. 11 TMCIIIAN DATTN From Abroad we get many of our latest novelties in U the choicest fabrics, to models we .. add to the freshest London and Faris conceptions the smartest styles that -~ breathe ttie New Vorkisess- tlsat unistakasble "air' of tailorinig etas and distinction. Whether you're normal or h it oid in build, the character andi fit of our garments svilt quicken your sense of - cl othies-righstness. Autumn ansi winter's favored shades are delighitfutty sifferent, and hecoum- ing, too, and our modest prices will snake you wondser You'll do uohi a favor to look in TODAY. 118 E. Liberty Street - c mc mc m - J. KARL MALCOLM UNIVERSITY ,~E New WhitneyNOIE Theatre Attetion is calledt to ian erero ntbĀ° annotnceunent of the coarse tnorsri to Rhetoric. Section I setres NI natii aiid W\ednesday at sotas in ottcd, but Setiont tt seels Tuesdtaytat t hursay it so, tot iMtindtay tttand est-at Sit F.N. Scatt. .A11 forc'ste'c.rsepiallyt nci tooit freshmienar e requesctdisoregitirat V. M.C('A., Quarry'soratltins' b tall itmmettin troit y ii tic fltii g-vottnaiittttSatutrta s . lit, Tempttary \l-ir. "tiost tesirig to ak lass tnScm tiesdiae,16th, t iomitt ,at; Membitessof Cttmopoistan Club ar MONDAY, OCT. ,11 Matinee and Night THE CHILDREN'S HERO AND THE PARENTS PRIDE NE w BUSTER. With teJilts Little Comedian Mast..- Rice Prices Matinee: 250-500-750 Prices Night: 250-500-750-$1 Seat Sale Friday MorninX I --- -- -- -- - - I THURSDAY, OCT. 14 One Aught Only ONE MILLION PEOPLE TRAVEL WITH 30th SEMI-ANNUAL TOUR ALL ABOARD. FOR THE FIGHTING TOP OF THE BATTLE SHIP TO SEE THE BIG GUNS BOOM! ALGERIA CANADA WINTER CARNIVAL ICE PALACE 20 BIG FEATURES Prices: 25enS5c-S0o Seat Sale Tuesodayc.t k-12 ~'1 GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING0 Opens Oct. 12th and 14th -Casses tar Ladtes and Genttem~anI Tusnday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 to 8:00 sharp for particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office flors: 1.5 and 7-9 p. in. The Home of Good Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. Reule, Conlin& Fiegel 200-202 South Main Street. Charge of bill Mori. arid Thttscs., Oct. 7-9 bLois and Ldove, - Singing-Dancing-Contortion Mysterious Mack, - - and his Automfobile Notice: Ketchel-Papkc Fight Pictures, Oct. t Fountain Pens ta Never Leak $.100 and upward We can sell you a Pen that will satisfy you perfectly. E. E. Calkins, Druggist 324 SOUTH STATEC ST. Ilaveii am 'iiiiiiiiind ta ti-C Siii toutai s pieltilshicht tstu-igs~ o si.5 t SIkinnteras. Idtwl o ii i smtie tDissetig andilabrtor tis ('iultitt's Ph'riatcy . t I it tt(T.\ NI' NIT ItI Tlwt'Saitz founitatinpeIt sait it iii l Ittics -iat Sinnttriitt- ilt iivs til\-t wa dlays'tmore-. Doit dly tttgtatt \1-itt ittie penits-il ;o Fi ilet h ~iSupplies.i ( ttatittc-i Ph'larmacy. -If liit re-m mc' ri sat-t, -'ti l a ti Isits tso itayx litt-, art- tt-e c-ri-tiesitbai ns ever it of- feredit $_,.;;0. Theslipen Ithave itri ratted-it it P. sslt gotilldian tt ndext li tittesleytlarc-te ik ti tnt SAY, l't1?1MVS, Ciliilt h ut'me iii Io ''it lpenIi'al lictf puricetoday. Te manufituriertil aile at Skinntier'"I la itly i two da iitie. $2 .naluetsiotc ;$3 Ivtlue"a $i.to C5.a goild-bantidleiltssa I(theet t ite-itt tieatat $i.0o;$6hlie's, $2.i:$i0 itel andoid a sh tertitic sitsver motedtt el ts k1 It 11)1 1. NISRtSC(). Agencty'a t3rt stir. Sift watttteIItc. 