The Mich ,o,... XX. N o. . STAPLES FORCED TO LEAVE OPERA Sickness Compels him to Retir -Al" Weeks Makes Good a) ' "Buck." "Chlt' staples, whoiNNa cst .,Bick ii t\ ii xc iiill heiii Is' ake the roe. The hoooo itas let) chasig Staple toetweeks itd tetrdyiisi 5 ica fobd itt toetinlue work Wiltli h opera. Etrlt ite fol tie)t)Sndereii a slight ortoriton;itbloo oisoing titd it5 ppersc his facoe; thentciai- ttestili. eetwaos aos upt Iteill, oeeit totnuein throt1 e, titlso itipt irtt s beIeitti rktnit o h aiICt tpr ille etieartsts began.Iii ltli 10iv tespet u tCetesdyadi\"'makin go"tioight tl iitoaltvens.Wti e le i ir tte ttti. id teti a tight. "ilteboys tieell uritntt atll t pareSuutsad tee istilnotigto woet anytot. fcorse ie ihatebee forteditiito ae ott impori~tantitcthage i te cast, butit ees is tkngholdtt i Tio use att ol epiesso, seats tay beent selig like: tticakes ttixiti tieIoitise hats leett11111fitaly tiletft eveesyteeforematct, teret-ac stilt a goiotlseuts obtaie. SI(C)Ni TR'ffY-fOkTlFAtSt Coimeudy lt lst niht. 1his s t last iipletuitiy f1givet spsirat srexrr Cists whetreiiseitaliiaeerangemteni ave]eci-ill mtadle i alteltit) Onli iaciutttf thill) smll pittrtio girs wit'hav alreaiytil ot) hii wil te i secial t)-ioutlfoi l ao iniRouotmtio, k-Unesit tll triaya tretio111atj ociock. lEver i-tlege g is songly uged ito'om uitl t Fi&el afteerneoot twhetese st-has ha toilet ' eee ore tit. ''On the iwoete litr-ots lasttniig weeN clct ai aae h oices till le stt to thoiise iihoiia tole consieedfutehte for the va bitt this till bei'tiotassiranice to te that tt'the lhae a plalceontiecauts. .LttClFtk>L I, thASk' t\ Aif)t1i "Araseof Dkimteixitosliiifeifiiu it ittetthettimpsngktills ofianati litDr Be C R 5\ilii s itshi curreei MelrtCAi'sscitioni tie.SAilltio 'raute' ee rm i tuarl inthti lterfe io Ile was foerttl atn i-ltditor iiffit lie IGl ~tvadwsa ebrt e iffins. lit. \Siliatiis is hno' Pais, Ilitnois ;at is sciessfully e gaget in cotitiniuttig lak' ciicl lia ortriees. JUNIfRIR GN1I'thS IENJOYS BUkS1I.tSS SOItlit T hr'SI()Ni\I L .\ clistsiril d sslkr and butiisisi mteetintg o f the'juiitlb ncr ta httdt atithe l 1it-liait knioi 55 tutu e tiryeenting. Sitltebsiss sessio te clussidecidedil t c otea ias ip ti Ct ot C i,,. o li s lttitietiatili fo liittgti a bu insss e teetinig ui smotke r as eijyedI m ii h ei f "eats" anditlots f"smotik"t li))))) tte bi rundttiiItablet iit ix trtach it ll CHEMICAL SOCIETY DINES Nine New Men Taken Into Phi 1e Lambda Upsilon heels tcttltv11"11)(1 s ) l i ' tpsilonti frateit y. lii t, h rt' h : iasocicet, igatered routdsi ixuc tbleu tt hei ch t tiga F iotit utu itt s on Stud, in Ft I enill i s ois o tudy at' longtslie nific-tis ino thto kc tor itticholte Prfct ,,reut glttyl tscl te) it ull tuden1 t;tospend .n .leastaipotioni'ortktirttittiietotiltudk ito. France.lttil it ofk J \\stfs ~\S S. t iLLi ttih I ttI 's sr Bieot lnitthi he 'il-ceiti'o taiiles