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December 01, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-01

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The Mictiigan D i iy

VOt.. XX.
Board in Control Signs Contract
With Coach but Says Nothing
About Conference.
Coacitul %l rmi at \Michigan
at the mtecttigat tihe hoard i Control
'If Attlticit 'I'1nia iev-ing. IIIad i
tin to t i1iov tite 1o r a ncio e
the eas ter tillo lit aebl ea n
\vcn ~ ~ ~ ii t inrcr sbig0)oct o it
atmc. it ii tilt iStak i n egr
toii itihe tii Co frec qusi on.i ii tt
aTh n i ci itott Ca i iait'i ro m i
;yi hi (~n~lop i of i t ii Wetir)i
mtren-i materiiat t-i h a oni him ia tic-
manen pkwei i te iet ofi ittliciiii
liiin ithe liii tha ah iio~ eilCti
eva ed he ontrece netiiti iti it i
ticre thicat toitttion tiwrn ppyn
for iiitan' a mam in iniI tt [ral
od metis nex-iiit ie a if- ticoai
tic dcided i t o i a pptlei for itt lmic ii
Fx- o ie aifiicitno t he hii set
t ticlic itams T herututa t
tatni angmn had apied foi
tati t Il iois: itt ait iii toiii ic ia
anth it modti l it i tti p s i at ilt
A iteptowrdtii ~ gmy ctv
i the two team il lake it i i the ne
I it ticre
itootal tetam %it sh tl it t en
hoard se ~ ~it its otdw inth plan
i g ihNd c a th lim t tt
thir ft iio wit litge I rli-e t A-
mitistrti itr itd aw p siiit
Coac Voi u vh ticla~i al
the einsas ead oac af thet-c a cii

ya it ta tlictigii thtat lisa rturisi as
sue ia ec-ti ht fCoc Ys

-. N AR BOt, lIilli a i-CA \lI DI RttAY UF:l TitR 'ltl i , 1<)(x)n.

aitta iha twul imrtt anititttt t
tiniati -ana pli-iti- ifor t thecnit ttttttt
iii iiachm ad 'c>>id rso t
Frn 1.Ii the i tt I c aTai itt -
l ol iC t I i i tt titt ill ittIt l i ra

I ;
i <'
. .
,' '

Marty Assistants Make [his
Year's Boo1k a Great Success
-Ypsi Againi Featured.
itt tittt t titi tt-ittttt it ni o; at tilt,
Its it-itt I t taitt ) tl, st d n
I-ci iii itit
1 he rtc-()r h s hc it c(nd It t ic t
di .r .t ci~lcrcnt lan his tI t t i-ist.

itta o s hlit pn ~ ist 'i't- ,
c iad -it tcidc t i al l;ahie l
i lde tt it ' t tit a li ether i thii
rit atm ..ft hei ptttt es feltt , t ht- i sttii t
Sl 1pecatr Citiizdei r etnientAc
cord boninReen itm
i/Tte rIttittt ii itititiat itll 11ie1tSt.-i
liii til iit\\.) >rtireeaunast la s.i d re
i -11 i - ith lat any a --a il lltitl
Thiiis nttxill"111111iate llntiitititiiitit,,
1:1 r iti
i II h sll ta1cd till l tt (,tc

itt tvc.
aNN ltl
li e iit

of French Lectures (livent
L ast Eveniung.
Fjlg~c>>i Cwrla irsi tttiI
asi thetti1c i t
- titittiit lid sht- It cit t i>ati
i() cd << cc iultt <1m cl- t
,cr caw ith cii4 i r ];t \
at-1, h cr c at-tttttt- ii isi

Nn. 47,
ecember Issue to Contain Two
Plays-Novenmber Number out
<nd literyi ii i mttine, Ii iiiinke at
c liii-t<° iipm ton sali ll te a ii acit
f itt Ivc it t landtintheii i iS ta t ae
lii i()r t tlitt littaltpi "t ncns
\ fc~ttir, () tils n n t vii as)
celI' tea tdis a t ii ic nit tit-
ic, " f I'resient al t ti li cat til
i-e t teafrotispiece.iii largeitihalfr
;ai ,,f te ec ter c apio sisa nti
ther of teIIIlisi i t t i c iiiintad am nt
't Iti 'i lit ed ittrsttnsisttt
h iii liat It a ttithei biad ein ani
a li-1: tilas teveriappeared in Iiiaa ilir
ity nliicat()n Tl it a cns ro uda aot
"lli i,t is tu)f tuGagl ei thae
ialtodaai . tanes O'Donnela
ennc~t dramaic edio a ofthetClnca
accod llerildhas pro idtoii at on- i
r'b [ aledin atice.T i tptaystinln l
acIm lti Ii ,tmci-4l Iti sa t rli age .
lhistrttit~ts hay tii- al c it ttama is
ilt 1)c prited iiitiii htalf-tntteipae rs
Imn i itIili gradeit tit --tii- itiittati in
tel t ii- ittit aittt- rac i ra aiatre
it'hlr he izc\v~l i,, epathe-ri a tae, i
rlli~e tapk'd ike ife i tadi ofiibe-i
u )1it I asitheasiit. Ttiichangeut
Ilit Itemii it II tiat dNIblpae
ii10:1/11ii I acta ntcinnr
' il t is nu be \itll ei a jor-e
Iart d i t iit ilt t ait t lii-tii tn
his lassof mittr. Tlt eitorseir eii
af attica it(t)-i- a itric ital tistijokes,
tt stim i ticitsir ea n lit a kri
itt itc" i t souc o u lt iii Iii itin agr
it ha a itt i \iua iiiitr t ta aig i
Prcial Iietirc lynitatr a t il he

