THE MICHIGAN DAILY FULL DRE-S SUITS UNIVERSITY NOTICES Theatre : Tlhsose aspirantss r Comedy sitbito readi tarts befosre' .\r. St. Johntits1 at- itA urt'day and twho were not it rei rs i M ATIN EA , last ight call White at th its l ( tt SNIGHET D c 2t515 .5 Full satin lined with heavy cord silk facing at c-c-c $35.00 C-C-C For the holiday. Cut by experts and made by men who spend all their time on dress work. NOT one or, two a Season. We give a try-on with each order. J. KARL MALCOLM, 118 E. Liberty Ret'. aniti Mrs. I letire Wilder 1isits' trill b iast hmeiroittFridayssevenitig, te. BOYLJE WOOLFOLK PRESENTS 24. Christmas Bva, fromta 8 t tot, itollI atttlettaatetliia iteLitttiisii ctttcltI (14 A CHRISTMAS (iIET attt their frieitts, twhtttttayth sendIg the httlitlays tt nn Arhor.r CW HEIIBlECOIB S hl IN CLEANING S H ,IR? liae dstroed tlthe blnill t~id lit te hAiiArblter IleaRnttiig works ' WITH FRED MVACE '1istsdsit nisstting aittlseeralluIistiesi And Forty-Nine Others in the Jingling Musical Surprise wnupitn soae. tlaiit()f these'a- Prices Matinee 2 c-50c-75c=$' .00 itict bieloitgedto stittetits who wtere n;ea.Ic 75 -$ -1f5 haing therehaes ititetisitied asitu slts fPaces , 5, gin C-1. atmvedinrepisietioni forIthattiSeail Sis'Opens Thursday, Dec. 23 htaime.-.:7,'- r itetmembier sof tte leltasTauIsDelItaiti imi~ Attr'actions frateritity last tiwoistilts andittt hiis iii Girls A il Ia ( rt led y ,~ deiit rascals the Ifaet that 'a imaniiis intl WiltlIbe uit I ueda, (ec 2 liln wohssthree suits. \tii itTisiULKS a - Turdy Jn this uoser saitsalie wotit't goihomsuitn a TE~ OLK~S- Turdy al basrrel. [ : LEARN TO DANCE GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Ctlassas foa Ladies and et lemea I'eta n tIu~dy1: nn :t Stocack.Chitlden'sclsT usa fenoi.Mto5'cok taoit Fr p rttcularti al t Acdm orl e:?6 Oliehus1-p.i Wei e stss osstetiitig its's anutu excts- The Hoiie of 00 lotos uitioaiiy fine'in Pgiannitas-isosth wiltoli Th o e ofuu tCoh sie stigate. Iti,NRYi'& ICt. MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. 1 1 Knox Hats M~an Stetson Hats Spalc Perrin and Dent's Gloves lhattan ;shirts ding Sweaters And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and w( allow no one to undersell us. Re ,200-202 South Main Street. In Newest Swagger S--tyles Largest assortment in the city now on di,;lsay MACK &CO. Motion Pictuyres c'ail Faniting, Racisal Qusrtstte'i z i ;t I is t ' I hrst taian (1111 roeas), The Thotnat liIss c t ttQt i (0 ie~ s),( is's t With, "tdessus", New tUfe, 'lair Tcesmyb u chae r uInI" a asis raI University School of usic MYADST. t test assortmtettoa Scrapbooaks at L~ssigitati'a. tt Bargains itt alt hinds at Uttiveraity hiosh at tie Students' Booakstare. Sheehan & Ca. t Drawing, the right kitids at right picas at the Stidenits' tBaiistu re. Siteehan & Co. if Koanaaind Sativettir Scares sitis Sheet Music tor ae'it Schialsarla &' Sssi's iMutsic Ilaiusito S. Mintrtseet. Try aar $i Foutaati Petn-Sieesatsa Les'atier is ihe heat ever. t Pihssne 877 tutu wsawill sdeliserto fresh blistf sitairta tashiniigtssniCandsyi FLOtIiD FUIT CO. Carriag e a, agag $21111 tic's' is ithe 2a cunts. ! se 510 Gents. Driveis are s for~~ cirriltn CFa s , W, , q l l °? r & C o . MAJESTI-C This Week THINGS TO REMEMBER EXTRA FEATURE WED. and THURS. N AtDDITt(ON'T REGULAR PROGRAM W. H. POWER'S "'THE IVY LEAF" IRISH 11USICAL COMEDY IN iONRACT' Cast of Seven Singing Comedians GORGEOUS SCENERY Friday Afte.-.aoona CHILDREN'S MATINEE itee mOiftst ilisen lOc Best Seats IOC CHRISTMAS DAY Matin~ee at 3 P. M. RESERVED SEATS SOUVENIRS To Ladies Each Wednesday i tt'e reasstttaenslend tesolsoitug ,sisisis:Is ©r .% ""' /4 l g' Iteitie~s, Ph. Morris, Ratitess s, MscI '- 25e icliritoiss. gabeuls tutd I itssit