,TI4RMICHIGAN DAfLY .This Space Reserved. FOR Sam Burclhfiel :: & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fulty Guaranteed Watch Ropvwlrlns a Specialty TUE FARMERIS AND 41 UNANICS BANK MAIN AND HURfON STREETS. Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profitso$100.000 General Banhing Buasiness. 3 per coat patd on Timan d Saviags Deposits. Safety Do- posit Boxes to rout at S O0 and upwards It. tKnmra- Pre,. 11. it. P TFe-i-CAn. \'ice-Pr5s. Si. A. WILI.nIaSi. (Jashier F. T. STOWF. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capittal Stack $:)0,0100 Surplus $20,000 Itesoure t.2,800,000 A Unneral Banking Business Tranacted iUerienno: 'Chas. E. Hiacoch, Pres. ; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.: 1M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS: W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Taos. H. Wade SE. F. Mills john Haurer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W0. Douglas Chritian Hurtln lDan F. immnerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AnOR, MIen. S. I). KINNIC, IASON SstL. A, Pres. Vice-Pros. S. \V. CIA RSO~N, Cashier. Capital, $100.000. Surplus snd Prcois, $0,0000. C~eiknmecanSuvinfs9ank >G rmmer-ctemI a..nid Con'. Maens, annul Itberty stn-..O. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING a~~ai FtOR RENT. IAho Rent--Modern flat, furnished. fur- nace heat, light acd gas. No other ttt01:1 a Ca N rt :1r it rooimers. Second house li-ott:Stale hIt itea:tigott:: l I wictint1 r. Cec:il street, 603 E. \Washintgtont street. [{atti:.will geo :tigt :it(te (Itral Phoite 2494-J. IiIf it::: tetOocrt on a es.ttrmer nott or D~rawuitg, the righti kindte at itt1ght oI t to th (]s w:Ill asotic11ch:,Iit. I hIt prices at te Sttudets'Bookstore. 5tlttt t o raitt: Ct: v Shtetain & Co. if I Ustt -KappatttSigitatifraterttnititt.hid.ir rn "cadC >rdoIO1' eplease retutto It92.3 Kitngsley-Ito tt rewasrtd. 490 .611SCELtANJWS S toi1 Sch:bttt Palahis Rttyatl," 2001I,. Libterty St. t If Il Otto1( 1,ww gifts. itest lute intt e ity la at "The IV Palais Roiyatl," 2t1) h.11 Eert~e St. t If 11 Y o il' .... . ]11 i: ital1 WANTED. I1( cvO cvn1)t- IFattied--.6righlt sttmtartioniad. ~ g:n] oroe-wois cetsr, nealt int atttearlt 5.. Ftoitiv t 01 Ir(ddc once endtaovnitntg tlker, I httave frttin$i10t $15 tateelk. Ftr parlitiuCn ftek~i (((,"Ih l," Womnt's League Ptart}-Sa~tttudyly 1n tittal p(I Ii::: and 1 1:(1 it (f og steado tf Friday. IDanctintg-mtsct yiloe l wh:1ict: IMSI:l ])lndk es. I) liseller froot 4 to 6t. Refreshmtentts. 410liii 1:OftheIi: caist: n' 1 to. 4 Ire outti iFoluntain Pt--SIweeliti's I tree :11 Oitiin 1wt _11Ab Al*rder is the bet evecre. tf -1ti i ~ i:111:t t::, ir Ilirgainsa illall kiiids of hois-ermtlO ). It t 111:t ittlit wit isall its ame. Somitethling lets i thll 6iitdolitlutlie. cliii it is11p-aing hoe it #ns itt is jutsthPe thintg fitr elubtth stile I con Oe w s pO;,r e-Jlhiiio at Scheltlerll-(Y Sint's Muicir ns t ~ lrur eitl ill lloulse. 110 S. Main St tfi ) isn c~c~avatrw)n 4c ; The different Store of Better lothes IColIceqe Suits c rnsbin tss C.HAANY I Alar1k llern and oet - Co :1s C + :It )ltr ~I rt n "tie it i . Ii t~ ales~r lii, : tt- ttSEN .IR, 2 a. Tinker & Co. J. F. Waerthi Co. 0.. ATL 332 S. Stt You tarn got IVour Ftl '1i We give satisfactox %,r %p lX!w full i 1 il _t3I (I 7 too:: it i t lit O ;ttarantild Cliiese ;hop-Suley Restaurant I .i it, at Isay ittlaittas. Ote:tk>>and Ghollps. 15 i,: tit: Ittit of1altlItiods. FErers- I ii :aalt ii t tc it a ndtt ll eet)o a sue~ Mchit:1:AtnttArbtir. 54 S, STATE STRErET -rf[UTTLE & CO.I I unch R oomn Yoo tan finda fine line of Confectinery Rowe's Laundry } THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 3026 N. Fifth Ave. ,vIot tit: 5IBenll Phone 4ti-L. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 75Nor0th University Ave. 0. A. MOE. .9 or S tiI 1 r~pueasi lo\-N,:I'co eS- ei ' Ittit r (a llothrti o lttle e:; c h i t I S, sap, towel", Comre aruLd see uns Christmas Clothes Seaons choiciest fabrics to selot from complee asormen. Why no oder now and hve them whom you want hm. WAGNER & CO. Sae Srnet Imoprig Tailos FIFTYSXTH SEASON or no An dl% iesvl Detroit United Lines C clHann , Itesl h a rt~G brtzh el a (1:111,1 001I sa ti Onini'o5 ni :0 ito ]itttt 01 th e orit STUDE[NTS' IECIIJR[ ASS6GIAIION o:1ttlll it i iia Oit , 1::oio taoiSteit NtOPsPNTS "O(lei a I a 0Life Fi.liiu' ~ie is ti ci a f Varit- or IIit i I 11 t o e tint, byod The Pi-ernier Lecture Course 11111 a I ayh hl 1"d ii:1 : t'r ii tl0t yriiiLi'la't ~ 1eeua evco of ArrmerlCa ait: : i Iit:of olttatact-ficeAon University School of Music roir extra cars andexrsrvc LIEUT. ERNEST H. SlIACKLETON MAYNARD ST.wlrepopl upid Who has reached farthest South __________________ MAUD BALLINGOTON BOOTH Socilogist, Reormer, and Oratrla (ERALD STANLEY LEE LAW BOOKS TNIE Eiminent Editr.Esayst, and Lettrer __________ LORADO TAFT 40th year DICTIONARIES 40th year Silver Links The foremost Sulptr of thn Wat ins t.VIZ BOOKS I-s Sf Pins SEUMAS MacMANUS Asses Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY AnmsnsAsboo 1(obs Irelands foremstfPee, Athr cnd Lecturer Ring Watch for the Prospectus Season Tckets~on ale $150 CIAG M.ANOD AnArboBachanStee.OpoCo.Lw ~d.COLLEGE AsssArbr s-asos, StteStrct OposteLawBlg220Soth Mate Stree. NE Portrait Studio- 319 -fast Hluron Street IlbdP'