'THR MICHIGAN DAILY Full satin lined wth heavy cord silk facing at CC-C $35.00 C-C-C a or the holiday. C .tbre~rs ad made by men who spend all then"1 on d eswok. NOT one or two a Season. V-17 gie a ry-a with each order. L k IL :ALCOLM, 118 E. Liberty 1O OF DANCING E-,r eftr s b enir made by us to gain your on2 cariesa more complete stock Manhattan Shirts - i$.ts Spalding Sweaters r~nn'DntsGloves An allthe1 t fstyles in Neckwear, and we --o 1) to deC"rsell us 20-2 02, South Main Street. ii Swaggr. M Syles La cstas =tinsthe i now 0on iplay &CO. C I"oalWors, 0) fMusic UNIVERSITY NOTVICESne Th ar : Sopst lit class mneeting Msondas, 4 p. i. asj8-Lf A lecture room, Tappa nisa11. D A smoker ansd class mesetinsgssf tise MATINEE AND a turd * e..sno lwcas ilbehl a h___c-14GA W 12 igan Unions, Tuesday at 8 p. n Anns Arbor Lodge, K. sof P., wsillscon- fer tbe tbird rank Monday evcssissg. BYE'OLOKPEET Members of ilse order attensding thse FOR A CHIHSTMAS UIFT University atre corsdially issvited. Tbere will be a mattling of tbe wso swissd insstruments at thse Scbool of Music Motnday evenitsg at 7:30. All applicansts in s aisbitsg to try out will please report at- 7 p. m. W. B. Parkinson.A i n M s WOMEN'S LEAGUE HAS BAND DANCE SCHEDULED Tbe Womnt's Leause will give a bsanui sdance otn Febsruary 14, is Barbsour anss sWatermasn gymnasiums, thse roceds to gss to tise Fiel fmnd. Defssite arrassgc- mtensts save sot, as yet, bcets smade, btt it will bse similar to tbe party givessast thss samse tine last year. Thse cossssit- tec its charge conssists of Assna Woe~sssr. cbhirmans, Coral Rix, Grasce Albsert, ItIilary Btrady, Florensce Marx, Lucillc Stsswe, andse Marguerite Steglichs. Thsis sdance will be follsssed sonss icstic thse seatsweek by tbe assnnsal fasscy dress pary fssr tihe sembsers sof thseLeasgsse. :Masrv D~uff is cbairussanssf this scssssssss It's sistsply great---thse style, sutsssl sass swsrkmsanshsip founsd insoutrTaissr- l madsse Clostbes. AX trial swill costsitnce you5. IIE;NRY & CoI 'l's swhosmtit smay cstcerts: We save submttitted te classtisles bsitngsolsd by its tss \r. Liticithes Sisudent Cosuncil, andsthe isasrsoouncedl tem thse sanme as samptle fssrnsishsesd Is its sand adopsited by thse StsenssiCosssscil. 64 WAGNER & Co. n~streceived-sa tes t osisf te it Ensglisht golfs. Wagsner & Cso. (4 1 1 I i r WITH FRED MACE. And Forty-Nine Others in the Jingling Musical Surprise Prices Matinee 25c-50c-75c-$1 .00 Prices Night 35c-50c-75c-$1-$1.50 Seat Sate Opens Thursday. Dee. 23 i doming Aftractios "1Girls Will be Girls" - - - - M~onday, Dec, 27 THE SOUL KISS " - -. Thursday, Jan. 6 Carriage and Baggage isee t1s'e:Isss5$50n, aftes 1 sio'clockis $2.00. pieswill ise 25 Coats. if ri ed t orssromrust ps-stairs, te pets:swiliv hibieh issicrits isapproved by 55(5555I .55 , t, C""'critical dressers %4 1 s. - I' ;.1 t'' ::::=" everywhere-and s J ltsits its R, 1the serious oh" jection ta other ________________________makesoftcline. meeters imover ________________________________come in the ties iteCJNOCORD lit AN COLLARS buttonholes in this aoltar-they're easy ' for ,c ines tohutton and an- _________________________ Look at your collar buttonholes ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER Slide" Easy Scarf Bands duanandry testsuprove they wear langer - SHOP ____ than other makes, 2- ()ppo itc Os 55trioin1 & Co Ousatsos ttsttestr Ft'.i,5555.tIvsts 4 TROY, NY. Js GEO. V. STODU. Propriletor ! Szes2ยข _ , Whets studetssdesirse Sto arrange league gataes or spectal tsatces, alleys should be rseservtd ,stsc sehedutles stade out so advance. HIUSTON BROS., :307-309 S. State St. THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS VIA MICHIGAN CENTRAL All Poits inoMIttHIAN. INDIANA ondOHO)and Cettalts Poinsin IstLLI- NOIS, KENTUCKtY, NEW YORK,MSOULCI, PENN- SYLVANIA, CANADA. (ao iDcet,t2i ansd 3. 0 aod Jots. , 1950. Returningit tooteah or'igitnal starting puint not ttter thots Jats.a, 1010. Fosr Parttcars'otsultiAge'nts I ON NEXT SUNDAY, DEC. 19 G. P.COL:ER Wilsl1givesp ~ecial lecture onthle subject: "Wyn h Jewvs Rejected Jesus" ilss lectusrs will bse gi-ets at thse Bible Cbair Buildinug at 12, r1t011.s tissetis are cordially invited. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows- Perfectly steady Eaisy on the eyes Perfectly illunii All engineers are examine this light Drawing Board ited to call and Ann Arbo HaveY0 ohem ompany mie at the BE~ST OF EiVERY NO IN TAIL.ORING m -The Better hu.rry. She's Gr4 i 4 WARD, THE TAILOR S. . TYL[ S