Mic igan Da iy \NN A-RR1 \llIJIIGAN,-5 tN'AYI llt(I IPI 1-1 19 15ic09 Na. 63. Vol'. XX. FAMOUS FRENCH SCHOLAR Prof. edler of Paris to Lecture on French pic Poetry. rs from distanti h ill ifI( ittiis-o j1 ,re o vsitQhe1,-lkeritv Pr if. JiiplIl lais, sis scialsuit Iscr i ofii nt srf.Beitr itw ilictss ' ii I mi' cc this clir as an s 1-ni sisis i pw1rrseit dal i l iiiis "' ~ [a to Fris ll ithe cai f"I,nc litiatn i tin the ol i- d F~i e. \ prs n n i ld r ill in is I -l it- sole tr lefl w tt lii f Iirt- It i rcei c th the«:s(iles tf 11in 5155555 hctii i l iar a aeiiiti :tila lt sss I fps l ,. Frmiiis i ls i tno is titi- shiscills 1 1 5, sea otirO st 6lls wf c suitls f r s It sri itis I di , iiio oft heis e- h,, w ih th;icc la D idMa nlaths ts1 miis ll Prnias l c lit st eiteis sthestr till lii ttt)lct ofspaceti rthet han tois _111!k s iltk tiithey had trked resondd5lasis sit n tepatilt fit its it-rk. (ttiisedos Pte 't. \\ rc f 1()ll()tt huftow ), ts CHI i ld. t11S II( heate \\ sict)\It and I ts c cl M'S v 'c ii t) ii t lstt ighits 11 - i-s i"tiisx~l sisisti still rep~m e It ll t t 1t e lists iasl i t( It} 11111 c'i)1 ill C't llil d c~t) w I s e ~ sr '1 i' c r. v :. FACULTY MEMBERS WELL REPRESENTED' Drs. Vaughan and Warthin Are Chosen New Officers of Anti- Tuberculosis Association. Wl iith tibsiss iii tinlg its Sialth(as- covniooftheslit-chliigatn Stair .-\,sio- I to fr t e t ceve tiin andtl Relief if Tuteulottsirs cmeti o ia. rloise. O(li- cer iseeclecletcandthe plris whetre netyeat's metingittigtay b ltli.witsere discuissedititiittsn decrionui icr reacrhed its tthitregard. "hrc us etioswrl i scussl Iet theR quitre isntss in igirtt-astdsSainitary Si- enceint-e Triing sit OuriTieache-s, "Th itNsitoftaStit lt Xiislricst loss- ptital" sait "Thie lGreaits N iiid-:Stats. Sanai toria tiltr Xstsatn t C'ai-ic Po.C. It.Johnastone ofsAtnnuhrbori It. C.t1-1.iJohstsitoI crittRatpids 01wiiil si-the liscuissioni oil thelit st laes Dr .C.XVaiughaniithe thuitd. Xi istic stills ills aeilt ae the s-s it is st t i c t e- Iats it-Itswho its sitn I ts l tit-st iew of the tilj i t io e snat sior i iiuiuo "T ecs if Of a Si It Viii iitritetHois italt Ne. i solwnug sri-thretoirst noaited-i l' i s hi - t.lustC Vaut hI.s..\I rbotr. X-irstVicc Ssssrrssrsm-Dr.sis uy(ntI,. Kifser, litsrot r PEACE CONTEST CLOSE Many Risng Orators Fight for Places on Teams. Thle prelioiary Oratorical Peace cots-- tests were telid yesercay-iorniiig. The it atnslairsiiestsut setarately seenc flirt cosntestinig fraitieacti department. Thie cioutests secre exiriety close, one itisan lsingu t by li tiespist'ouat f first tlale, Gseorge- Craiii.set R. J.-iSelzr thirstV S t first siof tI-thas i tht. . W. N1t Niekitntfsllointg init naste d. tie'stitxtutuarc Mondiitainigttat -5 iscshck itt tawt butilig.Tht-sciner Ilcit trill itptnset sthelitItit rsity ithe tieats coatiest-t \lbioan. The conittests arcIeltitnser the austi- ces si the. Oratosic atAss-iiatiioni A great delso f interest has bech showne this yeatr, tmore tint tryingtutlit han eer litforr. ith ceitionttortkeeni the roet ndNtiartighti is sre o betn-- ten -hugg. lit adisiisian fec i fiftee centts ewill Itselihargeadi nonit-tembuers sof -ii 1,VST DIDFS)TVD O lRlSlNT NieJ 'I Undeilthe Itsp~icsitlte '.l C.A_- saoitia motuthitagoalire ws togaied a sysu lthribsytireteaciing calthe Biblel -s applic ablilsts siternl scit-ia troalemstirart- brosusgit frs goups o f stuen tt-iniiIsothi fratrity iandl reglart' ronatt g hoisesi fotdis cieusian.T hles procest---wtltri-1t5 this is acompl~iishedis is iolsttatWreeitklyuetigs arc hlt at Its lillt itshi-ll usits Ii iInkrs i- restitj.at whuh scalttquti-isuatu re rsisedttlatid Iiblicatrifitercs givecitole