THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. L. Wild Comfpanly .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lu gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fell Dres Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 S. STATE STREET At the Ness Store G. H. Wild Comipany On of e the met popular shapes at pesnt TRAD ttE tt-tt ARK ~/CLUF & CUFFS. 2 - 2 FOR FOR DALLAEr Warranted linen WACNER & CO. State St. Sige at the ig swhite shea A. G.SPALDING & BROS. T wott l r ld Tfhettpalrtng tlttttttorl Trade-Mlse: of OFFICIALE QUP MENT,oralathetic vO N spors ad pstimes. ti Is~0 lyaa frtt eI i tAitItie Spot yosta haventtft LUcopy1 ON y of te Sali at- alaS . t-.i' a eollet ftttitclo Sait of is ;o tto agititat What's New [e Sport Geiaraetea of atttti etofeeiott A.- q est.SPA D IN G (& enBRO S. ChaisagotDtrit WEBSTER'S Collegiate Dictionery lot the tudent's rootm Hantty to catty Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 THE MICHIGAN DAILY.1 Miataging fdils, NoLRtNCp IE. ELDItoto Busintesst llttotgtl CAM. H. (). ADAM. \IatynrdStreet. Ofice Hi ors t-litttigtttg dot tycct Sottolat. B oh{ l es l3iidg.. C, S ttI if' ol. g\ 1-i1).t-i11t. De .I; S)h Lit dance. arc \ ithcnt tlc he d i t. ia t t ilt i nd T el t,; th i enoitl I & it I er1 M es, tktt I Ii in t , White, otilig Stock H liso, CoNkit Me setl ti l awNN ii I it Itcam lwhich t si II ',ath w he chi. tus ip l tl ei it~n r~r its. a les. \ iro~s n.1'rin. t , ' Laboratory and Microscopical -Supplies - For Bacteriology Physiology Histology Pathology Bioltigy (oods and Price Obuaranteed 5-i-itt I lilt ii. cI i tw- l~i( l it Ititti t-l t 1101 0 .Illil. I IN INN Ilt 1< iN, lilVtfit-. C. 11A. 1;. lil=T ( iti n ucessan asitt ht h(ii it uc-c l At it1 nti I (t: "T e O - (i t h -M I ictitit rr s" l;.C i - t, Nr(k itti ta thi a l h : lI i. 111N \ - l't3 i ttl~-t ilt cIii- lit iii- l 1li .?ilt )itltk I t he I titI t Nit11111t11, lt:it ii'1111Sit N Wat c s, as fr 6)11 01111 ;d w lit I I tots of people never worry ttbotut style, just buy I G 0LOVES and hit it right.I 'on i i -i c)I iic iu ill utd1li, t Vil .7 tit]' V iM Ittittittit 11.1 .Pl ttl ttt- it till. Ni ltilr. 1I. ltiltill i h'etIttl1. tlu it' ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP- lte j liiti l ch ii (i poitite I lii t .Wii l-,R o lCV 1 hi- IIlItIIItrtlt. GEO.V. STOLL, Proprletor KUM TO OANZALAN t 1 I ivest WALIstreS 31a SOUTH STATE STREET c. [. DARIN[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Lags ttttIStock it ?Michigatn Second-Hand Law Books Latw antd Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, ec. ComtttNe ltne New and Sc- Old hoioks takent in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Flear Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical0 - Dept. rine Watch and Jewelery Rlepairng, HIA[LLER'S JIW[[[IY STORE 216 South .Malas St, Keep these on Your Christmas List KODAKS HUYLER'S CANDY BANNERS PENNANTS Card Index's 1. itt urhased 5a101b lot of tout sweare lplacing tet at a tride in reach of eery Student 3 x 5Size - 40c 4 x 6size - 50c Extra Cards 10c per hundred STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan & Co. - THlE fihSICAL COMED)Y PRENSENTED) IY Tl-ELfIICHI0AN UNION Whitney Theatre, December 15, 16, 17, 18, '09 S4EAT SALE BEGI NS THU ED TO MEMBERS 01 TrHE UNION; CO)NTINUINGi WED., THUIR., FtRItDAY FOR THlE OENERAL PUBLIC AT 312 SOUTH STATE STREET, HIUSTON'S OLD) PARLORS E, E. CALKINS, Drulggist 324 S. State St. PRICES: 35c-50c-75c-$1 .00-$i .50 21'A"ashin ton t. RANDALL & PACK, Photographers pad