THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES .Best in thne World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, D~iaondoss. Lass Boots. or other personal preoperty. Watches ana Jewelry repaired. Bargains tn Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 31F. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours:i8Stot1:30a. in.. 1tto 4:30 and 7to 9 P. iM. ALL BSEoSSaoCOnsNFDNIiAL J0SEP11 C. WATTS TilE FARMERS AND 5MElCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100.000 General Banting Businest. i3 percent paid onl Tinse and Savings iDeposits. Safety Dr- positsBones to rent at 12?.0sod upswards R. KnSs rPert. If. tG. PoErs's s. CI~-Pre.. H. A. WsttsAIoS. Cahier P. T. Scone, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stockt-0000 surplus 5290.000 Rlesourc-es 02-0).0111 A Gieneral Bankinsg Business Trasnsated Or iCEns: Chas. E. Iisctoee. Prers.; W. D). Harriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Frito. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Steehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tan. H. Wade E. F. Mills John IHaarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carartn henry W. Dlouglas Christian.Martin Dian F. Zimmserman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AnnOn. MICnH. E. D. KINNE. HlARItiSON 5SOULE5 Pres. Vice-Prert. S. W. 5LAiIFOON, Cattiier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus asd Profits., ?80,000. Ce yanAeIS vf g inns Bank Commer~rcial..Ianrd Savirigs Cor. Main tra rd Libertye Streets CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. ]For fsiesl--Modcrn flat, tarnished; lfir- lice h eal, tight and got. Nao otier rooimirst Secoiid house froiis Stoic street, 6103 F. Washington street. Phsoiie 2i9-J. tf Isii R('st EssTss large- siiigle-rooms, swih irivats lasvaiory. Ntew ssou'se, steaml less. 726 S. T'Iia ert. 105 M ISCELLtANEO)US S*Zlre'" cut over, or repaired at 'The tPalais Royal," 209gFE. Liberty St. tf LOST. hsst ies. 18, surver silltIsuckle an bet tils J. Vs. M. obuk. Rewarrsd. RetrtIsDaiily oiie. ys0 least Jass fousiiiniipell. Un ~ivter- -iiy. A. C.arlssin, 1.16 Geeddes. 70 [sts-ridayi, ptioisiraish sofs'syog isists t~iiist trn toii sstser'sSiate Sitreel Sri.Stosrr. "CO-EDUCATION AGAIN" Writer Claims System Has Not Beens Fairly Treated. In ansasticl:entisilesd 'so-educatsiss Sgssiss, is ts- Janusary siiisber ofths isclI Iss1 v1isw, s'. lien (C. H iisditsiessi .51 lisl t ssI lsi ('ssle~e sir1il s thati co- cdnsalon is bes Ireaes ary Sue-sas " omtsssight toisssIlstiheier eslss sali iss nosslssiger stispusii s, sit est ,to Istis sisds ssf tie Atlsaisic. I~ ss tihereshetirshalt ostainsissis Ssutl aisslaetst e ssiflossrovelse. Shlit 1ts siltsinti helssallssof thsit twenitiethi-cesi tiii's esilsesil, sa Iwoman'5 s cllege, se intolege siffiliistedt Oilsnestsai- Ilisesinislstisstion1ssrlien.,sor shailit i tiltlils thius very iinstitutlinistsel't Tsr ctsiie ss palrentls in this mattr sill bes isi iret bytslradtionsis, tel- isi p rejudiie, geg'iirashicaleand1111coss iiirfacstors, sind by the charactler of thss youtilg wom~lanl eoncern~ed. If thle faithris si Ness teogtsiiiser, itwill b eitiserthe womns col 55legsesirthe essllege coori'natssed wtrh a foundaltsionsi fsr silsiiiutif ieb-lseosigs totieiiddsle wsest ssr tisefarthier w'est his ecsoice still tai ost ecases 111111 the slate uti versuty ssr the siiisltco-educiastioniastcoss ',"'N's-i I Its,'' .V-Isr I. 1 ic ~ ~aybtclt 11IiSiil fvii tlc I 'C.1211 . 1' I Varuity Tailor-17 2, tsbsjO i 1 i.t .i ,_ _ _ ;,; too OdIs.., Watch tor the Prosnpectus Season Ticketslon Sale $1.50 r Portrait Studio- -- 319 Est ,irwoe