ACHE MICHIGAN DAILY nd rgment YuThe Bl .est 'Von,,i go here, and hunt there-try har- g_ i nprices and chieap clothes, but nowhere, It rhorerafter, will von find in valuere cci;1iir the price pateidso muchsatisfoction I,,IIN-l.l IX'SAR".T CLOTHES give. 10 i" c f cci ic ci fi9'i JUtle v ix ou i to xvear them-h.ut that is uot so l l.7iv e tnsist they fit lbetter, have better I xx letter than any other clothe- in the So n/i +~ s trii. ~'i~sc it Afel Co UNIVERSITY NOTICES -Vandolin clib -chearsal toniih t 7 :15. Important. Regular nmetiig ofd . W -X A Newberry hail ai 5 o'clock ii hi Sophomore girls' luncheoiiatiBarbour gymn, Thursday, Jan. 13, at 12 in Fresh engineer trace candidat- at 5 p.,in. Wednesdta- in tropht vi. Important biusiness miicting ofj. engineers, Room 419, tOinew ngi si/ti_ building, at 4 p. M. Important fresh engineer nicitini 0 1t unlay at i:is Roimtii 9 new en ginicering building. Candidates for freish lass trick toan r : XVaternian gym. Trophy roomii, 4 P. ii Strasbturger, manager. All t9t2 engineer track caiidates in- terested in class relay tmcet in the trophy room Friday at5 p. tic Daughercii. Class basketball teamts wxill lbegin prat tics tonight. A schedule of ptice lhours is posted itt the gymn. M0tzigto report at once to P. W. Kitisei cimtci-- class maager. BN PATIES lI,\ AIRS FOR COMING I X fY A dancing pant-, given by tchXe i Batnd ottThnursdlay eenitng itnlBar' gymi offers the tint chiatiectoinducit tepsichoreain revels tiefore the fas preachting examinatti-. lThis i-st first of a series of entertaitti(icts Ii Ity the hand and a speciali-iii mtade to produce a spleiidla The hand will furnish all it., iii The meni hax-e been wonrking citrd a' rounditig their pieces itnto shtee I gente Fischer, the leader, has ben Detroit atid brought out all the niii_ lieces. '"By the Light of 'the Srii- Moton," a birand ness tiece just tell bo Remnick, wilt be featrei.Ts li is repnted by the local ilealers: to beIt -trongest hit itiat the lDetroiit.timI tuoblishued for a year. Amoni the tt tnsvclties is a piece, "College J ing,t arrantged iy Fischer for thetiuliose of coiimbining thtetiopitlar college iii x The ltest operatic mtusic andI tiet i ii cetittne stecialties haitixeetici-i tie i titii itill be hetirdl on lThursdayloev, tug. Seveitty-fixve centst:ter couplettiit chtargedl for aidtmissiion. MI FDIC I)EAN lDISCUSSiES TIlE EFVOIUtSIfIN OF x lit. Xictour C. Va-ga hipketoimidit stuitents at McdMillans hitll hiast Sint Ic etiacedl lie slow levelopmtieit totfi frotm the stne age to the highlyt do oieid civilizatiton of lie preset. "Flait is first iif all a iii atl,- lDt. Vaughitin, "atitdle irt ste In tterttetiis the impici en y e afre "0 V, I I Wednesday, Jan. 12 t;N ,Pr. 110O.. COHAN'S OWN MINSTRELS {Al:- oti e r. i-iiuer taieiBetter Tani vran i ietlixileconaize Leading OHAN & HARRIS _T MINSTRELS ,- WITH ai tetes EO EV N AND THE FAMOUS HONEY BOYS in,/is f . O 1bstrs of I2ii Superb 9 Seic Etiuieiiiieetts, xarelussLight- I i tii. Te nirter Entertainnen, Cneve]WiteiitatiProduced ty CEO. M. COHAN "1.00 Prices: 35-5075-$1-$1.50 cnnSEAT SALE MONDAY a dite iivariots styles, -i -ettodc. Each ia the - i diiilcl itealiy of ma- te tittslip atd finish. - Iithitig is ai important ilanithttllee's training. enslthe eye, tais tmusles, wisndc. ter is no finer t ,i itiuantee peret good -3. i. e boueiiiie witoutcostexc tet i le official alt of the - itbe used by college teams is, ,e: Feltand WinerrSort-FREE. r'Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ANN ANR1BOR BIBLE CHAIRS ,tE At ST.TEL- 937 STI-ILLIFE of CHRIST uI U/4ES BY G. P. COLER 7- ,12T0 1P.M. - - - - Jan. 16, 1910 --Jan. 23, l~s lcs - Jan. 30, Christ? - - Feb. 6, . hitianit - - Feb. 13, T'.i ;r ii ri.ito ii-sit e cirse 1. iii:iuiuit :, t refe ie A ii - i ll t: e i nt i eeeted ii . ito yinviiiite ttteaiyior A o Sot ias at 251/c Discount. All trowseors 201 o Off. NTTA HIPTS 1.70 _firt now $1.20 $1.35 $1.50 $1.88 $2.25 $0.85 51 d6 T IH- un&Fiogol 20-2z02 South Main Street. Thie hoared of eduicatioii of \ ix hasi edecided tio biil iianceigt-sxiry schioiol builditng. The e-ifiice- wiill $io,ooo,ooo, anth will accoiiiiiiatci putpils. Sotie of the tiewxea ture- tie fonreevanttors nan ii oinbb withi tiseaintg tipaicity oiiitemnIK Yo a fCriage and Baggage t !i)iiiipu-iuto indlromtt parties, Iochii $1.50, afteri12 o'cloek ii iiit'iun ii r froimidutar, Che ii 25 ent. Ifeariedhtio la-si rsithe tricerwill tee ,t t ,Anti to -nitecti-ash ii .I s 'iCtIVPt ANlisa enireceived iii ettulsfurnishedl A GO(O01)PART' OF'THtE tI,t. I it gintg anty is-le-rei-si itt I nit i tuoeryebfur thteticcauuoni,vxx l~iti to ciullege, tii churihtoi the opra o t woirk, pcople loiioticewhaiioti Ii,c il, tiesitis, sne feels muir -e iiuiiii l aitit iniienmtminthe right soetao l i.s XWe tire Ttiltors, Hatberidashesattr ndorQaiyQaifu iesQickl. "Good tobaccos-tiept fitne," i to We bane our own stock inuuu, espciu ii kt designed amid arranged. 307-309 S. Stale St. -- HUSTON BROS., MOE'S BARBER SHOPsix 705 North University Ave. O.A.MOE.I Detroit United Lines Ox ueuluu'uuutefin toi Divinion Superir. toriior Alen-t, V'psilanuti, of theDetroit txii*. lite':ste ofticers of "Varsity or- tutu itt o tit-himovemnt, beyond - u-to rty iof teregular ser-vice, of cx~ or up iof tuiients to or from Ann Timr extra cars and extra service will he promptly supplied. VA LEIBK'S jOO Emaxt Wxxhlagtaos St. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice C{-eam . Phones 78 L 78 Llue lOP -nlO g- O. /\t \AYD [LAL)I P :LL sk '- WARD, TH' ;. THE BEST OF EVERY T"lING IN TAILORING i