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December 17, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-17

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The MichiganDily
'N ARBO1RMICHIGAN, I RUI) ft 1)1 (1 5111 17 1909

Vol-. XX.

N o.6 fi.

I ll 'IRFS -MO.RIl: t I IN,
"o o the linestrte-sults ever it-
tineil colle-11 '1 haveiiheedi troilt t '111
help renderedttti tbyti Ito 'ilit 'it -to till--
knoviitloa , tro g-itllectually andi



I'l " ot11o 1-- 1nh111tigo, ito Ciii MiO Ii ii tittii.tWhitney Uvercrowded at Seconid Pertormance o
sot- affoii rd toitl ilfrliriojt Ihoe ri Vi
gadig;ou yug en Alytiestyh "Koanzaland"---Broilers Score Big Hit---New
andi turnoklniitar tgiodsclr.Ile Verses for "I i\Iiht' and "Proper W~ay to Woo"
list f acollge isowhetheor it cntk
t h e m a i o -int lleo t u aoi l i t r st t s o tn L o u d l y A p p l a u d e d .
afist tiltfabb Iil anstur lotsu
All ofi its tmusttowork togeritterototutain-
REVEschaLSfineChflowsitano ihrnghYfsces o pa-Cnpiuu ro gtt~ihselIre te
.Studentcadvocte sp e , t r etout r tr it o Ititio andtiftit la i i tous iltiIItor t m a iiAn m oiii Ithe hiamburgerKi
teartttthIoutti t a ii i nfoottithtti tye ma i tt a r.it 0t, h
pirstif loyaty y t h nst hat ar t f o strth utto eewichisnsote 1\tt it i ne Io utit i ii uuiutir t t
hihets tindhst.""ItPrietidet at mce1 i of tic al tt-tost I- idoors. SO gna t otoha oNll tieeltr s Itt- i te i -ian
Ftron.-t thetittriumpht I oftithet operat that 1 theUi I alti Lut, thI ithou .rspekin
yoREVEALS i hOt iSt Ii titaiteis'oiiaturdayoiightu-ticksi" t~ ,yslth n, lttpmo
iir"I w1illtirtbet uiit iiiIttut Ittihis m i g' 1 -- I liiArhui Q) ig ey h
i-ruitiilishoi t Ilotty if tilay itheiparrr-touflDocsiuttttaniuIhId
(The Ditio tt OSuit .1Ii ill ildy opra tn c l °ftid i alS tug iii Inrg fth unl see n Kou
fort Oint ionsuiitu mss1 i i t Itti I-trit- land,1 arisdoing teruu riit nt oi k
nightus"ad Iihavetotgedt'I reat man
iorr. tic-iitciutio li uitto t u t -I1t- Iuuuu iIiit-s ilsit I uTeetaddh u h t i - on f tiii lic
<itt Ii ti it lust i tuoitt S bttiit musttisay-iithati tuututo isi
Editor'0y-M iICR itttt ' i uuIANi liii 1 to 1 ii uthel iTe Ies htle tto itit I Hai ns depuicsthi ionofthe ru
ItiiloserveuAiuriue iiitiheclewtteusrit t\iitaitibut hyht okdh ~x mud Ia tutu-'snIi 'ho-
with a u tutu uif omut t helt siy uloadIt in tihotimputhoroghly po ih itsItui ti i n huitt I witluiitwuo
i t ti U itst'i it tt'hl i tittit iclose.i''tiilufitutu' ottout ati lu riauha
anduIuttslt upp sh u ttuikiep utcld untiloute i s 'Prf' JIi tii aii n ' li hg n a n
blt' si ng riy e bow agin iThiisuI tuing i teiit'' ftutu itu1 tes)oI the hsi icttao0m5lae5la ig oe
ta meths hrw mei o a(t n or last ]tight the uualusecotdunig t n 'Cl ii nd"CeAd ialeC ih
Ct-rstf itei uslii ti" t' i rtu" o se CIplent i l y tliut workttiand 11sen t ilT h i nnueIt olit-h um1eli ,t ofthe
ilThe 'ul tiggotstut 'if tu Iuiti'ttiiiitat r h wtuu is ii ii uutiiu-to o mn fns.T eI h r. haed iii lefiiu workii
sphreadsnhitbroidcaistitaItoons a itdlpir- tworktwas rendereutiat little 1d thuiu il71tu-s iu mii tiiend, uiiuufultlsow:u
uhles uttu mI g thei ublu' itic tiitihun iihe t i lufirs uuctbythelituuti o f t ap ui tu t'uuu iiiii'
impr ioelyvti laedhll adpluu f fthe Iu auuuii tutu ur-asi'omtiti dhis th i al u \I1CI0I0 'I0 ll I-IS .D N ,I tarr 111
Itmu iet." Is Irtliii t misi itaken it uswa uutts itt \ui titi itl ttulii' I c t uI'u cit lu o ng giC Ituli\hiht .uhuisti
itntyioio:-i'wnis utu m s ItitthuI toetutuu ttu ' re I ,Ihtilu s \ .ii lvd i uoiet
- I -- A. tuiuu Ne Iuu 'utiniu- wereu- i to Itsu s ilutut Atniuli Iaiii tt -J u'iu u i-'uioi't\s.ot
yearur atlgo, aliutprotesutiu 'autatontitathet iftoiiul lattu tirnuf ii Ii his
ber'ter'Itlrri Ch idp r\ IvClo a r u outu ulr Ir iutecis ht tutu h fto tu i ui\it ttuno, 'tut ii utu uyuuTuuk,"uHeni pi lu. t o Iislu i
aesourul em lu oye r r do uch ul at the t s I riit Io tutd Ippit oiIItom etsotui uui'uuuu glou liirr
1 tiisty o R tsi hiit uurtttrs usu tuuh 'S 010I i o l -is o uieds fouuhii ii uuuiptuu

