e ichiga.n Daily .,NN ARIOR, MICHIGAN, 'T'fI S )Y, LD tCTItIIJB KR 2, t i xf Vol'. XX. No. f34. WINTER TOQUES PROVE POPULAR, xMenmbers of All 7lasses Rush to the Hiaberdashers for Novel EDITORIAL _RAISES ISSUE UNION PROJECT Chicago ,Faculty Takes Definite Conference Stand. AlarntheistideniitRaper at tle 1Liii- criy ofCiao hi faculty at Clhi- it-)thave -'ic ion irecordnilas being op- lohv tletic rclatioin ith ft ilitii nt iii the ltterretiiris to th delare thati Chlicaginias acting fo-it- Headgear. f)in tim in 111' dtnts htvet1ie I oinc..Aim Alrltr chins i cc 5 fsItii cae co citi t l ( thti Stind n1 i I11tit tcd ter el i]c s1 s tim t ofthi t litcAtl NEEDS BOOSTERS' Knockers Are Kindly Pequested to Get Behind and Push by Ardent Member. /' s ,tirlt n s >r .;eiict0 11 n 1 1ft i 11()t r 1 ' tit 11 a n. t, s i ittitiiiciisiiii, ini tlc Itictiig;ni titiuin, whlichi tis neiherCtr no Ju its ackingtiiiit'I IcIit 1 th l t si lcrt tt ill y l ttr (t it ,ttit err. ( <,rtrtcil, ,%ho Last I'hE M art tart board consider the ec3i- tt Ac sttre; had 1 t " be try Wacd to the gowral pilic I pub d t Ntittny fr()1tt tl c I ,& dw acti m Merr by the NUMem C m ytrtriu tt> IrtV in a terrace W regard w ,Whigau. Chicago trcl- ,e ,E tllc' C i111ncil 1 not 1w ollil: "d o the (-, dd lllwn C' till^sts to tllc i si and one up- Ji 11 ri rc;c u =111- ;t "'". .l.'S e io i strutc ili.tol r o ll theyi utuaiiior sO' prpra tutusit ii thespistit Sortsandirdits igooidtchiiersand (mi p : a e p oss Ii i ibl it tsoiii utcers c"i iii not i i ttit l ilt.i face an i nii ent- n mall'i aici patd f hth im thnadit tigs areI inotlyt r t and thenl insteadli of iii iii l i alit i ii I illRaginghutry i ticilput titd tis ear it su ngc rofeiioi tic, inIdo ing - idiidu l heit tit oi -rct hc auts nd fil-tc Itih e iop :1 adv ilt liiof an rii i /,ai c ti iii ichA s hu t ii pt ;Oand wich altiilitf usi tt ariipte, t as tin tut supporit ng membersl if iti is st a a ;Ipain n it amyif iMuichi- n ?tttug itt- liis Itil'l's, li i er hi n kckuli'ing tnt hcititit latt ter, 'for if'llow iui'uLu eelbentiii tto tutu I isake thew ii liii'sc'eievuuicgas cI was h tilt tunte i on iis hesorn- litatinthtinici' Sc. Iiiittnill sole )'he tici e ofli iiiilli tictit so i ifeJait iy ii- ittit ml w ihoc dalectremitts- :liottin iii li t h ts m t tu sver i fitsow ill Iii ii i' ri'faitswsuolowthmne sca t VOTED SCHOLAR LECTURES1 M. Reder Speaks on Chansons de1 Crosades. I. Recier oiif lthe Collegi' de Prance Ilectur iituuu i's'eveig oni "Chasons in Cc isitils' ntcthili'aiispicis of the irnh etc enti Mii 51 tnuin. cwhois member Iftiieiiaclt f tin Colege de.R Frac iiiid ,ic ifutheiiiiiriimist tf muttng-Frechicisclrsteai's itrodciitied by Dr. Cainlifitd. i stiici ilalt ar' nuta clwitthe earliest on s Sf.ttnithenn took. np all te'igraiIenchticis ft Ith iiiit ileoftheciusactc's I Iielustate! is letucliibly'ii'iii'selctins frotitheti tucks o iulffernt witris.n li closig 2M.fhu-utm exprenssedilhisap- preiactiotumnIfthu. mnneur