T E M C I A A [)CLA SSIFW rD A D V ERT ISIN G TI'his Space FORRENT. rMUSKit) Drama R For PRct--Mo~jern flat, furnished; fur-.--- --. " tare scat, tight and gas. No other roomers. Second house fross State T ef 1,(igpwrm \ilh Wl FOR street, 003 E. \\astosngtois street. atth p--icpuil' e il4at teho lo . P~hone 249-J. t 1)f iMusic s t ss0r t ica }:; )'l)k S m B r F T ei-'ic susite of rcri sislsat 7i18 Ito i iso- Is cis : ;1lii- (leine Sam 13..ircii1fie;11Iti(1,(,1l71''O cfiuis-ici....its. . ...:11 l "" C o o "" plo tetely furnsishted. Al c m Sit cll)( r,1 o1ti.(p ..Iet~ c _____________________a________ cid lt ed t wosis bllocsir siiio iiii as'1 (1cI~lll Ann Arbor's Leading LOST. I 'K' i( ,t}1.-y ...Ia1hl A T T ('I iSt. Fr /ssit\ ,Scli1i mSt ) illt(,a 5155dIs..l isit . L. j. to 71 S. ti1gat1s. ( cci all55 ii 'Spiiiol ....Schubi r I'sttSC fts;NE11 ,s 'sillccs cslt svesr,sir retpaired t "The41st IIsith Kosc- 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House tPalmi sioyal," 20051 ,.'. titici\S 5t. I \ss si)tiis 5 t Hut }-ousi a n scy Work sti r siXmais Pa 555:nlel gifts. Retss ineust iii t e ityi t "hc";ra i n -1i1 r . . . . . It is J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewveler lass Roya,'200 IE. Lt S.i Is liiI n"'c~is i The differeilt Store of Better Clothes College Suits r ml hines, t5o v : I AILARMCOK $100 ALARM CLOCKS $1.0 ALARM CLOCKS $1.5 iFuily Guiaranteed Watcoh Ropoktrtrag aSpectity THEt FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREIEITS Capita! $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 deneral Bdaning lBusiness. 3 percent paid as imes and Savings iDeposits. Safety De- uosit Roxes to rest at $2.00 and upwards ii. iossspe- Pres. 11. (:a. 'os-sos rsai. Vice'-Pre,. ii. A. tWssssANse o'sliler 1. T. Seas-sF. Ast. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capita tous is51,000 Surpalus $i29s.000 itesources $i::,30010 A Glenral Banking Busineas Transacted UrrounoSs Chas. E. dissouk, Pros.; W. iD. Hdarrimnoa, Vice Pros.: M. J. F ritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W, J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Woo. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaoghan Tas. H. Wade E. Fs. Mitts John Haarer Jco. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhsart iHecry W. Dougltas Christian Martin Dtan P. Zimmermsso FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFr ANN ARBOR, MICHa. E. Di. KINNE Hs iARIiSiN Sil isE [.'esc. Vise-Pesc. 0. it. GLAitt(1N, l'stiir. Capita.,$1d0liOO. Srplus aust Psroits. $60.00u. ( ernian-meiican vin~s dank Corrnn.rctes.I ad WVANTEDI. !l sristri! 'si g"0 iii' si friteriiits srild sii:"ox s i. -iss isiiss- I lisisi seVri siit icritrit ssi'Sis and aI-I iixrI is. si for s(tc ai iiw5.vfit ccsi >> iSt Nait. DaktsIiiitig. Bohho tisi 30,;. Somiii n iiig neici the MandosiTintie The '"Incoimparabile" ITwiiItodty Mando lini is just the thiing for ctibi si-rl ; o015 xtiitlionsiat Schsae-berle &, Suns ishi sic itoe. 10S. Main St. if Tiryisir $I Fosintaini Pitt--Shl-tios l~~dr steeiist evenr. if 'ilttheiclateist operatic sitsic ciiisate at Schitebierle & Son's Music t-louise, io S. Mlale St. 2t i- &e YStodldardTotiltiPasrtlors,. sli-s c-.irig fiii ettiniti ndiiitaits. 