THE: MICHIGAN DAILY At QUARRY'S You find comaplete;and guaranteed Supplies Zoology, Pathology, Histology, Bacteriology Dissecting Instruments r QUARRY'S Drug Stoer Money Loaned On Watches, Dianionds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargain- in Watches & Diamonds 010ice at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours: 8to11:30 a.nm..l1to 4:30and 7to 9 p. en. Ott, BUSINESS CONFIDIENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMEURS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$sIOO,000 tGeneral iBanking Business. 3 percent paid on Tineo anid Savings Deposits. Safely Dn- poit Bones to rent, at 02.00 and upwards I{. liEMPrs, Pae's. ii. (. PnRETYMAN, Vice-Prest. if. A. WILGIi~So, C'ashier F. T.STOWn, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol :tMels $50,000 Surp los $2110,000 Resources $2,800,000 A Genersi Banking Business Transated OFFICERS: Chas. E. Hiscoch, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pros.: M. J. Fritez.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. P. Mills John Haaorer Jno. Koch trof. H. S. Carhart Henry. W. Dougias, Christian Martin lDan F. Zimmermlan FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ei. 1). KI 'NtO, IARRISIN SOUTLE Pres Vice-Pres. S. W. ILARItCSiN, Cashier. Capital $100,000. Surplus and P'rofits, $60000. L rnn Se~Anni~iisank Comrmrola e.rrd Ssavteags Ce,-. Mek ls ad Liberty Str..t. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W.\1NlED. - Ii 'oritcd-Tcoread(looss soloists for chorch positions. \Apply 1t011ce oil 3112 Sott Division St. iii II 'ooied--h'iver studcints to earn Chioral tUnioin andil'May Festiial seaon ticktl- by' selliing ticktis. IlihrloImillssini. For paticlars cail aoi R(tf.0'ti- versity' School .f\l isc. loenaril street. Ii ',iiild-1iirier. atthe 'locks' \l iniin Club. ;125i5S011h Fifthi. FtOR RIVNT. Jor entei-Lorge sooth site of ros holl block southlioflcamnpus, at1.2b S. Thayr- St., with stcoin holl.gami telepihone, for $.5o01aiWeCl. 7-8 P01" Rrnt-Goodilsuite for rent1: light hetat, i'phonte iti~.rTwo dur-, nt'ol ca- ipus. 2311 S. Thosier. 7-80 i JLost131111 iwotchin inieiw's I'ngiieeiii 'iworid. 7-S-oi MA NY STAR FRIf7S-1IIEN Iliree fitll eleves'cfcisiidat'sini .;oe all-fveshliifotbll teal prnce thorough imp5le io rmatieiion udrth watchfl eye of Cochiiioiigis )eSiccr lois'aftrnoonci . As tlele fesl lilioily01 hoive a fen' does iin munlhi t rpr for their clasho niithlioiiiNiiritherl l;ii ci rsity at .Ado, Ohlioi, iiet Saturday, haidtirlilIk 0111libe lie prioiamfroml ii.w s'onl. Douglais exopects ii( 1have'is puoils ready foIcir t'iiimmage by W\cdnies- day afteriion. Mi1chi., leeks giood fur a1 place in th b111khfheld, olso Croiiini, froiiiiMarshaell IHighl Schll, is libel0yiiatierial. \iioitiei fromi Saginawl. This ladillias been ue v011 fullbackion ithe vaorsiiity'rstres lori' lie loast three11days a oii oksi i0go..d. IlIe' platyedl three yetarls ithiiSoigiiawiic s li gil. ickardel, 0 Saginawlilrecri, is1 111o1wn tip twll 011 iquartercki.Colit, filmer Oberini College tickle, aiiid Comasll, nhoii oelits friomil >shieilisteen M\ilitary Neoldelil, will raiiI high ini t'e selectioiiiof maiteril'ofr lis line,. IDoulglasstinlks well ifMshoiiiiii ar- tool of Chicago. Irirnig-, till- right indiiii'. if11 prices; at til. t' udoients' 1.1 okst, c'. SSheehanl & Co. tf At \I liii'0010 iicecc2,000 seaisilif01o11 ball ti'kt's hoat' airi'oii beeii sold. A5 cup has'.becen011wardeii oilSyra'tcuse to1 thel'111011 11 hi-hest scholaistic staninig among thse \t-hohave'wlntevi st P ic s hest. Pi- antill s toil oflil llii oi- 1,1s.1 , (4 N11 I. al spil ty. 11 ' h iii lai s l(y iii- 2iii 1. u~tui' St.g $o 2-14iii saicc'. If '-()11'arcat las . 