AiNN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,> S I sA. J\ l . s-ARY 8, VOL. XX. BENBROOK ELECTED FOOTBALL CAPTAIN All-Ameia G ad to ubles-'1 Team-Conference Touled'1 Four Games Scheduled. Albert liersirook, till eorner of Chicago, was unanuo sly el(eted var- sity football captain for irro at s rect- intg of the members of last season's ft( O, Friday nigist. itenbrook ha s ticse ss si him "M" playing o the roo d ro90 football teams. Bfenbrook weas almost us ionus toi picked for a gsuardl on the AltlNWesternu selectionss sunt trots Ihis sway trr eastern prominerree lbt Iis rlayirig is tire Ferris sylv-ania aund Sy-races gams. Nalter Causp garve hiiim ar tplaee onihi firsit A-i Amrericaun tearri. fienthrrok seas gradusasterl frost Mor- gan Pack Acadlemyr in 0507, havintari ken art active pact irs ralhletics darin g iis four years ins thiat schoool. initen eoinrrg to Mhichigan hie lhas lieresi troinerS ir trat and brasketlball woert sis isell is irn Ioot- bail. lie was5 ai membrer if tire 91i en-i gineer brasketlrl resist, last res in rter- class chaiontis , rand iris isn iris l '"I" itt traeck, intshie wecight ievents. There isa> ss opositiont tsr tire elee- tirn sri Benblrook lire ire5eied e n iian- imioirs rote. le stilltakrie tihe tptatee made v-acanrt lie tire aisinlstest if Nlii- lee's eleetinr. That tire- rule, proposed tsy unsivrsity of Ciciago atlletic autioritirs ran aimed at inniiesotas, pirohlibriing Crits fereriee eollege fromt lainsc5r horn-stot err tire "liiiniir list," srill list tsri pssr is tire opitnion (if Director l ir iee But ini case tire rule is adopritred iry tire Grit- ferenree thise is isot tire ies it doubtis in the mindriof sri NitItenlie sirat 'rissie- rota trill rn stile sir tirempti tsr irisak their pretests contiract wiris NMihigan. Tire "horror list, rec enty proposed try Chieago, rrouldr ernstaii tienamistie of schooui ls i which it is thoughrrit ad- vitable to horldi athetie rer-iis. s Chicago sloes suit consir _MNisclistair a' canidrate fire iiiat list, tire tile sai tsr ties rwould ire as direet slt inniire- sotas present crac ith isiiMiichigan. Chicago list heist eosis tently sir-t te Gorphers irs- vitinsrg the stirsit, if rn the letter, of Crirgiereiri e list try rce-i riling Michsigasir iitetoti iris thirst is sinirclinii n litoi resent tot interferene wit stir liiar- ranigemenst if its trothal sit hiltdlile inn it is tbosighit tbhit -aty tstsill tor influ- encee it try tire use ofi a rule such it has seers proposer1 won o mi ieasi tire Gophriers writhdrnaa ftrotm tir SConferencee urmore which wo-uldr rn suly lite tin Conrferenee lists wo-suldi preobabyir mrean its Such as resist wild iisoS. tsr tielcoede by 'Michrigans as it is Ilogsrica ito suse~~ss that Miecrigant srill re-cussrs sufer- eirce as sours as it is expedient sto coo sir and tire breaking iri sri tire cenra rs od iy woulid merit a loweerinig of sirs stanidords of wresternr footblil. Pitt it mriht also mrean tire formarrtions soi ihe "Big tins- which has