< it . c T]litw « lcl 1 Au 1iv t t h u {tcstaIus 0 tc dciats IMV~ci Chi(,L; andN o I -ct- I Iil, vr liii-it ar A l v le f c ulitys1I1o1 I',- Aill i I - flert if Joy AM iller, t It11 e leII Iri ea t thell e etfing. - itt--itret h l tif f r iptheeII cilis la it n see i1Iha --i lift-v --it f- Ithe n t ti Alof th faul i t ccct f r ilu ()1- ro tlu i l iftha ta t a It -i- ''il hilc t law, ct tlt 1 til nli tttt--. rr titus t nfit> tuelIcihell < It witcas (lit - 1llft- hospita1 is lit as ell as ie -t illek, fhl -ii gift-a isc plans tuu ii cc O Au ll Al-cut 1d e;i fiat phaheitThelItitt theue uuugiuleu~-ui deparutmens t m] t l Ii c rt u Iit ini hutcharioruandu De- llMr.-i M i ler iff cuil - fulilrtedi for Win hile sm utl ment Am-hadcu beenu ft ii ryul fr-i et llend r Ty Ah cT in 1 1 ta fte titn Nvtas luo t hhisS is II uf hctbe. e l t fe rasntrue Ocoer- ithu theintflltif-f elfI lil t Iuition ft'u"hut tuutunhet hadItfor-u gullet lit-ristchm crdsi whchi us u rsnted behue it aftienit tillbe accetedfulie fahile fulf lakeuupaymentuat hlypy e tb tpe vI ious t Ice - cur t heft iilhutgdy liii s-ilitr, S.. ph lie feeluto ecrtaryuu1c uteloitthe enugi uuieciigfdeparltment, in IDetrotan ril -AtitpIaylenutt illecssryflor Iienrollmeft inler-uas unablet eher toclafi ieefy tstunrlll i lastutusI ulain hast. Alillsr, I tutu ,i n lit riers lo q1ulift fitr participatfioni itn t I ill clllthisi fell, remfovedthe hinlitutuwhiucth le (Contuead oni Pat