'PHE MICHIGAN DAILY Wc _v cnike lines VFokt for Suit- Aoll m- roll- 1.y cti~ for W x1wI~ttiDress CALL ANDSeIaUy 310S. STATE STREET At t ea ewSr - TH MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor CQLARIGNCD E.ELDRIDGE. Business Manager CARL H. 0. ADAM. A~ddiess : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., M1ay nard Street. Offlce B ours : Manlagng Editor, 8-11i p. us. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. mn. tExcept Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. Naws...Lee A White Assistant .......Harold Titus Aitetics ...'..Wilbur D. Elliott W~omsen ......PFrieda Klilstitek Mlusic atnd Dranma.M otlis S. Baker Exchanlges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Cthartes Good G. S. Lasher Johns T. Kenny ASSOCIATE EDITORlS. Water K. Towers harry Z. Pole Dion flrey D. A. Hinckley ii tlior B. I.Vtoetitllan Russell B. James l ead Lasstoil Hurry G. Myser h Vrtnk isselt Charles H. Mylander :Mortis looser H. Mack Ryan Wsade Otiver BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman01 Norman Ht Hill Wal~tier Q. Wsilgus Myer Ruhin Kenet ortsOsborns NormlanlWittet seism~allknt tie ci~ ~ N& O ol .is lis wl te e ~ ~) Ni fit:RP +^akA Bl gals bsatleshsipscress before lbs Inor ale Pensnsylvania gamte. Wie ,V t-etswr h iit iteie:ri of hoss those ioair hutdradi ci-- marched 0on10 the gridironsoil preen-' the members of the fotaleevntp a handsomte flag sod theoughooust gamue inispired the reprsesssativsof the maize said blaseswithi muiand is eesi 110 ofisciat action lhassbe tkntoso these jolly tars, swhosa onluts es hadi bseeii te namie MliiO i tis ithat atk is AAiborsseare ive thiousanidimen andi swoiien silo recogisiza lhesapairit of 5c1,1 lowship aind respoind tosi. Thu 1is sweeks Iare passed since ltatsall game, it is sot yet too ltetoareedayi the oversight. The sailors tidithe'ir tribsute to Miichsigan ssiltissls, sigldl- honlestly. Canniot thsis Usisitaly tboat retuirn the comiplimnit JUNIORS INDULGE IN PURITY SA'lOK1iR Si SatliN Ovter aevenity-fiv e11111o1is Illstesdsed the first smtaker givel-teli c lass tis- year. This ssaslthe fisat smoketoilbeI conducsitedtalong waiasen dcl the "purity plani' and1thisafisisws a5 dleciedtsuccess. The ul it nussisi ider andsldosighnuitis55asptissesits alter these liadt beens anjo~yedalillitu aindu settlesd hack ill their ch as toenjoy the toasts swhichs folsssest G. S. Lasher, actig s ataster, kept tip a running fire if Isistthrousghoust. The first ihoast, Oure Duty ls to ahaSen iors,"swas to lisle Ibeeisgilvsniby Iowell Care, sot a nof thicla esa isetsrked hse mnissedt his cir suitdIwas ssssbleto b le presenst. Donasld KahiisslieseforeI a ict the funictiont by tellinigwsitshle eoisisi erest to lie "Ouir Daily to thiSopahoi snores," aiid isas fostlowedcitylF,.I IsislI Poiund oin 'Our lDuty- to the 1 ri atc i Joe Hornse was next oiced tlasea spondlalto 5a1 encore to lila tilIasooaf lee whlichi Harry H amimondsiaveisv sati lie considered to tie the "Navi as isv Evils" of college life. In a shorst 5stp talk Edwsard J. Walish, treasurer ofitis claiss, toldl in a iiew ssay the old stor if "Hue atid Dtun." t'rest ILsitoIsiay: e his iow- fanmouas iimpersoatisssiss f Fieldliig It. Yost indst sns ii i Raltih J. Block gaveashrreueo; lisa J Lils in thesir ativitues isois h stage, lieinig fosllossest by J. .I aIt swithi "J. Lits ini Mtsic"-r lakt{iG occasion tos engasge inieea htso. at the musicians tiesesnt sait 1eptisthe assembslly in a ripptle of 1aughter aIill it is lug the course of histak Miaurice Myers tlo th nee al otherswise of the class i thics, and--as ai closiing thought said ~ aewi iaidllost,butsit hse wordis ofonesNV.