THE MICIGAN DAILY ..._._ .. , ... > _ __.__.__. .. ... .m . _.. _. . .d G. I. Wild Comfpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- Egs, Overcoats and.Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We teake Full Dross Suits a Specialty "CALL AND SNE US 311 S0. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H. Wild Comupally One of the most popular shapes at present TRADE --oMARK ' ".h"AR LINEN / COLLARS & CUFFS. FOR FOR DALLAS FRONT 2% IN. BACK,'/o IN. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. state St. Sge of the hiagewhtte shoe A. G'..SPALDING & BROS. llUSpaling are the laorgest mteu- nlnlfacturers in the world Tr-ade-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP- MENT,torattlathlrtic 0 lNt sports and pastims. o p Ifyou are iterest- eel in Athtetic 5Spot t you shoueldlhate a0 1 p 4. IN of the Spitoelnulot- og loor. It' a complete encycolopedial of the oril as atruhu htsNwi pr Osouararstes of and is sent free on rf- QeuacIty. qest. A. C'. SPALDING sea BROS. Chicaego Detroeft MICHIGAN CALENDAR FOR 1910 NOW READY A reage for every rrouth with a beautiful cover Boxedl for Sheehan & Co. STU1DEN TS BOOKSTORE I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. MaInaging 4ddioc CLARoENCt E. ERoIDGEa. Busaiess lfuitiget CAo, H . ADAM. Addreso. MICHIGANo IDAILY, PresBldg., Mlaneard Street. Officc Hours: Maagtng Editor, 8-ti t. Im. Business Manager, , 7-8 P. tm. Except Sunday. Both poets. EDITORS- News ....... ee A Wh~ite Assistant .......Harold Tits Athleticso..... ilbur . Elliott Womoen..... riea Kleittoticl Music ait Dramta.l.lollis S. Baker Exchianges....... M. X. iMhugh Jamies K. IWakinsoNMoritsonltSaroh Charle Good G. S. Lasher jutn T. Keinitt ASSOCIrAE' EDIORS~. Walter K. Tosers arry Z.. ole Dioni lirnecy 1). . Hitckley Arhuir B. ochlitoate Russell 1. James Fret Llawtonee Iarry Myser Fratek Ross-ll sCares 11.Mylateeer Mlorris H osr 3. Mack Ryai Wade Olivr BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowmttati Netrmtati I11-ill Waler Q. Wilgets Mer Rblii ReninethiiOsoerne Noeriantitt ~e TIHRS1DAY , DI1133GMB111-1o, teses. I-iler Tday--DI IrorcyA. lHt cxts:O 1.01 ierie Paitle- el;c, icittei I' N I VeRSIlY CA LENDIAR. IDe. o Soeng eeineerr eaetce, Grnege's. le. io-JunieeLtlet I eclecceeiaeedldaitce, eteteur gyte, at it eeete Il-c. o--RichrleelCaerl, a ee reWhlitey Thee-tere. Dclee- iiSeetetlecc e treleeire, Iigle Se-Ioel hltl. Dciii-tee Metlconcetr i ltioerity Itatll. le-.its--Formael Fiscer aiii Grn lDte, it IF rrletetmetn letpr e , lltl eeru gyrte, ' Il. ii 13cc 13 -Sie te Ildattc. IDIt. 13 -- II- kitdyils, SaitriaItkCasell Angiell hltl. 1Dec. 15, t1e, 17, il.- Ritcitteln tit' i Whitneystheat r. IDec. 20 Girls (itelb litre , Iterore - correct a ppred by citicdeser fflusic anZ ) rama .31 r. Sa ettee1 i- ter I ckwo d ite, etho dirct lte Itit its ity SymtphonyieOr- chestra, eesdefiitely ecIsided itpitn itoet-holiarc-t ito ilplay i t-it- rsor- eeeeeieieee. I iiti T e i tutu rl eterlues a etetelerc -. 1 Hellee aieed1thoe-- \teoee aee le-t cheese- ii to ie l el talcts ve The Gist f liters lleete First 3Violinee ttol a l erotMa reite Siretle C ath1ryn J()cliii1ti 8. D Vriest, 101 I"eeCu1trs 11.L I lmeete-l eeee , N33 11,I AI eel Seconeel Violins----I,. :. tileitee, 1r. M1. Gadne Iir, Beteuth csl r, leeris-l (teetee Dteed Iritilee IFlog, Stell, S. J. 1l(-IlI elitle arinol RBiot Aliller. Vl liil" A Sc lerle, 1. A. Mar- .:1arkhaieem . 