The Michigan Daily Voi. XX. ;NNARBORf IINIVERSITY TOCETted H oe iterbaic k. letedNEW AUDITORIUM Mler it ed i k(,rgtwr~this urerback. HarvardFisI hright takie;iMntot, Regent lill Bequeathed Funds futllback; Cortn left hIalfbaick; 1tI' it, E2 MICHIGAN, T*PSH. N. D ?C CMBEIt 14, 11909. No, 5K for Assembly Hall Adequate for Local Needs. The oteonos of providing an audioium111 srhich will seat practica lly all of the students il the Uiiersit)1 is t las at hooed. Word wao receivedill Anon airbor le Mlotitlti thot Arthur I fill, lihe foi- ier regent who dictd rece til) Ihade he- (Ilirthled $200,ooo for thit 11111pote. This informaotiotn come to light when Nlir Hfill's will otas irolbited Mooda mor1011 ing. 'tVlile ino ofifii ha d Itteit receitved hoyithe Unives rity authit ies ill) to a 'atie hour11 list n11h11 no doiht is entertinetd is toi the athieniticity of the iiifiorimatioii Presitdent I ltehiti'. Set- retry Smithl 'aitd Regenti Hea aill iseli }' copied the report, nt refitsed tot make any statements 'is in the iii ii tile util- izatiion of te funitd othler titan to say, tht te mtottey wsoiuld he usdn o r iCi the pupolse tnmed int the Rtequtest, the exatel teems of whliehlt v l nts tot yet heeni leornetd. T1he University has biein ill nieed of in nadequte ottliltrittit fine sitm'titte. Untiversity toll, lorge as it is, noi lontger iteinig lttrge enouitghi t aceco't oatlle the autietice's whiieh gathe' onl a ititttlci of ocasionls., At commtienceenit litte tihi piresentl httll is pitifully inatde'qiuate, no eveii tie ter rehlaites if lie gradtites eant irIe acceommodaitIted. 'Te C11ttiu-ti Unimn datres not nadvertise the May- Fes" woi miight lie attratedi toi tis great event. 'ITis Cfal the neeesity of restinct- ing te 111110 lice ti'itii au iees e tilted ' The eatii loti to tiie itort of thle t0amp11s1 55N hecll ittuiwned I li the Uni- versity, his teeni reseed5witil thleie thiot it mtti'i eventunlly Ile tiseul isthei sile of ant 'uitocritum. N'setierlit is itow suffiient fin liii incese n iieIs if tie U'ivioersity is doubiltful. ITle "grail caime no ai comiplete stirprise to te Uiii- versity authorities sot no tiants nice yet bseeni itiliied for siltcI a strutre as CAMP HONORS SIX M MEN Football Critic )Places Many Wol. verines on donor List. Six Mlicigttiumen,. i lwnrootk, 'Nia'hi- sitti, 'Allerdlice, Catse'y, Smithi andt Was- ititutl, ore pickedi lie 'Watlter Campti ill the Januanry Outing' ftr iplaces' ett the "Honohr lislof 1909 I'tttlill,'' whlicit bitles a list 'if lie best plaers on al left lacilIt Dartmuth-iil I ks ifullack ; Toinit, et grd;Ing i"ersll lefi thliltatk; Bantkhattelrigti eid. I faete-BelaI'ierI lltnNill1 \ti, futlback ; Irmitililt IrigtihltfbiatiC lIttiltonSel.lfttcke Rr gec,,quaterbackelCr