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December 14, 1909 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-14

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Koanzaland Compositions Promise to
Make Tremendous lilt
Koanzaland~ wiii start nift 0 ith one of the ,fastest,
wittiest, catchiest songs of the show, when that little'
freshman, Harry J. Brown, dressed as a tylpical rah! rah!
boy and really" a freshman, toox, coloes ot with a snappy
chorns and sings "Inm a C ollege Mfan." Brown has the
George M. Ciohan stunt donwn to per fection, anid will bring
down thet honse with his talking song, aiid his rollicking
dancing of thte trtue Cohian kind. Thie foil chores of
dlanciing rahl! rahi h oy xclad ini the most adlvantced
creationts nf "College I'rIaiii C.lothies' will all be there
y with the same Cohiaii (1ning l and~ chruls work.
"Undler Bohemia's Mon" is a dicanty waltz in direct
contraist to tile rollickinig opening numiber, and will be
sung by Charlie iFranikliin as Sybil, cine of the "Leading
L adies." 'Fie lighitin g eff ects will he beautiful, tiid ini
keeping wxith tlic ilclighitful sliit of the piece.
Ifanber" er Mn -ii i- mld bic a hit "with or withiout'' his
suppoi~rtinig tchirus nf chlids, hot lic applears 'with'" aiid
this iiicludecs all thec thting"s thic cliliptis favorites ever
uise,-whlitc caps, apirons aiid frin~lg panls.
"Swecthcairt, Gooidnight" will undiobteidly b~e aboiit the
moist p oIlar sing "Of thc show, for already its in-
stantanieos slucces cxwxithi the cast aiii choruses has sholix
it to closcly rinval thec "reat Iiihliilarit of "\ieni Night
Falls lDear" of Mlitcieuda.
Orvillc W\hitc, ax IFrcd, oine of tlic inds of tie slucnv,
slngs tis lore xoil'' tii "Marie"iii on thie botlesaid at
twilight, wxithi ill thic pleasig effect f the most upl-ti-dlate
lighting (eics. HoIwn this sonug ciminiies its sweetness,
Sentimen~tality aiid bcaiuty iithi the whistdey, catchy- irre-
- sistalIle air is a wounder whlich thle audieiuce will hiave toi
try to solve cTheI diuhlc-octette f imidiuim rico and
girls, w ill dii jutititc tii the shoirt liiit exceptional chorus,
and it is this thiat thioie whio hear it isill take a way withi
"Thlerc'x no liirmi in kissinig a girlie'' is the firstinhe
of the choiu lix -TIhe I 'clilec War T \\ii." This is
stinig by Ituck aiii Slin-, the ladinig mni, toi Newton lox
and Cha rlic IFrankliii as the leadinug lailies, at an iniagin-
ary latce oni the bouilevcard, hut they say that thle andent
woloing if IBtck anciv is as realist ic as ciiilid lie idesired.
Al NXeckx iiii V al 'WNilsoii have a liattel chorus uip their
sleeve which on''lii in biriiig thic'ii ick again andi again.
"'Strillinug oin Ih Bcountlevard'' filliows, witii Orville
Whlite iiid Riiert riaiivsill e as bccei aiid NI arjoi in.
IDcii K\ahii aiii Iar iii I'rc tail writtenl a chouis fr
the fiinale if thic first act. swhichi iiet with suchi success
there thiat II iiStepihent aiii the mlanagemnut iisisted
uipcin their writ inrg a cerse to it soil sltting it iii as a
sepiarate Sng. Ti his ias bee doiii nc, and every efiirt
,madec to mnake thic staginig perfect. '.Michigan. Gooii-
bye" is going iio lie thic NIichigant Song of Koanizalandl.
V~xery line of it sho ws li alts andi enthuusiasm , aud the
stirring ticloch 1s ''lie if the liest tieiies ini the show.
The special qiuartet te arranigemient which the uentire
chiorris sings as the airship liarty dcparts fur Africa. nill
he heard at maiie campu11s siiigs ini the future.
V'al Wilson aiii N1 IWe~ieks sinig this siing at ih- eiii
cof the first act.
The opening cliorus if the seconiii act is the mollst
pretentious piece in the opera, c-haracterizitig the
Cannibal Revelries at ilic capture f irisonlers. Fergiusiun
as Koalie Kokrinoit, thie King iof Koanzalaini. Carlisle
sings the Idifficuilt bass solo withi excellent s-icer anir great
The staginhg of tile --;Amc-ocaii G il is tihe "prodcuictiioni
number' if thc- shuo-w, accordiiig to thii diiectois, soil
tie itivelties iiitiiiduicc-i ini it are iii toi tie class of pr-
fessional work.
The stircession of spit light effects f the fcreigii
maids as they- arc 111-ltioneid ini the verses xwiii give way
ill "Thic Girl frim Uii er Saulaid' who has a fecinug
dance wvithi Ilrc aiid Slix-. ill tile clhorus.
"Junst E yes" siug li Necotoil lox anid te loiiey
Bialiet if girls dressed ini rosce effercts with great black
hiats, has abioiut thec cleverest dlanlcinig of the shosw. At
4 the first full rehearsatl the other rhoruises looking on
broke iiitii shoots (If "orc- imorc-, 1111ri" anl it actually
hail in lie rpeate1dI agan and( againi for thilr beiicfit.-
Nifty Shoes Used in Koanzaland Won't (et into
Slipper Collections
Hlollis Blaker, imaster If costtumles fo r Koanzatandi,
swears that lie wsill loclk the sholes ini a safe after ther
ripera has beeii presented. lIn oth~er 01o(Ils, I>laker is atil i
to foil idarik plo~ts oii the par of van'oIllstu1iiieits in sill

