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December 22, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-22

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ie Michi 9 n DlI
.NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F)5)1. 1 VCFNI 'F>.17 lls.PM 22. 1O(X).

Vol'. XX.

N' . i


< I st lll
" 11 d11

tt 1s
ri lw
11 t 1

Track Men Pleased [itzpatrick Women Who Make Yarn Caps
---aseballists on Top--Pros at Lansing Have Designs on
pects Brilliant. College Men.

l~eports from Various D~epartmnents, Dramatic and Musical Clubs'
Michigan Union, Student Council, and Woman's League
Reveal Splendid Progress of School in All Fields.

It has(111'. a !o ' it 7 1,
1111 e l?1 tgI~11e
7tiIs Xc1111 's
l11(5 tilit's htc b

\";I]- fc)I- _Ahchigali. t,)
r)f the L*Wxer;ity
h gl-c"It Ilim ard it
have hccli ()Ffcrcd ; I111
wcli ;,rcz-tecl ; 1104\ lice
1 lw,)Ilght to AIM is 1
231! ii ovellicilts <Irc ill'!
)tilt o heC{il11ITl jt'y
l i 31 () Icm"cr hc.ICl 1'i 3
f \hchi<,<111. 1)r. f
(e Ili 1if the clop irt- ; i
,h(' chair i;f tlIC sc,
Iii tii{ie 1.<> ti llc it c;
ti: the red e311s were 11
;1 lilal=, t ) t<!l.e leer- t.,
t tiillin reill";. NO #};1
mul 0% HM Os I<7
t11e work '<ItIS; aC- 111i
i dw t)pillio ll Of c'll;

c- dct'mitic_,n and standard sot by the
ci:nion of _1iuc rican tTui',-ctshies.
r1<>t likely that the recluirrmcnts for
ssiml to ttledical schools will, ill the
intt'rc hr advallccd fill-ther. NLed-
ednctltors ill this cotnltry are quite
y cimviuccd that two rears of col-
-()t-l; ill physics, chemistry, bil>log-
111f ici-11 Iallgtl"t ;l' arC Ilecessary bc-
<< student Call rcap the fill] hcnetits
cicutitic llledicinc ; morco~, er, they
'ctllrt11 t cl] C'mvinrccl that the 11os-
0I1 of all A. 1.". drnree without slleci-
G511 as to What that degree ltlcalls.
M not l.c desn:tnded for admission
11c(hcal schools. The medical dr-
licill of this l'niversily leas hre11.
vacs ill making this change. Its far-
ill the WS that such a
c \\()111(1 come, 01 at least that such
Int c \cas dcsirablc, and the faculty
nrg'cd this form of (I(!vclollmcllt con-
Ay <1nd persistently, tmtil nokv it has
adopted by most of the better nled-
schoals in this country and ahro ad.
It aticndanrc ill ihc- dental do^part-
i for thr ear Shows an increase of
1t} students o,.cr last year, in spite
he fact that a considerable incrrasc
hr matriculatimi rcquirellic111 was-
,d last fall without riving the usual
.,f 1101iCr. T]IC rntra11CC rc'elttiIT-
is n,)w ihe. !wine as required ill thi'
al-- 'k-partnlent alld calls for the fill]
111 HAS A high school work.
i1t \,)vk leas rclnc 1,n successfully
1) thc 5t,1rt, owi1,g to the fact that
11c%\ huildill was frilly conlplctc(l
O dipped 11 thr lle inninn of the

h w ait IIsat hat- (((((1it w st he stae
1le S ll l 11 c 11m il ot11ilt i
cii rs as11 g c11 d rngtelat-111111.
not1 <)l p o ed h lfuIo h ilw