ninrghamttigiht Mli 111'sut-'Nccieri. qtrerhac Rotsenwai'ld, halfbatc;'t'aller, akc Itiritto, ceter. Brotwnt--legiier, right cliii sittcl- lingttutiererback;tt'h'ler, left guerd. Chicagi-Pa ge (tinteilinelo Wrk- Slii l -itifit i let gard Naidon olotiileft ihalfbatckhAlerdice, right th lttlf-ac;Cateleft tke;iesmtit itoc- et; N-'smnntittittuitterlink. "stileIams--M iler, left hlnflinch 'Vaughttnttfullac; I1ilter s. tckle. N'scosetitiin ittitrs'til, qa rak TRACK MEN WORK INDOORS Many Veterans in Training Promise Successful Season. Altou'"gh 'ciste-tckrcticello beg in ni ft'rteChrisitns hotliayts a tioilest 1ytta rs ractektrls 'tidi a hotst f inutimeni.ar111101reody tatkiglitl woirk itt the g'eiit'tsihit. Becueo f tile latsene of ba sebltiasno vtstrity s11111titee till rbabtlly b l aritg't'r i 11111 lieof indor metthan latitsitne interctolegiate cet s. 1411 tite f le I iei th w n p i at theI)met1101 at c 0Cmbirige sillnit'l lioth tea m t ithis Yer.'lTis is formtiet ofil til :tarel Ns notwii'insho1111011 the' grieatioutt of aa iatble mitrittle1 from hiclehltilt p tilt'as "tilt ct for":esctel'sfultrak ea air'i. 'iii NiW' eun now1 i sthol arcIieCaptiilt NIav itWNest hTowarliiaIdIttitsctelis itln etuu 'Laeer 'tilt1raig sries le elhaliles of winnin lg' lia'cts' f''ii' nitle Itatntr fromiiPenituariiecllent. III tidditinto i lNiay, N'Wes, litlitsch m Tutu Itttti herure 1111111 lii Ni- Laugihlin a 11nd xliii s wo l l looktti.guut. A it f lst y 'tint on'iemiiiile t il, l:ti, tutu these tenItiiill le retiforliedili lilD t i t ws eaptiniof theii Nest'ite hig Shoo No W shngtttonIll. Ctac S. N. V jiuir chionttittships iiith 111liigto i thadI ttstta gotoditipiolit va ultrin ill tin e 1111til lirIencyilttmadet his teI elotn the icamiusie t iiInoilt i the itettre'olleite.I'nitheiihroadiijmpt~ oe22feet latolyte'tlaltotugh le i'at nt u1C itakaypeus p1111i eitat line tpaticitngsait lyii tilthelill atdit Is, tlttttyl't tha t lie itill lie 1able t h v it_ iln tieetiiltbo hitodii f 45 fete b for aplacethisyear s hesoul b 'tileItgt to oee 4fet er," 1aid 'ar'sil rc; M ng r lc tilen itte wootltscemtul pii i n 111tile 111111 l(e it. ,to ilh>t nIutt wokiil it It t se etetuh1 m n N11 Ile O e' ing i tiltad holiirotndtinto foillm rapdlyas oonas raiing;tat"." i.' thetuehuui i'1'iitulStha t t eesthelit FACULTY WATCHES Go d i l ttls(sit nm ld ,tle tltes sanuulhyr its. 