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October 08, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-08

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- T h e Mi c - i g a n o-X .AD a i ly):,\t' i _;1 i1iC l>\r.O T BE ,j9g
AN n uAmRU i t;i r , h I IU UA , itSA ol d a t.ihc-'I'OlER 9, 909. 1 No.k 5.
-it 11 BIG MASS MEj TI1V1i
SEASON urriS TODAY 1-1ew:11 0 lIW DU<U 5 s HW ODSII
ofa1IH I A N C S E10 1 : h s 1111v itee to tsies d10pc-hnood aloi (ter))()i1. e_____
M iC In I~ L S A E ereith :uu mtsipls. rl i ntl fitil j11r11ed [u1theUniversty Hl Fled Wt

IMichigan Confident of W\Ainning From Sea- Veteran Yell Master Enters Nrh
wetern Medical School.
son's First Opponents, 'VWho Are Out- 'oilS')1 i ll 11 srcOklls;, 10111 -
weighed---Mvany New lMen on Varsity e, " N1- f1til He niul teIc-
Line-up---Ranney Out of Game. <f.;le i ~litIe<CIIa


Not coring to run the risk of injur-y1to
ally of the m inen ni imdiolylobeforelthel
oluii-0inggin)e, ('ooch Y>es) diimt101sen)1
111e reservles a01 ,;1 thle regulars 115
scr immaoge prai~hcerdy' Isedh
Spn thil le 01Wh1-ol'flerin)oninidrillinig
th ielion''f in-mtims1)111)1)1 tse nt
inrithe wliemsplysI htil 'n I l i e tie
11111hiiugh\lt'e'ndl~ne l las"nill semil-e
thei cr11111 ousyear. alond arie a
las1yr wh111en s cored on the Wol-11
thIf thieliel)and xilePteame.illcoe
cn the NN l erines agan, cnllibe carried
lrger rowd1111tha n Ihas een lpresent at
i oiii ln o see in what s1a1of develop
iieteliV Nbolverines are.Nil))atter
boo',gnoodNMichigno"on csit))he, t
lipettrs ln certin t sel heClve
possesla lii1 I ofvetens whIfonit de-c
1111- iona on mens for inything, 1 ouhi
I to m he b- eth 1of Ii (11111IiA il
teMihiganjolim I oareii bupe oiily.i
lkree ci ou ofihe-gme ii1r) 1111icini
byi'ihl'iithers il his ')iil'ii))l weehk's
pri ce r fiat h bo 111) u Io keep t111n
fii 23playin thiiiuoron iii 111
Oil n otlbeiablc-iic boo''tilmoolne line
woiii peieu 0120 t) i m to get 11 t the
ThsItr mn sg m ill 1115i11 li-Il
at 2:0 midan adniss nuienf iinty
cnts111illbelilii' hoe ot 24m1
besoii the mini lei sso ia ertion, Th
The ls, 83 wis ine l')s ol luoows:
logduo'lu'{o 1 1. 1, I ilcox,13
Ends 11 1.I1% nilill i7I
Wulls, 1K3 l R.il T.nProcihaIk, 172
Wni-is ii ill liiRean, '3

!! Lill' + 11'l <<t! [rll l lAL l< 1 llll 1.111711 <tl it ti l\.

!his tar. 1"n C c tear ll has pee
ifrk"o te i o h l'mutd1"m Shcer
g,(:r'C0 h 3 1 0l tl( I Il 01) l Ii c
1 tlt11(01 III
Uaisversity Senate Acts Upon Coun-
oil's Plan Monday.
Awl >1 te ai lmo oflee' ri
A l i it lltetl l oniahef trs
& th und rclas c iict. hi l ti
11 n s (tr~tpeein))) is d i ls A 1)1
is far - I -o --, nted iinluem i th

b1'huoo li--ois (iloisitioi )1)1 bic i . : s
Systematic Canvassing Leads to
Encouraging Results.
.n ines ha le to h e 1 l '051101 no-ilill-,
Membrshi calipa;;r~ (o ill' liI' ll-~t
sil oll ficis il 1 ()1
blle ill o ocinn '1t11111In bn-Ioe
Ni noon i d;V th bckn(f W 1l
eil \S0lii m Sil )ed )('- 10,

