THE MICHIGAN DAILY }This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl :: &Co. :: nnArbor's Leading 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 78c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repa ilImj a Specalty THE F'ARMERS AND MECHtANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Captal $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,O0 1 GnrlBanking Business. 3 percnt paid posit Boxes to rent at $2.t0 and upwards R. RKster, Pret. 11. Gi. Pteve YNet icit-Pes.. H. A. WILLIAMS. Cshier F. T rown. Ast. Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stitck $'0,000 -Seapims 2'5t0,0tl Rlesources 0,2,0 tidi A General Banking Busineas Trannacted UFwEaoo Chas. E. Hisch, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Prens.: M. J. Pritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J.HBooth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnnald Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jnn. Koeh Prof. H. S. Carhart henry W. Dougla Christian Martin line P. Zi1merman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN AnBOR, MICtH. E. D. KINNE, llAtdltSt)N SOUiLb, *F Prens. Vice-Prens. S. W. CLARKSOiN, Cushier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and P refins, $00,000. ('ermni-mercan~a nlt~sf~ Corn.mrercia. a~nsd savigs Conr. Malyn aned Ibesnty Streets' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. Fer Retl-?Modern fiat, furenished; fur- tide heilt, light and gas. No other roomiers. Second house fronm State street, 603 FE. Washington street. Phtoite 249-J. if For Reet -Twoecilunge single rooits, wthl piate liastuory.Nrewtottsie, steami ieatl. 726 S. Thayercc5t. (x) :MISCE.LANEOUS Szc iters enS over, or repaired at "The Ialais Royal," 209 E. Liherty Si. if Looik for the Xmoas Novelties of the odldest atnd choicest designis inthie city in btrass, Persiani tress, also Japattese, Ciniese, ]Frencltantd Autstriani hric- tbrtc of every descripttiont. Armteniian laee haindkrrclhieft atid neckwear. Lastest it toys ontthte market. The Paslais Royal, 209 E. Liherty St. tf LOST. h~os-1Dec. i8. silver itelitickle intl tilt. lIitiatls J. XV. M~. Onlituckle. s ~ ril. Rettrn to D~aily oiffice. 70 Lost---ail. ;, fiutinptentc. 1.Uiier-1 ite. ..Carlsoni, i13lt Getddes. 70 MafllIc uoic n RidcrI'O'-: % laesiiial.NMaidaime ldce r pacdd. (}cc atl 6cci r'.ra1ci1 luccuuulis icecs ii a l a r . ) the (_ 'elio t ciitiisln lch silosv it lit toIf III wic, ai s1 \fisi\\i ()ilslliS oK' 'isid nt A li ii at ) it 1 11 i ;111 i (iIrm NI1 XX h il l. _. s t I ,y 6 ya i , ,~' ";t . - -. ,, 4 i r. - - -. _ fr _ _ R,'' t s :1 x , 4 . ~' ti y ,a "I ~' rvii 'a ' t r. vd_-_. Y; (, t Y "' i/ .. - Sf' l r y Y i i JJqq , 1 r _C }jy! a ;S. ' t < ti .. .. C .... t it9 4 Get youtr itaircits the tewe say, focr ' ii e the tnwtsotqtes, antI keetithe Itr'tic wati ic its place. .At Charley's Barbser Shtop. 75 56 ticl __________________ - citid l i Bacgains in all kinds of University heoks at the Stuidentts' Bookstore. Shieehant & Co. tf D~rasciing, the right kinds at i ghi pcices at the Studeitis' Bookstore. Shieehtan & Co. tf Class Touss ,0c J. F. A'uethCol(i. OFICE, Sht"; ill1 S. Di liy Calentiar P~ads, Fclsior IDiaries. iFiliing Cabinetes-40e til. ittlex. Carids--oe per hundreled. Typetwitig supplies. Wec still sate a fete M'ieltigait Caicet- dlacs, at the S'I'UDT :STS' iiOOKSTORI, Sheehtant & Cii. iKoanizalanid Soulvenir Scorns anid ShetedMusic for sale at Schaeherle & Son's" Music -louse, i io S. Maisireen. O scac Knsonse, for six yenarsc cih if thec ('utiversity' ifttChlicagotswviitiiers, c7i esignted, givig ill health as thc hut i, I ,i..' rass he wrmisars 1 1'' -1 liohr thieyiaii e 1. ild\ iii ii ii* The (,v i i l l o 71 1 iit fir ii'i tl s iii ii'tm 1 ' dc Suit 55Xii'e12e()t1i 'l 1c lo O $ieo l class .1,111 l Wile asiFWichl 11,1W l1 car th iNas 1im .c I ho l: t? II I -I :11 1 14 f C r li iit~- Prop. c 1.1 , F ;l~Y~ j a ITOQU ES jThe official toqucelfor all classes as approved bych student council. 3WAGNER & CO. "totemllP' iz FIFTY=SIXTH SEASON SIUDENTS' L[CIUR[ ASSOCIAIION PREiSENTS The Premier Lectuire Couzrse of America LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHACKLETON Who has reached farthest South MAUD) BALLINGTON BOOTH Sociologiat, Reormer, and Orator (ERALD S'TANLEY LE tintent IEditor, [Essayisan d stLecturer SEUMAS MacMANUS Irelands foremost Poet, Authosr and Lectttrer C boral Uanion a1, Ceciii Faninin, isi I i l i>ti '1z. , (310 noices), The ' IIiiiiia . iii - S a (t ' Itipessetis'",''Now i .f, "Fairi University Sh MAYNARD ST. IJ(AF ~ I' I tO( G Line t ' of 1 1 ci Sa i~i i J111li ' . i i u -ii M"Thah Vm rally Tatitor Watch for the Prospectus Season Ticketslon Sale $1.'50 .11 Portrait Studio,.-...i r319P° - rTeet