_________ PTHE MICIG AN DAILY 0. H. Wild Company MERCHANT 'TAILORS :. We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- it gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Drss Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 S. STATE STREET - A the Ne' Stoe G. H. Wild Comfpally jOne of the most popular shapes at peset " "" F1 COLL AR S & CUFF2 WAGNR & OR W.015AGDNR &BCO. T e Sa St d ing of t e l ghestmshoe The ~ UIH6fenesi h ol Te'wd-Mark of OFFCALE QUtP- MENTlot it thtic 4%Oivacf sports adpasimes. I t o f yoareetntretf- edci in AtltceSot 9 ep of the Saldigt Cat- ' .~ aotooo. fIta oootpltei trtiicasOoa Wha's NwiSport Os0 oants of otitttb5iscnttfreor- q-alitly. 0tet. A. G. SPAL1DING tom. BROS. cfctagteDeroeft WEBSTER'S Collegiate Dictionery I irtheit studet's oomtiti Hantdy b t o ttrr Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 Card Index's Ilain purchf fasda jo lot of FilesItwetaitoplactng themo t aprtceoitorah of overv studcent! 3 x 5size - 40c 4 x6 size - 50c :extra Cards 10c per hundred STUDEI~NTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan & Co.I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ml.anaging 1Loditl- t totto:NC E . DIttttt.. Bustitoo ins ltttaget A\ddress-o I Iiot.tt htoP rvss Bldg,, A\lttiird tlStreet. OifficIIHotrs: ilanattgtELdior, 8-11 p . lttsittesso ilottgor, I-2, 7-8 t. Itt.' txet iuda.thphno. News . . . Lee A.\ itt Assistat. . IHarold Tituts ome ..t.i.......Frieda Kleintiic~tl< Musj itlndirttoto.I .Hllis S. Baker Excliatges. . 71 B Iougli Jatmteso K. \\.tint M1orr isotn Shtafrtti Chak,tr 'roodiiG. S. Lashter Waltcr K "I t lt arty 7.lyoo :Motrris o ettttr Xl. Mack kilt BOUSINESS STAFF XVIhitor tete I t eti sititti eI t ha l il v lS th We o ihga ,teityltrr ii, 'a in t )tt f t tt he n dtt't iii tilt t lieil h at.it titit ttt utt lit 114i4"' cvri i s (! e ll rc ) its fe l a d i th th iupt (Ithet sltti oitu n t ((% i t i n I of Italh m d mu fth et ul I 'iiati) tsi he i l it 1li t ever it Ii lt y tt y i Xlii lite up liii' tllithe he b i t . T iscalilllh .c lr dt htt ti g t lith nhr lit o dvriig p rp ssiac 1il^i) t CI tll [-k t\Iill VI Itt to-2 " i 1 itcli t Laboratory and w~ u tvousMicroscopical t>,> , et tieS upp lies ,1~<.pan; low'd For Bacteriology It t it' iotf c. li tut in lt1tI-1s ti it~ it.s 21th'l t ithe prt y c l Physiology Histology Pathology Biol gy _lni i tt.~ ~ v 1) tl t Ii cT < t it n7il .1 iiti oii- it. t ball. C rl~I it is I t 101,1 MI t otttttttt t i t Itt ROMAN COILARS '~BWagjner &Co. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER ---itiott- SHOP GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor il( C , if \lnii i(- Wttttottlgipitrit titttt -clllino M rhall l ll (1,1 (ittI 710P , "S z 25'fSz c~ Co11arz only have LINO CORE eyelet buttonholes--Easy to button-the don't teaj out. CEO. P. DII CO., Makerse,TROY, N. Y. f LOOK AT THE PICTURES 4 Thley shlow lout ltto'ft.'elv tlo ContvertIilt Overtcoalt is wtinto~itrmy andtinclear weathIer, heptnteti cillar iteeds to turitt ti to pro. tcHour troat itndtthet. ol thletr Overcoat hasthfisfeafture. Mutot S Overcotats art' desofguti-n n atdutie by expetrl tailors. Thte linings antd detailedwotrk aire iniely tdore antt1hopttern's are excliuve. ,Floe prices are vtery itoderate. OUIR H AlT DiARTIMl NTIPistoas ostal full of te seascot's aIt t styles. WADHAMS ft CO. N Clothiers Hatters Fuanis's Lotrgest Stock ini Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law amdl Metdical Dictioriares Quriz Books, etc. Comptipce line New arid Sec- ortd-itanid. Old hooks taken fin Exchaunge C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET ,tSecond Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S OpticaV Dept. Fine WStch n d Jewelitry Repairing HIALTERS JRW[ERRVSTORE 216 Sooth Main St. Keep these on Your Christmas List KODAKS HUYLER'S CANDY BANNERS PENNANTS 1.0 E, E. CALKINS, Druggist .324 S. State St. IN Washington E. II =' :?' r.'.. -l R :,. . i