'ac seP osrk ia tiopelie tiese. of iareullyisit11(1 cilliait -hret-an tic-lull sit lit dlei al ri ce l tVie SCO-E-it. ?,?CI O Ill our -leganlt asotmetit f iFall :it iit-lifaricfstpeititt ihetolte sai t- $40i fir si mails- t-me tasure stit osits i thelt ye i tr, iti, tquality ittit wortilt hip stUt. V'. ricee-t'Co. Satu tiltans cmi lie-ri'.P. AW. Coset ery it. i iFoutrth ve i kJ yersaepatcla bu V us ehv oo us ih Notice to Engineering Students: Wie are now selling "TEC" BRAND German Silver drawing instruments, in sets and in separate parts, at a 251c/, reduction, in order to favorably introduce the "TEC"' BRAND to the students of western universities: RECOMMENDED EXCLUSIVELY to us of students of CORNELL, MASS. "TECH," STEVENS "TECHK" and other leading engineering colleges. "TEC" BRAND instruments in sets from $8.7'0 to $25.00 under absolute guaranty. Displayed and sold at 25c-/c- INTRODUCTION CUT for limited period at NICHOLS--S. State St. Stranton, Pa. TECHNICAL SUPPLY C ,New YaNk, taymocnd L. Mahony Westen aRepresentatives Chartes. H. Hicker IFELLOWS!T A certaini fellow, who conducts a certain "show shop. asays tic Iestilt tcare for studenit patrontage. Ittitti Ite(n oc,'y mt it sa, STUDENTS' nre always wet- Solit it thIsc THEATORIUM WE eHANGE PROGRAM DAILY A. G(.SPALDING & BROS. l l j] artire iI' r ',t t iaia' TeSpalding tatrr ntn-ol Trasde-Maark iof OFFICIALBPQUIP- MONT,for a]lIahletic psthO sparts. and pastimes. 0 Itf yoa are iteresi- is err in i - What tew sport G..arnestn s~f itttiiaailitvciiiive' A. t3 ofth S p alBdngCat t~hiss-yeto edi of t M ajesl iit~gluti B w dasebareunsratro'saNeenSp duar r in e fora nc x e.tfe i e Htaiy. a risCIARMON No. 26 Fast Evening TRAIN TO DEiTROIT V'a Michiganl Central Leaves, 6:52 P. M. Arrive Detroit, 7:45 P. M. Eivery day, except Suntday, Iln amuple finie for a I Social, Thteatre or Bttsitness Engage tmetts. We can do your Papering, Painting and Decorating at once. Why ay extra pti0e5 fur PAINt'S asnd VAtRNSHES when you can save f rots 40 to 'if, oil sac-s dola, wosthi bought at osr sthe. As fine a PAINT as ever owed asdes' a brsh, $115 ter gallon, in 5 gaon lots sr over. Single gallon $1 2556 ugllouis65te. quart 3i. FLOOR PAINTS at $1.25 per gallon, 65c half gallon. 35c per quart. These paints will dry hardk-over night. We also arry a cosipleta lint' sit1ENAMINIS, f(C~ARRIAGEand WAG/ON PAINTS, CAiRitAttE '11P) DII' 51U. S(RIEN tAINT', AtLIUMINUMI and GOLD PAiN', 6C., Et. BEINCO MANUFACTVRERS IS THE REASON WHY WE CAN QUOTES THE ABOVE PRICES. WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CONSVMER POLISH YOUR FLOORS WITH OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS AREas't('Wh)intCOI$A'TORtS /" M AJO R /& 130TH Deler13TH PH t ofciy 20t 3 East Washington Stree ManusfacturerseC.H" b O. D ,,rfoods delivered to all parts of city ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD,- TH THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING