, . . G.H. Wild Comupally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suaits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 S0. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H. Wild Comlpany THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor CLA RFNCE E.EfiDItnxxxx Business Allxgex CARL,. O I. AixsnN. Address:.MIIGANi1xia Ii , PrssLttdg., Nilaxexird Street. Office Flours: Mlanaging llditor, S-I1 p. iii. iBtusinsnageitri, 12, 7-8 p. Ini. Excrept Sunday . Bothphonesii''. Nexs'....I....le A \Vxiitc Assistxm......... IHaroil Ttu Atleticso..... ilbuir D. Elliot. Womien......Frieda Kleiniinkl Moxic anti Drama.I...lollis S. lBakei ExchanegesC ......tI. it. NIlinigl Jamies K. \\'atiix \l urn non Sixafritl: Charles'(rood (a.S. hasher Walter K. "l'c>er C I art' iI..Cot lDioi Birney I). A.ttiinckley NAtiur SB.\Aloehliiin kussnieltlIB. Jamei Fred Lawon HaItxrry Nix set Fraxik KRow'ell xChlartest1I.3lvlanxtei tlorri' IHouser NI..\lacik lix a \\'xole tlixer BSUSINESS STAFF \ alterr I. \\'ilgxin \lex er Rlittx Kennet iiii I 1) n Nomn Wte IOne of the most poputar' shapes at present TRADE C ~7 trourtouG Wha's New in Sport QualitMy. xquest. A. G. SPALIDING to BROS. chicxsgeo DetrOlt Collegiate Dictionery For thetudtsro iomx H~anto xxxatrry Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 Card Inadexs II fttxin o puxhased a job lot of iesxwe.aio plating thenm at.apxrict n reachof ever ystiudent 3 x5 size - 40c 4 x6 size - 50c Extra Lards 10c per hundred STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan &Coo ml i herpr 'xihc lxof iiti C x but ,cul xxiIix xil xxto lxix tli t he retpxt' i n i xi lxxxi \i-Mithigan is heitld troughoulx'xxt thei sitMictxxan; andihxx xi xxhletilet1i-' an' safel i C i lxiin x xiin c iiig t i 1 i t x to, x re ultin 1hik shxci dered xxxxx xl, iiti aldini sii cqeitittixi 1 r xx11g lfro xiii onxxiuc, itkliut ixince exthatxit ;'~n5ththa C tol traitional Nithx t5lc si he .l iii' x11 ii, t xiiig _)r \ i~cl sin , I' c l~~s 1)~i il. F \li'' li ;11 'ii h < kI I I1, lih lxpe i11 ii~Id x i x IIi w ,c ntc 1\-(' 1111411tx\'14 1xii i ' i xl ax I - i ii 11 11)1 i( ari ii he 11)111l1xha i tc l lt~C' eae Ho111 1sot'Barbs. '\Sheopz GEOiil. V TL.Poreo \vlii iiii (7ii .1t' xiithe cinx which xlix lxlo h r rswix STATIONERY. New styles of Seal and ieck ItN1 taitiey. Slump eii x iin ueox o,x r ertmboss- CC(iiiou coitlor- 25 to 50c per box ENGRAVING OFr STATIONERY Ii andx isiting5111 Card tlI.es I inet 'and nixto- il'te S'ls - NN xxikiiI'nsiu p itd lxi 'xiiuiraixteed. 100 c ards ifruin your plate 75c WAII11R'S University Bookstore L Y NT ANN /t Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging Cxlii ixd ixi I' xx.cxxiI'. 'l3o, txxx. Dec. '.4-iexxiii lit dlxxiii'. lxxx'lxxiii xi xx Rect''thiilet icictriesIxiov xxer PnI yl restoxier NIichiganx's lostiplxiitge iiit'e sered tlisho' the cas t thatI seher silea hignxxiied requt oliithexari o 'xiciiig forireadm'eissioti , civeli mem- beIsitpxgx x i i'xtxi.lWesternxIntercollgiai te Niatiletic'.Nasocxxixion-aix request thatiiixxxi Ican he ximaIde iithoux xxt M ixiemlaniix'e of humiitilixationi, axdixei thxxiiig'o ichtilwe tn'iiiie'sxxiy xxoxadv'oxite. lIlbriniginig aboxuiitli thpriesen t'xeculiar tate flxfiri' tlii'g'xmex'xxih "Penii t)- vaiatw tweks igixytxroblyxxsl t mostx piixteninCxgli' fxxtor. itixi'yt'xr iigi MIit'higxanxhaxit ixlitxixx''len x 'e heatletes 'fennsytxlv'xania lxii'thlii','stcess ine yeairs andxianyxix xi'xei'ximadie lby the Novrie itt'' in iitie xdii'ecionxx ofxxtlh'Lxxi- fe iie t hat ttu' xxxwouldi xhiav exieenthe ignial1 iin- gt'nerxal1planxixig adxxxiitiltxx xxi xxamonxg thei oxter IQx nstixtutixonit of lie wet. ''"Michigxxixxxtigrexx thei West- e'n Confelxr'eexiand xxexxicixst,''they xxxilit have ,xixi. ''Nx atxi shClx'has foundxthatlxhxi is xipar iy f oniton mxakesix it possible to l ol e te xxxlx'ithu ieasterni exlleges oiii aniytinig likea ai bailWis ireadyxto iibeg tox letae hacik.'' And i iif tixha txtix' Niit'iigxii hadxx benI eexi toit'bxexakx Ixexi iiire, the chncs iethltxinxothixig lxiitIhumiiliaxtioxi andi Is of iidiigityl coulit lavex'resultexd. 'Thoste cndiltis xlixnxtxii xxxiii inixx. \liehigixixhlxixproved I ter right tox he 'axikeid xx lix the'lextinxg institutionxs ofi the eistxin thltietics nd ini addxlxition hasxi dleisively lhumiiidIteilchamp xion ofith Confxxerexnet choolI. Axeornigly, situ ldi PRESSIL iDING, MAYNARD ST. N i xxxix iii 'tit ' xxi xi o lsi Atinnoe ifOr this S--eason iQO 9a coIIIplete stOCII o1 the bestclassitc eliltions. SttiNtes MlP sheet IDbUtC. 'l'wagt?:The latest atlP best ot itOleeatt ie ah#IPi~ptlar libttste. X11) nbo in ,snitars3 nb fHusical fl ccbaliNec IT he largest line Pen-= tants and Banners and Lowest Prices.j BAILEY & EDMUNDS 11 .ibturtle St. nAt o i chigani~i t. E. JOLLY'S 308S. ST ATE STREET Lunchttes, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. C -B1 1 P PI Ke p these on Your Christmas List KODAKS HUYLER'S CANDY BANNERS PENNANTS E.E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 . State St. . 121 Washington E. l~i ashigto &[PCK Photographer Phone 594