I was highly pleascd wish the shmwnli;
of the small tract: s 1mul that UGC took
no Wivillidge last sprint;, aml tll )" h we
\vcrc 1.ol particularly successful at Imili-
clelphia, hoth th<.' fc nr- alld om -mile
relay teams ,I\(, promi>,- of cluing ;cod
work «itlt more e\pc'rience. S ]loth of
these mains are practically intact this'
VCc:I' and t, e will hate a larger varsity
track sgnacl, 1 am lnnkin)fo rwrtrcl to a '
pariicnlarly- successful tract; ;c"ason n(1:;t
Ycar. Acr, hoclv knows what we slid in i
fcrotl all :nlcl them certainly- can he 111)
colliplaint ahcant Michi;an's shoe, ig
ihtire. We had ;1 line lot of foolhall Alen
here last season ;tilt) naturally w c v-cre
all proncl of t1ie111, From Present PrCls-
pccts it hooks ,1< if \\.(. ~ )nld he jllst as

1111 (1 All 11(1PMT N IN
11111 tc ll(,t i potn
done i h I C ia d~atic ti
is te otzla vnce to th cll p
Ii asc lsc. ]hs 11 armcl
so fr1 sl1111,te !! ch o
voa1 h 111 bll(1r~x~. 1h
i~ri~l~ fi r h-ilt h n 19 (1int,1 l's ~l i~t
11e111 1) ):a )y 1O ( {,Ii ai
co tat.111 t i asl l 112id t
«(Il ot he 11( li Il 1(1cpa m n

(((111l l
(III 11v

I ess ,, <1ttclItir)1I !heti clc -,
l c Ieach ill" (")r11s 1las ;
prt vcd 1.g New .1111x)111111
c]<ls;-res11111 c1r?: i; r;ll'ric d
-l he tk 1mr1111e1n has f(11
i dfrrecl a five-yca v o olr" e
tirl.al. I lli; has hc"c ll ill a
the tilllr' 1\ hell 11I()re 11;12
Nv()rk will h llli tt11r .
st11(lc;;> l1<tc cllr)liecl it
11 1"<l rst
Durll,} the pa't tillllltllcr
alumni Mc red a fuv veil()
a :lr(lcd 111)()11 the c11mb]

1 hr e 1C
M ith 1i ('- 1rs
' i i a l w i l k


Dill1111cc g tlic n 111o (111y
111ap cl wa the 111 iadc 1ccn!ise
111c (11 ihg l i w altcll (tri ng,1
1,(a1 t f io . V t l itr l
((Si*Il) a d a re ai o li h

antl rwc(I f tIic


'' l ' i;

I!I {Ilt illf'1 .
ci4Ist_ -ri,
]KAW- t I"4,111
111C dw I
has al- ;111(1
l'('-Clltl- VCW'.
'CII (,I]- T h
s1IT(llCtl 111- t

sch«lai-ships l\ ill be coll jd-
as(.<i, a< the ,w"a>>ir.ed 1 iAv
Ii ijavc III)t rt cousitlered it.
:"rad:latIng clasp was ('IIC ()t
hkk rlelmrtmolit l ati had.
DR, W, I), IirNst)tt.F.


l 2 <


ll c d ical 1,(-Ill I - Yl val I1<(
its (, Iiecl t Vactllt
tr ti7 ec' {>f iti'tirlt ill
ice apt<) ! 4ia t<l tr l { i cl
sl mc,7; rc >re i; tl r

(1111 t he 1icri
l(11 11111i o it"{
iedI ((1111.111 (hy1coiall
((11 1_1(11111(11 (11th111 (1111
he1 ret Ll1vcst

r * 1 1(1 in<i~iall1 ll cl.ritc l
Last Rfehearsal Before Vacation
<'bows (food Mlaterial.
\l1 he ch i i 1 ic ( 111 11117
spcl , at h°(') e ycu ' l}

