TheMichi _D VANARBOR, MICHIGAN, it l :ll X \ '.1ItY 7~. Vol- XX. No. 6i8. TIME NEARING FOR THlE BIG DEBATE sTeams Are Hard at Work in Preparation for Annual Con- test This Month. For seval eeks10 the taO teams which will represent Mihigan in the anaual initercolleiateli dii tes wti Cli- cago andi Northwterns i have heeii at work undler the giancte at Professor Hdollister. Althoiugt nne of the in i selected tate eve paittrtiatedt in iter- collegiat deae h estst so file achieved teail to opitimilsmt ratiter tiant tpessimlisml ini reaid to lite aiteitte. The liebats sill takt pate0 Frda. Jattuare 2i the Northwsesternt tami coin- ing to ,iiii Arhor and1 thii Chicitot tam maeetinig the otei Michigatiotttittatiit The questioni to to dtedIt is:"e solved, Tha-t te etperiente ofi te Untited State thas sttotn ttat te proa tectise tairiff soldltt tiiii to tat a nationalt toies lTie tat ataic meets Nortwesternitatkes ithe afiiiatiies ahite that wahicta goes tagaitnst Chticage sapports tthe niegative The Micthiganitit ti t for th 111ir 1aiva is coaimtposed of I iiataai B. Chtaffee, 'o9-tiL, if Anni Arbor; J. I eita Aidair, 'itt,, of Claytint, tt. ail IFratnk B3. Kief, 'tot,, of Ostatosh itol The mien ott the negatiae tea t atl rel Joseph G. IT. tStacko 'a a tat iiofSit Aarr Stat ill tiro set, lit at Sauilat Ste. Mfarie; anad Alotizo TI. Mt han 'iiit, of Autint, Texats. All1 these taci arc satl qlifie tid to iiake a gootd stiowsing inthe itcotiaitg ciat tests. Chiaffec tans forterl ptreti ssit of the ,\tltati atai alas a imetibetr of dleiit of te Oirtatoia Assoitioiiand is at preset i a imemibtes of tite Jsff et 51111ia aitd Lyeumitit cu s it Adir itas ott te Illinis (Callege tni wich debt tttatait Lake IForest iii io,7 tHe is iota a tiem-i tier of tthe XX etstsr Soctiety, of wich anieta seas fiariti rs iden11 iit is K it ias hadt preparnatr isrl art tteS'ate Norsitmali schiooil at O shikosh, XX is, andt tok pat in seval norai l itehtetis titd oratoicaili contests. Ite asas a mitittttr at te aain- ninig cupt tean o11f lie NVbstcr Society last stinttg. Bla oh atediti for te SiBl1 phi cup iltemo rt)n andi is a lilmbieir oif thle I yt 1111 ctill. titiitiit sia is a imimbetir of t Adulphita So iy. Mct Kean spsent ttirteyeits iialt I itiut- sity of Texais untdter i isl sktnown1 in-ii straictor of ortiey Pro1efssor Shotite llfei telog 1 t1oII tie Atidi Noil So- ciety. Proifessoi Itottist e ita cthargeloibt tais in ath itsenis if litrofessior Triie- t- loodi. Ptrof. tlotlistet wil p roatlly gil wsitti thts teali to Chliciago wh5 ich I teases lTursdayi, Jant 211 Otit of tthe 34 iett s itwhIich itSigatin has engagedt ini il the atsehswo a;;. This is a perenaitge ofi 73 andit fraction1and1t is beiev tice rstasits this siear wsitt raitse iathelitha it e ta ig ire. SOPI1T Ill's ItS Fintal teraigiareti t avi belsom tletedl fat thie Silt. 1Lit. reception aid daiice tit tie givent tic te cass offittirs in Barbocaur gyam Frnisy night at 8 o'cltuck It is assured~t that the taet illast ie saill atteitied b t e tmsnu if this css itit Cttii