THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ ._ G, H. Wild Comlpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : iWe have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lrgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910.: We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty :CALL AND SHE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store? AI . G. H. Wild Comupanly Oe of the most popular shapes at proeen TRADE . MARK / CLLARS &.CUFFS. 22 DALLAS FRO"MT 2V1i N.BA:- 1IN. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. State St. Sloe of the big white shoe A. U.SPALDING & BROS. aetelretm~u jj e io featorerstonthe world 1r-twad-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP- MtINTtforaltathletle o t N~ eporssand pastimes. o p if 000 are interest- $ 'A oedtio Athletic Spott y ,* oshouoldthavea 00op0 -16 y of the Spalding Ct- t , atout. Its a complete kooo ti oo goateencyclopediat of is kown0throgoutwhats New in Sport 4Guararuteoo of a0011i8 sent freeoantre- Qooslitey. quest. A. G. SPALDINO lt. BROS. Chicasgo Detroit ===FOR 1910 NOW READY A page for every nionth with a beautiful cover-- Boxed for 35cN SBeelan & CO. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing JEditor CAooFc$ E. FEtnottee,. Busieaa Manager CARL H. ADAM. SUNDAY, DECEMBERk 2, t")0. With the present jste 000coclde wht we have to say aent the Cooer ence questiot. Ao promised ome time ago the DAtLY io givitg a fir statement of the caueo that led p to Mihigotfo withdrawal from the Cotferece, to- gether with omntmtnieationso frototMilh- tgant men ittereted itt the woefare of Michigtatd her athetic. That tie questiotois a seriousone is's0ownovo ly the diversity of option amoong ele very metn who are mot atxiotto to ee iel- igattsuoaeeofo.'We adnmit that oe are tutahie to sanction0 the expressioscon-1( taited ito Mr.Hlits otombunoicatio, htt talke this oportnity to tanktim ti for respotnding 50otronttlyto tourt ere- quest for aI sttemlent from the1'T(ill City (fintnti. We atlso beg 111a'e1(tor klooovedge ((ur ideb~tenles tte\lr. Codly for the untirig rffort te ex1pen1- ed ino gaining the iformatio orwhich we asked him. It onludeltling (oIlr'remlarson the(I Cotnferencee questilo Se regret t( be complledl to atotitodefet. There is o chatce that Mieigaon wii be in the too- fereotee for another yetr it eat, unless0 conditios elatge radicaly. Weter fromo uooillintogoesteo1adm~it tht it eve oroa(s 1wrog or frm inalityiii to see condititotns as tiey reallIty gist, Miethi- gatn's lotarolintonOltrli has retseito ask for reinstatemoeot. It was1 Micigot who to1o(10the stei of owitdirawinog, ad it is tMichigan, if an~yo(11, whotsmutst tae tile itititiive if the AVioiieriitos a101 to returno.Ale are fontdI I(ifleieigthli atthletics toas 1b0001001tie verge (f per- tisiginl the Confereooee 01100e ici- gan's,(0witodraxwat01tom((1prtive igeures of le MinnesotttChicago game(1 andthll tio -Mlionesot-M ihigintgabe, whichihowslithabt till Cooferece gabe ot-drewou1)0gamell xitho tie Goper by 000(101tioatnt4,100-eveoothtughlthglle Al ichi ganio-Minl~nesotaigmeI (01a10cocedeid to ie for tie haomoiiiosi o tie west-loirl- iv justiy (oersef-compltaenoiy. H xerliie hot a fooi000seels the risi lege ome(001imes t~loaoge is0mind0. Ia Michiganoeli o il0pit whelre sle desires to eclissify hlersef oittolos? Truoiy, Cicero stiake tut1 when(hell id 111 "OI teipoa o res!.