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October 12, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-12

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he ciganal

von,. XX.
Yost Drives Team Through Wet
Practice---Smith was Slightly
Injured Saturday.
Newo football wa1s the rtder of the
clay at Ferry Field Montday afternoon.
Coach Yost seized the opportuntly to
(rill the 11en on pa1ses, punt1s and( on-
side kicks in the rain antd the preciiont
w it which thte wet oral w as handiledI
gives1 poise that the fumblinltg that
muatred Sat tielays canze will be erad-
icaed'efrc the O hio State warriors
Wilhile the entire varsity, swith the oin-
ge eeptiont of Stmitht, wals ont hantd ap-
ittle awih Case, no scrimmtnage wats in-
dgditt. T11e hig cur1 receive ea
harkcraed o the baelk of the eneck Sat-
urtday and still 1he oult of it' till the stiff-
- nes isworkd11. lPaked by the mttot
rield has sen int several seasonls, Yhost
diide i is suld aniti drool thtei
throtughl tile hard1 est '1(1d fastest (f signtal
pticeOOs. Reddenot a111p'areid to take up
hi ieas:a ssistant cloch. Bleeeler,
oil, ia'll Itttglais, 'tatl, citaiches (f the re-
serves atnd of till freshsmttetn respetively,
apea ed : redyfr worlk' wi'th large
lifter' stalrting lB'elet'atnd Ihis set'tbs
to i worko tile ftrwrd pass1t, lost gailv'
tite varsit a little-'(f te samte kindl 1f
irkl. "Vie' l~titrelill receivedl thte all
frt Ill hls'and1s of Ji ttWlatins attt ratt
the riegtlat tio of tacks smtooithly.
Geolrge Laortat '1(111 Catain lllertice
' eei thte positionst they occtupiedl Sat-
1'-dy no her 'is en and1 It'ltrelisillt with
wiish thtey ranl f'0 t variety if ittvolved
phiys wIas stairtling5, cosid~sleringe thte state
of thte tweathte, Lawto did 11(1 ttt ot(f te
Yotst stationedl Rttgers at qitarter ont
Cuttiss R'edden't, Ills newily arrives1
assistant 'oach',t sill sied te remtaitnder
ofI till seaonwi(th111 tie teamll. Ie Iwsill
ltther Itstl't lt fttll tsats of
scrttbs alonlg lit a1 great rate, preplaringh
Ithet fttr X'esas"dt's gamets witho tts
l.3'tl\IlfNCE SATUI)''lllY.
mani,t(Otli fo 11(1 regtlar ts'irh ef thtt
t),ca.B 1thit ite I(irsctiir Fitzpaatrick
and1( ie. )tit s'exp't all tie fteshtttett to
hae y 1wrka partt of thteir regulat
plrogcram~. lil tihe a100rage ab110u1 40 111e
itro etxained every it y a0' nlltd111 tile total i
ntearo 2o lftsr friteshmt 1101 aste trot
carrl Io tsers ma isit exattited. It
is expted tohltat t least 2,100(1 wtill ite
reitero'd btefttr long.(
owa, list Ise ditetort t ts' ity Y. AlI
C_ .A., twtll like charge of tile claisses
in lt'e (o'(1 Ill orel wohs ai'


No. 7.

