I P MICHIGAN DAILY Without. Wool Nothing is Worse Clothes to keep their shape, to wear, must be made of pore wool. A few clothes-labels are sewed honestly into pore wool clothes, not many. STEIN- Bu~ocH's lahel is, and each piece of cloth is tested for it. STEINe-BLocH offers yon what no other makers can: A fit thef is right, a style that is sworld-wide, lini- ingsaend the hidden parts that are the test that vtoney cnbuy. We are prond to he identified with these clothes. We welcome yon to try them on, to examine them and see how they will raise yonr looks and yonr bearing. Lindensclimitt, Afl&Co. The Homze of Good Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. R euleConlin &Fiegel 200-202 South Main Street. THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS [4 4S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF BIBLE LECTURES BY G. P. COLER UNIVERSITY NOTICES NwWine har k ~ ~ONE NIGHT ONLY SATTJRDA V. flr_ I So1)11li smokae totorw ih Ca h Iion tuTicket 3-,cenut. x:1 atSct'saad m . efli chrs. r - hearsal I i a o'lc. rle'tltt'iucit also at 7 igro toray.at-\3r) o'clock. 311, p. uii ll are. 33lliit i it- co nt it rc ittcurt itillIL'i'iii'e i l tiu01 I, la uilding a 7 O'clck touli,1t onii " Ilu- tGoldleinAgeiit Now .-Flit-eceture isndr lie tauice~t te ebte s(ictlc,'oi, For telfrstlt)ie i evl vearstIlt' S Criatill famitshio) cNt "Tahe' the c;([,d " imprvemeit. is tilt f11)' ittin a. t Ie o ve itle iilliklumn-at s Joe ill l -i Rivals)is.alywitch.lrinksill6t lTe S, oolilrSada"ad"SeSop 'lodct hisl '.chts-had-triing illt casso rti 1, and,.a splecilefft is b ing 'idetoliak oid Itiou)g3hnessl'.ttor ],k o fiiwit che so oft-n'.ltarlatma- Irl'ay-.rT-elicositcesalitllub till ci ccitt Dettoit ncomm tes--a ca, to akeCtIltain-glua. completa The11fa-tith'at che plaiy iii c rod cdc it Sclets-c & Stu" lit tle IOraticalii S. Mocitionma esre hStmmdr FRIDAY, DEC. 3 MATINEE AND NIOIIF ri STETSON'S CHARLES FROMAN UNCLE TOMWS CABIN MONDAY, DEC. 6 I~RSI~l _- Marie Cahill IN FRANCS -) The Boys and Betty " WILSON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 IN IlS OWN COMED[Y 1 I More Abou.t Parin The Bachelor's'THURSDAY, DEC. 9 BabyRICHARD CARL.E Ir "MARY'S 1LAMB" Three Solid Hours of' Laughter- FRIDAY, DEC. 10 PriCes: 35-50-1541l4.501 NORMAN lIACKET In SEATS NOW SIELL INU I CLASSMATES" Men's eckwear In Newest Swagger Styles Largest assortment in the city now on display MAC K & CO. "That wSomnethine" Mercha..nt Tailoriizg I l33 1 pM11i ll O'511111 l 'l lts' W. C. DIETERLE Va.siety Tailor 117 E. Libaerty St. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows P~erfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company 1 1. 2. 3. 4. The Life of Chriist, Sundays, 12 to 1 P. M. Bible Training Class-Old Testament, Mondays, 7 to 8 P. M. Bible Training Class-New Testament, Tuesdays, 7 to 8 P. M. Studies in Romans, for advanced students, Wednesdays, 1 to 2 P. M. hes lectures and coursesf study arsfr i'e crtty 'studentl. Vtorsl,,arc 3 alsay. uceuse. he studies in reans. ,cginnin~g Wctededay, ili-c',tib,-r 1, aisfo- aleusd'tude-n ts odesire to maksu inte ntisive stuily 1of tis'grialt i pi.t)- Yo Have youz heard that siusier at the Theatorium Better hxxrry, She's Greekt I MVoney Loaned Watches and .Jeweutry repaired- Bargains in Watches & :Diamonuds Office atreusidesce t3t1iE. Liberty 3d Ass Arbor. H~ours:to11 i3u a. m-.. it1tolu:30'andtt't 5 c-. aLt. BSIESiSee)coriissuiAI. JOSEPHi C. WATTS Carriage and Baggage Foriecach Couplte to asd cram parties, befoure i'.tt'eluei.$1.54, ater 12o'cloch $2.00. For each, Truntoior crosm door, the ti-ice' uilltic 25 Cents. ic carried tu cr from p-stairs, the price will he so Cents. Drivers tire required to collect cash fo~r earri age' tand hagcage service. sYAtidgics LIVERSY ROISON & CO. WV.lII. STARK I1ot-LSi4 IdsVEiil' Bijou aw ALL WEEK HERBERT BROOKS :p RMS AND IS (GREAT TRUNK MYSTERY Motion Pictures 1IIISTL3N 1313)S.. 13)7-3010 S. Statle SI, VAN KLEEK'S.1 300 East Wftshisgtsezs St. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice C-ream Phones 78 L 78 l lue REMEMBER! There is an entirely new show the last three days of this week AT THE : ajestic: Thursdny, -riday, Saturday, the 0GreetFun Show ofthe Season ALWAYS AHiEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, TE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY TtHINO IN TAILO RING