THE-.MICHIGAN DAILY Beyond Argument For You The Best You can go here, and hunt there-try bar- gain prices and cheap clothes, but nowhere, here or hereafter, will you find in value re- ceived for the price paid, so much satisfoction as STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES give.- We have them here for you to examine and try on. We want you to wear them-but that is not solely why we insist they fit better, have better style, wear better than any other clothes iu the world. They have all these things in obttnh'u'r. We insist only on whet is true. LinddllscLfitt, Apfel& Co. .. "D 5. 0 C UNI VERSITY N [ICES 'clock. IRoorn KI ivrstl hal 12 211111212' 2'1i '12 '22;a a t~ar: 1>Gt 1 2' 11.1 1211)( alc' i- N ew Wh'Iitnvey Thea~tre THURSDAY, DEC. 9 FRIDAY, DEC. 10 Special Return Enagaement JULES MVXILY RICHARDPRESENTS RICHARD TI-lbDISTINGUISHIED YOUNG 11ICIIIGAN ACTOR C ar ioeNorman Hackett Koaiaan rcheril -Short0 (men1 ani 00 1m1 girls1 -tonight -1at 118: 1,. 1 Cil X 1Univesity 1MI 1pic1ur120 o ll r,11 o a ni rn I l J Cadet Romance I n II is spr"ingtinu, Nl usicaI G ambo1 Mary's Lamb. "Classmates " c SAME FUNNY MUSICAL GIRLY ENTERTAINMENT AN AMEiRICAN PLAY IN FOUR ACTS B3Y WILLIAM C. DeMILLE The Home of Good Clos 'MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock 12t t1e2 20111ll tillz ()f \21I{ ttlucIIci ll tine)«. 1, 111111 11 klilll, 11nd1il- 22 2'* 21is wen atlcinl l i 12 1111 1wit 1 2r111111'i in srl t)f riuat 12221212char e. Thi 12 11} c~tcr Into p actic liil of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and u allow no one to undersell us. AND MARGARET TURNBULL Prices: 35-5O0754$l41.50 SEATS Now SEiLLINOi Prices: 25-50454$1.00-$1.50 I i ire Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 South Main Street. 1V2 12' I . , .. 2121 1211 1222(2m2I 2 121'f 222I 112112 1111d mll1d1cr ' 2l ll4)1 h 1 1201 7. $1012' 1 1 -)ms Carriage and Baggage For euch Couple to anit from parties, before Ilo'clock $1.50, after 12 o'clock $2.00. For each Trunk to or from door, the price will be 25 Cente. If carried to or from up-stairs, the price will be so Cents. Drvers are requiredl to collect cash for carriage and baggage service. WALKERS LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. B. STARK HOLMES LIVERY VAN KLEEK'S 300 Eaae Waiwsiog.. St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 13 le - Bi1jo'i ROYAL STOCK CO. IN REPETOIRE PLAYS Dec. 6.7 '4A LITT[Lb PRINCESS" Dec.8-9 1. " CHUMS " Dec. 10.11 , .'A THIEF IN '[I-l NIGI-T" motion Pictuires LEARN TO DANCE GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Casse's lf'rLadl~is0210d(,-ntlemeno, Tusdaya'l Thus day11 1111,011 n g 1l1ls. 211 8 o'clock. Children's class Tuecsda~y Afternoons-, 111110 to5'cloclk. ,loinanlytime. lForparticulars call at?cadyorlel~ll'one '46ll. 1Offic hmirsol151.22 MAJESTIC Tonvight ANOTHER BIGK American Newsboys' QUARTET Baader-Lavelle T-oxape of Cyclists Hawley & Vida Seraationala1Wre Act Rose & Severns Automobile Comedy Note: This is another great Showv tlhan I canl endorse as ONE OF TTHE BEST. ARTHUR LANE, Mgr. r t i t t Z' AN r 0 Men's Neckwear In Newest Swagger Styles Largest assortment in the city now on display MACK & Co. "'That Somethin( Merch erd tTailoring I ,\c1ti v oi 211li 11 1211fo 1 all, StITINt ", '12'M'l'lNtS, 1112 1 ((ATIINS. W. E. DIIETERLE Voa-aity Tailor- 117 E. Llbsrty St. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady E~asy on the eyes Perfectly illuinlation of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company PRESS BULDING. MAYNARD SIT '2Ne1xt 1 lllccUn iversityllollOf or ie. Rnnlounlcu~ ifot thin', 501c5011 ot 109 a complete sIOLII 01 the best classic eC01t011. ibtI ll 11110 Sheet IIIIS~C. 'illsvaeiothe latest all') best ill C petatic 11110(poplaI t I~c. tuniversit z Nusic,'illOUSe 4 YOuI Un's Have you heard that alrager at the Theatorium Butter h~srry. SKes98Oromtl i I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWA D, T F TAIL R THEL BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING