THE MICHIGAN DAILY G aH Wild Colupally M'IERCHANT TAILORSa Wse have complete lines of: fine Woolens for Suit- i I gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make F+ull Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SNE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store - -17-12 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing ]Editor CLARtNCE E. ELDRIDGt. Business Manager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address's MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynasrd Street. Offisce Hours's Managing Editor, 8-11 p. in. Btusiness Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News ........Lee A White Assistant .......Harold Titus Athletics .....Wilhor D. Elliott Wotnen .....Frieda Kleinstiick Music and Dranma...Hollis S. Baker ]exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenniy ASSOCIATE FCITORS. Walter K. Towers IHarry Z. Folz Dion Birney ID. A. Hinckley Arthur B. M oehlitais Russell B. James F-red Lawton Harry G. Myser Frank Rowell Charles H. Mylander Morris Ilouser M. Mack Ryan Wade Oliver BUSINESS sTrAFP C. A. iiowtsan Norman H Hill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Rufbin Kenneth Oshorn Normsan Wittet E . 4 r ti' #, i. i t# G. H. Wild Comupally For the small knot tie TRADE ~ 'K MARK " BAR~s - LINEN / COLLARS & CUFFS. MUuskc anb Dramua One of the mosst is'te's's-st's ~ unsiqtte naSICal wsorks to'bes ivc's .'s's year its Ann Arbor is "Flh " I ttn' awsickhssill take 's thie sarer artsf'ยข night's faculty casncert. Is's bl 'sii is a type of musstsiecal frhc's's e' "smelosdramsa," asnd casnssist's o'as's - arransgesnenstasfITennyso 's V tes I poems will he readi hysMs-. Roe's Ii' l t Welch whsile Mr. Alhert ILockwas Iml' playIlse mussical accsrnpatimentsts s-ss' c hy Richard Strassss. Iss its originsasl me'sssisngc i'e's's's's t>> drassas meantssismssethlissg's sits ' '' frosssthat sshichs i's sss's's.'es'ss ss ''s tritssted to it. Ist'orsgisnasllys 's' thsat swhich is issdicatesibytIs's' 1lic tions of stsestorsd, a 'srsmassss'ss, 5 s' Isy mussic. Thsesietdrma's'sss ss' . c of set sswhich hssbeensscssltisatssi's 1 hy sossse of thse greeso'sis,, ass Is a gasisn sees'shbrou's'g'st' is 's .,' pstblic lsy is\ss IIcisHeinr 'ssichad is' I-])-' hs'sts. ctIpresesst's'assmussicalsiournal'canI slot l' sswitho''sst nos'ting'scthe Es'sth' Ills mselodrams'ssisd'stined'sis :m's V tesssi'se 'voguse. 'sEssochsArdes" is 's's's's the 'iest es' ampstles of she sselod'sramasss'andss one1 s's' 's's exiilits Strausss' mus'sialg'ns's's's's' becsI. It is wstsl'ecarin's to 'th Wa''sgnerisns tr'sa'siti'snss, csmpl'soying 'slsit- mso'tifs forsse sde'sissss'ssia's's thi ii's 's s chsasrascter'sadas'e'sr'scterissic l'ss 1s'ss Mbiss l'sissils IWehbbS'sdslise ''s'ill Lila} Vieuxessts' "B'alislae 'snds Po's oai se for teistSalpart of thie iro'sas 'shis Sadler sa's pro's'ed a aluab's'i add'ssi's t's' tile Sclso'ol'o'f'spsif's's'sts atss seersecossdla'searnc'e's lls'h'ss's n- erally sselcomnses. The lccecrt ltonight'ss sf soill 5beg's 't 8 's'cl'sck. Mer. \'silliass Hwlssad gs'se'sh'ssec- 'sndc of si's lectises-recitals upon''se'si's h- jccl osf Germsan'msic's'sy'essesrda's-s afts no00n1ins'sI ighs Scho'oss'l hall.TIi's ecis's coveredl thse"art ssg's"'ofs'se1 crmi schls''s'andsla piosamsssfu''ll 'of5 's ' son'g's swhich tru elnesshas'w pop'slsllar, sswss give's 'slshree Gerssassn 'o'issS chu's rt, Fr's'anz ssndSchssssa'ss's wersss'coys's''s'ss's' thsis recital. Sonsgs fr's'msthe s wos i k easch swesre tastefsully givs ssb'y \Mi's's 's'sa Jo'hsnssn andclisl. RIl'sanssd, a's's'sl