in( olo tts -wichittia I re n -astl
than itt thle tur t- ef, iii . ;e lc
S t~ il;titt ittndwt lc itoo
tc~ l i l t I h t vitt s -- ; r
lit-ihanit-il Idi t\\, wl ateQ w
a ill lth Chis tma acI (,
\itt Ca l th alit iplta t) (c m
tili, wile the it ,f111 ies,\v~
Me lays-a pat ofith iii lc I 1m)
-ran t, t l itatiti - \ sa i tt r h
au d r ilh :ri tit I t til thlit rest
af the tFear a ttltuhei t at tl the an- I
nu l p Im t Ia y, i I all dc lll -i
alte' aM li c
tis ca is M ile 1t t i .iteit
lea Iltan i nt lit-i t l o l v
Itll: lt)n M e a it i tIc 1 --r.n
Ah ii litp%- ill tac ysco ~o
vic~s, nd i sclcclded for am l- i
\\ I ; i it[ A U :1 I I T

ittt -1 l ll(t ati t ' liltitti iii Ii '
it-il N -itt-it it-itt t Iir-t t+Irc.
N t" (i lit " 111 ,L -Vilo Itti

Scholastic kChampions of Michigan
lake Holiday Trip.
it] titit itt()1, tttttit ti-ill h
it1c1< 1i> th v-tt 1--I t -11 lt Chist
Ilriii 1C 1r( at t -111;1l1t er 1;111
it t tt ( ( i te ti i ts )t s m 111c -toti a
tril t tc- alit<< itlilt t-i tt(iic a t ac-

I'ss satemei nti s I tltlontIN- t rutiti.
ailt tile ciii smafu 111it lii ii la lilas
ii lii hi de e --cd, 1s111 it p e r o IIi
wrarth t tt( rtic tutu n-t{> 1 ,1
tilt imIcht it i andr moreover, (it i r l \
i-to ut m i l i Th ll a liiio ithe ficials \isttu
it liiliisht ofca hutisgr -ictl 111im i h
a uuiiiinuh t \1111c tI i n -iultan i1!i
--th il; lila1 1 tui-t iuplated beforl 11 eist,- t
boh rasii ld d n h liiiituual l
p tci a iii lita d a h alep o at1u i
Drese t ht is boug t th ie i-tib ic ct--it
attiltm a it tilhe ableto see uuuu lit lay
mah ;S t setin I oi l in l ht stands. C'
Tltre listuaniiiieattatttaf-iglrali
liii u-tus-a f tilea-iit iuuuuuluu iihlitihe
ill no-u ii t t i.aIr t t tl tiu l. Ye
iii att lastthreeu-uuuu--a it ti-i-i at ~a ti-t t l
th arls;a h1 tut-utc h uliladr I tutu auntI
utlti liofa scoutu ei theaiioti-rtilt )d 11ec
It i t-tperh uas tuntu iit utuut() citIiite
fii al liii 1 itt Ish~ (n tilt t i rhu t
ii Itlll t i Asscia to ,at t h e t tit iiet-
irsd dli scit-la iii ;my intetion tti diuttl
ti-ut-ti- rnessli ()ft these a gentlementi [titt
erhtr1 a etaielrdIii t uthers
tutuacta hr oo ft i u specui -atd , l
het lul ii tuul i-tilt spet ially i-ti 111 ii th(I -
lit auth -a aiarc u te[ ill - h' fel
aauher (;pets.c )fic Ii tatm int a f( t--lt
autcier th treti gt uuat l utu u-
i-i it- t utfras- -is a c ii trnapparentuu
threisii hut tuomef nti omlt 1)
tli uth ctutu

ilt ti-1 t
-~ltI }
1 i 1 ili

)r itcli th s sI s II i t- Itt
II -I b Nc>: >I Ia1utie
t S )Ik* ( f Il o r

attn aI(,
Sit-i l

-i mlt ut-~ci-ut'tutu -hut it Ctioi -a
l t~ las I~i, 11 hil 111cc1o111i
c 11 lc larit IIii t till iNill
a(c lc c l< t~ll tut I tI 1 l

\-t 11
i1 lii
?1i t
,it I-

t tr
III( tiil:
w likIld
1It s tai
111 !.

t« iail("11 tates ilbeit rcen
-ticc r .-ttaoritic nit - t.ue first
tllashl eeal uceeks
«;t;1 lccdedsucessastaout
atill t ututt ,as tlu et s Pheit
.,dum o ctecd t a awaay
as he hiksthee ireit tickets
Pickts ma h icuredif tip it
il t I c utiutuli a tilt> cutthe City
Ii-c-itiic , d ek u o itnat
nivt~sityBall iThetik ttwinc b
tutu-u- utYlutt i -ttuv i is inlc tid

:ill la

al iebr fth te clubt
OCtti tu at 7 :30 fit Rooudm
hl.te mtate fthe
a tmo-tut mcii I touumorrowar.

l lItt- llc ) dicttuct- ii it classt
+. i-u l,:ta: lit-u a e~ tda s o t
o d untilt _j 1,i i i.- Iat t e a-til
ti-uti r iin, i-at prt ituistoa I hel fresh-ai
u-ti-it ucictiii tuItitit I ii photographtil

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