The Michigan Dpi Vol- XX MICHIGAN JACKIES TO BE REMEMBERED #lEncouragement of Sailors at the Pennsy (lame Will Receive a Fitting Testinmonial Asuitable ok foolr lttho fceto ndl shnip Micigan, caryinsg withitiithe ap- pricitonof the studentstfor theIinei pirit tisp1layediitowards dth football ta tth chin-tPetitst ii ii a gametlastifall ia llsees to beI fias- sured.LaI-st nih t hSudnkContcil took tip usc n siot ndmAduecuid tole- gin1 Ottaitit cdmiii55tio f tie vriois moil. The. lirits cass ptoiits sill sins lkly tbecgint proerito a-- p int coil itt s c in lthe i cass s Io itill atendt o teclcintooof tie fendtos. It slick i hoc st cclalst inihti, attoembeir of theictudetioCioun iici saitcd liat ithelicountci ht oittteilltll t1 strtthelicfttit sitier owt intoIthtimfact lth ct veracolectiiiosihadbeinlicttaen titsor iI i otlthe rnhs of clee -actiiy- etltieri iitieflltsdithatiwithllithis fait i indut Iit -s tost tcitnsiered aciistiltesi toiattilt aot sheittlectiolust that time. A ccringo thi is iimoembielr o ie, cttcidtupontasiattgtimotion is c113- ti- cutillsisitha t i li ltitiofferod wi l ige cit dulls cionsidenrcc. iTe oll owing-- ootitiitttc 1 trtu tie citiuncil his litcii a pitilll I i tsupei se u te a iig of tilt n: , . ak ollIotig t-(,in ioti s heldbt t mel whlii o wietprsntt ithliiigametiand iwhoIt witnsed he lil t ationc ofiiliithe bai1 ttnn tll ilecItlt IPhip IG I itlilt-"A mot peaslg fnehtu f theiPittiicNigani tatietof thi yarandbie h wilpt n titt ilt fotil I- ciuilit nl, lst peitts-ito hel ganvni of this ikniifligito Is teoottal ttilt by theiofficersnon-iiciulnlitsionedofiiscrs andl ciiw of liiibatlociisipt tNMich-i. tha t 01 tiemoitstaccomlised i efftotsOof an ui ndegtaduarte ciii ciutgsita. As a nitdelciof faci Ihy ot-tceeirid iand osucgthtiltitjacents Iceer in octiots "It tcttntr iie ttouon c is1lithe 1oce1mles ofthte mctat ii i titili erturnciitng a ticlli desrsedcmitplimetnctt if liiisttdenti titdsf NMic igantoosen teoldsotieintokei f appreialtilonlfthaIliitiltr liatytr aind ofthefi i litba i i ttoeship named i otiuti iiithis o tm fo ur s ltsii i i th c 11111 -lilthIleiic ofilc i hi t ec iptfileitrs 111f1tattiiteofo othiiIi teirsciidnt 111d isecruh\tarIylostithec ian lub ofiit i tslp iai andI aipi ticlarl ernst appea lo t ersonti till itlcIil I 111 oflels tts of iii I andtcitvery11priftn- re nt l tftstn " T su hiflly1111 st ii oftill 1111 ctlthatn to iIls tilundts o t a tpres fntttitooof s-ic- nt t-ti I -tothesc tsteel tt hi de mand11ii ii 01 It si lls liial 111an 15 stisr l tuter- it the csi-cilofiioulrtic out the gamtutuIwtastwitotdoubilitinge in- mutntirtiiicofthe Uniiverii-nsity , gat- tides titd apprenciattio to ithii friendti- shit tutul giod will'" Keneu Iiitzpactrich < u spirit dis- placyntd by t stilsoif tie Mitichigano itn precsenititn ot fotoll toum is-it the \'\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, tt