THE MICHIGAN DAILY { IF YOU WISH A Useful Gift For Father, Mother, Sister, Brother or Sweetheart SEE QUARRY'S Money Loaned Orn Watches, lilanionds. Law oos or other'persoalpropeory. Watches and isooeiry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 iE. Lilbert y St Ann Arbor. Hoars: 4:30 an 7 to 9 p. m JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F'ARME[RS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HlURdON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000i General Banking Business. 3 percsent paid on Time and Savings D~epo~sits. Safety lie- posit foxes to rest at $2.00 and upwards 1. ReirsI'F', ires.iN. 0G. isis's soos, \ice-Pre,. iH. A. WIIAM,. (Cashieir F. T. 5111000'. Asst. Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol Stoitk1,30,000 uplus 290000 A Geuneal Danking Basioonss Transacted OrricEnns:OCtas.SE. iitscuc,iPres.; W. D. Harrinman, Vice Pres.: NI. J. iFritz,. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wet. Arnoid iDr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E. I. Miils John Haarer Jno. Rock Prof.. .S. Carhart Henry W.1 iougia< Christian Martin Dan P10.Zimtnermoan FIRST NATIONAL BANIK Os ANN ARBii, MItHs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. Fo r Rento----Mdrnofbit, fiirniieil iur- tosseloeai, liglihtid gas. No sitier rsomrs. SecsndlosessfroiiiStaoe st reet,(603 P. Wa~slingoinstsreet. Phoonie 2411-J. if For Reoil-Furnoised ;-room01flist inCti- toins; partmet. Will suilelt iiiiil sod of scool year. Appoly at Maljestiic romsileI.or sit;lilst- hose, stem e ciial oeriictosooincs 8o 1":. .'~iv-isti Ave ., phione I fillJ. (12 Por o CciiiNew loiie 'just spenoed liii. All ot sdernonvesnttieniots. lFine suiites '11X1 a room55000s, /j1It. Jctteroiii Po Rent ool foot,.larts, futrnished room, fo wo00or0 i/reestuentcs. 'Nice loica- tiono. Reasonabslb'retoo tighit s1u- .et. or.(W'slakolsi, liii North Plalis IRoisal," 209 E. Liberty St. tf - Loo/k foo thoe Niiii sNove'lies iifthit '0/1101 ooool tfoooic.''.odeltigis intiho ctit oil as, lPersiotianas, a01s0Jap01a01es0, Choinos,,'.Frenchlo oodi Austrinloric-a 1,ates01001 totels nti/oimarket.o ioheo lolt. oioii/o o oooi Oo/-iti. PaasRyl, o() 00.liberoiott. fi oorour$t ountaiiinoPeoo S/ooh'cos [ lmcriithefoest cots. if .5/Markhaooooo arc"ito' ooiooogisi's, (Ti P". T1i/1: INI'. 0(00F 0111l00001 tChritionoo din11rtoil 11d l ii'D'. t00. loocx). Spia ol ctriifoo, sp1e0'cil service andolspocial ms00000 u i /00th l sauepoice ofsoot. E (04 bliest asolortm100111 of Scrapiioboks01 1, ;1gm~u's.of D)IRECTOINRY WVIL1 I fit' )Iblly 00000 01010es ol toold, 0r0000000 of tils lai','. ttt/i't D iretor1000 o00001of .a0 1000 an0000 itso boo oll s lotles 00 0 olgth ieito101001more01/0.ou0010000 t/ot ofolat I sO 001000 hu drd nd n ssrotttoI /ta t /ll 'is 0f/u/d/in oisp osl g'ofoi Afte the'' ;0 a- ";000010 000 llorto cult .\ 111000 I 000omm1issionlO i00 /000''p/idooi t work in/ thiloine/00 sho1uld/1apuple at \Mc il- lan haS l n it' ill- t ./\try il he/\sii////anI /oksfuriohoed/.S ro e-o jo ttoR. 00/ bc o ooth i /t to lar it Mc'illan allob /aIt 4o'ctlock i 0/s 1.v 10/0000 nec i oo' olo/ootm /0000c Patto' 00 /00/0' /000u/onthe suoo i0/ t'T/to T'hiin oooD1.otoni/oo00000 100/I ooun usa o000/ 1( t ay isan itr /000d 00000000 0110(ill. 00001\rwr il vSpOcttol'ttend /o0temlt op /n .000 .0a tl' 11111 111'f t o t 'to /100000 All 0. if 0/ti. 0// in tndtos a1 t 'tn th 0I0o0.p '0s 1000iic.1 01' ts xtiiilo t')tiil oot. i. ta linooi/.to/pl otoc too/i' So'ooi'i'o .0001/ 0/1 iael '' afoxi t o' hritm00/ ai'. o n -'i' t -oo' iti Mll~s ol i ./00 to t Y-M 'uC thiking" ote, os/ft o The different Store of Better Clothes x College Suit's Furnishin s s'c. I. F.WU[RTI, Zew1' adski & bain State St'reet 1 t60016 li.0 000lts \V wsil -wl00000u.0 10/00 ito'', r'nIChinese Cliop-Sney Restaurant 0y000a1topelcsoiteri t o o 1000ou 1ileseFrcl sy Dlleoo teksboo. 