The Michigan Daily Vot'. XX MICHIGAN NOT TO MEET NEBRASKA Neither Cornhuskers nor Chicag " Will Play Michigan in 1910- Other Games Scheduled. It is xrlyhi Is lfnsl if tMNicigan and Nnlihr si iwill metcitsithc -i grtt 5 in igi. NTo e sidelsisiIil-sisma sksuh a Cnttesi pracicaly ipssil lThe irtis thatithc Coiriiliiserswiris l lii gai to plain ii uthitwnstatsanti(t h secondiitis that the Wolverii~ties Shae wostild inadvis iiiiile.itt Nehrasikai hs site of illstsrntgs Icatis pobily s ifhis rnkedsefi'condit tisce isiha ticibeen iiittiiody. 5ons-c uitly a gmt iic-tih tcii iwouli iiicas a a tlrdlstrgglc'sand ctit tiams withii linnsottPncilvanIsia anSiI yacus- ,t racticls cciitin I Dioctorii t ilit NesbraskaIcintusiat st- s w titikc 1- ardlii scitldiiicme an alngIhld tip atiotheirthiiumthatiiis It1ho5uglt iiiiiisi ahite in '-ivieof ihi siay sclei-letua Mictigauwil tprbabstl ass-net-ifal A gamii tscccc he twoi us into -otil iribaltiy tiraw ailarec isiul a Ljicoln, as tere arc a largiiniiimter i Miichiganu grauate;csithesrstats. gatmec withi a team ofi:Mictigans s srcgtl wosutli tatrally littrac a are tiiiiti oif peptle anriar. Directr Ciii oif Nbrasafirsstiii o Mr. Iarittic int rgarsl toi aigam, last shooiteir aidl trcwas siic futhei cotmuicaio ashrt Itntsiago ut l yet notshig has beecciinitow rd h s hedIstiu iliig agam-attic it iis douibitfl if an contract sill Ibis drawniup stthis tar. I A Michigan nentrs ite ( isfrcnic such a anrtis- ssioull'se prcical,impos iil s ChIiicg, Ill sii s adsI iscusii sotitldt ll iwis tiply lt i ch itigniart, wo'uull sturals ly bt ivein iits' firs cosic Althounghlittlu stsee I oeccii r arrangig atscl as esr, in rgarl I dairtnig ips f cntrctsslsetas ariss i tractically cirtaini ts tic'scetiltlcs Pecnnsylvaniasitosits li ki asihacetis ave'ntg its idfetosithltisyear a'sui lists gmets isciecscledslclitiswsilit piot abtly icsptsycitits Ihildetlthiathii Quakr s lhay-inlastei-cihtic-c tosyar i scc-stssi ianI \icitgitsatin-sg sir tiu heg amestis s ir N tills ea scled.cs Syraicuse is aottrtr cthtispris tically crtiiitic'-cissee il t lssu stous againuti year.IEci iets ihasi-isis()it gso stfatsunt aigmcithicisthi Vl i-ritis wildushaiwI wellIIat tsce lsMetod i t istitutiton.sCaicsit (thhsoStaeiri daties, if Nlicitganititcks t its si-s-c carne chdcle.ltl Coachi -tagg of Chliagthasitkn a antasgoniisitsstandtistisirstdIicigni tic is crrclctreprcsrtit someltsof tit ncwspaprs, singtha tsiv itnittiaiti for Miichigns turc' sciouitsstu ie fis Ann ~1Arhort iand t thI he5worlit not fatss atllowssig acirinii g tble. 'Ilhs'Cnfers stncc representctiesii wiscll meit'sinutit sar futusrc ndsuits-ctoscfct histansge qtuesitis siill rsstssstbe tiatn ip a itha t ti.e Miciganit will siits-cveas represectaitivecasit itcmisisinhg ttk ,NN ARBOR,.MNIICIGAN, hiatt AN 1'. ICINNI 10.R tosimoo. 'I rt int sio f tei usiisc s affirisisb ut itimeon ticay ibe cpre s t ts ersn Nictigt's intseress tiithei ust-iuniof SENt IfI, NG \ 1ICII it htvcaiy nd \ tmaw.sti it i Ktee-i l Ic ha ben ill flist blutistotrsits s ie it itttcicut ii iciliti s Is sthers isstarr Ns i ivd mAl Aro t itat %'iiskca 'gt. e c i 5' s ssonditionis 1bad lbecmetu mtrt e se slitus tutuhelidirst o istite ii- It antuhip s-ittr suit d i tulet hisi onc i If ini A1111iArotr \Wdcsda t n tm t seecIrisisiu lttiteusntilts1tutu schtaigta irlost'of