11'. ou >utdlc I rut _-oi. W] holtrst me'v r call ~ onday )I- any tie.I oil .117 1;411d,( )illISll)ic : $; i pn 01 ., : $ 11"Stu 11- ll iit s in 1 tday's ,lllDail inl cS i- Ills MICall1g11101115 sire ltd. e2u14 Sriltce(. S e .tSkihn1ersloilo s. 2oda7 S 111111 4 p Soiicsie. i 1111111 . iii 101 ilui's ihithis i's El i f as eil Spil" f& I oii.,0.'Tis p ell s'.i IM 51111 01en poin and la'c e ill' Grieatei'iii etyo& enn'ts..d il- )ws at. Im e'iui i ceSiuls. L nsIlieu 0& i- Ym )sIrgl, \.e cterl imaie," at1 SM i' 'lesi.u S h(p :a.St - \lorill.324 S. Sate,'Wil do vif The differeilt Store of Better Clothes C ol g Sut aid Overcoats Firnlishinqs, Wt s, Laps, ci v L04 f J. I. WU[RIN -COMPrANY THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 THE SERMION ON. THE, MOUNT A Cioutse of F~ive Lecture Studies Giveit by G. P. CottonK Suntdays It 4 IP. M., ibeginttintg;October t17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Historical Setting of the Sermon. The Beatitudes. Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets. Turning the Other Check. Be Ye Therefore Perfect. STUDENTS ARE CORDIIALLY INVITED) TO Oct. i7 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 ATTEND Studeftts Vtott wiii fitid jutst what yott teed to futrttishtyoutr rooms T5 MISS LOVEELL'S STORE 23j2 S. Stoic Si., Upstairs Pillows, Banners, Pictures, Lumps, Netting, Tuacks, H'ammers, in fact a full line of den-supplies. 'sIlkif I ./l sb.h lll . b. / 1,f t j~'al II W 1- ''y lr r~cl E. H. IFOWLE;R 10 Law, Prop.. Freshmen Cups istersehl he *Gym. Shoes, Suits, Towels, Etc. esrshfSos * Laboratory Suits and Aprons WAGNE & co J. &M. Shoes Engineering Overalls and ,inden1t oll ts. Barker Collars Operating Coats and Aprons Hawes Hats Holeproof Hose - Sweaters Clueti Shirts f FIFTY-SIXTH SEASON SIUD[NTS' L[CIIJR[ ASSOCIATION PRESE PTS The Premier] Lecture, Course of AmeGrice. DRK. FKEDER.ICK Ar COOK LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHIACKLETON Who has reahed farthest South HON. ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE R U. S.Senatorlfrsm Wisosn MAUD BALLINGITON BOOTH Sscioloisit, Beformser, and Oratsr (ERALD STANLEY LEE Em~inent Eieor, Ensayist, and Letumr HON. CHAMP CLARK Leader of Minority is Congres LORADO TAFT The forenosut Sculptsr .1 the Weut SEUMAS MacMANUS Irelands foremost Poet. Author and Lecturer UNIVERSITY ORATORICAL CONTEST and DONALD ROBERTSON AND HIS PLAYERS Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $2.50 University Symphony Orchestra tS 1 for new muenmbers Wedntestday evetoig, SchloI Ir ou of Music, 7 :30---9. Lo« orchestra pitcht. Sight,-reading not the first consideratiou: br i, slottilii fairly ificlt thtat yotu have psracticed. SAMUEL PIERSON LOCKWOOD, Conlductor LAW BOOKS 400h year- DICTIONARIZS 4001 yean- 11M QVIZ BOOKS irs. Arks.Anrben LEG3AL MISCEL.LANY Arias Arbee' Callaghan ( Co. CHICAGO Arsae An-baor Snwah, State Oppoeaw nerBldg- DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Bound- silo a. in.., 20 l>. 171., 1 4.')01.1n. Limited Cart West Bound-- l .ioil.l.,2l't I> t, 5'24 p. 1in. Local Cars East Bound--2,, Derit,:5:45a. II.,in i or inoie 0:45i111). To II. 1)tsi- '1 tt , ,III. 011011 halfh botiii'ino1:15 p. in., 'lso 1.12: 1) a. 1 ?; i 3~lI01:. ti. 1% 50ila. ii. To iLncai Cars West on d--);45a ., 7 5a I bnIt, yii I iii ' to11:1111.111, Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Filth Ass. NOew Phone 457 Bell Phune 457-L MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Norths University Ave. 0. A. MOE. University of M~ichigan Union's Cltb Hoe a Brnban-Shop GEO. V. STOL.L, Properito~r r r~a , P-nr* 7^ r r T !1 . -w-4 A -L.. r- "