seers adilt-iedr is site ex-i lent. Case, Ohrio Stile anis Minniss-t- isav- ralreadly srrangedl fire gaimeis rwith Miceb- gau for rext frill ranu platsis ihive pracie sically breens completed sitll Srac-sre less a contract for ttwo mosre yerste it ws understood whiile lihe te-m irsats t Phlst idelphias that Pennrisyiar coirs lsis be scheduled for teo istireersis, thir uss turing free god garuss firs lire Tro footbarll orison. Ni> inure tranthot bhss eers shine tsr- ward arrnginig fire tire trext footbll reason's gaincs b ut it is hig5hy problei that two umore schools weill he sceiuled in the near future tsr fiil thre remiingi dates. Marquette will rest Iri inrcludred ins sirelist nof damssearnd it is probable - Ci re V-MT rhat Mutic Damsswsill asou ie one of TvI s tir - "Le ,ila tire ablsenrtees, tiergamte wsthlsthesis v-th sirs ohe ier h ig so lar seers conitemprlatedi. ri. c fhthl i ta I s-stn-e l-i i ire Ni-s ir 1C .n MAKE NOMINATIONS TODAY r Student Officers of Athletic Asso- ciation Must Be Named. All rrrsrssisors fire tie offies of trerasuree rntiatnisecretary- of tie Athltetice ssocistirirsand for teolitrshe of footbarll and ntiresclaorstic manrrages -us trhsie hasnded irs at tie Athletic Asti- cition stithe somreimre tday.r Aty iris miay run forte tires tooffifrecs-irismed sire footballritcptinisstisirating two mriers ior tieriffice srofrootball rmarrager un tires casiisii ofsrtie trck, toseli-llun foortasl lteamnin iresrtatig tsroiserisers es sinersholasstic manager.sAyon e elset sisy run fire tie lsirstiwo isfihe by isau- ig irs sipetiionisis-tirseet-t-fie sgn- es,asirp~roided tiy-tie terscorsttution or1 tireassoeiationrtosircteor tarteitre. toeday. The regular-teteirg srf tieAthletic :Asctirison till ie heist Satray, Jsrr- tarr r ,at rp m. tsrA tiltseenrg tie returts or tie treasurer stn iirsanciail secretreyssill ie redi a-tire y stis her buinrress tst siriscomre eore tie5asso-i isatioitilie cosiered, Tietolls wilie pin list tie eleetiornIfsire vai- os oficrers insist1i:30 tsr 4 P.ii.sirtig 1eig ire tieAuitrianirbas llotsysisir poies r-etintghutswen. Caisis-stirotin aNihas irisuetritsfirrst sitliiiortrick centidarties -Ni 7 Nun- ity night lii tsc eanit et swill mst-i ini tire trpyroom nu ofi sit rbournegymi. lirtsieeting ,it deigrrnredlpririely tsr get ai tite-'o isnerr smateriti.Cpaissr Miai is epeciathy-aniousithstrsalt fresh- sieustrits trick raspiratioss reportsasritint Nitrarmeetng hedith ie sAtleic.As- soieat irisoffice Iaitt ight Track :Mnus- ager tiers inotoinn saurtorized tsr ap- pinrst alltrter-elass btsktbaslrtl mtaage. line ap tisinten tillle iae nure issume todais Fosurteenrteims hvurisslesdysigiiedi theireitenrt tir ioI etterirg tie irte- s sketbluliseriestisearseTfir ii 19i0ti1(sr1,I1' strut 1913 egineers: is)! 5 191sos 95 t ste-isi1- tis;1ritandrstc use1 lireste-1ris1isenchs aditssinecsi srte irieamsits av ntrd h -Aschedulre srIf i-tries andn prctie insours willt Ie sirranupst hefirsltspirt Soi- uetri eirish ft'r whicii pmactie ill r~iioiserarnsterirTsr first ugie -i:f the series till ip risablsti lt ie d ttie rcoweks of estus trseenstr Nil.C!