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December 05, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-05

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The Mkichiga n Daily
,.\N 'ARI OR, MICHIGAN, N : U?'}'I \ l 1Yi 'I )1(1II IIf tx o. i

V'ot,. XX.

+J. y"t.

Chicago, Wisconsin and Dart-
mouth Possibilities - Under-
graduate Sympathy in West.
Chlicagno, \\'isclsiilor Dtmou1'li~thilarle
foothall possiI ~tie' foe 10 5season.l
Neilher college has vet b ell atprocedi
for a game,'.but ther' ia gr eat chaster
that somthIing oIthis snatur ill('eh le
(luite ini the el ' lfutitre. Si i'igsi, siter
scheduling CPeiinslvantia ,St ittlestlli
Case, Ohio SatSyrase andsctislNsote
Dame, ha all1open ttate(Ihrschessleht
ilts, whichelthler'of theIthreahv
If left Itote tuet b oy th hice
he 11im ergisis tcs's I sittl sci'sfor
an sor aterni'tt'l'sste ttcsi 551
sanislSsracttse 'arcs'ciisi ad e o u"iii ll Iild
no sedani as ifeihe Qakiesr s rs
tistly ifferen1 tnl the ohis 11 sttn
notishop11 t comptelitiiesuialtrstlits
cth l i lirs iTh11111ts to h n
idergradusates sis 5k iltheilstll rIathltsr
taniisee tlDarsss tmout ply heel'srhavlie
Micga g ati' isioulit lit'sa
gaewihest f litiscnfeenc l-
ue a lasts tn- iheIts II jst ill o d
cheltotakess oil ltheIsdge1r sktathtil
ilt' Michigan manager11 asifI-sighed
Wison s '' teefootalsis been sitnttit
pr eaioessus w I ts Cl tssslsst-the Iii rn
1st III lss h rs' is notig to
preentia gme sit sillsil 1 s ntsxil
fall, fr, it Si isils ill waswilin hg tl
eulytwlingt Itayls s ti nini
Coto1. L'ieniiA. Allczo Siagtes'sslf
- styleid ''ii"k iing h tisilssit s i1111hIe
tug'solvtislt Isand55 telil ittle111oubs
sli-Itise gidiron1 essistets 11111111 were
tli'feltre osteerns'fsostbsall
Stagg sthisf oIlitsl to Sisslslt
playtig ist ii il acorsdings to ti s t11
111111kisis hi 11 iliel1111 Ils itht ih
idnot sorigintelu teshsets im ssissf
sant that he ws ills 11111 stgcserssl 1in
sliporoiacy sb} th sies Iaird.I Stilthii
feelinig Ils itassblu11 to1 i s t 1111 h111's
his tills1Stg 11111 s in good111enough" I
itiabeeiveb.meii h \ovr
itre teams.tsitii scsi anst hi cagostill
if Datuth111whe11111 te111111is fily
R ntth ier gncwth, ofrnlce Iollegess
lre gssosd.
'Ilhree v liltsts in ilelossgse of
iliettigustt isilire tilssI last inigti t this
secondifsit inititio n ot 1f tie tite. 'TIe
isis' sisses srsKelsl.Artisur, JshnstDei-
soil aisslJsse'.\tsgidssssi. 'The ptls' sot'
0wa s sissclile t titts aont

. 1) Mit'S S-lil I' AI ISSI Ii
IS'IN St \tt'tll(" (Ill lSt';S
iThrougthe atlct'ion111of thill Boarlil of
it' ell55 slts s i's iisi meiiess wll ose
credsnsilus lte Issiletiie y h
speialcit s CSissinthtlss lllegceo miie
or t sehomeopticlsstis s ihoo h ills'n
si feeositotinfor eacsit sc ThIis is
555so ting ofin it imti on and 51 iss1it is
cspecteisthait mane ll'ticssall tak
sThesisiss ts thidciftshetissi i ssiiii
stisi siclu sre snsssbeinsig sesitsd 1s
tillsfs'sst' 'lesuls i llss oonI be ssli
istusi. 'Thes'rs'i's'ss ishaiss stutuoturis
$330 fsoi' tst tpuriose
PrsfesssrIG. 55. Prsthsess,. slfthes
histsr, hisisbeeni engiges'to Ilve
siollsctrs's. 'FTs'egelts tsssdls'shi
mestiuirs' st thseirismeenFrdyPo-
Eiminent Engineer W~ill Speak on
Proper Supervision.
lil Is'sl'ss o' sssi t lissssist g is
aSIcttl It illthsstsiscsttillune
illsspce o teI llinecr'si'tllSt'"ss'is'
,nI ills ustjsiec t T eI I il tli I sl ofI
'i'sstir Siicts sisiss ins \ stisi t d \Ss its'
Mr. It sit is tes 115 f heNa
ssit S .sscitio fcngs ri
Stau tti is sir 1'. tdiIIssir}t tt stsqualie
ss tset thilt lsse t Thss ssocisslls
its b tenIconductin seissls ssin 1c
itrck pisset; tnd its i llmt~ sl
s ibets' o s It- Flatiis' duc, iss eryss larges -
In o as ucce sssfuii limltion t hsiIIs is
sol it li'i''nge is e liss Issit ill Ills
ii frtills 11 he is hown11111 is s lti 55''
Ie, ll s llt siltol sill f Ia 1(111 issss t ail
wh iic , toughlast I Ill sillissll 1
isre tIr Isisly illlry sim o tant ITisi]se
sill iis iish w the illpIIo5tnces +,fthillsr
oft sdttisits regard's totillseffscsitapt
Suit tilobtsiis 11 ll~t' I tisi
iotn usintsdirecIts"from th mn
,alto lhas tm ills il i t slis tissl 155 thlls 55
s n ri anch stlls i viss 1 ilscili thi-
i haills 1111 ors' it i d growth' ;isll i
t iisntt isime lhn Illesnbj111 111o ss"Isi
is re ssigs an o ilisss carstsings1moritsI its
for xpiencedls andisill utogtu
Th iccnc si IsI i s o hei of' 11111's
itrst Iso ssngineeinges,'studensts it e
1111111orse5, sr tet ( f irl
hric for floos of wm-cot~s s illIs
STri it sllsoiltss hlcue sisss ccur
al so'clck ad atits tsssesanippm
trinity trll bIt ss''ivs's's fIorsall si lis i iitio
11111ets e sier.Iis h ans e
sief lthe 1'Engieinsg l sist~ssiSt'r
Bl ir Ibe' 'gres'lte hugb 'sa l it'g's' 'il ce

