THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. LH. Wild Comfpally aMERCHANT TAILORS We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- iL; gs, overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 191. We inake Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SE US 311 SO.-STATE STREET At the New Store - = G. H. Wild Compally Fer the small keol tie TRADE ?E . MARK f BARK$XS' LINEN ~/COLLARS & CUFFS. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. Sate St. Sg et the big whieshee A. G1.SPALDINO &. BROS.' The opaiul[1 je tic' iccemlt Te'ad-Maek of OFFICIALE Quip MNToellthltic iTt0I spors ad pastimes. '0 o If youare.intret- !^ e in Athletic Sp, t q0 t4 ~ y f the Satiisi Cat- aheyioe ia of tiittt itl e t W iil I sticit What's New ia Sprt tice a td as a Gsaaexea of ci sttieeiitntire- A. G. SPALDING 181. BROS. CicaoiaDte mlt CHRISTMAS GIFTS Most Complete Line of Holiday Books IN CITY T l T I IGAN DAILY. 11cc cc 1 ditor c5. c-ct CI; . EUiiticc / tc in(s.1.3aitager AI'.so. I0.CiADAM. At (1res. Ni .'1GNIs ox ,Press Bldg., Ofce Hoiurs:I NI.maigIEditor, 8-Is p. . tse iicanager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. tilet St ticc. Both phoines. auttors tatd actors tics c'dtome crdit. The audicienices 'havecapptluded1lir it- loris. Bitt thev deserve moethan is. The spirit IthatprollptediI thce mii to get downitandti pull blass.tcks s tli true Mlictigci spirt. I. tis theso ritta is needledlat Michtigan. Sloemttsucth as this will do more to ptilthlisi- rent stuident t du tothctr ctttncii m thintg. Andtin istittitttt iican 1have( te muchliof such a spirit. Chtristmats is ccomittg. crop oif iolidlay isedditngs. it, itat these altlccme a d< vacation liegins ? is the usucal tccI:C, i't t sco lxcifor- Necs . Assistanit Nthleltics X ottico Mut sic can IieXcloc jam(l Clea . ........Lee A While .... .. .. .. arold Titus .N.... ilbor D. Elliott . reda Kleinslhieh Ii ciila. t ollis S. Baker ....,.. M. B. McHugh N -Liis orrison Shafroth G. S. Lasher tihn'T. K~eny I It tLarry Z. Pole I ). . H-inckley i at tRussell B. Janmes 1 1 ltrry G. Myser 1l C 1i-des It. Mylanider s-t ,\t. Mack Ryan NVI tIlive r The Gargoyle is ttttutgi, iistl well-prepared tmaigazine. hid toa should he proud of l t'e {gargoyile.I shouill beItackedl by 't'e cntretitte- gratlacte liody. Ain Arbor habuercashers. Yes, tesit- denits like the little capts anith tiy 75 ceitis tor eacht oine, Ito Vacaiion-anidiltheitfozr the fintals. CURT-NBFALL.SO- (Continued feans Page 1.) Its excetle'ice isstc-t ll tested 1t Ic faict thtat it is tttc first of theicoit operac biookcsto tdraws from ut ittttttiiiccs aco-l cltesverness of its lintes. toke tht. i t - umisire are cdesiredt of altl thit aitti comic operattand i ittut 1ac Ilol- cedged tatlKaitnhas tattievedtthis C(\(L ed goal. An iintlricate ipltt ismti l Is'- tiseftil thtiit 11ri's -letine thtI t ick the risibilities of5atdistcttningpublit-. 1 i ~l cl~ cr adi i rtittsittg way '0 tll' "11d - 111Iit i ttl ssenttialt pr II ;I t'l l' -rs t tei ay k3t IlI t t in scrbe tnmetiontiyes- e-i v. Tlcc - i 7 a girtl "1at tchome"''to I ' - l - I l e1r tlt - i. tcl, andtther 1;ap iIs I lli , N. II i i s i r p pcdtt tI - - i, ilt tictti cster- da t)- ( Ii ide llatcardtbear- In, th t itt nd createtd a tl iI ci tltltsc ottoiwl 1l c tr [,: p ml, % Iio ireci Ko- I ; I+iitC c'_ 1( ictic . I I-ltC is l ;;rlcMoor, ~bo--iics tc the ctra, :IIII 1c)Id mlsic~an nd tcitr toogcttcr. IIis1;,tIi Is i ca111 ik tpp d it twIll(, tt k 'lts ithe idartk- erac 'eisttheetis ect- o r .- CS 1~~t 1 It ))f ligh s lfficc thel ti s v - , It I -!1tit c to4it may s;"II lp cI tci - Halt ephic n',tirg-i c 1i(J ill" Cl,,l It Ill h, i gl-its -.i1 t 1 1 s 1 111imt Itwlth atcane c ' 10?iI h i 1 itt.v'IdIIIl th h w ond h ct1 theis ; ;a wiho do~ e tha you 1~s dre sure o settns lie the on cll the aai t)vho Idoerknwe N, I\m1.1 - 1 i cl l telilot oft tIl -~ t II >e it i 1 ll I t add t his NctrK Xitl~ Il Micc Ih i BUShINESS STAFF C. N.. B s i XX'. c i.X Nttrmacn I-IHill Myer Ruhin Niormtain Witet BOOKS. - -IN- Holiday Editions Nothing answers the purpose to well as a BEAUTIFUL BOOK, fora CHRISTMAS GIFT. OVIL NEW nI ichigan Calendar More beatutifil and aristic than ever, is now ready. BOXED- -25c- WAH R'S University Bookstore G. [. BARIHEL[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictioinaries Quiz Books etc Comsplete line New andt Sec ond-hand Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S TATE STREET Secod Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN .ns, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S ical ~Dept Fine Watch and Jeelery Repairig [[UR'S RIW[[RY SOR[ 216 South Males St. UN'T FORGET HUYLER'S CANDIES NINERS, PILLOWS, AND MICHIGAN PINS also very Attractive. I 11 tic tito. )-Ii liii- I cotiest, IJ pityi, Ilartiour 1 13tcttiec. of the t> i {ti C,. lair i waX.gcn 63~ lei* t 1 o~ z~~a iticrr. O er ci litni III r '}I kc twop ra the 5 cc7Ii , it - -w . sate iatnd 1)-rr), I m . tI-](is -II atic, whati tic .- 1111(m t[o litte. '1 , i, i tmi retdit. flie' GOINGSOME FOR Will ruts h ' slse epingcars lie(ns TOLEDO, OHIO TO Ptts burg C~onnati and ndanapo011s L , ~1' ~rrcacidone alf is c ,3_,. ;r; I~le ro nd trp. is te Souvenir Spoons, Pins and Watch Fobs Michigan Caleildar Better Than Ever-Boxed For 3 50 LOOK AT THE PICTVRES They shsow yous how the Mum UCnveertible Osvcrcoauti is wvorn in i and in clear weather. The patenitc o ellar needis ntuIirning iut tect your throat and chest. Nio olier Overcoat iias this feature. Overcoats are designed and madce by expert tailors. The lieu detailed work are finely clone anid the Ipitititstire cxcitsivc, prices are very isoderate. OUR HIAT DEPARTMENT is as tustul full tif tlic- s cc styles. I Shecehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE ii WAIDHAMS ft C. Clothlerm Hattersj z, : F j1 CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. l'h ue 598. W~asblnAtOLRANLL &PA CK, Phooga