'The e eian irtl, th lrisofwhchcevrl lace tbe CAMPUS SOCIETIES itt guall i uon hliiproper IIedestal, is tiii test statge'dioitthu Illll ' aes The yr tutuoffiu ti onse teLloyd lExplains Means Which woku)fLaton.ul Are Being Taken to Control 'u )scr g'' this biuttut by layitediAl th 'bud~l ilfr at 11ils ofi ironti" llStudent Organizations. her, 1ruuiss('uu Iamilton" alttit Ni tutum illt Nicetigi iii I nht hetsi Ichut \ligutr ut( thm'the u s'e it 'es'ry tui'g'utt atelt ieutitn -us 111 th i l l i i n 10the itit n Ill the is tilsrsiyt hit is ithilt Ilist _hut f tailed tt usnc il hits abilbu u iity and ihe f t uubiht scst(ll aveithis tell. tutuI ''lush tunto' te iuuut'ltu Iast y' i' l i itiont haesb11 n pass111y511 its lit teetu C ttu I I)'tutu1-1114 i t huordsI senalill Co'nll I()ithe b fcutsthai t all tutu lt stui'' liii t. lC ''llet's' a s" antutu It hlett tic 'studt orgauu'"unu'ila t is mast Ipe rd prslal s \hhl bii.'tlts t 11111 I tt uthe nlellCoutctil eo li lii< hat kptCi t o t he astubut isi ctul exuitesiui Ilt merely- t t o ithe tutu wlii' tItu l ull fr 'uxft h e tsho%,-iii uhr it 11th stu thall t sit tuu te iii' sii - he hasg I ontib ute d Iilii share.l cam us eachtu '.11511hit tth blt tub e tg'i hi\\ t h i t -sidettt l ithisi l it - ittI-Ihht I tult i i h utti hutliii'111'tio s r(g l- hiss of thbutt uutiututut amtuions ut or c l s E T( tI u i sttritus et s 11i1)I tutu spht It OPERA LYRICS ARE CATCHY - ORATORS STAR ON STAGE Koanzaland Verses Are Result of Lawton'a Clever Work. - uSuctlut it l()tutu i' lt" ttul ''T' tutu rici tt ut1 ," twou OfI IKo'ttu .ib1,'tib hith -t <> ig- ,c tphut us the it i tis a 111>th "e Ill lilt 'sluatc. 'tutu 'ut but Nb>I tutu . hsuit'' ritellb uis itha ilua hatld is . itt ttu a'5 tiell' hit It la ,;(M , Of the f c c c i i p his- uc tuis,bu Elocutionists (live "The Rivals" a Fitting Presentation. Sarah iiC'asu'uII :Nut 'ulh a tll wa o - fotably iltltutu llst' flighut 'it the 1troubit- i i I-T eI i valts: 'it itn hbyt'hts' a tutica hel suuu 1, IT"eNtroduchtionias itCh omplete111(11 Thecar tillanexcllit oneuand'the'ii'' prstwerchal weltaken.uu Thull' deserI - trut, useilnu t on were Ray'sist K.uI' ttus tub tilt utn ,, s xcellen N'sill tutu'1h. IT' tut iOt(11111e 111he 1ole of Ittilt Nutes int tut Tic men, IsusieIt ithutuihiLn tillnn ail acqiu' i 'ttd h tutu'cl " well. Nh ss I'll I'. I ieas hirs .ia'lpop. kei th haudene istldnalt oo hhi r bitt NrIiht i t Inc "'ut it'llit'll of th rtrclii hu t Nu ututuatd l s c. tilt lieuilu.ip lilt su 01ilt geraryityotccls- t im, a liii 11111 byhis' i is ' in ii bd i tuuwh i ich ultuf ICs g N's',ybtotittht'succesio NIe NIducionsiChInC'l'rgeXparthd'e'it, hI t Itohm shut'-I tofP'' .( arhutchu i uuuu'om iuu" su't'tement a s t thi n en' huts lustnitreparetutuf1rtTHEI ICNItGtuuN hutiw fu heree t a t if the amc~ th stuenhst itsltuborlecoi- u tionto he ~ w t onittlyatutu'poet- Of lacs t '1 1 s ttlme. I'hut' originalb ato .itis1'true, ii iwa stn ueari uhe closboftelast auci rear, Ibuit onlyt tihll a tftw titus hivit he variotus tie- taills 'j'i(oli be c poi ttt'uutt stinalltde- tug 'tutu'' sshi'arse '1;t;tthieithohe 1mat- Il hut liit s placeu uit situiti hute