chsaracters o'f thes differess's menss's 's's I ss-s' stark sdiscussedl by Me. illowla's's' Next Wed'sdssasslsy 'sfi'ernoon''sss at 4:t, o'clock still Ibe gisvesnsthse tirdscsi ls rs- recitalas's Germas's ons ''s'g i'sy'J11's ii( laisd. Thsesswork of tisessod's's less II' I ssriters stilltse presesnt'sss OFFICE begin the Year Rght _'Y ou r', .y n'sl . j EFany Desk Calendar Excelsior Dairy Day Book or Ledger Quart of Ink Pint of Mucilage Box of Pens or Bands 1B111 Heads,lleceipt Blanks Filing Cabinet Fountain Pen or a i Dozen Pencils "Typewriter Ribbons I clmqy'3 ~r ud; hs Is'ute at. AR'S Unversty Bookstore 7i's)NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures u ,c Kodaks Photo Supplies 'ss Developing Enlarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ke it s's ,5ssasl'ty 12 5 . LbtySt nArbor, Mihian JP a. F. JOLLY'S ssnches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Ciaettes ~BBPIPE 19 ichigall F' 25 ELKHORN FRONT 2118 Is. BAtK ltNN. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. State Si. Sign at the big while shoe A. (iSP AL..DING & BROS. The Spalding facurrsinthswrl U, z Maia-M.k osIOFFICIALSEQUIP- ,-MENT,oaiathietic "OS sports and pastimtes. o ,tp i If5'yolarec'sterest- 4y, 0 ' es'sins Athletic 5ps'st yoshoussssl h 'estsscopy 'I ~ ~ of teI plse s's'shsss Cat- Y;''s sctowtess ,sss It's sa'ssm's'sets; 'sssssss What's New 'in Sport t ea'sr' , o f 'as'ssi8 setfressone Qse. ^iy. qs's.~ A.G.SPALDING CA 831BROS. INDOOR TrackGoods TI11tRSO bY, JAbNtUARY 13, 1910. UNIVF RSlTI'sCALENDAR.'13--s's'' rls se' luscheoni, Barbour g'sl'sl 12 555o05 Ja.'s's 13--Unsion's sesmbership dinner, Uionsss cIlbhsouse.'s b6p. us. Ja.s'13---Var'sssy Band dallce, Barhour . 1.5-Sno i d'ssse an'd lunceheons, Hissbs'sr gym.'sl 12:30. Ja's 's---AilticssAs'sociation'sselectiois. ~Ive's'sssraty Isall. 4 IP. tm. Jasss. 19---and Ba.llingtosn Booth, S. L. b. snumber. Ja15. 20 i'S's'sisse l'.s'ss'slccdaIce, Grail- g'ss''s. lass 21s-J. Lit iss''cise'ss, IBarboaur gynm. 12 p. t's'. Jasn. 21-'srssIhe Isnspector,"' Cotnedy Club pliay, New Wh'itnsey. Jas's. 28- Sesunas MacManus, S. L. A. 'ssos'ssi'er. Jan5. 28-1-Ftreish Enginseer dance, Bar- ibourscgyms'. ii 'si.5 'I'S O)NCE MORE STIR Cb.b'sFPS INTO ACTIVITY Th e's'sliicsalhe's is on the wing. With 'si' 'lect''s''s' of off'cers af thle Athletic A sseci'son''sssfo'r 591o this esoning Satur- 'say af'stssrnoons' there is treat political eactis 'it bout thecamussias. Tic proxy's''ss sy'sstems' 'whichs has Ibeelsill- t'sdce s g esive'ss sso Nider oppossrtulnity for pl'Iitsica-'si nas' s insss''''g. 'lih's campulss s i a'live''witl'spol'iiical 'ssistant's 'sho are scczn thss' 'seroie' sof asllsI thosewho will he' s'na'sil's I's'ss''ssot e r'are disitnterested i5 I's' slection.s The candtdates for 'siie's 'see al'sos susnusually active this v(-,tr'. Several of thems' have numbhers of 'srosxie's is'stheir p'ssssso'snstalready. In- ( s'Icati's'ssspo'''~i's's'sa very close oeefor 'she ofics. 'sA'JESTICsc ssse 'ss's On ole 'f the f'sasvo'ri'sasf iasse; s returnl' te'sthse .l ajic Theatres's LH , lit dunning Suits Indoor Sprinters' Shoes Pushers' Corks We can supply you with every- thing for the Gym. Rub Dry Bath Towels STUIDEJNTS BOOKSTORE ilcdan & Co. PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. The best in iit'I in Opens's is ss'ssPo biest issak's oI MUSICAL SliPPLIE 1 H~ave you heaird hsfIatu Setter husrry, She's Grexaat!2 Marked Down to Close Out BE- I I-R COBB QUICK F FsCALKINS, Druggist 324 5. State St. K 121 hv8shlnqton t, RANDAh L & PA CK, htIr )ir Pliae 598