I 77(7- \V11111 771171MI::1'
lolla locan I nc Ins, in .11an iterv11(1,11111:
rrr ust -Thewor intilldepatmentllollaw
y ha- h ((i hlast year(111has 1Keen1 eminely~~ s
d i I (I ii'. (11of 1 1111 ilet 11111se11of(
e (c, ! i ri,-Ii do e th n in the epa till'
inu .of awof hi uierstl. (Two1111distic
)rcis i ( trt 1 1(1 la d hou lht lto alighlIi i 1' o

Ida . 11cI(I 'I'ttr (It
III,_,n \,111 l)(. t)III-
"clic)(d 1 c(q)C'11S 1.1111
rlurr i llrc e11tc1i, al
i1Is f rlirtccI tr1 11 1\ c t
t1wir 1-ct111-11 "I'hcr
ceII('llt IIla tcl-laI oll
C'\-cl'\'1111]1f jr [hits ti
i5 ail c*,\lrelllcl\ rlc
;11c.lrya1 , 11,1\ (. ;llr)

ti i

x c
- li

1t11 (1 l Jfci
'i1 I ll ~c II I
ti Ilcl r 111 Ii}

tih ith the 1 clcclti((li)f( ( ,i I '(11(1
mid 1~'i c M a Ia teei lnyo
able (1(1(1 ro hchtopikici o
thevacntpla1c11111(1(1 als ae lok
'rhe (li I'' ~ n t~ck ta w l
711 117 II 1<1- lat lsp ii'] weaing
i( p int_ Athongh t frst("lame11 thll
d.ii n'11(1 n ohr f'~(1i1as e c
I l n ' ilcl tatte iio l'i rinst" i

The .. twr 1rc 1tohahil- Thedeal s
in mens fnihitgs d(1111t1"1111tlto e
the 7 (1(1(1b(1 l unge11(1 into) (l th tifuicti-
1(1(t 111ofmatimn t they cau'tIr
help (1 -utt'I' 011it.te i
iosoat N11e 11 \th Su
de11 C~ttcildec ept'he111 iomg
1(111 ap orA clse, idr~s Wereh
los oi prsin l _Ioci of te itit
altrs 1 1;t, egilaors mettilnItsandy=
11s1I. \ l it (solhappens112 thalt obor
\nkinltem anueefactlursll11e. liee
ell. ill 111h.11ers ega comingt
sm11-ts nt us wih e1(itii lid paperi
tritugc t~te, in i 1 11111 ge ts whotl
1-1 1 Ill Itird cap 1s 111ap 11
d1117 Te atearein mer laguaeS
sp-11c 11111rt, \ 1111 sible xcep
1(71_* Ill -(((I do(-111(1 e itte hpists
hateto tth,,h \s it (t rsile,"
said -,c 11w cl ~ 1(1 '' 11111cant t1 r
nth1entire" 1 1(11finstledlsie1a11ong~i
thosecapsill~ t(,look(it lve3ltter
\TI 1''1\ i?7171 i 71(11)1
;1st tril imi i m ,, 1(1i1sm11 . t iti rle
firs 1 (11cnaiin; ie s(.V \ttlrjrs
11(11(11 ((1 Ii (c(It 11111 l eai'se1t 2:3i0i
- le iIN I. (W11111' et] the
(w1 fo1hr;niniw h rpotsofh
all ((1(11 1111(10ar il a d ho ttid

11, . . .
(111 )tilt .ulro
I r.tit . (1 las Stit
Ilcc reeasa lasttit'(011
The1 it 1 1(11 m
Antn 11(n11ch...
7A ;1. i . .. .l
I I 1(11(11 It
FI illsvict ..........

111 (aY ll

71. it

1 ilint.)
is ,'ll -11
1lo 117

kn wih o nr v t is s 1111 11(0 71'c(
tanclc the a spice i iof If t Scltnlur<-
shpad le ' I lfitess frth vok

T.. ( 1 1117(1stow
.... . li. L 'o
I (' 11 (1lul11
sch77'. 71..1(1'
.. F 1. W77c7117
C: ' t. 7iColley
CT. 1. ('onles>
itll t 7111il-

iox>l, or if

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