FONF-SDAY, J_ 1tiURY rz 1010. t e } t vofmuh csi ei .BASEnI B ALL COACH detsshul n om wvdoscn WILL I 1 NOT RETURN t h t ter a p eito .o ths 4c.f l tton isis s ote lone.ti c is 1cl timec to doo it. Old New York American Player hoc Nlric hesilciol itolittis Is a Possible Candidate for helpediis I~vtshirtchnedimng.oTheIyl wireit Yacancy. siit is II hasoc vrc inn esicscd. I a lah ifte stillssf0Iuol NIichiganoti e helc t inoofavsoicof liihe oooun oor--aduates bal ll to n1 l l no00111 too urnI1111t \ooo 1or -ainitg otps too showothal t such lit acltills lhis s toong IItoissuccssortt aslots tolInu of tho timl t ut tht udeno t s iiiiniothet1l7c11*- tikran tollicker, otfor cerllooasc ttcheI lo vensity is wlch the 1011rNYo tototeillns a h r Albert ilcnlotsoo ---"I feelsurei t the cach. McNlii s it11101son o is itnot- fodlti t it t iltI hav 1101011 out tootohIi iist I t ilts lilot - c-of ttie 01111....... ,.11,..i1.13i i1 st-ti sils ot tif i i-il ht sic otght Ito, nsonio%,'lits-s-,a LEAGUE GIVES CALENDAR College Women lan Long List of Festivities. Iu toondoufitvet-titg Plti- ts 4, t W Noman'uts Leaguen still giCst- os boti olcor et-ich bous mliig-onto ts sill betus1d.11]lie btand 00111furniolh liii N tt8 ise eagueitit l-to ois kil 1of17 so -litsoit ne to- wsi- i 0 1 l t nin Otton11110 011eningi--tFtbru-noo2oo 1111 tmotan- desptil l t il w iN-sftooto llot hart- The partoiloult rita1. afterkooo , NI t Grenofel is enpetdfol to b101100imNAtotr oo t-t ldaf t oon I sio still ll a ttiu- lolml ta i lk mitheI to y. I n to elot ii s te ill giveoa pulic ito li i ll eto ls it allitunderI tecusiceofitheoll - frg cm ite. fiteN\omtoilidl 5 ndoo t 1 dii tinexl t hia aft-rniuoo ati-lutlsh lot flro 01111 n attsittit. " N.Irs. Jiloll-o l\a V r ith lfcal it s wil lb d RIII 11 ISLANI)I tOiFKJAI. NI th RNN kI laft t i s, 011001es toe subjectI oil"WaNN otorltPowicr" ts ffternoon tout2fin ou hotnTITappan' hal I ni ht ihe -oevenitn lot-e tiill setakilot theio m ec ho cln 1010 u. li fintc iiitfttt it too uia lii th tn t telttoi I.:\NGN SEIN SAN N NARlBOR1 A Ni NNNhlIfIGANN SiNt "Nest ou t-e.GrndOtIfld thaim Cu" thin Nc-l lwiandthe f le101s10 t1efitleo a b tudniws ong tit hii s ich mtoo it aotplottnce Ottltcuius ltodayuiThe nts lieit is bhot NN1 ohi I NII a ot- mer-ly a tsueti fit- noogiingd 0p1r1menit , tahoustIformlitrislg"h Theoslottieeis 101imued wioooth fanteten strnge-r echoug oi lte ptiifhi- ouistt tuldthhis ibesils :1trui t chy fli sig lilmthe c vr t atiltteit iiis Nihcig-tclic-ithfltrough. sf01 new phiece w ill Ohe flitsf10001 b of fthec uoi~os notsit sltothes Noteffortilis lot-hg to e too sovlt 00101wNMichiganu song prfet ssiona l pflit itiolr0100000 NI of t-s nlgo Min lft ttto hoof erit y otina oyt-art--goat reshot empilflod hou DeftoulOfe hits itas lktphtoon clses oucthi sthioamp~us afi, mo out tibt Incquen iit'sto Al !orNNtlthr