THE MICHIGAN DAILY All Clothing at 20-35 (l discount. This includes the STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING which we are Agents for in Ann Arbor. All Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Etc., at 20%~ discount. Terms Cash. Lindenscliffitt, A fl & Co. Cearing Sale All Stiff and Soft Hats at 2561o Discount. All Trowsers 20%o Off. MANHATTAN SHIR~TS UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1911 lit basketball 1)1acticett i to. 7 o'clock. O'Connor._ B~and meet at Barboar gym at 8 p n sharp. Bring racks, leave girls. Fischer, t leader., All nmen turn ottfot Glee hubttit hiearsal at 7 ocltok.8 tttttsit hel.6 Killeent. Ittpotatlmeeting of loi t, I goe18 0)0 A, Utniversity hall, at 4 It thsItct oot.. I,,tsker, secretary.y Ittportatn teetg of f ini-eart - guttccrs at 1:18 Saturdayt,1Roott t ito All candtidatcs for thte sophtItt ttac W\atcrmntatgymtttodal y att oclck .111 1912 cngintccr tractk candttidtes t I,.r tcrestrtd itnclass relay tteamttmtett c i tro~plhyrootttFritlay at 5p . ttt 11 tgitrr [' seak dinincr Satutrdaynv i--t antotie call 1219-I, betwectn 1 antl2 tta. . P hc SentitorsiswIo hlino Itmae aptlt' menits with te hrtottgrapher; tort ik ___ M't icltigattetsiant photots ttttst dosoa ontce. Otheros who have mutst lkeepIthoset nounltctd itt yesterday's DILYtt, nWill I istry deptartmttl has tn requetsted t Ftriday afternloont. rem Q/ 00 $1.50 Shirt now $ 1.75 44 4 $2.00 14 4 $ 2.50 44 4 $3.00 44 4 $1.00 44 4 $1.20 $1.35 $1.50 $1.88 $2.25 $ 0.85 oeulo, Conlin & Fiogol 200-202 South Main Street. 'F3Y M o tio n P ic t re s Class Toques For the different classes of the U. of M. have been received and are now on sale. PRICE 50c EACH Best triake anod materials, fully tip to tlat samples furnished by the class conitmittet. MACK & CO. IA T LAST SHE COMES!T D1RECT FROM - PARIS - ETHEL WIHTESIDJES and PICKININES YOU REMEMBER. HER. ]DON-'YOV?7 TONlIGHT NIHTOE ~~ d~ PLACE JINIIZlt fUIIS 'I'D 10.11)1 FRrSIM\N III 11> commtttitttee cotmposttd if 'Mary \Ilti hcron, chiairtn, 11InaFoy, Sttrathi, tih erlnd, Florettce Slherwtoodlatti j cs-( IVteter, appoited tl arecert'tttt sst mtinitg of the juntiore girls, is aI ttttrkli selectintg a list of thirty-fivetjuitt ils This list will, after thte approvtal otII Itt Joredatnis, securetd, Ietsubitteld at:1 tiaass meeeting of ite girls ti e lt«is who innill select twenty therefromtt. 'itrok twentty will compose tlie orgaiaintt t charge rofite system recetly iii:,-- utrateid 1y-the Mkortarbioardl, tt itt etach juieor girl will hiversottic fis- ittit itndier htr charge. It is the itteetttinihtaftetihits v tiht systenimliay hr exptatndedlsott each settior will have a sophoiorett r il ettder~ lire care, thtts hrittgittg tacituniittiss Exstidretails hinottenotrked mt btut pirohabily eaich comttliiilrwsill ci toI ther temeirso f Ititthenrsottieties atrc etti 10le selecteid-has the suptltof tic Univsersity authoitieis. lDeatttJor- ftor the soc'ial dev-elotpmnt tf teeI- lrgr wome nidt beittaIts' te inritalitlit i their cork. DON'T Kldtl'j anty gtosouoght tof its ttatarett right. Itswoald tnt he usiings-tittef or 110 righit.. We are Tailotrs, I-faberrtsht es tatidHatters iof the right sot, . tt me tt wh Io know swhnt's righit. HEINR1Y & 811Y See our plenitant "specially" picetdat 35c, at lDarltig & Malleauxo's. 71ft 7 Ntiw is the time to bay yoursrooi decotratiotis for " J" I-ltp it redce prices at D~arlitig & Mallenits's. 74-t 7 liards, ttr readltherpIll's, at tier sttres, day or inight. 307-3019 S. State Si. HUSTON BROS., ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oppesite Electric 'Waitiug IRoomi GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor { 3 s' ' ,. 'J . .. i' ry i r . . . . 1 1L I 2. k, 3, i 4.W AX N15 Wednesday, Jan. 19 -- KNIGHT TEMPLARS sae . BENIFITx 81 IENMAN THOMPSON'S I r? The Greaes f all New England Plays ,-Twny-ourh Year of Uninerpe Su- cess. The Original and - Only Company. C-atlof ._5tPele , o atis haINew sceery ad 1,e - ITt, Itamitttts litiele Quartet. -i' Rice:: 35-5O0Z5$1-$1.50 - ~ SEAT SALE MONDAY '-tter sMtats Lart istl'Ther'is a Ig Demanl 1.O BIBLE CHAIRS _'FE TEL. 937 s1THE LIFE OF CHRIST I'R.SLY G.P. COLER Y,'tTO IP. M. - - - - - Jan. 16, 1910 - - - Jan. 23, { 1 3 isDici e _ Jan. 30, of rI0 - - -Feb. 6,« of Iii~sllaiI3? - Feb. 13, 1t~lr tt,,tttttsst'at'ree. A I_",1 itttt-,ttlllN ilIe inerestedj 11- Carriage and Baggage { I , rt, , tt e ar mpaeties, $ I 1.50.uSater 12o'lockt a Itt b 2 Cents. tIfcarried t ..sO tot i--stairs. the price ill to I ,[Vt-s -r rtiret-t otoll et ret-t rt orias tt,ilandbaaaseric. hI isAl~~I'I-LIVERY DetoitUnied Lines +? I-foint itt>lto sivsinSuperi- ne n; Hn. pshinio the Detroit (l Lneah\ lf orsof Varsity or- -i t he it'r-eglat'. outvice, ef up f tudts to or 1'frottiAm~ - -- ---- ; et a r cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. =Y t NEW YORK P -"I BY A COLLEGE MAN Colege Men Always Welcome Speial7fTrms for College Teams IdIteailLoatfion. Near Theatres, Shops and Cenra Park New Modern, Absolutely Fireproof _:f aes 2.50, with Bath, and Up. Uu 8 oms. Send for Booklet. ;K:Ii~ttII i as rms. ott osIs.sitli Hotel 'Woodwardl A "lip! Seals are selling like Hot Cakes ! Reserve Yours Nlow.I Harrsc F fI ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES fRa Mll,.WARD, T I1'BST OF EVERY TIN tNIN TATLORINO0