THE MICHIGAN DAILY TFlE MIC4tA DAILY. I G, H,. Wild Collpal .MERCHANT TAILORS fWe have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lL gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers,, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. - We make Feell Dress Swiots a Specialty ,CALL AND SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Stoer :. Mlanaging Editor CLAMgNCX E. ELDRIDGF. Business Manuget CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address:iMI~CHIGAN DILYic, Press Bldg., ila 'tarFd Street. ,..;F ,, . Office Hours..--Managing sEditor, 8-11 p. in.. Buisiness Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. in. Except Sunday. Both phones, Hews .... ....Lee- A White Assistant. . . Haroled Titus Athletics.....Wilbsur D. Elliott Women ... .Frieda Klijsiriels Music anid Dramta.. Hollis S. Baker Exchanges ......M. B. McHugh James K.. Watiss Miorrison Shafrothl Charles Gtood ft. S. basher JohntsT. Keints =SOCiATE FI)IT00S. Wa~ltcr K. Towecrs larry Z. 11ole 1Item thrnes I. A.inscksley Arthur 'B . tl ell oat Russell B. Jatutes Frcs Llasstonssi lar ry (t. Miser Frasds Rowell florles 1I. Mylne MIorris looser V1.:fladckI-Iyar Wsade Olivcr BtUSINESS STAFF C,.. A.oiwssnulal Nsrman H Ilill \Waltecr Q. Witlguts Myer Ruii IKsenetOsbosrns _Nosrman Ws ittet bsrief life il thle lsil.tasge,NV*k was 1} ise .ose t~.l -Wy fisc, ',s* te 4n+ Ilseess sl1thie c titled sssts untsirinsg cd- fors i ofs tse.lyic, book asssl ssssic sites, c ssirii csssss, sssmusiciass n sow ies sasnd so iss sI, sdirectedl ly itse mat~ster Ishsnd of I. ll Sephlenss, tse i59 tisiossii .icomedy s Isciilticel Is'sthe Michi- g tt lili~i, fr otsrips snythsing odfItse kiii evr ofere [loally, oandise sets- icC all ipissios l itht ill,, oclici-r ciille ge prodtidssists:i lif tur~sie MN isi tsre at ,aisy tisse his tapprtoachsedit. Iitheiitsip oct its Its plannied; lisr "Ks- anzaand"nc iiimatrializes, osidssers \vil mss trat.Iii see stishit ssuire rhiltSis idle soot l.tis'lkserfded ithe cr'e- itisit diet isfolks ilii ussArlisir appre- itete oportsity tendieredl us, stid trusti tsemifiii esttion iso f appreciatiton durngte flouiterforsmsasnses, sill repsay the producis st- Suelyet veiry seat ton is is pierfor sitce;theits tin o f whlich 5 ii t~ight,- escss 55llsocupaint. XT NTII I I lit-*I , 1SI'S Iii sltird astiiiisl coiteiitiiiof the ,Mlieli aS tati 5e _e sstioit for te Pre- vci 1ii anid i 1-iliet 5of iiTueeculosiis still litclinSaal C s ell .n',eell ill Sat- zir at atern l tiO'll osit tIs 5 1"Inl impor Inti('nstisess. Thlers- areto ac s-s ibr ,of listitoiiishied cisirlisthist ciii suit clsewhesrsc. The rsiss t ill beiidiiedintoutiis PartI \Iclrs iso elsitise anin-i 'Set esit -if the Sectisitsl elitisarctplits ing itolisaie sillth e isil casortcste- ciat eratetsIhouts-at Christmatimi ue. II Neiw York cliiihstill havt oraesso f S.Sts tt st\Wslveinefits st 'its tilissnit ill hatveieiis. n w)trisits t Ntes flie Kt ostoeclibstill 'less-seteli fst I tsill tss e . i syt it s ;I, isse tue Thse ;ethae wsil is li 7Ts stiessalirtsi ar iii iisisit (IItsstosC-s111 Iebrbtaso t a llithe ic ro trips it i'will h eesayti c -01e ttiei depsi t.i BOOKS --I1N -- Holiday Editions Nothing answers the purpose so well assa BEAUTIFUL BOOK, for a ,CHRISTMAS GIFT. OVR NOW 5 1ichigan Calendar si-tug i to n cs c t dificltily IsI iii; inig stisssticsst sithIichweet is Iis -hI (via t Nest1 shl atl-ve ink;'l, -s iec . 