iiwich henlli hadt e tint te aI't tte iffernitl.Uni- sumrsituieof tIeciuntrys andpaticuieilarly the univercisitytot Michigan. Sf1111I I F OFFICERSNhTO IG fSIV 111CAF R XMAS fAtl iiipli lii s ill i'njoti- a reclption, followed bitt dacit onit iStntuyJnt7 at 11 o'cilock it Iarinur tic .TIhie isvcii wiill inhe i give ibyhcilffi csiof thclsi. Iti is teicea oitheiiclass uofficrslthtny giing tisiisocial fntionI tolttutu step towardn inettig'll dime class togeteitt am fosterintg clsis illiit itill iie acnom- tlise.It Iisi hopendtthai alt ofi Its class w-illnututn ulitn ensoyithinfra 'gisodininislthatiariftltitei. ttuuobscmitteesii1 ii ttoinleiit'e af- fairlint.eiswItlIbessisedin itheiiientlr Ianen fiir mg uns tss'y a "tfioor" com icccinso itt-tnt tllhitgget swi it- ttheicaes tieyaricie, s ntiro- ductins t i i t tinatlihe1mmece-- ft teclss iticitg y's edatuy tftr- noon te iweaintg' of lii-he tus ins titlst theartilyidored. 'Te soph it l s will endtiltrito arrintnnige i tittane ii to h iven ith.i iiflii.ijunior itli class. It' C(f)\ll- 115 CII F TOIGH1T1 Thts-illihe1 taIrehearsal ofll lil- stithotitiliac lin-it ingpa hrts t the Coiicind clireeslitsuntonigt't o'closckiiinutotu2i, iveits-un hatll lith cast utill ie ami tutitututoiinrt nul dit atn prncs not 11preiscunt tnigh illit ti tft off tselist-coi cnidaultss inntlt play. tart scavil bl it''t tilttudy an it lutst ititnouncut. All ittecstils iiliiiihave i in tin posses-I s iui t5i -i s fthe l ayiiit tutu iittt t initIl OIISitRiAVEf11, T~ll'-ROUNSF 'Sic ofiDold Kahtnstuktm euutsis guie arndiniat tt-i-icmrecing All'Arb',nmi ia l5alcs ciimicmtiagaznte The Rec- ord'- fiatadiettncythimthetitled \"Whatt Smullt Gist Thetm" ins a- ciptiutandtulishttleud iniliiiChristmtas tuublint tuf 111T1hlii"Nicutrnil'liptid andutpulishthe it rticle s1iniIt si tiit- u-ct'- ni mt ttns ttss ,t? Anu u'cNCllenti tipostio11111fcthle vluei offrittutisionstiia ivnitbyt iDr. night inistiItlttilt"Rig Titngs ti. Patton di ii iianutaalog' ltisteni ti the ort neibiyitthe lforeg issuion-il aris athe - atsitmliii to cutsriaunize tistnrient aloitg coummercnial hites itt aniswer-eduthlitbjectciom ht amy ttemp to convetn tepgins t Chistaitylsis forcitg soittt-inug upont itmthIeytdn tntsishi litssowinsitatimithu t-,uission acrkucorkernutuityshot-nithe advtages if Chritinituylienrlte neligiont of the Onient, preisely'asitshde Amlericant mer- chuatpintsuit tltheadvntage of west- eii flourc oritwoolents. PEACE CONTEST WON BY THOMAS Will Represent Michigan in the State Meet---W. R. Snyder Given Second Place. ".Arbi iitauti ut-isitse suject iii uclicitXL\it 'It llauu aeon the tlpeticeccra- torical ottelst last evtinig tutud the right to retprescn i ciigi tutu thu slt cult test at .fliton. fltthe-iortatitns reealt-d excceptionaumly'goot comp'it1ion and tui itughu tt intd tutu nti ,llludit-tn Te ieofPaeul ie Uic iof a matecriulscuseit-hiVSIRN Stt der, whotn tueicntd p1atec -' hutcutuitu it1Iisaitrult'nt