I-. N I Dolh.t2s >S t h iit e 'tttit~ 'ssiis Fourh a enu . w ere iitw il rt c isttit Sitd . o Oi Scs itcy i 5 t ilts ieme be s iof te '.senit' cngiei ngtis'clss sill ecsrt theii o ' tily litheiiis ttion fromtutu relit w ill Is .ec'nveyed to lthe- Stiti lt homei ALUMNI WILL CELEBRATE tI Old (rads Will (lather in Detroit Is Tonight. I II r sngs-it cts liies'eliscit s-- misc- > af th so et atiic wsill' t i veit-isis its n- i hal rrs cr it toit b is [It s- ifthist i s it n w I silivi; i thats ?he t res it it it-s an i its itm tutu of ill teIordill tCntol wil l he th cc a s-ciat s ssicsts aIts-oke. Nrolu cti t kssir- . .5 raos iis- thoucg t s ths manyIlls s i snts ic'tl t tttten ,a spia I t esc s it tssi I- it-mstc urd aon -the iiigislssCen I tra I tf tisrti lustig ty c isusts srstIeirou is t 'rps ehts cib tilled. Thse its t i it s- io ttensithut sIt liiismu s t a e osti li shu:,2trIasit si Dt rit. h c melf r icet s egoodionlr (lit skciha t I isi tnt i-iisiti trs--stsoitibt fieytatesicdrtt -Ic ., tntip is stis tridn ight5 or5 Sat ts slististsit willibe'abots i ft n i Is rle i s c atioris ptty u. loIliss ad it d.issnughttht manthsui iwiillated itt itselbositeit l isi slitk r, i s be ens c ifo ta ieds 11( isatc the seehs isit lhe I_ sortittia find s 1 istsnap ind a, sm Iofthlis tilo tcihIe i s tilt-dnnr seaker s is i Detlits rsiaeionthettprograiim'' tilh is etur f-h i'1 t'ci-sisttss i sis li-ure isuto b enoya ls sit 5'. sissr t i tisippl otr at ab es illis e tit it tittss-metingtspisrsit ullitsJwiss beIo rty hn ost leadc in alIts- cihet tlls ndntcel eai ' h isiis i iiut eet ili'e $1 MUSICIANS MAKE .,r thml is - ~tcltlhe" n sssss b1ARIUT-Jj1AjU1WEj BOW TO IG T' itteply rshaheits tdl'd,'ut5c sIsit GOOD FENTERTAINER Band, (ilee Club and Orchestra Will Make Melody--Change in Hour. \hss'tsst all's thiee stdl it sismus i lt i-- aluit I 'tiicrsitc St-situ hi 'stir ra stit thfis esits Its -an ad l mole n hig Scl als1,ilt . this 1tShi si is s usi I lut l l lCom- stit it Itti -ishtilnt I list rpetir Slit stilt'' ead Is va icll (ca hi'i. P i l n es slt ntrisitec n it pcrimtpa t c)C i' i,(th it 1ii 5ccMid Clhah . hisisdwuseettill''us'"ts i-prsie-n't to) i cit- e\lst , a l'.5'555 55 the tiitt ic' Slim i t() eartsiit i n t u-it 1 \wk an osit l h tnl t silt -hasii hli itnisi t tat a tti liit h ivc it isint iste ii it it )g nrai~ s n in re p, l,,(' t,) his ieln lld, t i s i t v)lr n i " I t its n it us ill t itus h~clb th ers extsit eter t iii ()rcwsra as oo ~c~n har!I"UNthis l- 'ii )It' -i tth till rdshu int ivr il h hi11 We' aI his- tutu sandit ) sits s 11111 'hiposra t siti ia t ure has -tWl cIt-sssss in c ncits i w it thsl)ug' y 1't hes-s)w" rutu h iit t Offrst fnrttit stilteiyiheardtin l l y " h his-lited 1y a hallIt s-- " ineh in-t lirs t ast it w l r atsial o e Th1 sulusus Nt I ii111 eC' tush I ~ c Over tre, slt' s tillt end GIS t -t cstsshu ficelIsIss rt"s(ks .27u.. tinclssth W . I1 tPrinhs-sit d;-i -~l.; }nihllit h-sk lis- t (us I;. hdus 1 ADDITION NEARLY DONE Entire Engineering Building in Use Next Semester. ;h nr furnttis i tOfths adistion andtsith :sit-- stilt-mitll t save an ters lit i st itl stilt s otituntilt hisu1r1st ,titis lk ly t a Itsu d'ettu5tila ti ui tt i t fotth''is si' rc Ori its cuttiiiietsiollby l his r j t is estimt e u tshit tse s ti wil leas1 335 erI cnt. Thisis a adit ioniOsi 