8, laii lustsn lilittli it dII -iler lit-flCirists it is s litas -itns ithat list w1,11sill su;IIl i"rt't '\tI S~'els sc~eV sIsot sni adI i ts. liii )III, VC 11 lilt' lilt I) k ii- l'1] 11- It'-- i + [G. Wild Comfpally Fotr the smal ott ottie TRADE ,_ - -MARK "BARKS-R LINEN f/ COLLARS & CUFFS. ELKHORN FRONT 2t;s IN. BACK 1I7/s IN.- Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. State St. Sige of the big white shoe A. G.SPALDING ,& BROS. pali 'ccrethelatcest tisitis The i Sp tuesn h ol Trade-Mark sit OFFICIALE QUtP- MIINTfos'ltothtotic P "R t sports and pastimseo. p If you areitntetrit- ed 5its Athletie Spisit tr o~' f tie Spalingt5Cat- I 4 . atogue, Its a eomplete encyclopsediasif iittkiown 5tl~osi W otaowiup 5555-ol situhats ew n Sor Gstzre teso f aOtis setefee stice- Qeesntty. qtuest. A. G. SPAi~nG tem. BROS. ChesaasgteDo~ett ___=FOR 1910 - NOW READY A Iifc oe evesrystonth with abeautiful cover Boxed for its Ai tieug b it; t(he etsit itg it it sio psit c- ft-its Was liii gisisssays titi I)Is. Angi'll. whoi i s " it preet i n i --ta cite ca si decijito lai-esthIimiselfinit iisoffotba~ll a-.tthe t.'nii-iitiplayedlat ir's ent -iI tsit 1'0 'Itlgusci ates- 'i s - Sary. Metre bseautiful ansd artistic lbhai ever, ss sow ready: BO0XI D- WAH R'S University Bookstore 'I:I ltSI)s. )Iltf't't l:l:R 55' 9055 liii tsr f sdisy II0st' f. lilesee. of I i aii R~lienels il y in ant i ii sit tScinceit he 'ttu 'rsit insgtets Onr Teaher" ; (1) ;he'rIeedtt u'ofa Sitaits Nmhost s ie lI sitl ;I (ci) I-lie Threwil e sietos isetig eof p;!r I i tifelari'mr sitisitisisAti4:30li itssc tii .i i )siIsscts a I l I'SN NI51; I )i s\ISItI) I N 'll It'11S ATtI ' ;1N gy'nnaattenlau t" a Whlitniey-theatre. lDes'. sit lisisiis slsis- ii 'KssIe i' t e ery, at is ni. it IDc. --G(irlt' Ittlee-'lb iri-lisrho gyssus aslt itii L Iiis's iiniualii t itiI'ao. is sready fis t li Iuli, stdNill lie sownit nits i ntitial piresentationisat the \'itiley theatire tIs ight. Tuecsday eventingi'oslesst retes al satisfiel.the fecifvoIsred visituts hat, gooss it'Michiigendal~" sasel''fIIt- tere" were, the siews'proiductionisistohei best of the- sundesrgraduatsse efforsalonssg this line. Itsvesssedoce '"Culture"' lhad-tendedits GOING HOME FOR XMAS? Will run through sleeping cars from TOLEDO, OHIO TO Pittsburg Cincinnati aed Indianapolis Iowres oiend asesaI ito cltsass it oxthis te PaultD. Warrsen, (e.AsS 5'. C hisses, 'isiedoi, Ohio,, Siefo r ssisp s-sit- Siiiitiii news i t hets i is- RI issti liss ac s 'ITCi - linisil IIs ''' " Tirs Il o y blIdii lira it just lie itisig- diii-chlib so ko n Isthiiions at Ss'ltcss'l e S ons Mis uNtsic R[DM1AN COLLARS t4 ' Wa ner* & Co. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER -----...O SHOP - GIGO. V.'STOLL. Pr'oprietor : , } S i r' Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical -J"' =Dept. tiee Satechtest Jewelery tetpairieg HA[LLER'S JtW[UIRY STORt 2t6 South Mattn St. DON'T FORGET it I 35c LOOK AT TIME PICTVRES 'They shsow yionhtow the Muto Cosnvertibsle Overcoat is worst its stsormsy andiitscl-car weather. The patented collar steeds no Itrnisngsip to psros tect *your throat anid chest. No other Overcoat has this feature. Musto fOvercosuts'ace designed and made by expert tailors. Thle lintisigs atid eletaileed work are fisnely fone asnd the, patternss are exclsive. lse lrnces arce[vcry smssderate. OUR HdAlT IEPARTMEN~T is as ussual futll ftsfhe season's latest stles. WADHAMS +t Co. HPYLER'S CANDIES FoR. XMAS BANNERS, PILLOWS, AND) MICHIGAN PINS- Ace also very Atdsractive. E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Sheehan &Co. STUDE)FNTS BOOKSTOR~E O'A "'!.10logton t. RAND. ~'?~ ~Ii~CAnC, Photographersf Phase Sol