Ten Year Increase Overflowsl
Stacks-American (Geograph-
ical Society Has Exhibit.
l)111in il(, la t dec dc° t e 1111111a
la t 111k't c' ' iVT t'1,,7 0 i d s t lllic'S ill
th 1st ra isis's'. 'this s''.'r thert'a'
sil~o si lls ne ,w ih sl v llls
uc1s ll sss lls ccii isssc1 -hai k stil s
six et cs 11 , ll. lm l t ls c l ss g a ns d
11c- cf v lliles has rlaill isi rtisr ' i d

I rctnc.
11ut A.
big is c
tool all,
;Intl III.
-1 he w Ir,
tllc 1;ui
it "Al
,Ill 1f t
ti;111..11 {
lIwN ry.
vigil 11
tnres t
0) W,
1ifc tll.
("t-, r a
t(, a 11
f11r li
t , l.cci
tllcil it
A C()
}l<'I1 infer

l itt t
c-zttt t
.c" }tt
irl cal.
I r( tt
ttc ci
" , it<t
ilc +>f
t c c
it t
1 1)c"
iilc i

% ll i ll c
s(iii :

, .

is bcctt
111 ' lil '.
I I t 11 c'sl'
111 <<:;; 11.11
f' t l t c's c'
.trc lx ttttc
;Ir tlz<ti
iltis ,tttc
Ill' c's>.t1
i'r .1 ttr

and v Isrn;s rc111
Illi he stark st )isi
cismc o sisIteaits
csisisis Ss sit i
it 'ha\t ic fiectsr tn
i st s,. suh 1s th
Aii ands ketits s

solciri tls s d mapsI as i n
shim owssogrsst itti sills hnr
ea sc l . sit usuil lst s I i s lcI
sit lis te s begun ts istrction in
Deutscher Verein's Spring Play is
(erman Rage.
ills I tsisssis'' 'rsis'isfsi ris Isis' Isin t
ills sring, Sis tss'isitcih ada tdt o ' t ilii
lust ri slits' capliietly ifl sislt ssands Ipr o
ises t gil ols r accss'T llcs s to
hihaa liii > r r, tiar ar -
ltasits liii till 11tr1.wice it 1fr
apprains itiihis g its sit reslits a
Stlis ltlic Si l d irhl frt h
:ccs is evenly ditlilitliinto 1 sisnim-i
posrtnt sills frl i l) 1111 d sut sv5n5 I'l
\ 111. I Ihis rssissus it isilmuchti 11
is ''S o " it II eietier'' 'is the
tu ntpa sin i li h r ire slt ll
orsillssg' femlle caatr. Alo h
[)(-s :r o t li ngI fur aitis Iio
liss btn ne ac o it Ilt o
tilltilntistis I 0.51t ii It
'F istle aush r,1 1,111 ii 1;- this I I i.
drm n t i t i s tills tissithe'tsicaliIt'
mai ger ssi I le as fo'm ll yaI i
ehitite t he lists Sts iil iii il Pcr
hll, " itt' is lii its ii Isis is s s ,
sia1. Aloftit s pa ,h cl o i c-'
of modern life
ii'os'ssfrom t'hhuilisuuii Sstfll~ (,c
untl'Cit.S maSs hi 511. 1cIil In-
cosu t ill'a SS offer '55 5 t oft i hc
stp il itii ss iiii ato ili I t 'ils it. it
,t" c cp in lin t as tudillss li
g i sih l l litos Isis. t cst'''itisln th
islctd xc titiiilt fro i isusi i i tic
is iof tesetusr"e S lum. tsucc
V0 .I-so i ,'il i ' ' E .I tIVI^Sl~
Ntciiothe uiWioutsil's I thisboar
sitseutreurru'' t'i(ibu inesi
httc.,inc its lu ;s the faistuls'sl-

