tl ______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0,I.Wild Comfpany .MERCHAN V TAILORS We have complete lines of fine 'Woolens for Suit- il, gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We "make Feall Dress Suits a Specialty CALT. AND SP US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the Now sture 6. H. Wild Coffpaily THIE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing E.ditor CILAECLE . ELDRJDIE. Business Managet CARL H. 0. ADAM. . For the smealt knot tie TRADE HR //COLARiS & CUFFS. FFOP P FRONT 2' IN. BACK 1K IN. Warranted linen State St. Sige at the big wshite shoe The Spalding 8e1!X{2;t,'~tnillu T rade-"far'k of 01 FtCIALI QQUIP- ]VIET:r,Ifrallathieic ii ..sorts and pastimes. e ilt 1~~l:it ipmt (1{10 ou14i r a cop ttint ~ itc WI> t's NewinaSport GoearOartee of iisii tifjeei27 A.G. ALING CR). Ba ROS. D fl Clnar Pads card Catalogues better Files Spindals Typewriting Supplies Index Cards 10cn Pe-Hezxdeead 1S 111. 11AV1'. 0I 1I15' I 'tlIItANCALENDARS STUDEFNTS BOOKSTFORE Sheha &Co Address: MCHIGAN DAsIY, Press Bldg., Malynard Street. Offcer Itotrs: Mtaaging Editor, 8I P. sn. Business Mhaager, I-, 7-8 p. m Cxcept Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. Newss.......Lee A White Assistant .......Harold Titts Athlteties......Wilhur D. Elliott W~omen........ ... Frieda Kleinstdett Music ansI Drama...Hollis S. Baker Excthanges............ M. B. MHgh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Cthartes Good G. S. asher John T. Kenny ASSOCATE EITitOiS. XWater K. Tosers Harry Z. Fol Dion1 Birney . A. HIinkley Arthur B. iAlehluian Russelt B. Jame tired tLaswton I-tarry G. Myser tnmkRasPosetl Chares I. Mylander iltrris Htouser M\. Mak Ryan Wade Oliver BUSNESS SAFF C. A. Boswnan Norman HI Hill slter Q. Wilgus Myer Rbin tKennelth Osborn Norman Witte SATURDIIAY, JANUARY1KV8, 1011. IJdi1 SnTcdayittit A. IHINCtKOY li I-;. 11 011Sot' luri esilon(1tiueds UNIVERISITY CALENDAR. Jan. 7--Prof. WIilogthy's lecture. Jan. 7- Girls' part0y, Barbour gym. J. ii. 7-Sophi lit danciie aid reetion at IBarbioir gym. Jn. 8-1,e er('sot)0(1101t1)111lFrilciis tryoutils, 10 . m1. Jill. 10 ..tiiiile Elilit, Cereto Franlcais letote. Jans. 13-Varsity Laiii1 dace, Barouro Jan 15 --Soeor liit anc ad lnscteon, Itroilsisogym. Jiii. to _Maid IalisstossBothi, S. L,. Ja. Lt--"Tesecto," Comiey Clb tlay, Nw XWhitney. Ja. 28-1Sietnias MacA-anus, S. L. A. Fioryiirs ago Lassrone C. Hull, a stiiilcnt iii le Ciivrsity, swas success- fuli com0111p1etigfor te Rhoues sol-o lrsip to (Oxfirid.fTle following fall he1110011d(Oxfo~rd, and11hls rilliait wievemllills siice ttat tle have clii tine liitoI seflsct cedrsit 1o11ou1r1istit- Xiti iia shot ne1110aiiithier repre- sentatise friomi this state sill e coen,1 the nameil of a Univisersiy o i 1111- gNi siudnti. Xiilhoutiwisingllitosdis ceit hemesiofifiny rival caniidiate for te11111101 we ae ceraistattoglu illyi Jnes K. XXatkns soldiii receive th ooandl ceraii that le wilt be lie apohts. XWatfins pa~sed11the examin aion toiyers3goill s 101m 1 te lfsincor i. teasaedy reresetd1by Mlul, it 11s thog ii adsvisaibleto gillesithir staite y i 1i 111 edctinlistitutlis their shia rio sil' piresenitcaddt woliws kniiswn,. ie esliil ortesced I iiiilid inii 51 mied lteay -a cotirsoeXWatsi s esl i tm 0r1)resentative theiiiiiiitsii'ooh'e bodf ha had atani t ime u ii;t111110dnc here o liii- oitheliesenstli ner1101,11 of coisenitoINi liBleta.i p;t o 1 iItill years lie liasbeens alimsib1111of the sir- sity foiotball itevoss 1wisle iperhaps hus gieatest claims tioiiono lies ini the isus- ciio e lihlssexerted oin the stiiit t bo siin00 his accessioni to the rankls olithle upptierclaissmeii twroyears aa. Il~e has lieii accoirdiedl tractically oevery oceiv-c alie coullege Ihonoto ciwiichi lisftlfow - stiideiitscoiilidhelp hiitiiich isstiffi- cienit evideiice of the esteem ni hihlie is helst ho that ptof lie stuiieiit boiiy wichifl aidmsires andt 1 resics ahi- idiieoilassoiciate. fIi i c h as.thet facty 11msembulers swl ith issu 1e s osaIdi itelatius h lave e ieii esiala impri esdit aptpearsO that if tlihe University of Xlichi- ganisie r to ie Weitioisiiid a 1r01101 sentative to lie Eiglish seo leanig- isho is representaitisve ini all that ltue naiimp sullies; iiandi who isill tielpito in- crease thu retpecot ini which.ol I cligis is hielid: now1 is the tiuee, anduWXlinut is tFur a longo tile sie iiirsed the faiiiy tillnin O~us itself, andil thati much1 isat~f- fectionss.imighut hIsoidesbt e laxast~tion if sleoestraint ipsediyithe sofacly Evsesinoiiiesr icliedeu t oteis i tha toi agreater or11les oot sh tt iew l is correct1 hut l a sucetsitstdegreethtlaii ito thought. Csvellis iihicth happeneoi tsuffiicitly recenitly tiiocoresent1110 sas inig forgottnthesimssse ocnl ttuiesi- it iil tie I_ io s histati yis ee 11 i t tt I a i ' CT ' 1i i i 70 1 i. ' Iii - o h 1om 111 to i iii 1111 I llci iff work~ 111.111 ugit. The a it ad h i i iti ii liii kii andi ip4 li1" l 1 1" OFF ICE Begin the Year Right H Iandy Desk Calendar Excelsior Dairy fBay Book or Ledger Ff Quart of Ink Pint of Mucilage Pox of Pens or Bands Bill Heads,lReceipt Blanks Filing Cabinet Fountain Pen or a Dozen Pencils E Typewriter Ribbons _aiiitltiti 11111 0C11 initis ine at University Bookstore vN DO N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks {} Photo Supplies Developing Printing El argang The largest line Pen- nants and Banners ind Lowest Prices. AILEY' & EDMUNDS lilt )1";Oii ,iol":R n:le i sIt lI~ iit ilt a secalty 121 0. LibrutySt. Aen Arbnr, Mchigaen stliii iiiits liii lls"illar losucs that slit studn oys hoc, nclt s h ~ idios notihinc. It 1has1an ilos haiti i aline is initerestedl, lut p et ly, 1 1 i tIi it h t B ll" a a it til z un ilagto quailify iself for Is that grant if poweri byrtl i ki ngcii0s(101istly ianilin- ici i nils i ofts the i quiesIif ilsthat ar islsi itoosctytsclr lstatrctuts uis0 s lmi osit dilyt tilttessll etils ts e Ju t 01 oil ui sft.d(i liarnsto tinki for is illscss 51 s "if a et l hre' a ilclyustl Io l f g leaer- tiof ienc by I~ t i f as e l O~fiittheisi s l i the s 0111 the 1511 liii fMat mTi a eiisinl t i tot rit ii ze t icI S eh n i o liiw l.liice 11ly risked i lass toiexpress iii i , thesit I rclily Vot ctj (ii' I0it Iel rie Sh . 75 if Il it at 11 1 If it Scoreis atd PRESS DUILDING. MAYNARD ST. cliii lr Uicrsi i 1 o~ t 1zc The best ii thels f fissilsics i(I alwsasys Itelatest its Ojiesoisfiiissandl I ti-ii Allss l t=, best stakes if Mansdolis andolGsitars. MSCLSPLE OFLKNSHave you r heard that s reser at the Theatori'um Better hisrry, She's Gree-t!I RE.JO0LLY'S 0 ST.ATE SirREET L ui les, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. .5 iii ~ s ti re 1 iit e ti lt IS ichigall Marked Down to Close Out lETITER COlME QUICK ., KCALKINS, Druggist 424 S. Shate SE. LU luslDAjjto &' PAhKone 598s lir P sac 591