fo t the a fafttp sitioflt lh itghtit %-isii nn 0001 f th tooI fout I fLowegiteithtof0 thI() tte m o ldot cceoti01tot i i itofu1 iio010r100 to s liiit ut tol wo00101 10011 s ct. Nc itNfster hs ben -utothlysnsil o esf l in It 01101-- oth 00w illin g itte s and 0i 0 w s und ortuod tti itheu ntooth la t -co 1-ha - - -tooo etrn bt het- oh alles~edngl g~odrer ofthto-io u hi falo u i-oandhas irobalyot eu n i tt erc I~°s~ nlu-- Nutld loaondlii tis 11 OtO -ot ttoi o ti i111 t 1Il 000 soth s toti (( l hn11 he \ - I l fthng .l l I -o i heui ledi t fit. it1 o)to util hu rt xt en httf -t. ote ots fbI ut- 01 i -itt- ots ret su den1t5of h 111sf u-alld wsil sutcsittofuoast Nnu 1111 the ran Rapds tam nitlostl 1Q ( Ie W os tto hothtit otlto to tam .0 0 dd o t1000 f llytotof 010tl e Otto v lu c m t \ lror. if0000 ISotto-- -boo louwit s stisro rd I t ics 111 lm, otu it fve m N 0-sit-i--it t li ealot's 'a tou sits u le sfi )ts s r's of a "vi- ahiTh e p a s s c so l -loR i ck ey h a wci ochn Ohi toleynN-T inalouu Mo ie oilf itoosthe n \% oachut i l n t ora01010lat'0s lilt 0000,00u0 it1 c 000110 b LAW COURSE SHORTENED Opportunity (iiven len to Learn Profession D~uring Vacation. Th 0inoaioin isthe 1la depfalOt100eilt ut-autsitng fte ittitittit soss tion, by fwicho -c lac clorts ari hetoshotfened l ms a t-tohlts ho-init ti leliittoo ill wa a Itm feto-l vr- mea esh. Alt invstga ion w s noade ft uiliitheshtn-- dels atldglstiltar's slllltier 5nc t s so bothe r osooto ofor atend-osinog tmm lsh o otaldh th rt hey lins tuhi favo a hang s whrebytadvned shtnd- ot theobsu tned todthelilte wilt otto heh i t l ill Ifitor of it. NIussititclasses ite 1,,1v, d slot etit aretwf lo o urotos attweei. Ill theu tllle sesOtsit l wichIt siff beteOslo sostiss lotion, ili 010000sc-s toill lot-six houtrsa'ek an in th is tit lil t csire-ses- tr's wsn oth int ll out incolur soe till bI o mpleou te-In tl" i- binthe -ssson.T utucuout-se wiloltot ro-it sift slake lilt fthe tsched ul uin t th oof the firstoot t o yer~slt naloot hco iloverd illi s icutot firs sils h sel ed c t ontwith bos tilt I fill yu- in-u tilei- TO sat eti liets f -ni ~o lofthsir-t-tnlml ctue-ls eah.too-euar Jniort, sGir Show clars oitingde [)rm omietiry-Pou vctios l n t Is yea-sococ o th i pusth tir "i col its-ume so o ls ak ti a o d Il 1nt 5 i;to ves.-li %v'i I n s thanl 111k - nais liifo lios t lysh- e e tb itdto theus c o m itte o jd which i tto se lc othejo i rl' la 1 0 flDr.ts cii, Oh io lilt lst )caOl 1)n lwil ac I-,lo l 11c ci is o Only oftlinesof thet layi wreitc t cic o edi u llttecth e NOct1 aon ;'en,,c ml t ed.1thou f theoptysIs dw 001s iss oof il ,if h i w clis .10 i itf 110r 1 w ith ld pe digshe5c viin o h o i-tu lot u0 1111 01 iThetlsi sub0it te e iiis x I el too fthl iisi ti -o cl tii fatir thsa s ter irl ini so las m h stic~ll o otnitco ccrioul r a 1 c lay s stilltc r cic ht oprai i haaUT