((000 " tRegenot-eect (elrge 0. Ciod o De troit is quoltedl (10saing alithle almnio dintoer Friday onigt '1" 1011 (11po1(e1( to a retorto to the Confereonce ii it 000000(0 the sarificof ifnooge Moihigaoo iel. Stateooeots of that kiod stoali ex- piotde the fireworks aodotislo(100eviiet- iy odid.Sifted dowvosi 00e(1100s itef int10 a lquetioni, '"hat is ia Miciogan ideal" GOING HOME FOR XMAS? Will run through seeping cars from TOLEDO, OHIO TO Pittsbu rg Cincinnati and Indianapolis Low rates of onedone totohaltfirst class tate for therountootiop.Write Pau nOU.Warrten, Gee. Agt.,N.Y.C tones, T'lototOhioofor sleepig ca 10e hands1111 1(101. (1(11(11 1 (1(1l .'1t d1i1(11 i le1(111 1 th11~ 11(luv1I of hi 1ssk'1e 1 1 n Il1111 l }lira oIlldi (((Icall (3 Ic1als.) a1 1 ir tii,150. Il (. ( 11(1 1st:r C <11el 11(111(01);i} in 1 (1~l 2 -t"tt ri AND STUDI,',NT tColltiolled from Pa e 3..) of1 a'1 101111b1 e 1' 0 s 1 ll I m i 11ta O I 111i,0in- h 011(e1trng aril nwns o th otersid. I,'uth.r0(1 (1 [II 1an1 111 11( o an ahletc bord a lb i;a beh 1111 arl thiii (O1th subjet tha mic ~an Ml ((1.1(0in the(1olio oC (((11 1 1(1 010i th Iat into theI (((111 1 1i~c,1,11(1 11 alyblc i(t. sth trii" tbe h vta that 1n1 lb 111t1) t ail) it «.11(1-Ill Ill sl ta y c e 'ir 11 III 000 1 0(II 1 0 IIIII (of )oa Mcignu1' iA h mdl BY (Va i 1 1 (1 1 a '11') ts t1" 0 r "i ask(11 1(11 'IIs t11th 11r-1011 O Iiatio f)ra etu n otdi (, 11erm-. Men (0(te 1(11 ad I 1(110( 1n, t-1 1II 1101!fcl t 11 t e d'c~t~ '1' 1 oi1011 t n h wshs e 11 1 ((1 I 1. o h iL (v1 ! p a c( 0 011''t '0 l d () . I ta 1e a 1 . 10'mall , silicc 11, 1 llc lt r '(cl.1 1 11(1 I s draw l 1 fr t (th en . a i 'lilil ( 1o (to 1ab (d (11 ihtit) he o1(, )fc u atr ( II 1 1"m 0mi . 1 1 (1(11 we l 0(h ve11 t I ax 1. 1 1e 11011's: 1 lX it 1('11111 Ilr~rr u r 1''! ;tit tit': nd rcrt iti 11 '1 l 1; 1 .« (r1 ( I " , Ill 11 I ali )1' ' 11+ ii i t ~ 1w 1 on Page 30) I ,, _l it it ;? r- ,,z f r ci : r FOWNYES GLOVES I i Ii BOOKS - -- IN Holiday Editions Nothing answvers thte purpose '-o weli as a BEAUTIFUL BOOK, for a'CHRISTMAS GIFT. OVE NEW 11ichigan .Calendar More ibeatitiful and artistic thant ever, is noow ready. BOfX ED-- .r25c .. WAH R'S University Bookstore G. [. OARIN[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental I11(110 0(1s1, ( 1 , t t, t ilbe worn longer this ('10 (11(01 (( ire TIc 11(0 ll~d he s ann flat others X lu(r00(111 and ecl 0( (in atoitl 11 that is, other gloves. \tl11101c apclfor'11( r1e-'Insacte~ (,X'joool 0(1, illn s al 11soa T). fille ,1( a 11111 11(1110 tl 1 l 11'll 11010. ( ( 1( 111tt~e "61> od 11td( threae1 jct111 k, h1 ; ilthtREDMOAN COLLARS 1(11(11 11011 11s1 no(111 i l 1 (ill u0 Wagner & Co. 1)al:t( th (r tti ti 01, nd 0(11urST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER ti)n ha he sctt~ lc."oakI, -SHSOP - 11111de 'l ( ' 111111 l ()te caclricjGEO. V.STOLL Proprietor u " (1 i Latrgest Stock 100 Michigant Second-f'land Law Books Latwvacid Medical Dictionar'es Quizl Books. etc. Comtthe loot Nexw and Secc ondilhand. Odi books takeno 00 Exchanoge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical!0, + Dept, fioe Satechfaof Jewelery Repairieg HALLEIR'S JtW[IIRY STORE 216 Souath Maim St. Ike kp these on Your Christmas List KODAKS HUYLER'S CANDY BANNERS PENNANTS LOOK AT THE PICTURES They sitow 'yotubi hoheMiotho Contibl0101(10 cotii, rni0110 iirtomy anod inocleat wealtoer. Thetetediceltr needs ohs00toolrlitoglop to 1011. et ytour throat anld c'It.ohNo (titer Overecoat oasothis feature. Al otoo Overcoat~s are tdesigned lanool madhe Iiyexplerttlaoiors. heininhobogs anod detailed ovork: are hfiely 11(11' 1anootilheopatlerns51000e. elusive. "The prices are very mtodetate.. COUR HAT tDI ARTMEI Niisa s .15 tbtbl~l 11 thte seastiion'sitesh styles. E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. j WAIDHAMS (a CO. HiELat. re Clothiier. Furoe'etao.'o 121 Washington E. RANDALL & PACK, Photographers ph "e Sol