till ladies cointlg wiiitouit e siors wsill bei proivitdeid foii ITie oficeitt w iill ie s- slated in thes itntetimet o f teit guests I a f lotr commaititece, whtich is coimpoisetd of min titers itf the~ soctial eomi- aittee an111 ottae membues f thue class It is tinderstotoi that alt mnettates o1 the class are itaviteid to atted atnd that adimissiona is free. Mr. andi Mrs. John R. Brumii wilt chapaeront. VIBRATIONS RECORDED New Seismograph in Observatory Caught Faraway Shock. flitNets Years Mrinig liii.sisitil- getili at te otservataoy recoedteieri mtuistal disturtbaces of thalarsth.i The smtalltrteemors ibegai at aO i07 ite11mor1- ig andu gradalycriiieasd til a:;, shell the mainwivaseocre, atn titc-ive mnuiites, aititeiigeadaly ditiniishedi iiitil at 6 ticlock ll aitrea tionlthail ceased. XMiroiatn ail ten recelon titseveral peiois dias tut til impoltrtant itratilanti were reisteedt titt laot Saturdtay. FT eceele witirecrd-Isis ep ie- nomeiniaIof earthiqtuakes mose etirey tffts recoardtitg setbyithe force f thesalteatiiai ThIte liiget saewr reoed Ii ilt ast ad isest compon11- en11,aswhichtsgifis that the distritn1 taas ini 11111rth taid south diiection. Maritniqiuettas occurrinruth le sameidis. theeis suchali iuseancy111,n itiethlt i Priof.1Husseysdes-sotatii butei 111111 oil 01 setidn11111 in i hesalth enoimsenaiitt. Teic smoigraph1t the obttseriatry tils iiitaledI itlalast -August atilis one of te mitlst netrtinslltument i s its kind.t Kofi\si/SI,.SNI) 51US1C iS Rl AiS 5111111 -tn-i-as iwere tesalesaforitheillsticsl t of ictigsatla adilCulture, th dliandiii for1thatif Kilnalan altls far cexcedced tiii f the, reiusiloipelrs FTise as iavsoetast.ahavbensoldias i ith1111 of teformiea, Alreadliy a sestinidlesition11of1 tis stilt lhas itte aitublisheta al mttost cxaistt- ed, tinirt edition1111baeig slot ititflit- ttiholidaiy s. IDunithelltvacaioni tahotIesalieorieis ittre reeivell frol ifteenitfatheIllarg rsits oitisids te sttie tiid iai ordieia stil ti111 1111to I lit ahettamuilsi is alsothaig ars- _ t s ale. " Ich g. ittittit a isy Iahn tid AlooyreI andoiiliiiel Shert I iGoodast 1te hust slers at fsbut "I ight is 111no1yaesypotutltr ail is sli a e lt.' Ihetic tiltxtra virsesa sig i te op~ea, tihno whsbiteta ptubtlithe anttr it-nts-i il the hckf uiscisitotpiasl s i S Ait atsng1 titruoris goig the r iits t iiottestilluills to to tahasostiltwas _insird --Th1ei atiiso te strs ges ife aln af airlft 11111erirater _teearssig sluttuitstatut sssaii1.15v beinsuupeitduced byihelisthIler XX lsti he eliait-erag-ilt seosedthim11o11 ll11 bt imtmturtng his eapeienceshue - 'Thisstlry iaisl sustant1iat isy hu seon t vtettstiient tgi meiliinitss IDuring te aation thet Wome'siui a Leagm1(tpurcehalsedl twolo hts 111111is stilt tnegtiting ifor ito tluar', exp~etig tetereytio isio nssess theunocciieuie its tthe oeiiaeif helsc t 11111Four- teentuhistreets. Tese otaawil lie luln- siereilpatiteof hPalmter Field andtwha-it- eve plttians thite. iummitet'appoitedaibyt th egens-liloImakeilhorecommedattiontitls fo li iiuuetects Ito the field