io their codlectionl (If sliperIs.
Slipper coIiilec-il hg is a great. fail ini soime tniversities.
It has iever wlinedl prom1ineince at ichig~an - largely lie-
cause of thic laick of i source cif supply. Nevertheless,
mans' stuideiits tax cniimbilers If (daiiity liii o(f foo twIsear
adoriill thec isails if their abosdes. Thie shoes that n-ill
tie used by the ''i-is" ini 1.K(alzahtlach are the finest that
iouldi lbe illS lirc. ITicy ace made1 o11 trciii lasts aniii the
niaterial is o.)f the vciry best.
The eu(;ht bluie Iii 1) imeil liiiI soniic sitrpirises fo- then
audiece in thliu 01 iglial dhauce, wihlichileails u11 io thc

-Joe "Produces Clever Frone for Opera Music After
Winning Poster Contest
['he xversatlity- of tielevser whner11cofIlthicposter cciii
test is shon by his drav,,inig oil short ilticc tie dsigii
for tileensver of the sheet mciusic aindicores ichieli is
reprodcuced onu the cer of the 5Sni icI aily I ie
poster sas printed ill bright cci, chitos aiid black, uua-
trg a strikuing advertisemlenlt of ithec-shi.1 -ITle iii isic
ens-er designu is executed il ccnuie Ilchi ndaii ceuleani
dlue, to carry- coit theCUivity11)co lr., as weli asI'to
show off the effect of tile 1mooniiighii sce nilntic- deseri,
and does better justice to) ihe aility of 1 Iseth l 11101(-1
Jr., the artist.
Chorus "Girls " Have Had Troubles;
frlany Costume Changes
The oeieng performnce oi K'1 ii/ i 1111i- is ol one
day asay; the mieiu ihioi arciito ihske iipiart, ilceiopera
lave beenlrechersig for 0 cl55 anuiiil ii is 1 a 111i
If 5any fellow lhs ee edtoitog outI'' l i l a(iclllil-
illittot-omua's duds--thit istied oi>u1tin oii-l
all of 'en-sithi any- simbtlnict oIII ii-kill bIibl
Chourus"'isls'' KhatzaaiitiI a produhlith1lallciImiiil-
muan-cchaiges of cotititi Of c- - (h -hiltaliltien
aprilllhculiiseceral tholrss, and thatiiis hrtetonl
suuchuis not the raste. lhe ho-lersI iua~mndlchorulirls-ii
mutmakrusher anges tuBd make lte irsi lst ie thainit
akes thu iieragi-ci-Ill-vdt rs frt;ags I-s -i
fusser iii thi campuluius lItvs 11hatiithatiis ir-n lii'-sn-
T'hhe-saryfromllitights adaoart d n ils si oer( m'
iad f fuzzy suittiith pnlsadrhosadtcs
enstighshill ''It-s iiiilake i il i ii tl, ir ii
at a timne,
Andilhats! WNhit (lthe isplayireItmitilliers lihttiiill Pte
oni at tile ihitev this ocek lxis-Ioilto 1'etci'Ilt-\
ftashioner'uof xs nstuchlx adtogear niil- Tere'ir raile
baskets, uuuushruitiis.cl htpiiig bowlsiiI-. Jlit ats, Tii-tle
hiiiuiets, imammoiiuthieculs of litau ,1at: ilifacti. toi-
thitg that is knowniiitillhr makirioflitapeiligl i~ltil 101-
beenutsercurildlfor theirod suctioni if I I\ Ill/itI
"Merry-Merries" Will Go Through Com-
plicated Manouvers
TIhieranuirin iithis vt'sr';s Nihigaut hi'u oper-a isill
be the most 1cimpliicated that hats eser icr-utat tmplterdhb
Michiiganiu-mntutd, it secms safc' In 55, )v antstil)crosid
of unutxxiihatue c'serliiililt a smitlar priduttio n
lial1 Sftsvens huts beincyesctr inththulrarial b1sin ess.
Ilie hnwssit friom A to 7. Andiiesprciaillyut1wellTsedis1
he in 61e au-I f diulhi tugchoruses It isideedrifil rit
to ttihe a bulenc'hi of mitt-twhiiiare 'tret'u drlahiticsian
teach them lto act ike wsm-n.Illi umthe istla i c ItIrs
mtust isear ss-iteiu's soesiaid skits aitillIt herathiri
feumininie triniugs. ILearinto'' moveinccsh'iti iii IIlI
hccis is ni easy task, let aioner' iituii-itytes itha ti
sort f fiiotwsear. Steves us tcusiis'orking ithiiicNIigianil
namen three yeris ago, asome ofttr thol h o tioo'illpt ini
Nficligeiua re i-cliithe Kiusui, I icti . x'Ibis hadIiveint
tie dirctors a goodh founidahttnmupn ic hto[worIn
lime chiirus his workedhathful)i on1 1ht c it iiaiii
those silo Ittie s-aichieil rehitrsas i s Iiitalit he llv
mnlts wsiliprov tle a giat sutrprise tsrmii ui inuhi
the excellenice if tile chodrus lloveuetinboith the ilitormetilr
oiperas. ___