'I\etclicifii iltiooI tuumehu uraiii
fruitc.uorugitohartmettuand cilasolot tl
iii 111011h 1111111ual tll intutitutu hia -
qutt 'Iltitrsul-u cootitus AftortheIt ttu-
ili cotuuuoiiuuuotReidi iii l t o ctiyuo
room, tne mmbs dinediti' ugter.
tembersuo lit aidit uuuu disuosettd the
pasaidetuulso ilof uu oi t util th
hille upo tile;folill wing,'itiotsoe i
variduuutsubj ts h hi ici too tutiu
u-hakseuhituow tt ; ,Nout 6 ti "'h
Yourhito";tiiei t aCwtio, T h Sct "
itned th theue t fllout hiRusell
Ja es 'col,,i tul I .Iii tui I t S outo
I lusiilud l i n tu I tutu tli ttil luutsio
'I m ItotI t Jl iu'10 IEd gar Itoh II outlou
js\uuuui o x, 'i1=t[liii l M v 'oe. u l
itt fuTitusu'I2. Atbe t uWTs '0 obeir'
\oca ,to iedat ooI 'i tfI uuuuuuu
Yo~cuutuu'u i-'tr~ M tutu ftiCol, 12L
h ' riftit- s f a re plann it an i <Iii it
ftg illIciitil.'ii laicts Iituiui The ftexp uct
tota e lto-'ctitc trIt-in' cym
meiftrthu Icicrtmttuem ofil the fiisie--
situ flu ttu ti\\ill be tlt i thes socit
ofl~ l itr'st ill II it scussei- d
Upper Cassmen Have Appropriate
Stripe Around of Cap.
S ice e meeingoteStut
dk ddtha it tttee hutlhie cass caso
for sll hiprtiu t iiat I usuu chisitigs ii
thechraceroth ilhtuout r'uuhivetsbeen
m ide.t'Ith til iltc i iitilt li t p fi otiti
ftutu sill, it uu.ii''u ii ho tolt- eIll- s sel ut h
Iut si 'rsuits ut itim a' en m a
l,,m ro n lnu s 'ot theu.situphomotiro
ther \\ll h a arro bauitf\Nut ilttti ot
thidsof the -tuusu tt eit ap. For thi
I Oultandse ir;therii ii t o abit
of navy ut si ule a u htei i Istutuo li
aro nd thultu a-Tu hetcoitruoftthu'tssl,
hut as u t ti tt freshm n wilb th
Thcloroftheutudt it theIic01110oi
the 5 utuluuuuu un ior andulsoniiio h ilsse
tautu-u- t i -u tlia1sig ifh icne. Of Itto
th te clsss, theloh orsuu alrctt far 1 thtitt
re oel tututhe uu utru 'olegesirt,
,whit utis It tgwid n- t ulueica1110 fthe
thnors hene te 1oluoforeca is
mano, attiela d ott vlu t tutuo
lthtii tharcaitrothing the spiitio'
luu ihsiuteir"arappoh ~toI thue tia
1 hetruNue otuutheseirs' tas.uul
uThel iiStuet uci loutaueiteav311ed,
hby tuu tauttochintati cli 'I Ito t olort

