. , THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. HL Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fu~ll Dross Ssits a Specialty THE MICHIGAN DAILY. C'kiii. ii. U. kam1 BUSINESS ST'AFF Nora siItttsi. Hlii '. ..Bowmsian L.11. Lairwill Addsress: .\lIrGis iDsILiY, Press Bidg.. MatysnrdStreet. Oftice I lties :ltsiagtttg Ediitor, 8S1 pin. Business Manitager, 1-2, 7-SP.Issi. l'tstep t Sunday.tt Bostht phon~es. 'II.SI) \Y , lic'TiiIz1 i, igui. rest activiti es wshile thteir fellowets: test if sterileparitients aemIC tip wichei, wshile tultimatttelysur ob tiercotme, istfor a titea novn-u ,- esee. Siusce the rulinig has beieti soisits essisil inithe Literary eprtentit NAI. ii, 'x.,'r etittlil le footl-liartly for tha tspatiten it hse with the leiiiissItyiniglht Majestic oreliea1 its ationii;'andi ait'rinll th itibit ts a shiowiirthier abhove lie titer- til'stiltuton susliiseemssi et he ste .'last tijgti' Its fitsie ii is teat assage if simiilars'legiisatiythe inii t i et'f g Isup itiofttird knosek artists, iMon-i r fatiestiof st'e liiersity, the I tiss a 1 c'andikate sllo, whost hasvetaddiesi chpar isssi5talonie, bietitusi' if its shorte sits' novetissto lie tricks (if tesirsdi- ouse, excepteid. 'ntryi its 5 tistis. TheiMis'ctutsslineecle- Iltftie h i le 'sts ier ewas espeiilly 311 CALL AND SEE US SO. STATE STREET At the Nesw Store I I ito Tdy-Il. A. 4xrst. G. H. Wild Colipally colde esr. se J~as I yar te faesslts f te Literar __________________________________________a__ru'ests' esrit 'Iseiii i iti ces ts ltss tyair. A siicul t it s hatisoitsautt a t BfetARKLRlisno ecm as isestisis tisnen o ll l e'tarisiss'ssis sholditi le. Warranted all linen. (lade iinsiss f s i' t hs 1-4 sizes efr (leaoto ofL remth Lisraydiatetit ai lmoisst isisari' their tisi ear sof res'idi'sen isa ite Uni- sesiy sterticitetotoiisf reely itsUsiser sit-uiseatitisties issoutnsitheir etollege woit. itsc cites iisi io teensdtof te irst sisest si is year, that they' 15% ~ vcieeforee dto its lei e etllege.'te sees- Isit- for sslite kidsiof leislsitiisisisitste lecetiis'fitts' fatettuatu te ut estsf " ie s" estro spesifrsmithe its v'sesiy 1vas pr tportinatl mitcsitl'sger titan tuatu of stdsnt is Istsconisedisitheir e- iortsto eas, oos t 'situn tiaf tirs if W AQGNER&CO. I b t fronite Itils iiisit ts se = ihseek t t l ts'the itesmpssrte STATE ST. Imm iltusa'nd i"grins;l" sretdy A.G.$PALDING & BROS. hhiaitdetleslife is titesir jIe p ld n fastr~s, i h wrdIte tt w i o t s "iiiitlttad t' s itsx T vao -Mark Of t t at tar - a euc-i sitso nthstisit is.of a isales TMENTaiforallaFt hieAticUIP"= the fes hmnsl sevs ott tl O _ Vttsmtst st much.It itaketsetitletsta s Ycn t "larnthe t es" a ltutu itshut O l p tI yoatheit 5sts I 1 ' i ieestiiit st utI t it w k-Ifi stlts n1sts endhis lisi' sit- !A orardteinttihsetsti i'1 lt' s'''t istsii slsie isis-i $ litstwushor dhat s ,e pt eTaI i iltii us t '~ti xetdo Oaa.aate o tnatt't s et jet'i ties'- iil ei ttcihtetpsto Q..altty. stu i at. f t t>Its it i s tset l i rst' in i 0. SPALDIroghot W as.NewBRnS.o t t Iisi e i i ieiiis i ses Claego Detr~ot If you would save money, buy your oollege books at the Students' Bookstore Second Hand Books at Big Reductions College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books Dental Books ALL RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES We Purchased the CoOp stock last Spring and are offering these books at greatly reduced prices. Drawing Instruments and Engineering Supplies Agents for K. E. and all other best makes o1 instruments. SEE OUR $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN Sheehan &Co. STATE STREET Voiicinsg tesenim ienti ofistdets, ills tty andii alumni ite I Mill takt'sIes till p tirtissilte ltosuggest iti 'll teacseo rehmn heo its' il iss iilitit of itinisg ute if te itst reuisi tesofsit s titirse ste iemitii/til fii t' it'ss's Theseisllisw'alistsihis lits Itis t'se- letion onsistire s'harsacsterand'oic ies of lit grs'ts sof ihigainsilslittesey if ts'esworldl tso tspermi it t ittis sit itat itus'e taks'n i st) itsim itny litow h rcs- issts ani tsiitss htosIii ii orsh houssistsldswenshlienerss thiststsitut( to learnsiithses'olls'gse air andtut hu t- ' er ecoulld thsis le broiugh isi'Iiss5mits'a lit taistg i sittttmpulsso'ryinihIs rcio stint for rhetorsis' is te study is cosst genterally its tll deptetsl. The )atilis ste etts ssss's tisstru lsts list its pleas is nt ill5515555 weti restosredi toiits forepl aceiss'ill e;srosl forsts'estir sity t5a5555 itti iist geldeertuy ifresmasits' tehsaya' stitsatilitytsr 5a sratios wissill rot. IClisr' istiltrea it sonwisy at5list i 'issi I liythe k Iisiti sits n )Dtncinug Ihoar, :its its t sl t suitsnever' elesser itstiwtsy'oficlog danintg. Thes ;keth, Wantd aCosl:," is ritlier n liM tis1 Litts seiscte lian msts (iss )f is lind ilO\ W1-11151I'llMAYs' ONCUBYR. lI~issis sts' list sitattof thes'Stile ties ;a leihalfreguaipict'les it Sininer's ,'cs g a iuts $a is tse ens , lss ssr hie of atll $3 tests ati $1.,o: to Its''wsith oidl gosildttands. $.o s's tu l i s e iglius o:$, ns. A PINAI, RI:siINI~h,1. 'liaititerit sl) y'syon 'ill site to plilt he' iull ick"5fott tfite wa'rr'ante'd$3 S t e inchli is stilt sellisig for $i.;o it Ssilte's FrOWN!S trouble. rgt~'~' si cter cisstut iovsr at "''heli' uus Ruy- ill klissls if Swester Vests at .Xlieti's liitc ii op 's ,611lstsSt 2-7 EXCURSION SUNDAY OCT. 177 1909 (Returning same day) TO DETROIT 00c Special train leaves 6:57 A. M Fopar atisuarsioualt TicukttAgent Michigan Central f WAH R'S Headqutersrea Text-Books New and Second band, for all Departmen-s. Drawing Instruments and Engineers' Supplies Shop Tools, Laboratory Aprons and Microscopical Laboratory Supplies Note Books of every descrip- tion and FOUNTAIN PEWS Tlii "iatir's ss~es'ai''Pehits ieasily lthe bst e i n lists is ats' s t' 1 0 WAIIR'S University Bookstore 316 SOVTH STATE ST. I719 NORTH UNIVEIRSITY AVEd. r ' i Pictures K odaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Gins siFishtin,, haschleaid Atisaisti i Kesy titliis a sps.cialtiy 121 E. Liberty St. shnArbore Michigan R. E. JOLLY',S 308 3. ST.ATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars attd Cigarettes. I555ge1 t lists usini(11 Cit Al-e iitsiihi I-11-l3.iey stdtiliititit i tiava B-B-B PIPE To Get Acquaillted We see gaing Is sell ALARM 79 CLOCKS at____. c MICHIGAN 100 Patterns PINS 25c to $5.00 WM. ANOLD, COLLEGE WM. RNOD y JEWELER 2201 South Mai. Street. Hon honse ? 1 i 5 Iecenst slucottuaraisnte GEORGE VEE Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Cinhese Naney Dishes, Straks andthohips. Amerieas LaacessufIalt hinds.LEery- tlit.- irst 5chiss tor'laiessuid t eissisui Cleanest Kitchten itAnnutArbhut 314 S. STATE STREET AT TUTTLE' & CO. c Lunch Room Yet can tied a fine line ot Confectioery i14ouse PRESS BUILDING, MAYNARD ST. itd uisisutitiiosis'itiutschooao i "s-iiii RInnouticci For tbts Seasont of t909 a cottplete sltck of the best classic TitwaIga the latesit atttsct titt Qperttc antO Illopudar Mutstc. (Uantotne, Outtare aa M fIusica1 lIMcrcbanbte i I ./ .. _l - ..D.--v A " 11,x',- p 1r P' n r .+ _ Pheue 598 k