T11VMIC I4IGAN IJAIIL 7 QUARRY'S Jt~O di iss cool I t7 i t 6otokl e 1t. oir l /rr t i jt -ot' flt I pilo t ou o hty Gor, S,. State and N. Unit Laboratory Supplies, Toilet Articles, and especially Pre- scriptions are best obtain- ed at QUARRY'S Drug Store Money Loaned OnalWatc~hes, lilantootdso . at Books. or other, personal property. Watche~esod Jewelry repaired. Bargain- in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 It. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Heure:8to 11:30a. in.. 1lto4:30oand 7 o 9 p. M ALL BU0SINESS CONrIDENTIAL JOSEPHt C. WATTS TllE FARMERtS AND MECHANICS BANK MAtN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 General Bankhing lBusiness. 3 per cent naid on Tin-e aio Savings Deposits. Safety De- nesis Boxes to rent att$2.00 and upwards R,. Itesim,,. Ires.. II.t. . PRil-os set.)ito--Pro-n. I. A. 'tVttItat,,st - losl . T. 'totwi,, Asst. Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank CalitalS tocktS-)0,000 Surplos 520111000 Retsorces$2,800,0001 A Geneeral Banking Basness Transacted Ornaicntss Chas.IE.Idiscock, Prens.;W. Haurrimtan, Vce Pros.:3. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK b. J. Booth Jnoe. V. Sheehan Wet. Aunold Dr. V. C. Vaughan las. H. Wade Et. P. Mills John Hasurer Jno. Koch Prof. Hd S.Carhart Henry W.IDouglas Ohristian Martin 1Dan F. Zimmaerma FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN Annex, MICHa. E. D It lsNE, IARIlStiN StilLF, Lis.Vtice- Ptrs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 7100\ r lo alay112. tnttlr. IN-'.NT 1) S caters cuti over iat iT'ePalatis o tl l1a"teld--TfoliO0and bia s solssfor .a1," 2o5 10].Iii ell. 2-14 chiuich posiitios. Apiplyatof e t01 lit eofpocrcifoio'& 312 Sotilh l Otaisioti St. tif lm ieo zt.sa ~ri \f alleaoo's. 3-5 tiliolled-Liv tl \ ts oer Coa - -UionadMy Feotival seso t icets All tinrdsoof Sote00r \Vestsat Allen's lbo selling tickets. Libeoral commsotn00. 1111000si ch11, \Maiii Si. 2-7 For 1p1artiularn clletlI.0ofito'oftUni- v'ersity School of Sfoioc, \IMaynard ltoro ' 10( trade's at Allen's C.lothles stre. 2-7 '01 iopj, .\aiii St. 2-7 If i'(Mit--f ril11, .324 S. Siote. 1Wa1ts a iGrieatoestaieo'tyof Pennaot 1ndiiii - coolittttleniographer and01111 t ioooll'rits lows' atloweo sticres'. l.ooiii l & So\\il- opleraitor. Catlil iteeniol~ig. 4 101110, (M)100 l liltristreei. 2-14 11ttiiitd--For steniographl adl tye'ihiaiil 71S-. tefinsooo0, 5tainardsI, uepts 214 N. Inglls. It. Leigh. ;-r The different Store of Better ClothesCol g Sut Sand Overcoats furnishings, Ill9 tsLaps, [te. i - -------- - ---- i, re FO R R lN'T. bob. t'oioilIo'aanioiFrooit1su1110 1an1silO- :fle oom01111foor reaoale price. 1100 1 ll l l 0rn 03'iterlcir lce ' lse so- i of it. 0.1 sN'. Statc i t 'fir'placf .\: i'beau ifu1'l r iucicesi tio n01 11ce i t0ts111f iii '0 p111 App0 y 111. 'LV, ()(-t.0, Ii lp0.1 /II) t I n ai.011 e t a d.}- - Allon's 0 (t lb Sli(ol, .I iii S. 7 SWM 114A tte WlldoPil A-iO, o yl-w iter sup lies00 if 11111110 I 11it t ptrha 0 ool i 011 rite atan ''0 1'.lnlll ,)~- pr'o i celb0 10ve at hesh lioiolllormm Sloth Fox 11 1110111 'O (itite C (wk Mae sam-f~oo p l rya 1111 They- aro o wing1111liltt 1011 ,)" oe 11il (Saoouodlyll'('11110to'achines1 loo l iooo s looho,.AlatiniSi. 1(6 A" o'. j wne VieW ooelloo1 110 J . I. WU[RIfl COMPANY --Rmmlzp. I ffom. and11,0110. 0 eal Tiner cll.] el l oll rtype Oitino t voii . c >if iion0101110a 1 o~ ia l o ot lolo i lr to. t'. of .\l 11. ccialt. P da.1010s l''ioi It 'o.f It O tl , 210) I1o, 111-ibo, 51. -2 _ Il F: 1.1,0SItt-S I I on1 (111i11g 1110next 1tw11d11y10. he' last d1ay10of thiellmanulfaturert's sa~leof'foun tain leis t hlf 1pri'ces.a1tSIiioio'c havc t 101ay full pri'eslherealfter. TeKe101 St1' iiiio)s. 1Instrcini Pin.P 1)1110a.