guanu.uuitt u-tutasint sevral gootlssaout
musicalinliii's. fit yotung pluie tie

Glee and Mandolin Clubs Will
Cover Three Thousand Miles
on Their Fall Trip.
t'iss~s u lidayi trill uy theo Gtheu
and ft1: tutoi ub til ril ti ethu isist
'uerrtft he 1ith all organizi on110
for hs hh unt o Aii tut ft 0(1
thc tv IIha~ triclI-I2.-0)ues i-
cti tug i nineo De 300
Th<onl oter rip t~tcmpare to tils
chii sccrl car a outwenit e t 11to
Defor ii itg s llionce hs ust ut,
but tut itttu u ntu isasrtusl
fron a11 fianialiniot otiew. TheItr ip
thi -caon anot It Itefa successllas
aIc en suetauutenugtthas" beeut
Savit oiwlitr e iito uliur ho
hutailcitt-thi ity t 1 :3i-u it hui iod
licilt ut t'urand'Rapiso if rthi ruu
Iis Cm e t wil he icu. 1 7nrthoatcityi
thcubsl bthe us I t othetGriandu
Ic us n u1 aeulytit lur li
ofbythtautunissociatiohi of thatlcityh
Oltt Chroi''lt ltc ifat turco ilr
+listheiren110'id tuturC ttelKcnwood0
Itu i Ciago. Thiiis tirh s oldid
tt clb ose luc illihel do at ed h
fct thureft thhet a t(lance fothe tu Piou
too ndatorn,1 li i t n110igtu
lt.sIii it I ii thou
tu rtu inuthe\i wl thu t r hot iul outc tl27
Culalovth e t usdo" hisalieua it
te prae forlaou rIso-u Itscoet toil
ftheiuIii-l tuitiF~nliors thThis
Cur ofthcub ,till kllenerai
jinn conert ith he l l lu -itf thou
suirrits fujisciiuu hasit beeuniar-t
Iii falt th I htit c3u rott th rtuuu i ut
\tot otheutuaus tto-"tir--6t ut in
fti ecits 1 osrd1111 reui ii its 05iiiOutDe-
cutle ku 21111 1 tufts ut Dec. tot ,is utth ,
itIas i plac suot ti-sits ihiuti oe cer- i
tim ythet lucsient 5si Io i to grad t-
sts it huicuitt, ucolotu\i tu e ivie
in Om h- Inths tit o heprty soil rhe
Iaris AC ICt1tIn steetI oft Ja k
tVhust ilt ii fa thew o flithutin ii I its
Thenet cringto ootheIaumnithsciah t
o o i itt fit sui Sw i tts iostto cilt
n s icii 11 lu tt is i u l 1
to u tucutuircst irafn lc cet s
10eluc tob ic tts llesAttsi
c ii iiiom hat cit-the utuut tur1wi1110
tailt im ilc t urt' hu at s o

At -i ussau iltutu Ioou-stuusuast the-Unii-
versityoif fMisso hnurtitas sy;lii tnttia5e
inldi ~ gls, il f tohicsht le
u-arlul-u ft ttiueeuuuuutths. ito stout'srtub
ft'iliiia umonuthl tgs.

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