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December 08, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-08

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The Michigan Datl

Vol-. XX.


No. ,3,

Schedules for Practice in Gym to
be Announced---Good Material
in Many Departments.
Interclass 1ashetlall twil soo take its
pacis the 'leaslig oleg-e ,por. for the
text few monsthst No atie arrange-
mets sill le iale uttttl after ie
Cristas Itlislas,Mientetsch edltetlof
iterlass gpnsoocwtill lhe drtawn n ap. Al-
tltoosli severalof t tettms ae areay
takein trehinlisttsrsteps tvtowaIdtorga-
attisettwart til after le Itilislos.
'Te sttioni of tie 1hoar Iitsaloittg
\l ttenttolss estptst it itereitss a t-
ltcwit ateriaslit- strentgtetsecral
of the ciiss tias iitiisst it.. 5t eli
abtolitioitittifttcstlee'skebal at Miehi-
gai, ittitas tttl c tat tli en h
payedltttnte tvtrsitslive1lst yeeswtlt
beIt edttrtt m t a tiiatig i clss
gamies tit inter.Ttruitltte tates that
mnecttoitthasie oteittr 'St sial11t6s
he :ll tttet Ito pla'y'i class ti-msin itthe
departmsent oi thlttits it wichiltthey
were aasedIteir ttilettr h or
seen abosheuit wouttlisb t ssttotldetti
tetititlast t s ifromiptiipasithtinitht iei
fatotitesports Ithis wtitter
Fi titiktil llsake t i sisl iii
tehereih stceslt e tilt ratiteihoutrtt
itw ihe itawitupt Owistg st'h lgs'
stietr oftais wich'airteotttsizedit
ecis si t e vttiti s t ii wil
ini this' iu, ini iingtti litit t ien t er s
siill heilloweit )I tilts-h tl o- Patc
wil ls c el t h tillY. iM. t C,
where itsprattigsil iu isItilt 'schuss
ite c-tity temi tte HithSchits
present idicasisitonissspit to tstits
strongier temiithis s seas.Thejior
Iis, sini' egietrtiisand sir lws
itill untoubtedlii eiiisrni onedr
sr lit tisittitiu hip. The sel i or t
who woit-sisthe' st-is h-tm rcelisititst
last eer,sreusal ssoeetedt i s te
Symphony Organization to (liveg
Concert Friday Evening.
n llitessoncertt'he gIivents-ipet it rilti
evnngasit' HisIgh Shoolsi sll, is iof
t-itihlii Uivety Smhnyo
chetsraF'eis srgaiziaiisieiton, ttmcte
withs I iiseitsliiiestr- mosre cnists
oricestr ;b t s eai ats istc-iesuti
thassis stiid its ei sstes. iasistyea
e-seillye its latiteg'wousll haedo
crediitit st tinysr professial sorcesr
I rotis li' sits int ts-i-pstilther
isittmber o5sfiisunaccutestmedtcilh
prayingtogieth estisaIdsit ll sdegrees o
tittsirtl tiilits Sitr.Smuiel ,cwo
iirsecor, is ass exsteselt is'feiclstt tssl
Hevserthe liii st ssis lfortnttiii
st-sr ii that isaitislisissfisoltplatet

ssirily lift cisiscis ityitse who TUDENTe
list sitof ptltaytsrs oifepionat' il BREAK WITH EAST
ity havu en i'isecurtedantis oni t an- -
pracetetticeliichhs bess heist up sineWriter States Entering Confer-
t s cgm it oschl tthits i etc 1 'ste' Ience and Severing;Eastern Re-
ini lie oirchestraii shstands Ietsembile ini lations are Misunderstood.
the ir innt"istenIisfoundiin amitsu


lsssssN s Ths- e ifs' sicde illts s-fif

Clever Musical Numbers to Feature
Second Party. Ish" lists
W~ithiills'grsale islet of tt-esats for Ifs /r~w
lFridaytighpit's is-ifoirancet :;ongets, lthe-i if
se-st stilt' file Koanizaland-ts tiill c ii l w lz-l
titt-oai-situro imsnine t t't'ely, t'sil)t i x. " ca
tutu sescinto iii cpis-thiite. lie as !fec l
foretFr s sida 11111sits-ve s - faihld the l St (tl r
pefee'i and ttu lts tesalsts I ti ls i ,,I I!:
anitese weeifcorst'hsimoriirc-lit-si's' l'
l(t a d less desirale i ss-O1 ,/
'iheiresieisity pgosea ts ileft (~d1*,
'l'N (ss andi is sit 1 lust ighst -,ills li lizi I sits's
the purhaserIseemtli 5tto) s1 o ixi:; lii i :-
nesa) a \i~e erh. i isda's tisilsIti lsh s-it