onlt-i c Q ltcensmig.. I-u-i-tics r ha eiddy oprtc riNi fIn W eski ill the aldfr ffs il eiKlMf5N be ift schl a- VARSITY DEBATERS READY FOR RIVALS Cuingress Will Not Monopolize jTariff Question in the Near EFuture. V"10tiiistst litle stub a wee llft - ;r ;c tc~tes wtos Cuh iago)hioand- c3; . k-h ""m ) IthesoonnIeIofimincrfols :c-tac dh tc rr cOrul 01cc arssmu nne tlc dir ti 1 f lofcts slots orlister fs e 11 1 sso f sO si sta oocntt Th c,, t ; t 1 c{c hatcd s :ot e n- :1 c trI hcItd o11Imcto bemo a tona NO d f,1( . uths qI t iout I sou ldgs 5W Ni tek111; casc f the ta~iffit t3 , llit'It '.? i'o l ocu't s csct te p eset i The Nmihcc dotsrn t lmoowhsic wil t~tk th( ttc~atic sie ofthe bov toies itart~d >siI< n f it, In to is - depat-s --:oint lciso-o ,toslilutversed uifntNih ittal d h'ttttt 1)tth s and111cith, oc 1sO silo cl<1 i~t~. h' illftk t hmtt e ;ir-, ft~rthe ~r'tl~' mt'r tifor .,' r ~ crztls 1sit-h --tiool fnuthei \orttcrt ()atoic~ lcmtst adihiintle ':'ira-() t_'titcr'ti css--s -nssstic-ohratory , u ec>calsh os. i s I a\u m m bertnu ,)f hc cr~ss NN oil)()f.teoColtleg totl l~ihr~ll art. c cila clwssaltsm emer ,f ~ r~tccrr fi~htntt i'bain;ta- l~ic mc fh [ Ivrsiy o ClicaY ni i'la s o lfous 1 Ii cisus suil c ic5s loti ,.ate rooms i h lpouluc - an lul noont-f t s:o. mci 01100 e 01 e w humtig 1an0 ifshot clii om iow pou la ilum he direcstors \discos tlc t at- ll te rooums it] thlim \- plans. Nilctfurnishtto iots or alcl o~m I sc-tot-Otstic o-in t ms-Uniesity, bloc- liiful c cl plan "~fill afitodafte hoe f Ic Itndng f~c hy if -d her( orh [Cl i"MIh,S I lssiN Nf .is-iuss- NI W atins is 0esfecialmlii co- cuss ~ot h tlocutdoon ier w ith r is i t h in- itt fwt o fam iI I c ICttw so usaol che caccommh odtedci oid titt7; i~ttoutst tic.oilolli oh c~ t oo s xlot mote ,tg. hl ctq ac hus ie ens snti. I Pontci lss e uilcr h Arm & thtworkof costrutin coanl lu ~tl fcr t~t s us scouts ve5 lit 51ar5carred son i ote grhat ,lof tiri \ fe tu es itc tmhey- ;- loMih ee:rnittid to imoothis cr ctlcr ori ;to l Mr. t foumohuso d muh o tie scces cctyhe tt-itt odt i l isa dil l. - I i. tns civ Plansoo e too mad f To) i i taidiplmaoi i t he rtet tI s nullr lobluounlho 101 00001 ttkos1p1ac so flt etitist aof t umnoh"IN n ht 1010m o loo lts scts ex t 0nstool - ut titiii stolf mte tuf ii ihictlor smo re ics1a ects cre o ttiitl~s s'\ fist-Isa fit oss tom I illicint h frs mui fo th mc y w ih wll o tonid tome te s udm enal sohum chargool t si pirot sd hoc a i-fto -1u u c h mors e ossios he comicrs ilj flt tho dwo isofcit nhioshotl-me t oil-pil 0atil soic:appleis fcsr bthe lo l s itt ot as ht1 uloduingft-e secuso bond h umuso tf iboT icut s arcii flt so-co Ie u-os-cs the-fithiearisly rap-iduly t etii oo cents. Professorl Jetty, bThirdl uear stllujcuis still toolt e ossand Airs Nis. -ou ''e t iifcubisteio-i e tt e offre tdring- tho- summerionsessios.iOrupart-.