Begins Tuesday-Union Mem-
bers Have Preference-Posters
go on Sale Monday.
IS issue nc ss.'s atI cssaltIsui s eit h etu o r
isis t I~cssof this. Sits hits iunittnitoutyl
it hiss ii I 5, Still' sred 111111191,
6, 7,8:30 . s tlts rs lustshiowtetickets
Thi sal foirIs'this gs'eral''u b ilis sill tic
Ihold i ilI, smits lace dsiInutg the stim t
SS u I, l dnss s Iu ttrsdliay ahdFri
d~k:atr FIa'th eus lsia t s itill Isi
carried1onutstthis SShittius thethsr.
51elr suit ecas, iretoslofitei
illsl; ad mc lissof thincomittite
kill he"us us its oppotuity to I' iresere
tkv, se isisapeceson iMo sda, le. ,
isrosi 4 t is heset 1l at $1.50, $,
73e,,S c. 3e, lls tcursn siltriot
ie allm d us rsc sicor isthnsix
itat s ills stth ill he direcor of
this sale and, w1 it his force o i t-I
slts skilthis abiseuso haindle the ruwdt.
Salshosrder s wl ise'ac cplcel aid a-
tesdedsh in issthi re ttuhey istaie received.
1. siliisusssstutus shiuil us addressed to
Isllisinc eth, sit itsis iiUnion. The
risoofitssiook Iutlu;ter wihtithe
seitaslits' huc ssmai' duesitsni rehearsals,
indiate ta iiiSl ullsone 11perf o ttn er till
hecssrkt prsntituetmeritof the
The oanalad pstesethllgo Ott
;aea hisShutestrst stoshres Moayia.
t I \klut Ixhsoslhitforiteni cetstelci.
'\ hmissmitksatlimu sitdsuplysandi
ih~cthus sicI sitpotes aris inurtg if-
Ills a Ste.am ice ais usastuyelret
t,,clro ethus suptults ssil prbabhly
lull list loni."Tlistshias hesn this'case
wi ith ur'sic th ot r dvri sitig meia
oll tet 'eitsd andput tittleuWed
itsda- sil on igihttheir''are Iss sutntwo'
hundrit «sit suthsivieinsut betusisold. 'iThe
ills isstllslesbensvr toiundiuuresi
stI its i susato iteet tis 11111' n er
151t IIS SItlh t ;ihTAIVF
str 'I ipu us thie uir itts'er'r ' clast ii
'ie ofthis'oing515eleutctiuonuocutilde-
hills u pt~stnsicotiushe iHop~. Two'~
aro~ed canidatesii e !,eu in tieldni
fors icr akelane alage percentages
o1 juinils aits sxpsctsdlat thec clattmet
sui lodt afitsrnoon t d o'cloc.
AsitulthusmisistutWsill bl ielin i
Th ill iswho lihak ue aiieared its
thus lusts cDcke A Hinickley aid
Gcorg, S.bashe. Bo sihae ieeti act-
trot'' <o iiit's 5 ; s oise.
Thsugh i-nitattendedtil. hi s ispitii
smkeiel t theis'StchigasUioniuitlat
cuutirig iiss audistinctisuccess. COer.
iii ad ahiichts lheclped itops
ato 1thi e 'ats ogssuandi Mih-
sells Oilere ii it slitsfIsaturs. Toast
I itiFra kl Slt i antdIutemtibers of
S this' isi.I ussusittch i c s ed'itt' s oial

I~ln v Idiersting etilt
I Ih I ) h s tiel hi t c l h
ca es i t e c i r ,fiti ii
hush 5 d 11 11 1 Ste(-ait th i
})s t Ills I i'siill' a i . 5 "1-( '11i)'sic-
i h iss' hi s'luiifithi \uc ia
is1ll1 Fii w hlilt s's'I 'luli'shi~ll it

it li

et 'us(m1ssmius'iilui'u. til u's'
Yk sis 5ft'r\\I5555ii55it sifts' s i
I lI(.tisuru'iI II(i sfhe ill d l

hi5tl l ll 11 5 ii il t his' I0.
'"i "ll sut its us II fI I l ccliu s 5 this
1 ,' V \'II I t) 1 '1"() 1 ,. 5M inist.
ii al 111.t iuuiu fisie' sIeu lli Pa.,
12 'i lia it l i Sint5 cisis , lls
kihs tf th us tlho ctias Iii it a
I-a s lcfw (s I..
us; I us scill s'' crvice, stll sith a -
1 1isoI-Y itth

l to I, itAlm s It& asi rtu'usi lsiSn" ic rthi'ecylic. It wis annoiunctied
usssst niug lug Miss tirtd S Aft 'ri'1 slu thest 'clss dasNis lls be t fi e lrd out
"aslluu'ig 51 cnciii isil I. Shins .I iX asst Grainger's.

"A Question of Honor"

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