THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifiel .. Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00, ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repek ,irngi a Specialty THE FARMERS AND MsEC"lANICS BANK MAIN AND HUROON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$OO,OOO General Banking Business. 3 percent paid ,l on Tlime and Suvings iDeposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at 52.00 and upwards R. KEFsse, Fret. IT. (G. PaEtt'sts ., Vict,-Pt'ct. H. A. WIsaoAMS. Cushier F. T. STOW., Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 050,000 aurplut $-0000 Resources $2,10),000 A General Bankuing Businesn Transacsted OFFICEnSo Chas. E. Hisctock. Pres.; W. DS. Harrtman, Vice Pins.: M. J. Felts. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Hooth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnoid Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tan. H. Wade E.PF. Msiils John Huarer Jno. Koch Pent. H. S. Carhart Plenty W. iDouglas Charitiatn Martin Plan F. Zimomermun FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARsOn, MICHo. I. Di. KINNE. HiAtISON SOL E~i Fees. Vice-Fret. S. IW. CtAPRKSIN, Coshiler. Capital, $100,000. Surplus asid Prtfiltt, w00,000. (i-AnmecanSiq S Bank Coranmercin. zas..nd sok.vingps Coo-. Maimo arud Liberty Stresa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. For Resi---Modern flat, furntished; for- nce heat, light and gas. No other rooiiert. Second hoos from Stale street, 603 PE. Washington street. Pitonte249-J. tf MISCEILLANEOUS .S*z t1 crs clit over, or repaired at "The Palais Rutyal," 209 E. Liherty St. If LOST. [ot-leelI8e, isilt-cr telltttuckle tnd bel. Iniitils J. NW. M. Ottillckle. Renwtrel. Retrnto1 Daily office. 70 C. E. B.\RTH-EI.L, I,:\\V, MEDICAL AND IENTAL BOOKS NOW READY PtROFESSOR IHOLBROOK'S CASES O N JUDICIAL OPINIONS AND) PtRECEDENTS LA. MI- C1 ANDtlrt,10)tO II.N 10011O.0 Poce1T, S00D)1.11CIA ctNoc.r. C. IE. BARTHP1.I.!I, Tel. 761-L. 320 S. State SI. 0I.\RTlIA WASHINGTON CANIDY FRESHI DAIL.Y AT TICE'S DRUG STORE, 117 S. MAIN. T.oLi 56ILAUNDRY CO. shtippcedlstweny-eigh tttushtels of latot- dcv- Oclticidar. jus1 lot sart IteItetw year. Sttflts-ater is tsetd. Catll 1247-J TOLEDOfiLA.UNDRY CO). Usei ot hil aitier, sellscatshtcatrtds, tdots city t(re Indttlgores Ipromtttsectvice. Caolls N:uModay~. P1101ne1Buff, 1247-J. Bargains ini alt kinds of University booko at l te Students' Bookstore. Shteehanl & Co. tf FsNl NECKING WING READY FOR OCCUPANCY SOON lByI teopening of tIekeiceondisemetler 01101t1of lilefurituire necessary for Itoc iew wrintg of te entgitnee-ritnghbuilditng toill tare eloenl istalled anld te greatler porl ofl teIbuildinigstill Itleot iteready1 for ooccupanctley. The seculritng of Ike ttrnitiutri- is too t-e lhandosof ot cottttttee1-of trhicht Professor 1Eitrsles- is echairmanlanelstill c ost lottost Sio,ooit. A ttsitsuficietofr this putrpoi-st-was app~ropriatedl by Itoe Ilootrol of Regentls at Fridlay's metcing. *'oc lobelto lie able to stse tetrot \1i tog lie bceilgininilg of thte secontto scetier,' saoo i-dttoan1I. I1,. Cottley."bit mt i alllieliho101odoly a tart trill lieri-aoly is ha ltowlc. Tllhestork, lithto-vris or-ig lttshocI t uchteltas potssilei. mNmu c auC t!Dama Ai111001 l 10 mi of M us00icis t) i v 0 ii 1 ton ltro01100 us hae asIt hn t i "10 lIn h s etric-il trasofil e 0 1 0 -i-i bon intei ialm t ill c(nl~s~~ls pt ill heii t V(d c -l1i n t et ll(10100000 .\ with liii.bcr 000--li li s011 Gr1 ce- f(i o l s i 1 il (ifMuic -itil sowllos 1n.I Ii 01 0 Thel staiii- a lin '1 t1 t It' Ioi cj - ii ItA ill I 0 00I n o, i f1 !0(0]'1I -i-I 50 AMW. 1 tnd ileas. ?'< o 1 t' ii er- a .ayd1 1 11-s 1il Ani Nrh oot Rii Schumanni- o of he;scoo 1~ hirl h ii!c rce ays or h 1,r1- i- I 1< rr \-t~I as Ii i ol "Zcwadski & Lane3lae Sture 01100'0uto .llti v {NW otiilj soit oi a .if' Chop-Sney Restaurant yoouti 3ptiirtilt. Or (tto iour c11'seI ito-i' ili s.Stoaks aidto ps 10101 ica 'l--t wtolsoi allknd. ve - typl it-in 'tforitie0. thiofist r s sfor-s ti e os tl ..tttlttot~r letnot O itttott iriiAnnit StOrt 314 S. STATE STREET i I AT TlUTFTLE & CO. IYou cani finda fine list of Confectionery Rowe's Laundry I THOMAS ROWE, Prop. E 326 N. Fifth Av-s. New Phone l457 Sell FPitte 57-t NIichigan intl .Fraternitys Statitoneorrya spe-cialty. A1111 SN 5,0 ll LI11 oil I <8 h~o, .- 020.11 : -; sotoo Nll In liiior: ,0It ,m i S( NIlVS -('I.001; ...00.11}o .i A OV L' 332 S. Stnae St., Vpsairs Ye-u can. get ';;cter(:,tit i-i'l it nto V0shae ofog o ii ic 510011-fatios rest or1 suitill;-1 i l 0.illti toar Call sitded -ol .i-o-y P ltrc,1 ltrliti InsignliaNumera-ll s, i-cooed onsi -walli's-ictc Ncoktco indtl lotticctealtoed stuidetoment-ing Nliohigtinpilloooi 11ttoi-ui o l alic~l e Nitin, s. C i t l -- ci i I I \I ,ill 4 til We gheve saisfacto-n Coesuca ard see u$o Ah fiiltou o l TO U Scase prvdbyteT Q E FIFTY-SIXTH SEASON SIUD[NTS' L[GTUR[ ASSOCIAIION PIIF-iRNTI The Prermier Lecture Course of Americam LIEUT. ESRNEIST H. SHIACKLETON Who has teethed farthest South MAUD BALLINGTON BOOTH SocioiogisO.t, eformer, and Orator (ERALD STANLEY LEE Eininent Elditor, Essayint, and Lecturer SEUMAS MacMYANUS Irelands fonrostO Paet, Author- and Lecurner Choral Union an, (IMar2 fezttvai' [towil Iai n"11,. 1'0 0no is oloto t ortzestiine r h itihoal Uiout (3110 coices) lThe Thom005 t-, i -lu-ehso en (t0ll lit-0. ttC--al (Work , DOdyo-sts-lll , S ito - iii- I'