1 jo 51w) s uef oftut I s pac. n he it-sushi rl- u t thai t'rl stil' l its listsc i tuns, hstxa ilt, lust s an a it sit iilecthise iutiil lti ast aig c \ iat iu-csf t-adit ion- s 1- ac Go ll thaninistat NI te c ' )rne twintl I. caridsOnit he newt - hat Otiltsh il ingss hs eretuts-u's tc Isihe se-,k. asits tntis dh e de-u I it s tsr this-,('illsuhesssss t hi l1 Prof Henr l l'ts il s htitaf: ai t tls tithe hicr )ti-hit-iCom muti ity, T is i Lorado Taft holds Attention of Shivering Audence-Excellent Work Shown. I~epit th artic tmpercatuetuhat mi's-i' its sivrsty h lt lst tnighit, l~tw K T ftChiago-, ain usiciultorii.- )-ri cdian inistiltu c ut -n u'csiiutt} --i hst'ss-'crr.;asss sdspitin. t theietht- )(k' hilsil s--is sisls t iat's- rtsuT hiss ss Va sAn Tft'-1'cthirdss.aperneuo -hug.,ictstitgansutfin t ran ucussposiion iut i-sic, :ilt if is hicki arecptits if thuc wosrk &a this'ssultors iere 'grcutidieculy itlus- raed - (IutsnlyistMr. Talft itouceum 'da iususbuthis'reprodrucesd ini stat stusi Mtr. C uusshhamiits run iin; Lie o wity rmars that scerved l ihtn this'lu-c turesanduive 5 a plhits- :i aii ts-u his diacthut eas S1 h s ft he s-sitng's culis - aiu it irat I sluutedtch atchild' sits hut Sy Itnlittticlht stuwhi heas is ututtit tuto utu usbrer isn Illinoius coal nic tw s u:t I iat tihattihet --5 ; )fth young inan stats t-i veacled. --hitslls'ea ,ic-s--iss modeledis fro1 lieauhors nfat roter s recen stlytuu hut-'si thu ansitsui liilts I ita-id uwontta sucttssl . C iilititits ow suitpltingui 1 tut i-'-i ''i'ti"igou ,t o Ixhi'suien t i ltoho heim icip lars. s Thes si k ofth itg atlist n555t \\ii i enthi sti c sits - M t Qthealists u were hsc ii utoign uits lu ter ok ytst is agrhi ethi --rtillea ft he audti umtssbut u-isneis In-us-- sui ItittoIh i; 1si t sutitisteshketi t he splendiidt usrc lt sltineluiencuis, ent ly, a to t h ct its far tc pesuet pitkSN/t sichtl ml.1 sf11 epl TlI E INST -I I I I hseini ultit'say-thie suviri prohi-i ra lut our lIi its tis-st siltl his thur finst 5 n fthe isntiscus-i slttt tby a seii- invisits -usgaizts i s-u SN it this ex shu u-tt Qitthis'ahitsoi' r page. thers it st I is 11)t dvtil is ingin' i it. Prunedsuit hit-tg ishi-ade paperandticoil a iiug cuso-f thes entes t, xl incn ias ind 1the opeursa manaitcgemtisu it usill bhr Nlh tushkitsswhtictsh iss ibeenulidsuideui lu rsevtistntmust tae calledsandStitdni tilt bits r _it oclot :sti ts haut tuic itlhu-isih t itilieremveitoIsthecWht- he is im e of. _uttus it 55 Niclltc it itsc"i tt l. 1( it tiir aitiy t hit'cle th)g r is I its-it-I K lc I cI) 55 lutist suits tsittittti itt -it b)i t idh ilu m keth 155i- Slush ucs it ca us higwhat 'u-i ic ts' ittu'' the f iv-1it c s's icr tt ss' sll uIihSt h w K UM TO OANZAL-' It"ISISOI'S 511) N Fcwic C-I Scass T ii hcs his lahiss tuttt iI . T' e ' ) pirttosc )t hiss' 'us -clus s 55 hut hut t ltu thi nlc t itorl~er on i \\itt te ch isi ilist. wtill 5555 a b ,;, )n "T e tieat 11i c Slits hitI i 'n tilils t t is ii th PA tW S ihlilhtstan sittiist ofplt fo rm5 l spcatlt- et i hilt Ilts suit til Iis 11N r i 'thur isd ,hs sureduscat'phnm.cuhsA - w wSut p-rIcc avnScuatestc () t- -,;upsst ha s biiengagedccuii. ast - - Le s it ttcdut o ml et hi e nii s's ofgnu tud Varsity Band and Musical Clubs IN COMBINED CONCERT-UNIVERSITY HALL, 8 O'CLOCK Friday, Dec. 10, 1909 Admission 25c