ii scuned tirudpane inithiicotelst dcaltwistih hi QecuugcA. Crcmi T- itVioit Cc's CIF' suis theicittg-inaluphauscof th suhjeti tnnatedt hi 55 'ir lls 'Sttsuu ASJ Seltzer prsnteduuua'iston gandu iihtti appeal iustilt hensubjet"EdIuctiont a SfitW i ih co'nvicigt ag'"ttiu til R.1 ihtgnii ;peCk11on1"Ii iv-uesl DS- unuccnioftMInind."u O putisttc us moodututandtheaingit iniithdhmliter uswusthu characric ofiii .t II ft ittht iortiomnu itt "Peccu Ntent'coraiiti tuwvs dtisftiguished y carefulitreantmulti anth tucumumateia. Te jumdgut csp'rientcedc ncuutsideale difficuel- ty' il sccctinthe iu-muns tf tilctscuest owing t theutuniformnyhighquatutty of thic workt. nPtof. i~tlamtiA. Iaihat DrF~. J. ILesiel cu-ich and'mutt.tutu I tist srycact 'iisIjutilesatutl Isoke uhihIy ofh thicntst.i TheItaiitei cni tst willhehut d itl 1lahs- IriutsiSit acli t flbuuion.illdale f')iveit, fli tuuasut Ypsilnimiwsill as send re11111sentaitives. Fle stitnoisest utill hut-followed sosmmitimeits-muFlay1y ano intesat i ts twichseltusill pobablly -huts hunhud mchur. nt he inamlicountsituitnn slvnat ItitiI dinui Iliniswitsot- sit -tutuIMichtignttuill tiki partathedIl octas-tutuotintetuto behtnutsoI ilptac ii 5515 I iiut ITITI\Ss camuiis orgnizamttilsapain g touthle SemtesCoiunmcl forperisttsmtion tscotn- muti undtu eiriitpmeninthorgiatonu inut liiiestheinrmuehittuin s mutusubhima tit-itt ofts cih-ttudc-atimeilict rmeiisnd in this tutuhum huts Printedtpiictiuatonms haucnt'-oit hen i tutu aitdhall peitionsti tiill heii unrmal hum speakingu' ci thi SemsneC ouncl'st ne ulitg rfeniusrc adnrn . Il taums al t 'Ths facncorganatisn appealing eihiefun rcognitimonm01 oc 'permmiss'ionmuto conutinueu lhabeemi refuset, althocuug'hu scal aptplications rn tun udrconisideraionu. Fin,(Ctnt S Paminmof meCongeaI tsonal curmichuhliiissull ait tmltvolsumeu of short tamlks t childrenmutbeig a om pitlacti tof a slhictcd numbehsofushell regularm ctilrn'smms ii cuuc givn-byIn litmuschli Sunday.i Iaci srmonmisicon-m - litu initsl f stnt oinemhuus smpityof speesuchu tmt c uuumucuuit thought nttsimmsute onet'subjemsc mtith inim ens youtg peple artis-counersnstiandttllacm- chac- anctized helhmututuiihiThin hoot s mbheig. pRoust wit itsfthus Sm ut Sm-i umeI cu-i mut iiumh iros iun ivers mituy al last it-igt for'a before-cC lmisimmus prty. Thu mint, puntotishmemeinltg atspent mu holdtcingusma itins mum ftotllohthin diet muuuimu uching to in umakc it cin lmcute'Do degrees Tfoctutal ittls werestmtade my membhers ufthmme fauluty, sitigs of lie SVutenlamitd inents given and utu ccl nnmu s mmecc (Wthhiint iii{ tii-ak I{ ll° it ii ctc l~ r a'i -'tc c~ cost-si '1( '- T' I 'sit II PI ;(itc s' t s thIt i tt'sI, ii(I t }I sit - itt iih tltdc I it tit I i --lust-i - syi utuuh ii 11 c so thiT A I(W R ("'hitisii t'tAIhtis of luslu muhuscia& thn et th etil0 m c)~ s a ts utid i tue tice liii gym IIst ngh tIltsrmsity wasi th . t wathIti IW - c a a t siti's 5. n'' oifSlthe ptyt and i i7 eNCI11,C ~'