satub eln- iht'hi~t II itatthus ~ tutu uubuetis only a dcvloiniitora ore'systematile itc cc~llpehc;>ic cNpr it sui whtthas ;htutu('tbehuhai ;'uthatthe fewhhatiCs tah ithst't''telthlhfttutudIits Iii ilt eli- leics.s (n te wiheus ftutu ntuiut etlt ht robh thuat life it its 1interetut anidt Spotll- clc 1 Stills ;1; it-tilt as thut he Slt intsut u ilst'his a 'v'igorituus stuttenht life is 'tutu'u)f t hibs 1 tis ofCatuniver''usity. i) h ot artu t het ihetpurtis e it- an 'hutpetsutrongl tt tihsetis thf tuue(.Ntu leut uuuit'tltuu tthe tprve is itt fh 11tuu fa ltes Cut publicus entee- St) wthtrueg'ardh ht)thus' org'niatui oiln ciiiest fSitdet iflue it us lie inten it'l ofuthebut 'thtis 'of tile [I livisloths llnetrht ketulhemseoilv'es btler ii- acttui tthei t is reqtutuiredhuttor ibise ' ill I'thi t' 'l ll hugh arra'ngemuenut buts hie tutu-A cmittch Cotuttle membr ofut h I~i stutu Snte,'to b nn.:tls I "'i'tohusts 'utte utIoi eotile iAhlti:-1111an1 tithhhhtatduto tketh hlcutste )I cmiiiltute1eittfthetusame stl omiututee hasIt'ls'huowtoiltpuitoy hisuc 'h'h t-c misu'th'h' I'hi'oard tss tilt (Cit 'ttiuued o i'oPao "I. "'ll'uutueiluusi~s it ut 4'I tutidi t'""u1t'uuc It I s fet' 't'hutuuiui'." ' 'tIIIRCCC'IS IS IIIII)T I he coillegei'leeinis. Iis if lutirst tthutottt MicNhiganit t get's moreit'pla'ies hullthue11111101ltshttu tuty'othuer cllegi'e t intt'e uatututlet sll' lieeetlin if Nii lt i hut''see lottepthee's etch 'atrs'giv'enu t Ilra lP'us'bu'ouui'u Il'bumnuuuh audtul N tut I i, LfayetitePi nctsobut IAeuhitut Bront ndttt thNuttre itamtearciivetu h lrtee each, Chbuttgoutwttutuatnd'Vsctutusitilt w It makinug this Ih("vwttlhsht ' Waler Campui bthasut'd'e'par ttumhisutstuuitcus- 10111of pickinug to Ct t-Americaeamitit ouc hius udepatur lte itsuthealedubyhu man), no the fleshtnr'ilshell inifooutbllneformii. Yole--Cotax fullbac tk;Kiptrickddright end;bPhiulbinu lift italfluaci; .Andress, lhuth .111 tusse at e .C''''' -es ide -rm f teStudenIls'I Lectut Nsoute- C"'hullh 1 huuse s(Iuareuu ]1 hiIhit andti ' ''il met'ohut 'suit Nut' -N tutu tutu huh '1,'nfrc~ c) ' 1a 'uuu .' 11c db t e of herliiilcuse n1_ to t u 11, I 'u uuu' u' Stiltctir s I l uhcih~o tt uuuuuuuuuuuuuh as brtiuay, cue's'c.ecI g.Jatthhth'th' h''h hit atodtis date clrriii "WNNhlt th e l htltutu "Ifitu Is D ig a' itt el~ to t thn gei' astt''t S ' 1'igbt 'lii tuu lust ill'Dr.i J. hit tuhut ti iti'uuniin'ivtduabitt ' hcm h out't ttt lh s tuu t titt hdbd Ithi tt ttc nr t 'ca' nththht tu tlul mu istso itt; g' ou' tI'u hl ub' Io i I t'lI hilt' r,)-'i-tlt til ut'eliink'uriuug'c l I nk. igth'sit utuhPr of, a tiutrs. VaeututIh er NC oC'tutt.u'ol tttttiml, . the' chap oeu'uuus, ..... UNIVERSITY MUSI HE KOANZA UNIVI OUSE MRS. M. M.ROOT Press Building Maynard Street r E RS FOR UUSIC HOUSE