Ipraise of our $20,00 Over- coais. You can't imagine what swell cloth we are show- lug at $20.00 and You hear loud talk they've got the wool in them too. They're simplyI the best for $20.00.I THES MICHIGAN DAILY UJNIVERSITY NOTICS e ____ ____ ___MOND.] 111 '1101,.A Guarai Jii-1 1 tilt tn ice ill c ait in ~ il ; 11n t 1 i I \\iiii-ucii - -cd1i 11 D N E (l111iiat liii itt ilc itt-ti - 1i te 1,in 1O rld 11ay sc rb' xn ses.1n)c w Whvitzmey Theare kY, DEC. 6' WEDNESDAY, DEC*. 8 ntccd Attraction 1URTON lHOLMES L V. ARTHUR 'More Abou.t Paris" THURSDAY, DEC. 9 RICHARD CARLE It% 118 East Liberty JI KARL MALCOLM I parkting MusicalPlay Bsoys nd Bety (7 IF I ti.)i s. 111) ,-(°;(l()rr Cd i I i O1) , ... I LEARN TO DANCE GRANER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING liast Ifr adies anid Geuntlmens,Tuesday ndsiiici \ -ii s. t o doc.sC(hildrin s classiTuesdayAftirnoos30totu'lok Joiany ime. orparticulrcall atAicademy orphlei 4ii i I lleIoI' - ) c -I' ho Honie of Good Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. Reulo, Conlin& Fiogol 200-202 South Main Street. THE ANN, ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SUNDAY, DEC. 5 "iTHE METHOD OF JESUS AS A TEACHER" A LECTURE BY G. P. COLER (',,tRa is \ M .cm 2-i1c titit. 100m .Alc*t\ccccIiutitctc war ;ail- -I u~ish too ii itlimt ic ( 1 N , di tiiial tif tii i lit i 0thi ll i rr :rd tr he .At li iAs i ati iii h ii, alltthci i~fich rit- it i t iee ] i f ti it ~ i llh n~h it ;r nwriithan jus iceti it~ c hii - i c(.'t i ld 1'e i t t u tht ii' he i ' atip.suhti : it !t M l 1',alls, I,1-\\rd hcu ~it tt ic oi :,p aln; ti, t c" st c i h (it n stI'l~n s c tre cl I wacliii cc g ir he liii Ith Sirs-tiac .hic Itiiuiui Owc sin- gs' ;111(1 i ii i d i th o e ;I(t ccIe~ clc c()o s \e eI I Ic n plit" ]dei n Qusi on -n iilitir, cic i t 111can i o i cuicccinn Iw cmii l (i f ticic thu t,;eh~. i heariingciiit s r iii h ) ,w o sm-l lt 4il h otc nw- hl. r means W(Te in t-it til -va M ® 'vadevllest:Theatre - jICMONDAY, TUESD.AY. WEDNESDAY Ladies' Free Souvenirs Every Wednesday Matinee OREAT SHOW FOR THREE D)AYS ONLY DYNES & DYNES ECCNTRItC .II 0LERSt YoinHaveSeenIOthers tiut Nut tikec This GEO. L. WADE & CO. INSA(ONt ACl PtLAS tTEiCLLttEitCt-AP HAL MERRITT MOLNOtLO(WIFt MAN THE - GUBANOLA TRIO REIttNtEi SINGItNG ACT MAJESTIC MOTION VIEWS REIt Sit ,R i THt I S t"S-11WY Sil tIBEHETtt REIEUtlI D AYS ONLY-ENTIRE CtHANiE:tPOUtRIrl-tTHURSDAY Amrxerlea rn Newsboy Qtxartette Is ComIng SOUVENIR DAY' WEDNESDAY m LAW BOOKS 40th yea.' ti" Atxn, Arbnt. DICTFION4ARIES QVIZ HOOKS LEIIGAL MISCIELL.ANY 40t[" YOMS- Antn Arbe.- Callaghan ( Co. C I CAGO AAr-he.' r- arch. State Street. Opposelte Law 81Bdt. ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MILWAIRD, 1 F TAlLO THE BIEST OF EVERY TH ING IN TAILO RING