si' l ited litl -itt ire, 'i il ll l o tlt co thu h igan wlil anlit t it et l nr Nil-.1("laniC. tBri ton of tll)) enici iant itiititl iton thu))) it) i orki n Iicia- Aterli thtes le ther'eutu s ;Ii ;-h i- ttrl iils thsssion. ts it cr tUp i c r rs ifity ta ti11)0 hirt ti) Iast 5sp ingtnl is to o ur th lIt isisthelintert i oft-t e orliii ztionit~ti of d sit mee)sti atchilmocn t tteUio Ft oloinglr itiia listlif theii cotsti 5 - MERCHANTS WOULD ALTER FIRM~ NAMES Shop-keepers Will Change where it is Possible and Sentiment Deniands It. litN1t\1% ' iWITH than at the lit t ic t !.' N CItIMIGHIGANENSIAN Edii tor WORK STARTEI EdtrLawshe Plans to 1Make ii riii c the 1911) Botok a Real Class Hsory. (Y" 11" tai ''itc. WIl l 1>> 1\ ccli' >> t I I . I-It\ ,i MI '1 1 M., clc- t.Etlr; i tti. and ill i It iii i iitts 1,1krs () r I tit IIIt- n- II()lis, il, : irlc p tjwt ])I] 11Y i .r 1 l >c 5 iit ttitlt 1 ii i : mg 11jillcr H wlsk ." ,a ) 1w 1~'!li k"y .. \lic l i " >> . trc c t. :irc t12 " C 1 c ?; tl "r f,+rr" 1 tltc" >i t' I' d iit ; stt s alreadty t-'t'l titdonit ths S' lit-i to-io-tisi-it ttil liithepos- ith rcatsuccss. nu it iioftileV c 11ch anlt liep b t icese its lotu. In tead ofitt e letit er andti onet 1 slit tuic ti ihe hutl tuumik lius- , e -t oIt t callthe'itth antil etherlinui a lxity. t : ;ito.c 11l sillnutuitriuot a ther chu c it to sake illeittbttit-iilrei truly rcpcs tilt-osc ,- i lehi- c-tt iiiii utbwhn It it it it ich c 1the.twillrer iO-s )'1c ~ i~naer ar epeialitesyir Ito 111;k, bs -i N i i p 11110in arui- i 111 ti ill"uhfo s )liistrryor it d il-carleututies andilests n i ge- ln-1 xII itot i th I ii ittIit o vre talclit the l'i -c it' iposstitesliT het slt e i t t tilt -iaoilutIll- iu-'iouiol- tiltt no tl t 'ls ltosuth' iiw i e a fcmtc () t~c" h>)k ;Ill( tit alellu ttCp i-itt--m pit1 e madesh to lii tas far iwa- a Iw~silc rc'tuthe t a ilogue ~l~l ido t~mak th bo>SI t trylo .!aila ili 1"(1i14)1 i t l iisaes li tat r. - 1n f1)'I atS l t four151 r N ssfit nt ;l tl, 1 it~k tsi t ti t t 1~rK ikii- ,t li it("' litl ork o~i it1 whtlit N'lIii 1111i~ i t si issus iii u it fmmrunuertwo tis C1~cr ~tfix'thto\6 Y.rt.C. itl l i t "t 11s 1ig bo r tteoo thito-le pd ,I CII isC 111 businss ihe e, bt ind -itt uuuus(}f til i t icckts tu.t)'- ecse.r 1; '},ttt is illt) itslgriim a nd i Pllee o ieN t ic l ubit lh v af a t C'ttu f111st t'iuces st-illaf((e- i4iht iiiii iate t'Ii ll l t'i- ' I\")-% [: lilt, lll\ ;1"i ICII'711 1"Iccl r;cal cI' i; i 11crc tltric Ilcnllu r (d lilt'italltillslo';'I il illc> \ ill- 11( .,t apl -,II it' Itl lt K UMTO iA1~T'7nrAT AN ill r NhIS I l lI " n Q -12 t.111 i IAt Shi ~rl 5511aft tilt))a I, IS I I' s _ZI~l? I Id tf ilt i n i cr t I iii ttt'itttis 0111 It tatt."y- Stor i us ill "lt ii b ill > TONIGHT UNIVERSITY HALL LORADO F I;NI tilsi ri I I P I t P A ) n HOW STATUES ARE MADE Illustrated by Actual Modelling and Sereoptican 8 O'CLOCK ADMISSION 50c