111 ' Sh II('lllc'IIt tjIt('SIIr)11CIT zk(IN

slit ssiaii f'
1. s itl fit'

rtf t
/ cr
., r

is- , ii si tl
f1I hsti/iri ft
t l(t' 515,'t

f rill fitsral

cupics as me of the l itrs its m ria
1i" irs1c, 'i lt- tucti iia rtr t h ol
fcremcclist slisisdysiss its forthlu5sit
huic t usetis sls ississ IsiA rltutren
nr e :iy f r f)sl ki ils li ii eas t 's'ttili-
itcs . _is Ih til ii's'iii'i' sitells lii
Imt frccll'S o tillon theprst pratil
opnIntat t is is theIt isi iisi poii ntsii
th eh ictliti i sis lists ference rules,
lnist rac iisitliw 1 x~ o liitact h%-
IfIIn -he p r ite , i lktos i
sllt ii' iilcs '' that sitthe i sJ~- - td 'u en
O li m l sitit'Sucis tl fa r tis
in si etiii ii isies laste s titls lus-(tst.
initihsiu ii lst s, at it irl ix tils x
its" kcsisetc.,uesin]rp r h eu
=first lDay *Sale of Qpera ITickets
4 Proves Rapid'.
t ( tik. s';« a ii tiit iii -ll ,t''i'i s' the c i
t jm W.s lits it llix sit anii 5,55511 iil. k
tinl to 's'thestais ,f ii mp l ists1
sil he d til ii hha sitd stsf stlts ii ii lii
va tc ief an)(wg which i lIw i



i yesteridaey 5 sa t stio fte M Ii
lt iorsrs s isititdNw o ha 5e rP
ingt iti ts isan theist sts-sie verse \ks-
is c atit y mllisltstepus iiliwh i ltwccs o ')sit's r
tiesilislist xti esh l sinilislx s l l ssuI
tiltd xii sich tiel lii'almotdtu ss ii
i it ilt tlit ii lity- laugh is i etl is
isesitlcit sf tells it utitnsiis is'is Its A

11 t' i

iii -ar ier tMtllii 4isilitui csi
sl ,~ i t a sit' is akr
l;ici, the siiiisiiith i s t t hi


- I--a-- - - - - - - t,>ili- intsui'isl i'-Oni-slts' i''' s \\'ere'I'''''''' alit(-I'Il'l'aV'' -
1)1°, S in )hTS ''iiiIUThi ToI'l su p a l my si ai s i f 'sipan' o;tii. Ifs-u -\S thte' i-sitbo tihisis-ich weepaed'o
huh i 151 k FD I :( ii I Xi 1111,1_ slua cs i n w ih u e" te itsm5 tisc t t l lst partys n w r
cm s istr lu--isthedeath lu e tis le italt hi-sie-wa~s ' rt t h ix-s ist ' , "a wcs I n ie
te m or oft is ithi tuiltsit alu-pises d.t S uc ditsa " u an
nsu of h es ul i rsit}ts'who)st had u ee-u- --tush is lcc ,, as t u i us Aie us ly H is~i'sil h ity~
g a g t d s u i t t s s tr v i e n du h a o ft heu i i s i i is T n i m s o t h t s w b e e v d h a w l l r c v eit ug e n i o u i Is i t h i c h-
fs op mantsh year:.i suPre stIuil '- os huhke thw Spartits uiue .s a h
psupsusisitssii~lu auisili-htdtiltsright tcsssgs-u suuhti s s tlkill5,'55i5 Sil
fusd: "Theitt atit ofus egi nt hills isaian stciitigg o;uhtiti rcnith ti t i iinta t the foo ilses mf tal
lratlspsoWt te s itta i s ts i i us I he c inr -wich t sn filled bu5tl tuno i t illod efortli -si npl
m ini st duhihs s h lus ityusins ti ts sle hets hait
it Hills dethu i eehs to \ period ,uit5 suai'i;is n e'aii''hedace 5asleI"i thus vote
heUhniiiesiityforl vi'oiu 5,ssis sl sussresontsaid retrnig.lutdis h uue fe u f t s itolding seasontt ikess situ tits
eh ees sit i55 tsh his uwaxshieely itert eamhisishiuishidthesasnhed anhdeiehfr i ts a stial inatuu uitti'
iste -install phass'esofnit ssuxe yst -1., s houleits hut a iiig "usiA t i tsta prmtlath ine
suit' suuseissuits- exit-i>ici'hc\lictysitsaush ini suittiess.
cls ial i nt canai t istic. iIle 5'a s i -ile iiare stot's- ayi g seit us lv in , h e isel 15 lii-II ihtf ''s 'ih
veyiuhiteressltedinx e e rs n c -'---''i uustsf' s sund'o; it' gain h e5,I i11 I si- _h\''
i'wa 'u'it hs-toouhyin favor ofih ss- sur- had h a e ss'ra veypa TIiI ( )ZI SSIQA
lslitnet itlist oui s i nhiesu sittt iust isiwereun erl u atsariaheesto-- ,I iia I t LUNhYs' is itu G
uits ntheitus ies Ititi Th frsty i iller salas loch a" sssx 15 i, s sl---uh -usussa it x,~t
us is th i ills is sI tush byh isma y g usan s is-s '-i~t te irt s ie ss's -patmsut, ila deste Sg u
g tshto hisdepartusmen u-t. s'u'oneiisu fillcompon 1ts 1olituFst vs.lWti tus asushNiusotiltyhit 'tti n i, iti sIi
ith, as eerhatagraerdierit osit h~ hut Slasheus--i lust' Sleii'itsi-e p ti-uses- lockisons suhi Mhods o
luinershts inU nivesitythis rlulls I c of prestigelfor icia . Igrih is u usi ts slsh lh a dres i li hs d sel ivee
tosa lielysi i intresi t isesie-thelutst trly o l uetit' he itl st'' u lecsuh1tu rooi 'of tilt edca
suitmrchsdepteshen ht tii a lose o rm h Twihse o-, hitsig st ill sh ipen tol utshe 1ptilic.x
huui stsit itand its usefns-s to-ss h e Hssxs tiu'titi" hi ch sverimater
55stat ise hltsi 'lisU MJI\1 T O' i -i uoif t i te,- still buscusd vr
'Wialdep'i epor'hedettot'ii h u--sT esdet me be f li i t ehus\iis
the re v e m tstentsissnoh mif ehis, Tshutsesit lusts s sitay sitthur tui uhi sap
iet An H l wa alasdel in oftesohietfrn te iiig sitchap.
andiris ussl if ge t one. ssi - Ninth t-h e. It-~ci si,- utspostlcadti e usSuis Sit
Isi i ehorue itBuffathuahi thesisdIthis Ifuissithlhand ushhisire thsilia usaciselys ith i
of Iis brote rti hals rts- urnedilIito collee. Pric; I;Seittr, t70 tittan I10it huptsr

,orado Taft Will Speak on "-How
Statues Are Made" n S. L. A.
--~n t Tafsi -'tf. - sts'of Sit'isic 's mstst
"; in~ii sc lpt is ill ecture u ponuts Iis
ti ii l ii rsitu isall susussrssuso igtt
Ils it tue stl e i tt isstisbiy tpra.
ict ' nt ntraio sisi l odlhingh sit
suoshd i s iisihep ulrin nu re. Mtirt
Taf las otappard t :Michiganittfist
"' alvass sut is still tilluetibsrcii by
seushi fu is act% an itieis tosf
us n tat this ol utit stasisrses ash to
,tfc. iII, crtrc s -uit d" l seshi
yyi hiktri fr m th 'Sate I usuersts st
Thromfiwi iliachoo dausahdaer
tutu Is, , 5lfe 5ht sonsta typ tusesushmodsel-
u a, n l tish uiusulthis foudtionu
l~r ametrlichco usohem tr t
i''SI~ mlcltseeeas its thur
iucim n :i, theclos sufche ost arandh
th i i t-us th "ate i st tetenus
, hith s } a . \ t srtie ll s eu- oit h itt
suloit ifcs u rsse e m l sehto tlist
ru-i ams u c (s n i8 ist t uctr it
th'AuS 5iat hicago up i cl udapost-
S1- slut-e Si, 'ssue\ s ince. faSit h sssu as
'su'uul -rt Ipsauus a 5- ui'i' tshusuf ue
tioets iuisidis 55 iflthi 'steSI so-S
Slt o \s ist,, Ohis s--thushCol umilates
l'shussitiiusMhe.'Ta f -iussusiv lectredl
us, Si[it \ t hbusilig silt1caisse his
vc rro~iu as n ath its otall sit-u
e i;ci-ss ieofsti on, TwIo 'groups
rl..ccr " h hie a i sicd tue etrnce
siloriuwrlh ll tushnd e tdi smacs
1r 5 ft hits uis s s hotsts sitf 5h5555
suss"Il '5, 11 '-sit ri trsi , anditu edit
clo sifthit uss n tu hutniel seup
tor,, its iseussiseusi lgi'urtss si"e-
-pail":tuo~ -Knnlcd'tushndthur its.
'''iv ;ru,, " hits Slitue nf the
soul" \1.T fti i easy- andsiflunt
,pa~r iliofuspslntasnsitt,salierwith
sush iirchi-- g uessss"hus sudiencec as he
cheeses them as litsistt tus-isis scistioy
throgh si evning o ts highest ,ilt-
I shntlva uts
1151 it il's I Thi-ASh'
\\'fiu ' ua it up ' s esuto tsappeal to
tsse h ogt casiontauhy break
a lay f silt he hussis his' uitse routine
Together t stills I upspeiact uf mseeing
the cmhrs o th clss sci ally the
huio lt lutisthisonitoushut srvehdsomor
rote i iini , uh stilt ' sli is it mi ak
ing su-ng apealb> hitsnitt-senitos.
Si, ngusseuses haluts'ien compltuete for
the ~ eit ,fel vitir ulare tututhe of
tic<(1s aN~ h n old a oniuutssasle
sill 1), hld it this I sit ussit hllshicot-
tush-sortoissy.u beiigsuu-a-t ,9io' hlk

Varsity Band and Musical Clubs*

Friday, Dec. 10, 1909

Admission 25c

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