Edition of Koanzaland Music: Complete inl
Every Detail
S ctx''iii -tt li rctttttttt >>111 Nit itt lit itt 'iltisic pt--
l lt ts it'l~el it 11-111111 iit' t 1 itt l 11111'' I tit e plu1111
tic- 't tic IK iZ 1lttttlll Nt111.-c it - l i il, 'ltizaltitl iu
lI tl t ~ isttt. ci ll threIeI. t't-iii1 I t 1111v(11(' II 1 itt 11111
Such ilttitlit~ytt - I It, It-IV 1tcI tin; itI 1111 tclt stt ltilts
Itie c.

I(rm ctitt u11)11 1 I ti 11d
forii\:11111 Iii I cc t (,I 1
ot th m r a ilt ll itii I do n
lith '1 tcill lt- t il t ttttl It it
it 111l likeit t ii1; ~c1 t
0111V, A I tha c 1 i." \cI c i Ii 1it
ci ''lit ti' It I c cl m
Il Ill - itt'tmid Nkllgci 1u
I S 1 'II Ii cv 1\ i[t rll

ites l Ill- 1 g itt lls eltl
It11C~ - II- Iit-slcc- ttttsli
I it I t - . itt c-It tltM- tcIt
it 1 I W 1l i t t'till 1iii e
ca itl tilttt - tti lit
c1 i~ llc )1 liet I) ti it t t
c- 11-1\il 1)1111 cdis ttciiret

Nit Ijll ag ittmr fs uo -c l i lt ltt'tttt in
Dart ll dw shmv the lith rit c in1it t' ta d it ctr
1011) t ietGn Ir I Uhir it II mad K h ,tea to
A the m &.'re.i.a i tc-v ii \litvma ii (fliclyis
adFlanltltI L - tI t ittt(.vh"ar rsl i 'slitheitc
11111 Sits i iappearit iithe ~mc i it llis
Ill sptiit 1thSc I i Iima ~iim ic ndilyit it ciVitt sit11c
cto selsass he 'ssirnal Vprices(Cirt m Irnirom
IOr ilite ItKirk a ushliii Itin ithe w 0cc, u H t tisc-iu111
as ail 'rase s ii t he ''W haI lt shalitt ie s eri IIo1
NTiuti tttuititt tii ti(t} ttttniltt Ii' it ttl
Actor Saysi Pritessional ittrstCouldtitiI 111 From li
gur lsi tuit the O mer tit it ittt ti l t tutu Illwh
" t1 u vv as slt o Iit mit ii I t itt itt ciii I twt il iiIll it1it
AI-I'l eceni tl l it d IuS (it I ii it l t lsc it lisitheI Io'li
thre iiatri itt It t it Illh s iduut thee i lreit
1w111fo'rlt Ill 'tit lnt in ths1111 ne tof 'it tiicli 111/ic
5;r~ts fauIhII111 ti K liiiit1 twit h iet: I atsi t ittacs ti o
t is It t 111 i ta t tt s i t' iii irders l /the litI. is sdon't
kno It whyitt ''t tl i't ,)ld e hi Ie en Itiltt ms Vi
tion c11111 oII i I v- Imi iiu t i vl 111 1a fter o t Is-
(ifth ill h csrii 'sie1c1fr111 it . ll' Itlilz tI ],1111 i lta
alt iti'is 1t t il-- i--mt tie'e dtoth t1c . )titherieiui t ine

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