THER MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield :: &Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00, ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watoash Repe.lrlmg Specsialty THE FARMERS AND MECH1ANICS BANKI MAIN AND "IURQN STREIETS ., Capital $50,000 Surplus and Protlts$l00,00p *General Hanking Business. 3 percent paid ua Time and Savings Dtepsits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards it. (easer. Pces. If. (A'. lureTTYMAN, ViCV-Pret. Rd. A. WILLIAMtS. Cashler F. T. Srowen. Aunt. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stuck $50,000 Surplus $90,0.{00 Rlesoures ,800,000tol A General Banking Business Transanted Unricicas: Chas. F. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pen.: M. J..Feitz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK" W. J. Both Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Tntt. Koch "ruf. H. S. Carhart Henry S. Dtouglas Christian Martin lDan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. E . 1). KINNOI. IA RR~ISON SOULEtF Pres. Vice-Pres. S. SF. ()LARtilSOIN, Casttier. Capital. $100,000. Surplus and Profit., $00.000. German 4eCantavil1S ank Cozrsermercie.1 e..nnd Se.viragts CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. For Rent-Modern flat, fornished; fuor-' rare teat, light and gas. No otlier roomeirs.secrontd housercottaState street, 1603 E. W\ashaingatont 'ereed Phoner 249-J. tf To Ree---Modlernta tae-rootm flat.,tacot- pletely' fuirnishset. l. c11 n'en iencers attdtilocated ItoIblocks frca mputast. ,Addtres tiasitacs.," rare taiily LOST. Loilt-bargt' foattttina en.bteen ear- nertof iliantdl Packatrdl aad T:Ila htatl. Returnta(a)t5,4 itJill. Pitmtm "1 I SCELIlANE-OlS 'at 'aC ' OIsat Iotier.orreare'sIat''"lT'e IPatlais Rovat," 2009 F. I1erta St. tf Stirayoaar IFancty NWork nstats for Natmas gifts. lest liaeat inte cite at '''lia P'alais Rasyal," 2t0) I:. Liibtrty' St. tf \\'ANTl'E*D. tiatat'a Tat gtainto a fr iatiernity, otr Ilb ndtake cihare'of b ortdittg, ater atetholidiays. .Addrsless '. {). itt's l'usic ant 33rama \.1 ttt ' 1taat .tt't.t "itt 't 1 .a w telconlae a'tttttttttc essarat 5is tattof XormnK. I ackeit's t'aptranct' tr st 'Wh'itnteyatotltciridayeventingrlia. tt. illthe patosatlatr cadttplatty, "tCltssmtaatesr, at iiat s'aerve tt itntoul t r 71 t. e ssttcrssfllltas .a star ls e ritcettas t Cntats aity atof stlli ata an tt, attmettbIer atofte t'l ass o s.atat (We't tot thte unaiversity 's htatt ou stmm Ht. is successonttate site'hias be phenomttetntalatditte hats eattedta't tKae r'eptutationa fir hiiself ats at lectuarer as- atetl, lhttvintg'beeta honaoaredtiniais tat atddartss Iis atn almatanaatetr, Sa-t 'tat'. ('oranell, IHobatc, inn tesatia. ie- bita . SVirgiani t a tt sisti , liiitat',. .11a- ttt tand ay thatrtschltts ta andco- te-(;-s. bast yair ihe atas ptersoally- Iain- is1tt itht adessat hatUivetrsity otCli- Whelr, altsototapreastatt' latssttaatt's'' illth slaitsGtrteItik thatrthee.whc eid biiefaretic'tae tand.' peopls e it. s'otle. Hatt tt s asicit dit to the atUn'- veti andttt is itsitats. tettltta ttnetof tat' foundttt a nd tt itfitleatitg anat ofa' tar' p It ,111'f1 ta ta t '1t ' II l f lr . 11 i it s as 1a' [lte good ) I tt! ' i a aali t 11 alt parts ()r tha co roll' stil itC't a' a()t c I~l i t i iss w 1 h c 1tat atJ it n u( \- till auctarc' ta lI a to at 'lllI O : is a ''11thtta t ntr~i~c I i In cmlm~m \it1 it tatl Ihat r (] 1) m c I ';a a tat in attvtry tt tta ittiu at() isIwt \\ rh ) a')u t e cli)n ~ l" 'i Itat 1) i i tt T e ]:" ra ata ),w (\to a a(a last tt\ i "A ida" is the () a)itng; atl at ~ ~ ~ a atUt;~a2 . mc 1 ~LOOK AT T142. PICTURIES Th le-showit yo last setheIlac'Sato OTve i ic i tatco at it itt it ins steormy "1t"'' s ad itscless secaiter, Ilit, c 5 . clarr cais 1,0 iti ig til)Ito 1pro- at< a tit a .tstt tctct ltour ithoat anal ahlast. 'No I- v~r at tasthlustfealtsae. Mtoi rl 7it ttilt Ove'trmts a rae' designsedi attil tataaC 1 a CNtaIi tiltasa 'l'lsT e linting; andt de a t"ttalled xxmk arefiatly lad'ci-idl nclattcir s ttrcexeitusisvc. The OUR ItAl' l)F.IA Fl'NIE si-a i-xdrl fte seasoGn'slatest ::i l' I" ' I l l lien Hit at itilt ttt era, att'les. St Attttt an rt. WADHAiMS (.. co. flttnI'sa iI- i~a a11 IS t d1, ati matatc atc ih Fr r , F N I ;at:11,Cr Clothier '(11, i l- t'1-