rTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Beyond Argument For You The Best Von can go here, and hunt tere-try bar- gain prices and cheap clothes, but nowhere, here or hereafter, will you find in value re ceived for the price paid, so much satisfoction as STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES give. We have them h eefo yyo to examine and try on We want on to wear them-but that is not solely wlhy we insist they fit better have better style, wear better than any other clothes in the world. They hae al these thns in oicndonc-i, We insist only on what is true. Lilldellsdhmitt, Apfel & Co. The Home of Good Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. Roule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 South Main Street. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company You Vn's a h Have youa heard that shiiuer a h Theatoriumn Setter hurry. She's GreetI BijO'i ROYAL STOCK CO. IN REPEATOIREA PLAYS [)ec. 6=7 " A LIT ITLE PRINCEiSS" Dec. 8=9 " CHUMS " Dec. 10=11 "A [IHIEF IN Tl-i NIGI-T" Motion Pictuares UNIVERSITY N ie tilaiciiii bl r c cl 7: 1 ;tng orestry clubi meetiig \ cdnsIiai Dec. S. i i ll.,i W estc hall. \iiM icm, OfIillei fec ii ong t t7 in Roiciiii, \'. 11 ii i t sliiii tii i v ii -i -Ii Iib( inb W i saynon. M,1. I nr 3 S F.c. ciliam reiiet ii. Iiii i Kt,-i a n rehearaiiieeiyiprncipa re or ii 7iitii i giiiiii ryii i iii iii, Broiers epor at ostnnc rom a turd slumii- g ii a c iiiill. ci ii Juior enii rs. Thr wlih s Se iv i at i ic 'ii i W dneda ii ,tt 7:JO p 1.I mportantiii class- ii iiiiuu;ha ('i ii tiiioiiiiii i al claicss iii'ii DiiehardiiCr le, ii cic ciiimi ng a'iictor al tlor colrs o th Whtnce thatr or. he c clii~g f 1)c. y ":M ri' New Whittvey Theatre THURSDAY, DEC. 9 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 4 Speial Return Finagaenient RICHARD BIURTO c AftMorc III iiic spi izi iii iici i 'ii ON HIOLMEIS Lbout Paris SAME FUNNY MUSICAL GIRLY FRIDAY, DEC. 10 ENTERTAINMENTF NORMAN IHACKET in Prices: 35-50-Z5-$l-$l.50 O 1I ~ m t~ Men 's eckwear In Newest Swagger styles L.arg'est assortmnent in the city now on display MACK & CO. "hat %Nomethirt s" Mercha=rt Tailovimvg 1:xt itiitt G\'v i i il S i-'- 0 , NEiJI~ W. E. DIETERLE Vca.ity 'Tailor. 117 E. Liber-ty 8t. Carriage and Baggage $2.00. prr ii I e25 Cen~ts. Ifc ridt 50 Cents. NV. H.ci ~ic :Malestk:, Cubanola Trio _'hut~ana"' Geo. L, Wade & Co. Hal MIerritt c_____lal Dynes & IDynes cidiir it) ioce hii or p ing it u 1w b idit u ig "_. i iiiii c i cii iiiiii tI)ic i iii ii i U ;nld votn fri-nd. arc invied it c ii iii iii) i.i t, ;iii I ll., i W i i o kIii ii. iii.. i ni' iii1 the' thatli h ii iii wciii-1le r)p y Cu n Ai.W 1iaii, c (}fiii i tiii' - andi I t- matc igam . -ii Wednesday, - iii c.8 ,),t, . i, 1. n c ori n i ii Qi Haw isi1 Th rsay i ~ r iii i 8 i toiii 1o a, c i l. pliyicon alleys aiii iiiiii ii , p.in., fo u ),k )f I l i ps i luN i ii ati h, pr iii iml thei bei taltylifl Q lthe 1 Garate 5h i ,tilt v ie i ti i t i tot:1i irtcid c-li d $ ,Je-utna db I tt lt Co..tclctr i, iv labe h r i to~it at;or~l l~ttl~lt I 1727 g T uhlip. , i'i l~tn:.dt-,lve-,11tid tc- tsct ll p hacilaelha 11"t'i tt;:.1tSICH O O tl~tit L O F Dr uclaIAiNCdaiNG G R A N G E R'S riTlr OrlDANtilfpCE so'>~t."' =) c~'ar I F ® .-. ALWAYS AHjEAD IN STYLES MILF, ARRHTA.IL R 'l'IIBEST OF VERY TH INO IN TAILO~RING