'-THE' MICHIGAN .DAILY G.L I. Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- ir; s, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Pull Dress Stuits a Speialty CALL AND SE US 311 S. STATE STREET At the New Store G. h. Wild Compally For th smati knot tie TRADE . " MAR "B-...... ARKVfS LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. Sate St. Sign ot the big white shoe A. G.SPALDIING & BROS. p q ry are te largest rn al- The Spalding fat esI h ol Ttado-Mrk ofOFFCAL QUIP- MNT,orlilathetic o-tDt Q spors and pstime. I s o -c If loar iitierii- 1 it in Atlti Soil * . yn t ntt atnne ,~c ' U1 te .sui tii Ct _atnnW 's aiia erots eteti enuycopeduia f thii diittisscan What's New in Sport. K~rexrze- oof anti in nent fre nnuue- Q..oualtty.. (It et. AV. CG.SPALDING eft BROS. C tai$on Dtrot CI-RISTLYAS GIFTS Most Complete Line of Holiday Books IN CITY Souvenir Spoons, Pins and Watch Fobs M~ichigan Calenldar Better Than Ever- Boxed For THE -MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing LEditnr CcAi tct K.E, ELnInsIt. - lntusa iii .11zangeu CARLt.111. 0. ADAM. Arstus: N'uticHIt 1)DILu, tPress Bldg., ,Is ii naud Streut. Office u it us: Matsnging Ediinr, S-cc p. Is. .liiiincas Manager, i-a, 7-8 p. mn. Except Sundlay., Both phones. EDITORS. Nuwsn.... ....Lee A White Assistnt ......... Ilarold Titus athlutics ,.....Witbur D. Elliott Womni ..... Frieda Kirinotfiek Ntnsiu antt Drama.it..oltis . Baker Exchanges ...-:M. B. McHugh Janies K. 'itatkitis NMorrison Shafroth Chtaries (riodG. S. Lasher John "1 -lKeny ASn-OCtATic DITannS. Water K. TO*W(ts h arry Z. Folz Dion iritit c 1). A. Hinckley A'rthiiurIt. itteciksliti Russell B. James tFredtLaon f ttarry G. Myser Fratnttoell Chta'rtes 1It. Mylanlder fit trint isitour fi. Mack Ryan Wait, Otiver tOUSINtiSS STAFF C,. iA. itt it iii a Normian I-IHilt Natecr IQ. N'fitgi Myer Ruhin Kuiti ct Oat tint Normtasn Wittet dictappedt tntonty.tiby thein'adequtttet seatintgcataitiy inlut tinfuritir irranti mients anstdcIciiieulty pta coustic prop- erties of tivsersity thatt. It is thti 't gift of miagnitude to tic receivued ty tthe state icnstiuioti from antitiniiduat atnd it cstablished a itrecedutit, swtict ifiifot- toweil hy otthers, swho aruequially initur- ested itinetnisersity andituoatty ctpti tile of manitfestitg ttheir iteurusts, awill dto tmtuchito retteve thueimtiny neueds, sulichi thu regtittr icosme frotthsttati int ahie tospritidte for at peet Thu griostth of ttetUsivursity ill ituit- tbcrs aind itifuecec has tieut far ini uxcss of wthat the intancial expeundsiturueitigtt warrantt, but willh this growth tasnstic aiddeod teeds, suliclt aru steadity iticrcan- tng, atid the dentyinig of sutichll in-ii evitably stork to the tharshtip of tic insttittiont. All those wtto arueintturusted ini the Uivtersity of :Micthigant cant tbut feut it great iscnsi f gratitude to Regentt Iilt, not mterety for tie spletidt gift lie has givun, hut for thu seicun-i terest atis lose for the is'titutiotwisich lie thus uxpressetd. By prosithng stutter hiuatugeair fur freshint, the Studeteoutctil hsfle a lotng fclt swant. The tiquies thttaru inowu beginintg to lie seenIt iittecacittiti are not otily a siourc of wairtmthiand comftiort t thu wuearers, hut uaru also icat atid tasty. To (latu, although haiit adea whtichlisinadeuttate for thu tall situ sprilg imonthts, thu fruashmeuithauet iiihats1one swhlichtcuiltic strntdurinthettcoldtitr moncthts if swinter. Noss'they aruhrt- tidedwuit iniitdentifyinig articleuoit]tutd drests for till sorts oitt authetr. Thur shsold takse it tiponthteitsulvun to niC that each itiuitber of thu class is n otottly the ostner, hut aautrer iof onecof tue caps. Moreovuer, smiewhtiiiarsitoquns hateencotsni for the other cluases. With the upper classitentilhc wearinig tt themit will lie opltinal. Let us hotetichut they, ht, shalt tid iIin t'efutrtheuranice if this ises undeurtakintg atnt try tou makei~ it onis'ositour mt imp ilressiv'e trittitions contiinual sworry. Thuy5cotieicas ape 'lti hreakins tsthu taily 'itutine i the' Mir. Jeninigs, tiuanagur if tic Itrtt Stilt Wotrks, gave ativery iiterestintallut (It thcmthodt ofiett ling stilt situosithti grt tittiI biuttre thuet'Commei rceub tta ntismo'er hlctisttheUnI'iionatingt MIrt. Jenintgs extenitdd iiaiIttuiiii toi ii' ulstiitttoisiti thuetutune itsJutu anit 1see for ihuitiselucs tic suritnlttgs of the plaint. NEWS FROM THE COLLEGES Activities in Eastern and Western Schools. X the I- iy P title f'+ the IC, t s 1' C t" scIv 01u li8 stasite ( ilrts isisill 'e n in cubo i eathsreet iii 5 tutu iii i si ii itm f ta it hs smlst:''snit ins t of anytutf'Amer- yi <'sti ii ii1\-iit'ist i to itigi Nit iifiWi'si I sits isis cn s ia t. t i i.tis' tis'snnual ti'smeet, i i n'\ eodfo hseet sIt .ti mlm-s tiiter siCkci ii siit'i'm rtiuu wil .omo innsuffstic' olglj it Co chi ofithet sut stius t ir ur ofterit t sIit i4)tos ii" 'o5Oiusitt ?hdwt itsami is fit man iii -five BOOKS -IN Holiday Editions Nothing answers the purpose o well as a BEAUTIFUL BOOK, for a CHRISTMAS GIFT. OUR. NEW nlichigan Calendar More beatutiul and artistic than ever, is now ready. BOXED- .25c- University Bookstore LY NDO N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Priltillg Enliarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners BAILEY & ~cEDMUNis toey filingseoialtty 12 .Lery St An Aror Mchga R. E. JOLLY'S 308 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes iuaevtt1,in Gita dii B-B-B PIPE 1 ioliii'i ths stis 1, iil7d I lI s Sit' r ii iiar 1 Eta 11 )o wi thatiii atite'nd o(tb l -att 'idei's of iii's iiatemle'ithii li savt hatii stisci' 1iiac \i tiia'si c i