\'oijee('iilioire. 312 S. 1) - l i al St. '11i 12 1110110 011111 Sa anl ;ices oini c~cllss vrietyat Alen ('lotlits Sholp. M llSo. t-6 Try 0111,5tFmil lollPn-slooh'o'lol ('ololilotoiliharmacyo'. tif \o'oiooooooi' siery and G1101 ov11es ini c( 1111110' 0.'0iio' at l\le's' (Colth s 's lop~. fa'ino Si. 1-6 THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 COURSES OF STfUDY FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS PURPOSE OP THE BIBLE CHAIRS T h o ros o lt! _l1110 i0 o o s 111 b lob I ti.1llis to1 pro1 ide11111 11150101 of11n1 te11 1-1-ily .01W ilde i oo t ilot ibe )ndolxoO ooo helloo 'e o r t I l''l '0l it~vlst ll0s antd thin011 01011 o' t tio'IooooIoil hll '1 0020andl(0 14-'r.'lllleilullllo.ti of l' A boorin pott ittllt- 01000the11 ll01111 i o ' lctl ioo lol 100 loooolt and'o io 'll l t,'I',llrsity ail~l o otin ll011 c ueoftih re u lol 01111110000 l- Ilo 011110, oO;i. '0lll'0Iin lr ; e vn~tc''l 'lllll '11fundiolatid oll OPENING LECTURE Preparation nf the World tor Cbrsto A Study in the Philosophy of History Er G. P. COLER, LL. D. 12 to I P. M., SUNDAY, OC'TOBER 10, 1909 STUD)ENTS ARE INVITED Announcements of courses foe the first Semester furnished an application. Student's 'Yo111 Will file ui st11whtat you need to fu~rishllyouooms05 HISS LOVEI ,'S STORE -232 S. Stale St., Upstairs Pillows, Banners, Pictutres, Lamps, Netting, Tacks, Hammers, in fact a fult tine of den=supplies. L. 1 Ill o Inlro to eroorct' t oj*.i 11 1 1il calt- t10 I "y'~o. rice E. H. rOWLER 10 Law, Prop. Capital. 0100,000. Sorpluts atdodits, .$00,000. 110a111110.thle rigtindititl fight11 pr_ -lices atthe 'S tilillo its ool>:5t io SliehaI "i, &Cio. of 010111~zit. l'iners'o lho . 1 ul i 1110 0 S~vta~s \talleaniiso 04-226 lS. Store St. ,i Co.'. McAm n. d Liberty Steets FrshenCasSlickers 3 Gym. Shoes, Suits, Towels, Etc.MesrchfSos Laboratory Suits and Aprons WG ER& 00. J. &M. Shoes Engineering Overalls and SuetOtitrBre olr Jackets Sii i iq ot , bps loo10AooStetson Hats Opertin Coas ad AponsHawes Hats Holeproo Hose- Sweaters Cluet Shirts PIFT=SIXH SESONDETROIT UNITED LINES S TUDENFTS'~ LECTUREb ASSOCIATION Ch rlU in o cet Between Derit Ann Arbor and UU II LtEfLTEN STAR NUMBERS ONLY $3.00Jako Limited Cars East Bond- 80.0)0it. lt...;1 The Prterrmier Lecture Course Acorset f etttlOHents whicll studetts oh.Iold0u. to.,a nlt4::;oIp. no. of A rxveriCe*. Iet , 311110tei wshtooearnfa sason toketblostt in;, 0 00 Limited Cars West Bound 11>A .0nto..ol .5kf 11 1 ,000Local Cars East Bound 't,tD teoil,5:4 it. DR. FREDERICK A. COOK 000.an1111o'etyloeroto ;poni toToVsi- LIU.ERNEST H. SHACKLETON University School of Music , 011wlo ~a n. % iotri "'.op n-ahsrahdIehs aiMAYNHARD ST Local Cars West Bound-54 ati., 1:5a HON. ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTEm., adI(-y twol I Ps k)1113 ,ai U. S. Seattor ran Wicnosin MAUD BALLINGTON BOOTH __________________________ Soilgs.Rfread(Orator Rw' anr ERLDSTNELE \ Y,' Ludyinentest Edtor, Essayist, aed Lecturer L A W gQ O K_ THOMAS ROW, Prop HON. CHAMP CLARK32N.FfhAe ad io Miority in Cngrss 40th ysar IDICTIONARII&S 4051.. yeas-2r 1t c LodrNewPhone(h57 ell Pitone 471 I LORADO TAFT lIn QUIZ BOOKS los___________ he foremnst Sulptor .1 the Wesl Aen, Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Asse Arbor MOE'S BARBER SHOP SEUMAS MacMANUS __________________--701 Nrh University Ave. lrfadnerenmst Pert, sAuthoran lecarO..OE ~~~adUNIVERSITY ORATORICAL CONTEST and DONALD Callaghan A1,00 Co. Uiest fMcia no' ROBERTSON AND HIS PLAYERS AnrbrBachCaGesreOppst wBd. ClubHo-soxBarber shop Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $2.50 AoA'erBeeusSaeSre.OpeieLwBdt GEO. V. STOLL, Propertor STUDIO-_, 319 Last Fluron Stree