reresenrtiative ro m Ci tesarisicosta .e FTaese m is then retriin toI teir rspec- it-i groutp; anduinfottrmualy thrash atfie' gnsli tti Thei plaithtsar triservc-ry psptI r s tat. Set-ritie-t iroustiwteee statd, fousr f liettsaogthle fraterni- tier, an issilatatath a ort -oeptios all ite hona great eal osit thiticauti alitt lare hld rIigutlar minags stice the li-igtiisg. SA-iriersf letris ly- Mer. Jensilsa-re tised as t- Isait-ifr theiw-cre, AVN OS I itt TSPINS \ YARN115AND 1 I-I1111 T Saie tite agetereatpe arti in te eecl tutu i st tsretDetritliippesanartin- ce tstesfett I i astourss iwoaultbe slitned Iat the [I iii rrrity-ofsalichign first eamentidringtigeliswintr itionths i thus reprt semanaedl framithe brain of ast aidienthuistric tramlati,-11liecanae tStounn hr to i'sstart someitintg" ht aar tas-iticenineria-rng faculty i cni- etuse dlitheropsal-io f ut a corse lhar rreiei--s I sischtaencoisiideration \Xllt S-hIDFAFRtCPX'IVE Stidtsh rsc cii t le takiti-ceagerly its thle toqueisetita BottiStats anth Mai srset start-s arc rece itng ttitit us i- r quirie- s a tillsenit hrtoques w nill ari-. Oneua State street strt lar a ftw tn-- a Ofticiatlttquesand a risk demiandetis be- tn oaundtlfarthlise-isoru effitetla statr Ottirsruse proiss ea suppitiy sit offical toqus or sat llisay sissristg adstthes tiltsreias sillhave itsthmsomessittn-e drinthue is-ek « it l i t- rli ltll 1 '3t(II r - iC v r 1 Isl 1't l 1'; t t 'Ii's' u 11Is t si hc ll'tlp I ll cra) rat tll c~tt sII sl r "21J i 1 > I' C l 11 11C 3ti (InJlf f l CC 1,ec;I ]MA) a thf.Il is 0I'! IC 1)c I- I is cr <11 ; ;?iI1]), t- fli it 1 2) ttrr sat I1'Ii t ills 11 i} I'll p )I ii Il h a t l.rs iisluti,)cst rasis I hi e ()ill tthe t l r i u ;n i lssusluai. es tiitti ' Il tl]t e I tn illW h u -ICtot h st sisi :( le d ,r e ill th Is re itsi t 555 n liss sis stll ii Cs r r 'ls' ., s5 >1 ' 1r555 a III o 5t VII 11ns It N1:I lthltl SttF F 1(1 \\ hss rsi t s t seussk tesut sitrti ts 1 athus itl( ieti mauteiial htvt-i evet l-ics(f om aln . im is sith wichsto 5 b1eciiirehtearsals tat us amsttsh w."i saich ntun St. Juhts i t ussr- slushDINE. trugthe li- reeirsal sft"Theis t-pector ' t, it 15515 lit s Is tV itus usiht at st-e iii tth tut i tsrutscess if te ettiub ihis 1in-r lie'sote. Seerals's-ws i" v ra.T helii plstay -issuie ishtt withs "such llkIii---ill,-'tailts;, 555'rdi l,)thir t a suiplen id ast wesr hit ed'ttetar ;sit alt hed ;t stIit-h si-I -git- rtte isutcni Ilkhes li t r f i theii wieekV this-cast stilt titt1 1t (tiis-is i hicIstaksk plt(a+r lacusentirtely t s c td stinl datinig vaicahtin 1 tla< t icxt11 ~k ereelete p stilts embrrstwill commitsast heiir hartr anth us rr 1ictscd m vilili tsss the v1- ues 5515555 i sthack resul toIs uip ut titii ig ,Iili rtant~ll~it m~n le srel-tiefl~l tuchet slintheii tlay ;111"Mlelci i its i ,h t aker)Iit . Several editisrof the plus an c- b ing usotrkishOsiritntsessarchi far thi-stn featutre s, tush it is heliceedthFits trill hue FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH iieth1stipiresenisttas totat the N torrirar stagr tas crer tact. I1: It NV N\V I I J )ER1 10Th F;u1 iisues i vsrC ts uts T555 sit iseUt05. TeCometitrc-ehcubtssiill hasviai 10;0 \lntili sc~ir wih peaeIu a!s tesushpper ansmo ttker at lie (Uniont Ii ruttti tintssrrsenight. IM-r. Jeninigsotanuager tas ofsa this Detrouit Salt Waorks, a-ill talks sil trto n I1 t Iasuits ftitst. ris " te Salt lidustry. us :,3 I). M .iietit kevii it st I s lii1.i,,ofDe F r chit'third liau-thits seasont, this 55 silt 15 S .I lu ll ths nsits hIis 1 tr-r Ia'its- ociial cruh till git-'a us c at i Girtiger's, illutuuay eeiing: TONIGHT 6:30 P. M. DR.s CARL So PATTON4 OF CONGL CHURCH "BIGTHINGS" HoMILLAN HALL