Pittsbtrg tokttt h ie tirtltg of tie
chtamnpionshlipo series frittt Detotit vcs1cr-
dlay afterlnooaltitt'slatghteritg Itie lit'
ries of Sttmttters, XWillets atd liWoks fatt
a -total of eletett hits, awhich.cuetttdt
so~tb fttr costly errors ntted telleilta
ttal of eght rtns. Fitr s iiitgs tie
Firates held alt'111)arettlt safe lediof
sic rttts. Intte seiethtttier,
notl 0t'ro1115' t' lad f tePrts
11ho 1adladded two more to teir i
rttts itt the smte inintg. Fr insttog
Wlagter was thts'bright atdsinn
light,taitc fotto hits 1and(1sel'ing as
malllt' basss. Bul. Coilbal I loliat
tdoe itt ts'T''iger scoes'sbt totsdI a
people1t, tie lrgest crod hatI'll'rIa!i
ttteed a all cit' it I lot, saw111,
President Hutchins Says Plugger
Counts in Legal Profession.
"Notmtntcatt eagit'lawye buttto
freshtttatttaws'class a sl e 11'etigc XMondayil
aftertnoon. ,'PTt' tsnoeter sing cdie'eli
pro(fession c rttwdietd th'tmio leuel10
coonftr Io tthaul attres
lion answ'eredl fult' iythe ir ic
fessionl," ite'saitd, '"attd requies a igl
reatly watt a tman Ih1as5stttidtin illp
Enttering t'eLss' do'pIsrtm1115111ntdee
no1 reanttotlektntow'lede (f 1(111((011-
T"Work is te igiay toitsccees.
G've tll'te man11who011(1 s rd loi
strip thtt' brilliatttantthtebyatchs'ingi
Sideas quikly sesoctons ave , ,, ,
{wih htedIo ttes ntosesit
1 prepasrtotry sholttttt col's'cousetills'1
ra light matnne r atttIds ttof y (lilt
it tossily sutceee ittdoitttti t il te I it
;eparttment, bt 1tell oltwspesficial
'su ccess int prctic."
Rightt tiisitttof stydt ittcrtot ion
,vas recottmtettted1by ts 11Presiet as
;ecessart'ftr the11551resusilts "Ik
11p101 111some 'athletis ortiee 11 ok
Rieeltyotr eItalh at n exiienot.
Oratry as a stttty tolles as
rscttnttetttedtl 1 a1g1e'l mps's-ittdss I
furthteratntet of tis iteaatth1 cncu
stittttf te address FPrtt.t Ilitstrtanl
'm10a11sokte ibriefly tf tisr couses.
'lfter te1add1rsesF B hafea
presettl'otlf the (rtoical l assitn (tl,
espoke on1111that trgaizi at.
liAt Prittcetttttotly 44.1100r5c(1t (f i
tesfreshtttanttclass lereo thu
e otttitiots;23 pr enslof t'class
tL'wa5siectedcti on oft lbs nellitniri alk
-failtte of Cotth le Chiticio'thewndr
toI rettrnt to schtool.

WEbb UNDER WAY l' I ~soiloolister e atni l oi
t on o h e orast tory111 depari't me t NXll'tieia
Third Endeavor Will Be Staged eveintlg t 8i oloc lla Srlt Cswstel
In December ---Stevens Again littll l.I! wiltcotsst it
srts Itr ainiltt o t'tithetilt ipa
[Director. siteIls f hamle(1t itPtf hIs rad
1u omc pea s nCo nrt"s av tei ra i ' 5 1(1 i i t a lit ill let
cel a p lit',1,1 A gis ls enaetidti''ii (1 1 i iii (iii i cait igntitisi mad
ias uOto i tetosad sl temaaerT; t al- to traT ,issi(lie t tneit fte rtr
ii" tant mool nust inas' To t set(ltedi ca a1s s ci aihons TickeotsTu are ;~'to XX'a'i
hoe g1, n(, oinsc ad bore tuh e end ho 'lrs o a ehe teavnaeo
,o h etrvos it'gl's.'', idrs a .eg t e tral u i. icu ig te
1,1 Ti 0 itb'' tilt iii' tinnadiphrtment' hiour ________
1l~lnie re vn hstienhook, lyr is 1111a PsAr e ve -arrely [rteat W\ie -th
:n usic io i h a ndltlithls apotomilcs1er i pRuthc Pls 1 decide1d 'rday.l
it a tl- Til iii, na hs't tI sts-l ~
it"hit' ioori 'TWO IiiSOPIHlST EPLE
[M ic iii i'hat(It1ll' lisioti.sIfor1t'c I
! ia liiiyeas hay"l liii tontg cumber sbHa iels IeSev rel D(le(11it Wit h--
t.oil l hot loot ilthe (itllis ttgetil tits's rn r fth op n o c ls
IncCvti l (1(1 hits' Itriss. 'lhi too ntil h Ive tbeen texp ledfrot the ees
(1(1 0 thi et's Il's Tt ttttt d f tt -11 11o to t sh bsilbation io 1isat i-azn
for ti linh11i ao i-lttl oe ott''h Tmi- 'lbi tolttt i 1 a itli heht
I shoistswil t le its' la s t~lt t thew ripo ei t tidl t tiweek.i~thth St
oohho~,, ssslt~tt' iiltils't he iltil 51111 (((os" o los'
?:uk ''o'-''.''uhit ot ot 'them jr fsirttt aistd os It (((ld t no r i c leofbt
ofite' hot's'ttil b" 's tietrf M untl l oriih ts, iY. Mthos eoiml
the Itt''' 0lwlt sf1 ngs, artI il - iersofute stil). XX 11(1 s uitiiTfl- in
d o t e u ri s hi ngftheo s m usgit ' 1 It o ' i t'f ll .( t i l t ( i t i
ali te atr helyic. hebok lis .there111 issu difftrenceohot~i , exiittt'nc
ap r of i tlricsoo rs onaldX.Ki-n. i it It pnit o n t' haftos tnots iii' ll
X sIt t t ot us bc'is - Iein lis 5ha to!.'m eito itt ai d D eanlls(i(iJis~t'inO iii oi
XI tt a t'hi t'tiOO JJann ooelltto XX'C0itst 'heltoT sked if the(,I ment( ender' sttihe all o
gillgantt litotfttItitctf o tis ot hc oo iss''t
lioso da'is fo'ohuc' ltside t'erbforgito tlitiat due((tet gth ofoi i o r cto ertittiu.
Jaooosohooo red li scre n ~~rrschotol.studii'caef ttsijs
Xosts ill too ll~sieti Cosa assther ito li'. S\ hen'.x ('ledtfon t ,its'
Xotbrof larg h i is t dif it t e t~ ssT s nsits to t it5
togs' I toot''' foss schooltof'siilastaict ng"X" tiittt
lTh e ot Xag mos Iist o 'i'ittts. f tol TIi tudto ouI' nctil t 'o ii'its ad ot-
k '1- iiso I I i s'ht gt'tasedsatcg'o ti Itt';oe lca hy
hois elhoo . r 'e th. o, li re ai nfrTo mtialot'futerit' h an 'orsT gi-
histr ~ ooooaooouo o ls. fatrontr lio un111'to t' qusTstii tolfthe rut
XMas' o 'of tisillo'oanhtst n its11isitatiostooir ltd sil~l T'
111so logto1 leneralt'tt'Cha irm -il t Io' ls t i it i altrat o t h oidto oer