'C .Ireetie. Bass t1 S 0, WIt1I. 33'crrcll. It II lottebon O o,---Caeel I atitlt, \I llieioet I De- 3 Itotillet .B aklsn .W 13[socV tee1. iI[ Sickle, I. IF. Iolii> J.I. lextne ir,tCle- Price. Ittittlitins -I. 1"V hundc, 31ite C t'cttttcIttW. j di leeli-,II 1 31 31- +. . l tt l-.1 rt itte i te:. All enttie ly ewteeit uevlille shuts will -t o ete t i te 1lettie tnightl dth,-eeIl buill toill bi-e-ic I()fthe eesofel leason.utt lee riler-t) tee s-fy hI te-ithleaetlic ititti t) -I I y to Jckson il te e t lo ee ti--he-a-raycee cttilt ew eill lb eo-ere tee tlti-lecs ttl tf 111ftle week ill asItet r ts t Il. sitt sle- a t ite edu strte IeIt- i'v lc 4nlp f titlists etill 'i th shiowt een eclemelti-ieee ieee I i~h nigt I te teallittleit indI l a i-c- I l iiipro call vile e Ilbe- ti I eitlee y i l l e Iof additt udional tntl nolii th ti-i ulee .edu~-le. - Ii t ill IW i- I icet ii Iis t,- I tile- ii li .\t;.\1 t 1 1 i' i m s aee.-. 1 -.1tit e 11t1t -1 -g ut: co11eiv' \lati' I~nlb" a le- Ilit- I Y 3I . .31. C,1. SI/'NI 1 .3M.NY t ie teeocib tire - x-Ic i-il C 6a as ietle i> AIthec-ty, till som bteIt setru y lee lol YA Q A t- atiend let,.Y.e etio l e edtee Im Am wa hel in asini sloen "A an iee-I tureit ii at-- 11e frt Col- n inn i l lee ii ki o iiAPIllA11 IN jiil\ 1)IOTI 13D A i-d ill ie - cocertlee 1 iicrsii) liall "n idreleI eitiO, a17j:130. h is will le e firsti appearanclittle- hi wi ll til ex-scptecin of thl I el tutu t t, -toas followits Yeps andii th le 1lue -- (d. Clce (Itt[) ii-an i I nieee1 keiiereeeitee II eee. ieleeeklinCh -1111 13 W1111, llt 5(131IAi Ii- cc thante teiic- of t e llo I ll.litiMas tlithriltBistrpiia sh titl ayetle t icenj -la~ g n Ii tftle , li t e ts- uul I l l t o 'l t it .ec (ticfor a -ilass,. dalctittit itill le eitl d hot i itieliibeor etndlater-lte-scrv 1)-f h d ityrleteeeat 12 : 1Ij. 1/teite -tie r ill I ceg it sttlyiibefe-te noonisd illeConteineeeafer tile sev iee Ie. iteeand lMrs. Joelite(). Ridti nde . [) t} re cite itWill li-h e ,u'ts O ft the3 lass- As-. tee-.eic l-en t ihae- eed met foler extra plte, th ieeh taees otli pulilt lilt eela-.ntell Today til e jnirilt-iti b s et I iii cin iee 1 e is ily hali t lctian Inll el tc. iult-.tte-ek tietb tI k1. eel te l itt .1; t'i 1l I u1ti l >e lee 1 N > e ltl teleo teis eller fth I rt ij in h rg f Itoe k' ria af e iee eitrn on t teea ty.I he t -lit- i it- WAHlR'SI University Bookstore 316 SOUTH STATE STREET 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Laboratory and Microscopical - Supplies - For Bacteriology Physiology Histology Pathology Bioloigy Cloods and Price guaranteed Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging cit t s nt5Oieev r.t ii ii leah eliteind e - r ]',Ils ih)- delit l 00 (tREDMAN COLLARS' Illsi itdieee i iTleepiece in whch hecj z cfor sies- stelrit-littlseaso and which he wil Wagner & Co. it steelc } anlee> lct iiteth ple-ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER iic meniitsuccess sinceill tilts title. lie- 3 tlciestsupporeetedeby1aftiex elet - -SH~OPt it'11p ll andithe ii sh -i s ci pIt t ul intt n i Oppoitett I tc tic 15hW a it cetoo sletxtcs ill manner.GEO. V. STOLL. Proprietor I . Reserved Seat Sale FOR The Rivals Starts today at Waher's Bookstore, 4 to 6 Continues through Fri. and Mon., 4 to 6 Don't faiol to see this Famous Old Comedy SARAH CASWELL ANGELL HALL IThe largest line Pen- Inants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS I tn, ish aceltoodAwittuuoitioti stey fillingtaseialt Iy t2t E. Lberty St. Aee ArhorMlWhip~a R. E. JOLLY'S 308 S. STA TE STREET Lunches, T obbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. I'a s-1j1,t e l t I -ti C t Agetso B11111 le ysttldlltlulit to Iavea BS-BES-B PIPE Keep these on Your Christmas List KODAKS HUYLER'S CANDY BANNERS PENNANTS E. E, CALKINS, Druggist r 324 S. State St. thr sers ob.!oh jection to ohe mokes olcloe- metes is oefr h;< ibleLINOCOIRD 'rn"hbttonholes in thils \y Collar-they'recoot ttoo andhe- HA LN don't tearoutoo. Look at your collar buttonholes Slide Easy Scarf Bands al o4launodry tests prone hep wear longes than other- makeo, 1/4 Glull '. 1lEet&uCO.,NAKEMtS 2 Tuy .. O Sazes Monday, Dec. 13 8 O'clock 121 Washington L RANDALL & PACPhotographers Phase 594