(1Us CO INfRI 1101S1ANM NRICLE 1 O(11 VNIf)lui st-i- -T \IisNiMay liii u8,soilstneceenty- re- umrudtro l eni irCasni7rZonerwhire esie s uas binrrteicinrg sinscholrconriutes ass extemlinnsissrersring atie to intie- cr- u rntil iusresrifsTeIssuendrertmrTlie e i aticicoriertssiraty flser imrsrsiosr regasiring slue I -rsnrmsarsertrut se - us stll irtutsrefeersentrectohe trioilst-itus antin hesevelopment onf nitrctional f- \/iN ile ir tie Uivrissiry iusNus rier usas cosicuusrc inundnrerss a-reis-ie. NiAtshattimssuesit contrbustedlnsareie tsr te mrs gzi/rie mertrione upona a-tle situtrtest consderastle notie its Csllegiautunecirlet s r. ] tekitisrill cnduirc iis mssiorn class asus sul Sunarisy mrnnig cJani. 9 at5 9:30. IHis subljecitntmorrowitis tirererrk (f Christiniss in Chinias. I Dr. Worrel's class othie NMosemt seorldu will inet as rrsuanl Sundaylsir- uirt- ru ig at 9:st. NiMARTHAN \ASH INGTION CAN- ZlDY FF151-i DAItY AT TICI"S 1)71DUGST'OREi,117 S. MAIM, tint se-ilt s~ilttin-s uteril fr tins 1 sits I cii cs e -_t Ms Nuetr1e1t N t hi t sin u s iisr 1 e Sm ilur li sr so ,f zi natc r~ tnini s itisi s iss tins tsr 5ee trus tra s-e i it nand. it- i)f tins NulmNs 1 i it t)l -is fisls: erIrnMeatxilteNw1 Delire lsni 'r tieumise, (;cicn ,w File Nmithu- ans-ullr nrdicseiilsics)i I-ir-ci v Nis-sttssi.1)(us- icr ts; camsri -isiI t MEDIC. COURSE IN DETROIT PROPOSED Three New Regents Were Pres- ent at Friday's Meeting -Con-- mittes Appointed. T e tr tsi t i i vo t '5 s i i5nin so w ith new fIIcclur o'11 xl iid pr sri tianrs i n t l( ia d ttlc ofiii 11 sis i ttis toinrush th r5u,5 in ni anrsoni f thiiiir-? s I ten tor thin-re(mncIni t cam a;a dsin ctie t a-db t itc r i sii1tlc sng comitiisntee was-srss apinte :int~t](: Isb rn thirst alir 's it . h e m ui c it is e n f u r - s--sn- iill, .At ss- )r-int irtn5W tire Carry II-( it (If ie lassSDir- , ti t i ssi -irri t h l t s ni'E'-. i~.tle s " ce-I. ire h.I t sciss llittlllii srir shrine that shl ad p th fil tl' ci~m liismm'i'ar. tha -;ril ,lls Irv t{) - l 5the sn-1itt cls rss-cl Girs Wnt n Oficalreain a Nincticn-asnTotrit. 1mists ,11-t iYnl-t nmbell strrtg nsf ito I n te l)pion ofsoe--d -,, i1 101d a nce555 s i si l inn ta-o ,!< 5 he c tase aind ssoirs chsnic. 5 !I~I:~ol :p~as toiiin mm i -ti- ni llus rinsurtuir inn osi 5ii-si-n is- ti n t i i t t t r 'I'll sr n il e - I IsI t a l sma ll I nit- s "n r Ji> N ,carp n t .c itla .chniisir an tIf \alscc riles isi PaVn i It ll iiCwin Neatsrns Nirui iit liu. ii iefre ssue sins i Esc cas and rixnnii 5m -s 55555 nnid t,) unnifeis i thurn M ,I lac rc cn15 iz l attitu lc tn r )I tl1' I]llI 11 as lwc tt .- 1 irt , f th lt'ti11c1iE IlOtl i III c(1 tlIa ac 11 iii c ininiilsr sith eee- et h tion of thetins te isnur nss coniin m'-rilins thein nt intuit s us nil i ili 555 s un 5 sit-nus Coddsi' Ins atpint a re mi l sliii ioeamn ns e ii thnun Soul u i5 .iiiniii eiisile rui lindgee o rusn i (,i i