Advises 'Them to Avoid Path of
Unrestraint---Speech of Wel-
come Well Attended.
Ito. Jam(ilts it .bo'iigll elirtee thte an1-
o tol addrless of ielcoote ttfrsh-
in-o nounivst'sits'hosll Stotnda after-
Toon o1 he couotseof oi sisreettaksihs
-sotd: '"hhigheltst oi ll siv~tilegs atti
oil all hts's thoosttle iion 01utes t'out
ar1'lo toolow forste htn'dct o~ttsf lift-,
"IhaeOs erves'd'''hat iu ll ogn-
ios tosnsot societties of tits' CiteSitr
itis ic ta slesi-toties tthoodeterieit
it11' slut sosof Il'the hoeorg-agtniatitn.
Tos''of out wh'ooatot-htoe(oete
first timent d ouratsolvIs sudtdenly cta
lis fo m 1 all11 resitrat 11 s lure is a
trontempta1(1 tools titntk tee is att
"pl'rttii t tae asot hhoftmoattl
,tcii ofuil I isaritemstilt iottandt
"I lhopse oisthewoloth of ilstdens
layste tio-o(1 '01 1(115itthe pirsusit of
itasotosootstoinisI.Have tot ver
asedyuselotfX'Whtotuy purpose nd
rtinsoito, Neoustr ostllyout have a
I le to situ ttto(to deide ti'this questiont
arigh thanher" totheitsvot esit, swhere
(hit-i''arctsotmanbtoos h' elIa11111gtid
O.. lisoss talkouts oo thowet by
(:c cblc ThIo mson scetry of
5,50. Auto A toilsotspt(oke tiupont"The
1.'oossoo'lou o f Otisithe ietoo t etrowhl
,,ft he rto. Thu isselt tspecially
it sooth as oust outfthe isle on111otr
its (nititt stool carteros
so' ('tots-ingtoita ddress coststtade ly
Iishuopt Chars t). iXiliamtts tf the pis-
copa sos-os' oil of iMicigan.tt-H-is stt-
ject wa s "'floc ecNds of Rsligiots E d-
- (iiO. pa tiulart'yTot State IUniersi-
lit . igi hi simpotly gae ttoatdess of
tsrlGencsouuse of theso'stbsec of Pes-
toet I ttcI n
ti''OX iIlTA 110 k-CPi STRoX
o rcesotrao mi~(se(so osuepasso it for-
mer00successe0s. XI atttot the olt ttct-
ocs re tocho stnolwill lurtilta basis
sush i ost 11111) otid tn perfetngthe
liil thIte limit o ift'tmettbes is
it'arlysreaused, thee 11a5' still a few
aanis. "Cry-stuts till beheld by Me
Sannwoosl iersontthLocwsod inii ttthe Soboll
,t Muic W edXXsnesa es'sInig'fromthtl
pat lvt os sone o 'clock,
AlIcanditsses aire, sianesed toirig
sot Tthiems somte pic'tif'm(sicbleof nmod-_
i's-- i u'Tfic-sIt so blich tey have prac-
C'oo hioflst imse ill seeral years the
fri-t(o-shm t this' Utiiesity of hctttsy-_
vaiiitastoutthes ammalitoillstrefigt frtttt
Ih scod-earoen.tot,'Te victory twas
w indTatooitight saftetsohottrs of
Iardilightings, asio('stilt Iihoil whlicwsst
ini this'uinguain ltt.

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