707 \K. t isirsits-. Phonise -->9jJ. 5-39e05id IDrawinlg, the rigti ndus at i7h tices at tih- Studti-its' hl~lst -ic. Shieeisai & Co. tf ios ii at they Studisti-s's tioolore.1 lSheehiaisi& is. if \]slsl 'Ic . . . . . . ii. . . . . 55ni -I'ic ti--svi) c?' In . Is-- I )i ss)WI ir~s thii51 5s ueissi i s IaIswered hus: i to M ci r"iAs alc ii ii s} and further isis I iss i Iiy a l4 ii tillis -i trtfn l ~()cdlantern i sideI;.. n )t r {is s his s eris slf - i ws- 'liS s -ii1 ~ al i tli SI s tshutn :tilO~ r~nf 5 ii ]anertssissai-~ is is lsiiin srci nla l s hchiihit il isi is I ' taa l) I at t SINc Miinvhst)( «t y 1cu - iiiw 'le e ."1 is issi 0plac 551 sit + hinese Chop-Suey Restaurant I <- im s 5 '55siisi 5 iDihses, I~e-sadChmt ops. i rses-scn .usf-lssof a ll kitdsc. SEes- l I 5ire fisi ,.Mss tir laiels aid n i tleiorel is eam.ioiKilenini iAnniiArtor. ZP14 S. STATE STRErET AT ThTTLE & co. ,t-~ inch Room y Yiii od c id fa fine tine of Confectionery K. owe's Laundry I - ItIOMAS ROWE, Prop. 3220 N. Filth Aveo. Newr honei it-4.5 Rell Phone 45-1. --- OE'S BARBER SHOP 70. NorthUniversity Ave. I t: 0. A. MOE. wtth the Agra -N otc place of the bother buttonhole 15c. echt2' isC.tuerPabiidi- & Co., 1si rARROW CU'FFS, 2:5c. "00 AT LOVELL'S 332 S.Stat e S. ptO i Yrosus ax as et " lliii-.shisiss.X11 slsiot 111ii slis- hio nl)Ii We fIve satisfactions i -~ rf - -5 1 ( )]' i s. sii t r c> ist s -J I~CIOiii' it ] c Is ,tsi- I) Acc is te S('i'iisd o si trs tiss ICsme axm see us j Christmas Clothes Season's choiciest fabrics to select from -complete assortment. Why not order now and have them whem you want *them. Sain Stret Inportint Tilrs FIT-SXHSESNUNIVERSITY Detroit United Lines SIIUD[NJS' L[CTUR[ ASSOCIAIION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (lIiiiorusdliius;i itoiisoit SIIeri. SAMUEL PIERSON LOCKWOOD Conductor 5 nsa s i 11,cl.'pti-iati,Of the.tDetroit Wu.), AVi As'rNC ,RT I511'li i ILiai s5 s h'O i s of Sarsity e- in ii i siii t ii iii ifiw'sov en, beyonc The Premier Lecture Course HIGH SCHOOL HALL, FRIDAY EVENING taw- cua't tt rgular servics, si of A mierica.. DiCEi-us lust -t iroueIois iiien is'tosoiisromAms DECEMBER:01Sd's extra cars and extra service LIEFUT. ERNEiST H. SHIACKLETON 45 Pieces Admission 25 Cents will be promptly supplied. Wins has reahrd farthest Soth _____________________________________ MAUD) BALLINGTON BOOTH Soilgs,(eomriadOao ERA STANLEY LEE LA W BO O K S Eminnt ditr, ___________ecure _ __ FATERNITIES LORADO TAFT 40th year- DICTIONYARIES 40tlb year Silver Links Tie foremost Sculptor .1fte West Ins QVIZ BOOKS in5SafPn SEUMAS MacMANUS AsnssAsrbu- LEGAL MISCELLANY Ansn Arborob rlanoslforemot Poet, Athor and Lectures Rings - - Callaghan Ca.. Co. iyh CHICAGO WM. I NLD' stCOLLEGE Watch for the Prospectus Season Ttcketson Sle $1 .50 An Abo Banh.StteStee,.ppsie a-Sa JEWEIER Amo A-bu- o-asos. ~ao Ss-st.Opuot. ar >fBdg 220 Soth Main Street. Portrait Stud&- i { ti