'cor 55 10 ItO0/010 0 0000010 iooi m Lhoot 'I w 0It llooito' . Vve.100 xl j I 10010,0 fitlwi ii oAn)o S.i,.x 51i4 S. STATO S pI - -AT TUTTLE& CO. -- jj Lunch J00111 =- Yoa can find a fine line oilCofectioene-y rr - - Rowe's Lau nd r THOMAS ROWEProp. -32b N.Fith Ate. I ,coo'nioo 'o/cioiS , 5oo 100 IES BARBER SiloP 11 ihi~n ad 1t det nts r ttioei t 705 Nort Universty Ave -,J)UL, Litt L, }. t t 0. A. MOU. - i. __ _ E. ). KNNic IAR11150N S000' h. I lavc g0000sorc feetI? f so see. hitss tires. Vics-pes. ' I'. /t, tlitooloosis/. 0/20 Fool Iioro. S. It. 'i,AtRI OiN, Ca0shier. P11( >le 9//-J. ;8-6oo-62 01 AT LOVELL'S 332 S. State St., Vpstales Yosa cam het_, * 9 Capital. $00.000. Sorp/os anuiooiiiits. O65 /00. (ienanA AnJ.#cg AnS iis Bnk Cie - _$ ---- Cov. Ma~ir. arsd Liburty Streeats itcoogiio ii in l lokitds ofUnoisversity /00010/00 t5/ hoc SItudentis' Boosore. Sheechooo & Co. If Draingol/ theOtright kindos a01right pice at 00 ti/i Studen'tos'1Bookostore. Shoeehanoi& Cos. if y'out foist test cor suitint'-Dr'y olsaned 'ouor Falt/itftoied osgey loste0rsDeotoiot InsliniaNumteorals. sewed ccnisolts. its. No'oktfs and0/glotves cleanoof Stuodentl in, ndingt NJi h/tote Illo1s-fanones of1 iIaoll oo'e'scolltgo. Notiooons, gran mOlltt.'.ci 'tne).soapso-.towlt/s We give satisfaction Conre anxd see uss i I i i THE SOCIAL SEASON Callts attention to Dress Sails. Thne narknd nhangas in theneut ofthese garements mae thoenmadeev- _________________ _- eraisnasons backeaoticably oult date. Noteery tailorlanaekea gnatt Dress Suit and manacuerlnfalls down wshen iteaomes toecetting thnse gar- mnents. Werewell equipped tsere you. Sate Street WAGNER & CO. Imnporting Taiors FIFTY=SIXTH SEASON SIIJD[NIS' L[GTUR[ ASSOCIAIION The Premnier Lectuze Cou.~rse of America.. LIEUT. EURNEST H. SHACKLETON Whohstreahed farthnestlSouath MAUI) B3ALLINGTON BOOTH NSoigist, Reoremer, and Orator (ERALD STANLEY LEE Eiet Etditor, IEsayist,aned Lectarr S.UOMAS MacMANUS IrelandssforemeasiPoert, Authoerand ed ctarerr Hotel Cumberland S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Ne r ttio SlI Oiiw y and 3d St.Foo/' tl ( ox /o . KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN 4EY' ' College Men Always Welcome I Special Terms for College Teams Ieel Location. Near "Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof' /0s Transient Rates, $2.50, with Beth, and Up. ' All Outside Rooms. Send for Bhooklet. UNDER TUE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stirnsces, foormnerly wshihtelImisperial. R. Ji. jgh.ern Iformetrly wiihoelrXsiiooari/ i DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Anan Arbor axnt Jackson Limitedl Care East et-ud .x::)0 i.,.:3 4:0 1. ,1 50 1)i. 0m Limtied tars West Bosundii O1t.0 y.t .,5 '4 1i, u10., :0.5 1)0. 00 Local Cars Easlt Bun- 1 ; )ct ' t~:i1:0 : 0 lool ;ji. . aitllixft '00.0' '5l. i: oitie,(tili i Iia ioYps il iti. LocatCars WestBned-ottoio., ':1)0 i'55'awl(- i y lolhol 00. o 1:1-) 1. ii FRATERNII .S Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings Pi st i i/I WM. ARNOLD,* E~jVILE 220 Snath Maie Street. Watch for flee Prospectus Season Ticketslon Sale $1.-50 Portrait Studio -- - 3I iast HuronxStreer