tiny utake t ilt incudettithis nittacnquitredupop 1 1 ls l 1110 tuaiuitunto tnotn'ttiau. I "Intt-itilsgite Deatitg" is te titt i' f a bitookjust isstieid ty- I iuobutle an (till Ciridge of Ni'a- Yor, 'he hoiok I. s ediid ty- Prof. PieirsoO f Swar-th- satomi, thititlcs Michigaii fit-t ilitte - list f ectllege dealtes because tf thi f olegite deblate. t 'hutmausticripts ittalltthe titeni shot icbtndclagaintNorthwiiestertitad Chi- cagol last year are givet ini full. ACTION IN MILLER,1 MEMORIAL HALL AWAKES tYASI UN 9D SELECTED CA E ExitmetPriiduced by Sude CAEPSIOADBctivty of Wit kiten. A ( S7,rBEST QUARTER Engineering Faculty Met Ye- terday to rake Action hut ,Joy Didn't Appear. Jo}titti l ul l h s IAl l~t-t utl- rl a11i nlat tins 3-sttland -theIn te1 o dsipinn hi111I ' islitr a ts ti 5lm-nt eil li thetit 111 in M AW1 or5 "h111 Alillcii ls 1 tt\tntt o 1mttu ltti tilt l- pi- it -esa Itatdit \-, t it-it d h Sutrit St ilrda ,sups itt 0100 iteli-ts tt-hi Spurting Magazine Places Mich- gan Player on All-American F-ootball Team, "aaa~t ~rtvar,'either. Inttt4- rg)lt uad Pliilh~', Val, kiiiiif Ick llit<< ,.lltilastilflsltutk t': l~seh tl Mltgainc is pushked 55as- E ;'i'd ir ~ ttrttrbck ilhitsAil-Sie- 1%' teat ti tkrdo as giit nt stu ou i a ii trll th e11secoi nduseam, the C , t lt' w s, tte is tiledPes f t~ ]t~. ('l,' di I f isrvari sais <: c.'t 15s t~t c° o hs Packs inithe it~c, crt te a1<1 - -lack autaths wssl, if ]r tn~l t lwtn. hit t ilt it y Ftp- c. >.t c tlz c~s in latd in thelie unel Xliilt I u-t~vni filed signally t r~l~ctt tte frm tutuho etd Ilat year. 1;t~rt~t tl ()f lic ig lu-uh s plus-ed lus i~tr l~e i~est _tailC t t y qut etrIback 'Od i 'cTl uetitilelto Ithe 11'. r. thebig l ss Yoiung 1111 -I (.I avad seco aut-111 I tc^ ia stt-t.Ti le,11 CI t's[' htlI;2 ilt ,t 1 .; I t an ; n I, hty te; ap eait ttt Ilwk,1 ti c.thi t i-u- Ir il thia t c e i I lic ;1(1 tr itt i-il at-t I 1 , ttde it '1tillel1 uct a}~eit I ti--ithI ti il- tl lc a .c 1 rlir i its-1 Sh'1 (I SlS IIC 1TI, AS-i tl al ttiltuik'11 ttc tsi \ ieil(, 111111 iirHpti 'r ice, h cp1'rtrhs th'y a . l c'< s I 1"huh th panst lliicilr t it s Ia 111 th1 muscsilll1111 11111 ii liat11I1 lie' i d \ill --11111 lii_)tA 4Ji"11t 51tiitt cI tlltii 1('e ( 111tH', hili 11at 11 1 o iHi day I at tit p tac lah ht i l liccs 61 the work subm itta a iss u-te- Ilns fi-tilllay mi cnro o he ptill nd Ii the baance 1f511111ay. Iii al titl ct esuu tnt; tist 11I lbit i ani tiu11i -t t i 11111li i tl s 1.-itt and ii. -iii)R il-i II lIXCIK will cXli nc -it: etsesiter.ThIll bassiteas 51hicli till lie-cla~ss striltsmush: iWatermaniitgymi touhay, tutu tnduprtice houurs c51n np1. A tentative cc ltiSurlifo thisesteams 11111w in sO uthas cie list of thetham he seie isavalabe,1 till h ut 111ini 11111 S t 111 icill 110111at ll Jli tile itvc Is-ti- aboltitnluau cas- ! }t C'1~C1 atil s a 1 '01111 11111 ill titioth ii-tile 11)10 IX lll Cit-05 Xli i le 1w Ill t Ilmlhai ~t ii cilw itt-ll leteat ittitd .)a'a' aill healiai-- ' l;clitll I'.ij 1 ,r i halrman O the 1-111'"UP 111 x1W 11 CaImcc d later"