I liii t~luu the Pirates all 1De tri'
Pm io 1)1 0)11 1
NoIinath1soi'lvons Wll B VTed Pirtn
lid ex rlt Me eindoftheirAtti
)I rI rI I .s11 11 a110 ool I (o 11 11111fa ie
r pc t111 ~~c e tlsrcl.Ie 11)1111
ihll -il) lnldedi-m \-'' I ) P'1l'ii)) et
Noinain Will e Votd Upo
'0Iib lcin fncn ill"))hId I i i'llC
V0111 1It ICo 111 b r ; t 11 llHM
fll iii till o t e .\hc i lilli) II o 10
1111 lu 111t oi111 1 1111 ) C1,1 -1 '
ha tclNolI' 1111111,01\ ' l<nI th
_ncln~crsof tlc AtleticAsso 1lti 1 wil
11 I'IV i t l; 1 o ex r s t c 1h 1c

iastic Rooters.

tl e Pop;
C(ho) 11110

ill 15 I-p polio -M) iici si out
'0 IeO)1g on lie eve ofthe
From the 1n-neriiig y111 leil
'0iillv- they-icili hithe stinde

Be5r teerol iascoplelel,
f1110I)irtt s o the footfill 111111 and1 citthi
0~-i-S p 1)())) lo 11 Si o l' . i lie Nloeluo-
4,11 so11a. t e firt rea e 1111ia 1110o
Nir bilde l o -as s idenol t f hoiieit
(. It. ,\ 1 ' itore Ni )ii r ono n t -- hel
Nirec,1 )1111 ln~in ivevry sip~'1etator
.(I'l Iw l a l. lea Iier1of1 theiii 11-
i11;, i lwl f iiti- Iic i i 'ni umlmt o'-
wader ad l Alpha Nu Criommeneoth
Ye l]Trc;ars Wor. Cek
Ni? 111110 iih ii ~- mcitho linle-withe
1.M C hek,''oridithe rioi nichers.s
har 1,c 111e il eve1 i g -l1)-it ip osr-
It-n 0015S1thifl mn. Npphaicswied tfhe
-vm ;mll) 1 (f sip uill n ell i-ihr ilhot ie t
0 1ni 111111(1wihIte yelowan Bue
Mc111-1 wil 11)11100 to igh l soilh
alpha \uIl~ um 1 111110oiies l-lbiithei
roc mm n thiiiil dorof'LNIr 1100m
hall alt io 7: 0 d ii o' uuo'oulAtra i pro
1 )I~l~ i~ eo r-it o le e n1.r-i p1111 1 cto nfor i
nl~lwsIp wi' ll he rece15 ivedll oi ght
101l 110t)11is e iii ii ilii many-Pnbwbsnu-
(INt i 1)l e))va 1 nil te s le Inf heolo r
1 lilirI ni
'1111111111 (Icli1Pr o ll add iess ooe
1"11 1111u oi U Owcast'1 l ddoms esiii laI
11111) 1)111 of t )0he Alp1ha i lns w0ill0111
i (-t~nsidcret for the prlimn re o h
INw i leatie( '11111andth an once-
Il it)ftec 1lNIt b si l l e ba e
" (p o11(11" 1'in (111 11)1 ((' llowill-
thi, -I .11sc ct~s ill iie iven.oiioo
Plte -or ari d) lpi baquesn
I 111113 '01 Poe, 4111,ed

(((iN ii 011h i se se If20
to11grea1tly mill oll))a c N hcIi rl.'Ile n c:
the stude t 0111) is111ani(-'0 1011 tr
mmi li- Ii'm inte est in 1e1t I ou ll) P (i () 1i
the annrioirechn111 den1 hs'-
o-solis 0shcal twadbulig
NI the larme -nc brh n _avse
101'reii statinedinii g nnainO il
secure'd a 111111 i'm-ilalk Wen'lac
blaed t tlt enrane t Vrr PFi-dn

1ka 0 Ihwin 11.10 (l)d10 "f the 15-
.17E ii~c'1111 ? d 'par 111n)has lb liii 'i--
tII) (('li0)1ll )'i(i te i 1 110010 ii oil
h 'h )-ii I s illte, (hich1\%iNilc
(13' ,is i~~cel IN)i )1Siun-es M

''10(1111 t1111(1c11.11 111101 - 7)17
01 c 1i cu/ Iit mwillipa\in eo ti
\-.i~t<(;r )t t. ,Yll ( i,719 N.

h~113' 111i1-;)11111 ii u I is te i'm- f l lit
1 )''() 1 111 l) d 1s
u)iffcs lt o NN1 ho K M\

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