- Shakiestpeare, 'let 'em come'." ArthuL; . Curtis than toaste'i Abssent Ones" ansd spoke 55is ocii sermis of thse girls ofthcls.Ieod of ihe opplorunities swhich tseliii I () Ills class sre slloing toiplisabill ii b'ecomnig betteracuai ed w'itsith IseII to co r ll r mo , j rtsil wit iss iller t lassit It Isfi.- £m tIN scsels urt-- 5 e a utiy. is is - la ye whictshHiltse-r i w a a int OFFICE SUPPLIES Begin the Year Right Yos uay needii Handy Desk Calendar Excelsior Dairy Day Book or Ledger Quart of Ink Pint of Mucilage Box of Pens or Bands Bill Heads,Receipt Blanks Filing Cabinet Fountain Pen or a Dozen Pencils Typewriter Ribbons ' hiyulir~equIlirein MIllsline at WA H R'S University Bookstore LY N DON 719 NORTHl UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing g Prilltillg Enlarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners BAILEY & EDMUNDS Chi s, F lisicland Ammusnsition 1,_ .Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Michigan R. E. JOLLY 'S 08 S. ST ATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigar ettes. -~ tl! -stafsib iatthey lily a lisa -Visa aS 5 ti isIa t il ll over sis-i,-flvtr ht orsit l It l IIX's, J AN U RY Ts, 1910. i-szi l a Jca i- NV si<'s fillK. 'lowVRs. lsiiss Clear, contiiinedl cold. t' I- lVIlfillY CALENDAR. (,. Jims13 .S itsgirls' Iusiselisiu, Barbiour HC -lUn.iinismemeisipi dinner, s. I ni ris etls til lsa. 6fpin. J11 13i i-VYastytBanid dansce, Barhour 4t- 7}5n is - I asT5-cior is l t daicee Isidtluncheon, 11 its se silgy . 12:311. J-t 5 Ni - thltilsNsoati oniielection. vt I_ ills ilt issall. d p. iM. J «n. j It-suit Ititi 5tois Booth, S. L- ois tal Poll1 -i IhI tansa s1- 1 Irf Ilt of i-a It Io s ial if a ad Is Suple L'_ as r6s en T"l ti IT] ;i-t ii linii ir liidace, Grass- Jans. 2i VishelIspetor," Comedy Cluh pla y, New Witney. Ju - .2i --SesIsisas MacManus, S. L. A. 3r. 28 _- rSleslall Lisgisseer dance, Har- (",iii stythisigbe Is e 0cinconisistcent thniheUsaiv ersity of Michigan posing ra - I ,t:leasesr against tuberculosis 51rol its inineast facultyimenmbers and - t - -Ongiii- censitisiswihich trevail 1p,5ions srdenst is forced its ysir or usea sptssblic drisking cipi, tsitc- is suevriably ladesn with bac- 11111. I' is aitairy condition sof some of t:isigsisapose isdeed, whsile vs 5s% 5 iisn iswsssae, the onedmisal -(sit ithtis inisthue most 1conspicu- osexmlea sinitse camuss. A little i7 i 'The best inthe I lse (is/ssisid s thsa e laI-test in ()peieiluati st Ind 1:iihiii 'althss best msakes isf 'at I situ s MUSICAL SUPPLIES 01' ALL KINI)S t1ies1?1b x ic WI use Havo youa heard that ;xtnker at the Theatoiu Better huzrry, She's Gre.tlI 1wefliinteCity %I-ni fo B11-,.Lavrysdent oult B -B.r.B PIPES 19 lMichigall Pillows Marked Down to Close Out BETTER COME QUICK E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. R'ANDALL & PA CK, Ph ot ograph ers phone 598